895 resultados para Caso Watergate 1972-1974


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ENGLISH: Data from tagging experiments initiated during 1968-1974 in the eastern Pacific Ocean were used to study the migrations of yellowfin tuna in that area. The map method, the parallel-area method, and the Jones method were employed in the analyses. The map method gives a useful impression of the distances and directions traveled, but does not express these parameters in quantitative terms. The parallel-area method is particularly useful for determining whether or not there is net movement in particular directions, i.e. inshore-offshore, east-west, or north-south. The first of these is of particular interest, as the incidence of smaller fish is much higher in the catches made inshore than in those made offshore, and it is desirable to know whether this is due to relatively greater abundance or to relatively greater vulnerability of the smaller fish in the inshore areas. If the former were the case an offshore movement of the fish as they grew older would probably be detected. Such a movement was not detected, however, so it appears likely that the differences in the catches of smaller fish in the inshore and offshore areas are due mainly to differences in vulnerability. Few or no east-west or north-south tendencies in the movements of the fish were detected. The Jones method indicates that the movement is not random, but reveals no pronounced directional tendencies. SPANISH: Se emplearon los datos de los experimentos de marcado, iniciados en el Océano Pacífico oriental durante 1968-1974 para estudiar los desplazamientos del atún aleta amarilla en esa zona. En los análisis se emplearon los métodos cartográficos, de las zonas paralelas y de Jones. El método cartográfico ofrece una idea útil sobre la distancia y dirección de los desplazamientos, pero no expresa estos parámetros en términos cuantitativos. El método de las zonas paralelas es particularmente conveniente para determinar si existe o nó un desplazamiento neto en una dirección especial, es decir, hacia la costa-fuera de la costa, este-oeste o norte-sur. El primero de éstos tiene un interés especial, ya que la incidencia de peces más pequeños es muy superior en las capturas realizadas cerca de la costa que en las de mar afuera, y se desea conocer si ésto se debe a la abundancia relativamente superior o a las vulnerabilidad relativamente mayor de los pequeños peces en las zonas costeras. Si el caso fuera el primero, se podría descubrir probablemente un movimiento de los peces mar afuera a medida que crecen. Sin embargo, no se ha descubierto tal movimiento, así que es probable que las diferencias en las capturas de peces pequeños en las zonas costeras y mar afuera se deban principalmente a diferencias en la vulnerabilidad. Se descubrió poca o ninguna tendencia en los peces a desplazarse este-oeste o norte-sur. El método de Jones indica que el movimiento no es aleatorio, pero no revela una tendencia pronunciada a orientarse direccionalmente.


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The reaction of Mn(II) with water-dissolved oxygen, to a higher manganese hydroxide in an alkaline medium, as with the longstanding classic Winkler method, is the first step in the method described here. The assumption for faultless results by the conventional and modified Winkler method is clean water, which contains no organic substances by Mn(III) or Mn(IV). In many cases, however, eg. in river and lake-water tests, it can be seen with the naked eye that after some time the originally brown-coloured precipitate of manganese hydroxide becomes more and more colourless. Oxygen content was analysed in the water samples and evaluated by raising the amount of the leuko-base and giving the corresponding dilution of the colouring matter solution formed still higher oxygen contents can be measured.


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A modified method of the Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD)test was applied in order to find out the seasonal changing activity of the nitrifying bacteria in surface waters. Samples were taken from the River Elbe near Teufelsbrueck.


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Members of the family Gammaridae are very closely interrelated. There arises the question as to how far they also differ amongst themselves through physiological characteristics. Comparative respiratory and physiological experiments were made on the five euryhaline species Gammarus locusta, G. oceanicus, G. salinus, G. zaddachi and G. duebeni. The respiratory measurements carried out within the framework of this experiment were occupied with the relationships between oxygen consumption and body size depending on salinity. They also had the object of determing the variations in metabolic intensity after an abrupt change in the salt content of the external medium, and to establish the period of time for the process of adaptation. As the experiments were carried out polarographically in a testing plant with continuous flow-through, and the method which was applied permitted continuous recording over prolonged intervals, there could also be carried out comparisons between metabolism at rest and under activity, and the alterations of oxygen consumption during the process of moulting could be measured.


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By the industrial cultivation of blue-green algae, there very much appears the important question about their carbon nutrition. Spirulina grows within the range of pH value of medium of 8.5 - 11.0. In this range of pH value in the culture medium CO2 is present in the form of bicarbonate and carbonate, which serves as principal source of carbon for the present type of algae. There is little information yet about the influence of the pH of the medium, and the form of carbon components of the medium, on the rate-increase of Spirulina. Investigations were conducted into the influence of some pH values of medium on the rate-increase of the alga Spirulina platensis.


