952 resultados para CLOSED TIMELIKE CURVES
New plate-tectonic reconstructions of the Gondwana margin suggest that the location of Gondwana-derived terranes should not only be guided by the models, but should also consider the possible detrital input from some Asian blocks (Hunia), supposed to have been located along the Cambrian Gondwana margin, and accreted in the Silurian to the North-Chinese block. Consequently, the Gondwana margin has to be subdivided into a more western domain, where the future Avalonian blocks will be separated from Gondwana by the opening Rheic Ocean, whereas in its eastern continuation, hosting the future basement areas of Central Europe, different periods of crustal extension should be distinguished. Instead of applying a rather cylindrical model, it is supposed that crustal extension follows a much more complex pattern, where local back-arcs or intra-continental rifts are involved. Guided by the age data of magmatic rocks and the pattern of subsidence curves, the following extensional events can be distinguished: During the early to middle Cambrian, a back-arc setting guided the evolution at the Gondwana margin. Contemporaneous intra-continental rift basins developed at other places related to a general post-PanAfrican extensional phase affecting Africa Upper Cambrian formation of oceanic crust is manifested in the Chamrousse area, and may have lateral cryptic relics preserved in other places. This is regarded as the oceanisation of some marginal basins in a context of back-arc rifting. These basins were closed in a mid-Ordovician tectonic phase, related to the subduction of buoyant material (mid-ocean ridge?) Since the Early Ordovician, a new phase of extension is observed, accompanied by a large-scale volcanic activity, erosion of the rift shoulders generated detritus (Armorican Quartzite) and the rift basins collected detrital zircons from a wide hinterland. This phase heralded the opening of Palaeotethys, but it failed due to the Silurian collision (Eo-Variscan phase) of an intra-oceanic arc with the Gondwana margin. During this time period, at the eastern wing of the Gondwana margin begins the drift of the future Hunia microcontinents, through the opening of an eastern prolongation of the already existing Rheic Ocean. The passive margin of the remaining Gondwana was composed of the Galatian superterranes, constituents of the future Variscan basement areas. Remaining under the influence of crustal extension, they will start their drift to Laurussia since the earliest Devonian during the opening of the Palaeotethys Ocean. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Iowa Medical Malpractice Closed Claim Study: For Claims Closed from 2001 through 2005, December 2006
Requested claim data from insurance companies in order to provide a snapshot portrayal of Iowa's malpractice insurance market.
The objective of this work was to test a closed soilless growing system for producing bare root transplants and runner tips of two strawberry clones, using two categories of substrates. The system used corrugated roofing panels of fiber-cement, over which a substrate layer was used as a growing bed. The nutrient solution was pumped from a reservoir toward the upper end of the roofing panels and drained back to a reservoir. Plant growth and development were determined for two advanced strawberry clones, grown in sand or in Plantmax organic substrate. Growth of the stock plants and the number and dry mass of bare root transplants were similar in the substrates, but bare roots differed in their crown diameters by substrate. For number of runner tips, no significant differences were found in total, small, and medium categories in the substrates. A mean production of about 590 runner tips per square meter and 145 bare root transplants per square meter was obtained. For both clones, a large number of bare root transplants and runner tips of adequate size were produced in the closed soilless growing system using sand or organic substrate.
The objective of this project was to evaluate low-cost measures to reduce speeds on high-crash horizontal curves. The researchers evaluated two low-cost treatments in Iowa to determine their effectiveness in reducing speeds on rural two-lane roadways. This report summarizes how the research team selected sites and collected data, and the results. The team selected six sites. Retroreflective post treatments were added to existing chevrons at four sites and on-pavement curve markings were added at two sites. The researchers collected speed data before and after installation of the two treatments. The study compared several speed metrics to assess the effectiveness of the treatments. Overall, both were moderately effective in reducing speeds. The most significant impact of the treatments was in reducing the percentage of vehicles traveling over the posted or advisory speed by 5, 10, 15, or 20 or more mph. This result suggests that the treatments are most effective in reducing high-end speeds.
Two lanes of a major four lane arterial street needed to be reconstructed in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. The traffic volumes and difficulty of detouring the traffic necessitated closure for construction be held to an absolute minimum. Closure of the intersections, even for one day, was not politically feasible. Therefore, Fast Track and Fast Track II was specified for the project. Fast Track concrete paving has been used successfully in Iowa since 1986. The mainline portion of the project was specified to be Fast Track and achieved the opening strength of 400 psi in less than twelve hours. The intersections were allowed to be closed between 6 PM and 6 AM. This could occur twice - once to remove the old pavement and place the base and temporary surface and the second time to pave and cure the new concrete. The contractor was able to meet these restrictions. The Fast Track II used in the intersections achieved the opening strength of 350 psi in six to seven hours. Two test sections were selected in the mainline Fast Track and two intersections were chosen to test the Fast Tract II. Both flexural and compression specimens were tested. Pulse velocity tests were conducted on the pavement and test specimens. Maturity curves were developed through monitoring of the temperatures. Correlations were performed between the maturity and pulse velocity and the flexural strengths. The project was successful in establishing the feasibility of construction at night, with no disruption of traffic in the daytime, using fast Track II. Both the Fast Track II pavements were performing well four years after construction.
The effect of motor training using closed loop controlled Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) on motor performance was studied in 5 spinal cord injured (SCI) volunteers. The subjects trained 2 to 3 times a week during 2 months on a newly developed rehabilitation robot (MotionMaker?). The FES induced muscle force could be adequately adjusted throughout the programmed exercises by the way of a closed loop control of the stimulation currents. The software of the MotionMaker? allowed spasms to be detected accurately and managed in a way to prevent any harm to the SCI persons. Subjects with incomplete SCI reported an increased proprioceptive awareness for motion and were able to achieve a better voluntary activation of their leg muscles during controlled FES. At the end of the training, the voluntary force of the 4 incomplete SCI patients was found increased by 388% on their most affected leg and by 193% on the other leg. Active mobilisation with controlled FES seems to be effective in improving motor function in SCI persons by increasing the sensory input to neuronal circuits involved in motor control as well as by increasing muscle strength.
