998 resultados para Dret de patents


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Programa debate sobre la enfermedad y la repercusión social que ocasiona, presentando datos estadísticos y porcentajes de mortalidad, así como testimonios de especialistas y de enfermos.


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La responsabilitat de les fam??lies, concretament de les dones, pel que fa a la cura de les persones dependents generalment s???ha ent??s com una tend??ncia natural d???algunes societats tradicionals en qu?? valors com la solidaritat dins l?????mbit privat s???imposen sobre la protecci?? p??blica. Aquest argument est?? relacionat amb el model familista d???estat de benestar propi del sistema de protecci?? espanyol i del estats del sud d???Europa. Des d???una perspectiva diferent, m??s que d???una opci?? es tractaria d???una obligaci?? que recau sobre les fam??lies, a causa d???un sistema ocupacional que no facilita a aquestes ocupar-se dels seus membres i d???un sistema p??blic insuficient. Concretament, en relaci?? amb el paper que assumeixen els padrins en aquestes relacions de solidaritat familiar, al treball es presenten dades que mostren que als pa??sos del sud la freq????ncia en la cura dels padrins als n??ts ??s m??s baixa per?? la cura ??s m??s intensiva. Aquests estudis confirmen que un estat del benestar fort amb un grau elevat de cobertura social no redueix la solidaritat familiar. La inversi?? en pol??tiques familiars afavoreix la solidaritat intergeneracional, en tant que permet una complementarietat entre l???ajuda p??blica i l???ajuda familiar, sense esgotar ni saturar la darrera. A la inversa, la manca o un nivell molt baix d???inversi?? en pol??tiques familiars pot fer m??s prec??ria l???ajuda.


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Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n


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Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n


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Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n


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El treball que presentem forma part de la tasca duta a terme, a l'empara d'un projecte d'innovació docent de la Universitat de Lleida. Aquest projecte, parteix de la necessitat d'adaptar les directrius comunes reguladores de les pràctiques externes (pràcticum) a les particularitats dels estudis de Grau, i en concret dels estudis de les titulacions de l'Escola Politècnica Superior i de la Facultat de Dret i Economia Els nous estudis de grau entenen que la formació ha de basar-se en l'adquisició de competències, en la globalitat de les capacitats dels estudiants i en l'organització dels continguts de la formació des d'una lògica més productiva, menys acadèmica i més orientada a la solució de problemes. De manera que l'avaluació del pràcticum haurà d'incloure evidències que ho contemplin explícitament. És per això que, l'objectiu principal de l'estudi és l'elaboració d'una proposta d'avaluació del pràcticum basada en competències mitjançant el disseny d'una Matriu d'Avaluació


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Es presenta una experiència de realització de treballs pràctics autogestionats per grups d'estudiants de Dret. El professorat planteja un marc general de treball que atribueix a l'alumnat un marge considerable d'elecció pel que fa al tema a treballar, el format del treball, el règim d'organització del treball en grup, el contingut del treball, i la seva presentació. Se n'analitzen els resultats, punts forts i punts febles, a partir d'una enquesta feta a l'alumnat sobre la valoració de l'autogestió


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One of the important themes in any discussion concerning the application of haploids in agricultural biotechnology or elsewhere is the role of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR). This term covers both the content of patents and the confidential expertise, usually related to methodology and referred to as "Trade Secrets". This review will explain the concepts behind patent protection, and will use the international patent databases to analyse the content of these patents and trends over the last 20 years. This analysis from regions including North America, Europe, and Asia reveals a total of more than 30 granted patents and a larger number of applications. The first of these patents dates from 1986, and although the peak of activity was in the late 1990s, there has been continuous interest to the present day. The subject matter of these patents and applications covers methods for anther and pollen culture, ovule culture, the use of specific haploid-inducing genes, the use of haploids as transformation targets, and the exploitation of genes that regulate embryo development. The species mentioned include cereals, vegetables, flowers, spices and trees.


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One of the recurring themes in any discussion concerning the application of genetic transformation technology is the role of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR). This term covers both the content of patents and the confidential expertise, usually related to methodology and referred to as “Trade Secrets”. This review will explain the concepts behind patent protection, and will discuss the wide-ranging scope of existing patents that cover all aspects of transgenic technology, from selectable markers and novel promoters to methods of gene introduction. Although few of these patents have any significant commercial value, there are a small number of key patents that may restrict the “freedom to operate” of any company seeking to exploit the methods. Over the last twenty years, these restrictions have forced extensive cross-licensing between ag-biotech companies and have been one of the driving forces behind the consolidation of these companies. Although such issues are often considered to be of little interest to the academic scientist working in the public sector, they are of great importance in any debate about the role of “public-good breeding” and of the relationship between the public and private sectors.


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Pre-eclampsia (PE) is a pregnancy-specific syndrome that is a principal cause of maternal morbidity and mortality, accounting for almost 15% of pregnancy-associated deaths. In its mild form, PE most commonly presents with the features of maternal hypertension and proteinuria but can swiftly and unpredictably become severe with many extensive and life-threatening complications. The diverse symptoms of PE have made it a difficult disease not only to define, but also to identify a causative agent for the symptoms. It has therefore proved difficult to develop specific drugs that can be used to manage the condition. This review examines the patent literature to reveal current findings that exhibit the potential to target the effects of PE with the aim of either preventing or altering the course of this life-threatening disease of pregnancy.


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One of the important themes in any discussion concerning the application of genetic transformation technology in horticulture or elsewhere is the role of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR). This term covers both the content of patents and the confidential expertise, usually related to methodology and referred to as “Trade Secrets”. This review will explain the concepts behind patent protection, and will discuss the wide-ranging scope of existing patents that cover novel genotypes of plants as well as all aspects of transgenic technology, from selectable markers and novel promoters to methods of gene introduction. Although few of these patents have any significant commercial value there are a small number of key patents that may restrict the “freedom to operate” of any company seeking to exploit the methods in the production of transgenic varieties. Over the last twenty years, these restrictions have forced extensive cross-licensing between ag-biotech companies and have been one of the driving forces behind the consolidation of these companies. Although such issues may have limited relevance in the horticultural sector, and are often considered to be of little interest to the academic scientist working in the public sector, they are of great importance in any debate about the role of “public-good breeding” and of the relationship between the public and private sectors.


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Hydrogels have become very popular due to their unique properties such as high water content, softness, flexibility and biocompatibility. Natural and synthetic hydrophilic polymers can be physically or chemically cross-linked in order to produce hydrogels. Their resemblance to living tissue opens up many opportunities for applications in biomedical areas. Currently, hydrogels are used for manufacturing contact lenses, hygiene products, tissue engineering scaffolds, drug delivery systems and wound dressings. This review provides an analysis of their main characteristics and biomedical applications. From Wichterle’s pioneering work to the most recent hydrogel-based inventions and products on the market, it provides the reader with a detailed introduction to the topic and perspective on further potential developments.