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Durante a década de 1970, ocorreu, no Brasil, a fase pioneira de internacionalização das empresas privadas brasileiras do setor de prestação de serviços de engenharia de construção. Essa internacionalização deu-se, apesar da ausência de uma política estruturada do setor público. A incapacidade estatal de perceber esse processo como algo profícuo em seus planos, impediu o governo de criar uma política consolidada para a multiplicação dessas empresas no exterior. Essa miopia estatal é percebida tanto na esfera da política doméstica, voltada para manter uma política de substituição de importação dentro das fronteiras, como, na política externa, ao desenvolver uma internacionalização das empresas públicas ao invés das do setor privado. Essa situação pode ser percebida no caso analisado da empresa privada brasileira Mendes Júnior, que ingressou no mercado iraquiano mais por conta própria do que em decorrência de uma política estatal brasileira.


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Data are reported on: (1) date and place of ringing the juveniles and adults of the sea bird of the genus Sterna in Côte d'Ivoire, and (2) date and place of recapture during the winter periods of 1969, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973.


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This is the River Dart Fisheries Survey 1974 report produced by the South West Water Authority. The survey was carried out between July and October 1974 to assess the extent of the 0+ and 1+ Salmo salar L. population in the Dart catchment and thereby assess directly the success of the 1973/74 and 1972/73 spawning season. The survey showed that there were large numbers of salmon parr distributed throughout the upper reaches of the Dart, reflecting the successful spawning of the 1973/74 and 1972/73 season. It contains tables with survey sections locations, presence/absence for each section and location maps with spawning grounds and sampling stations.


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This collection primarily contains correspondence from Wright’s years as president of ASOR. Material dates as far back as 1957, and proceed into the early 1970’s. Some of Wright’s more notable correspondents include William F. Albright, A. Henry Detweiler, Paul W. Lapp, William Reed, and Dean Seiler. Subject-specific correspondence includes records of expenditures, budget planning, corporate memberships, and the Jerusalem School.


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This paper aims to demonstrate how in the constitutional rule of law the right of resistance plays a key role in its development, its adaptation to the changing reality of society and the satisfaction of the interests of all the people involved in this common project. Firstly, we will analyze how individuals or social groups must act when they suffer injustices due to state acts or laws that violate their most basic rights. In some cases, we believe that they have the right to exercise any form of weak resistance that they deem appropriate to present at the public scene a cause that must be socially and politically recognized. Secondly, we will see what happens when the rule of law itself is in danger. In that case, we believe that society will have not only the right but the duty to exercise the resistance in its most extreme form to defend the existing constitutional order of any illegitimate authority that seeks to impose itself on it and the sovereignty of the people.


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Este artigo debruça-se sobre o período histórico do pós revolução de abril de 1974, a abril de 1976, usando como quadro concetual a noção de educação popular e como contexto empírico a fábrica de conservas “S. Francisco” da empresa Júdice Fialho, localizada na cidade de Portimão. Pretende abrir algumas ideias para perceber de que forma o operariado se organizou em comissões de base, para lutar em defesa de melhores condições de vida e de trabalho. Pretende, ainda, compreender os mecanismos usados para desenvolver um processo educativo de aprendizagem autónoma e emancipatória relativa ao trabalho e à vida social.


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Este artigo reflete sobre os processos educativos populares, desenvolvidos em contexto de crise do estado e suportados por uma dinâmica de transformação social revolucionária. O contexto de análise empírica é focalizado numa empresa da indústria conserveira sedeada em Portimão. O contexto histórico reporta-se ao período revolucionário vivido em Portugal entre o 25 de abril de 1974 e as eleições para a Assembleia da República em abril de 1976. Constituindo um estudo de caso, válido ‘per si’, os procedimentos metodológicos assentaram no uso das técnicas da pesquisa documental e da entrevista profunda, privilegiando os atores que o vivenciaram e que, de forma interpretativa, testemunham a sua leitura atual dos processos e das aprendizagens alcançadas. Estes processos de educação, desenvolvidos pelos operários e trabalhadores neste período, denunciam a construção de uma aprendizagem coletiva, assente no reforço dos seus saberes da vida e do trabalho, almejando uma intervenção mais participativa nos mecanismos da governação e da gestão política. Para isso socorreram-se da organização de instrumentos de poder coletivo, inerentes à história do movimento operário, como as comissões de trabalhadores, com critérios de democraticidade de base, transparência e comunhão coletiva. Quase sempre, esta estrutura se confrontou direta e frontalmente com a administração patronal e, mais tarde, com os peritos de gestão governamental, durante a intervenção estatal na empresa. Este processo foi também vivido contra a visão controladora e corporativa do sindicato local conserveiro, controlado por burocracias sindicais, ou mesmo fugindo às tentativas de manipulação das organizações partidárias.


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Tese de doutoramento, Sociologia (Sociologia da Cultura da Comunicação e dos Estilos de Vida), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Ciências Sociais, 2014


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Tese de doutoramento, Turismo (Planeamento dos Espaços Turísticos), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Geografia e Ordenamento do Território, 2015


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Ensino de Matemática no 3º ciclo do Ensino Básico e no Secundário