Comentaris referits a l'article següent: K. J. Vinoy, J. K. Abraham, and V. K. Varadan, “On the relationshipbetween fractal dimension and the performance of multi-resonant dipoleantennas using Koch curves,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2003, vol. 51, p. 2296–2303.
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli määrittää, kuinka suljettuja sijoitusrahastoja tulisi arvioida, jotta voitaisiin ymmärtää, miksi suljetut sijoitusrahastot arvostetaanalennuksella suhteessa niiden substanssiarvoon. Aiemmat yritykset selittää suljettujen rahastojen substanssialennusilmiö esitettiin kirjallisuuskatsauksessa. Tutkimuksen empiirinen osio suoritettiin aineistotutkimus- ja kyselytutkimusmenetelmin hyödyntäen suomalaisia suljettuja sijoitusrahastoja Norvestia Oyj:tä ja Neomarkka Oyj:tä. Teoriaosiossa esitettiin, kuinka substanssialennus on kausaalisten tekijöiden ja markkinatunnelman funktio. Suljettu sijoitusrahasto arvostetaanyli tai alle substanssiarvonsa riippuen johdon aiheuttamien kustannusten, heikosti informoitujen sijoittajien ja rahaston ulkoisen epälikviditeetin suhteesta johdon suorituskykyyn, rahaston avaamisen mahdollisuuteen ja sisäisiin likviditeettietuihin. Suomalaiset suljetut sijoitusrahastot arvostetaan alle substanssiarvonsa mahdollisesti johdon heikon suorituskyvyn, sopimuseriarvoisuuden, heikosti informoitujen sijoittajien läsnäolon ja rahaston osakkeiden epälikviditeetin takia.
En els darrers anys, la criptografia amb corbes el.líptiques ha adquirit una importància creixent, fins a arribar a formar part en la actualitat de diferents estàndards industrials. Tot i que s'han dissenyat variants amb corbes el.líptiques de criptosistemes clàssics, com el RSA, el seu màxim interès rau en la seva aplicació en criptosistemes basats en el Problema del Logaritme Discret, com els de tipus ElGamal. En aquest cas, els criptosistemes el.líptics garanteixen la mateixa seguretat que els construïts sobre el grup multiplicatiu d'un cos finit primer, però amb longituds de clau molt menor. Mostrarem, doncs, les bones propietats d'aquests criptosistemes, així com els requeriments bàsics per a que una corba sigui criptogràficament útil, estretament relacionat amb la seva cardinalitat. Revisarem alguns mètodes que permetin descartar corbes no criptogràficament útils, així com altres que permetin obtenir corbes bones a partir d'una de donada. Finalment, descriurem algunes aplicacions, com són el seu ús en Targes Intel.ligents i sistemes RFID, per concloure amb alguns avenços recents en aquest camp.
Given an elliptic curve E and a finite subgroup G, V ́lu’s formulae concern to a separable isogeny IG : E → E ′ with kernel G. In particular, for a point P ∈ E these formulae express the first elementary symmetric polynomial on the abscissas of the points in the set P + G as the difference between the abscissa of IG (P ) and the first elementary symmetric polynomial on the abscissas of the nontrivial points of the kernel G. On the other hand, they express Weierstraß coefficients of E ′ as polynomials in the coefficients of E and two additional parameters: w0 = t and w1 = w. We generalize this by defining parameters wn for all n ≥ 0 and giving analogous formulae for all the elementary symmetric polynomials and the power sums on the abscissas of the points in P +G. Simultaneously, we obtain an efficient way of performing computations concerning the isogeny when G is a rational group.
This paper is devoted to the study of the volcanoes of l-isogenies of elliptic curves over a finite field, focusing on their height as well as on the location of curves across its different levels. The core of the paper lies on the relationship between the l-Sylow subgroup of an elliptic curve and the level of the volcano where it is placed. The particular case l = 3 is studied in detail, giving an algorithm to determine the volcano of 3-isogenies of a given elliptic curve. Experimental results are also provided.
AIM: Transanal minimal invasive surgery (TAMIS) of rectal lesions is increasingly being used, but the technique is not yet standardized. The aims of this study were to evaluate peri-operative complications and long-term functional outcome of the technique and to analyse whether or not the rectal defect needs to be closed. METHOD: Consecutive patients undergoing TAMIS using the SILS port (Covidien) and standard laparoscopic instruments were studied. RESULTS: Seventy-five patients (68% male) of mean age 67 (± 15) years underwent single-port transanal surgery at three different centres for 37 benign lesions and 38 low-risk cancers located at a mean of 6.4 ± 2.3 cm from the anal verge. The median operating time was 77 (25-245) min including a median time for resection of 36 (15-75) min and for closure of the rectal defect of 38 (9-105) min. The defect was closed in 53% using interrupted (75%) or a running suture (25%). Intra-operative complications occurred in six (8%) patients and postoperative morbidity was 19% with only one patient requiring reoperation for Grade IIIb local infection. There was no difference in the incidence of complications whether the rectal defect was closed or left open. Patients were discharged after 3.4 (1-21) days. At a median follow-up of 12.8 (2-29) months, the continence was normal (Vaizey score of 1.5; 0-16). CONCLUSION: Transanal rectal resection can be safely and efficiently performed by means of a SILS port and standard laparoscopic instruments. The rectal defect may be left open and at 1 year continence is not compromised.