1000 resultados para C. wuellerstorfi d18O


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The western Iberian margin has been one of the key locations to study abrupt glacial climate change and associated interhemispheric linkages. The regional variability in the response to those events is being studied by combining a multitude of published and new records. Looking at the trend from Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 10 to 2, the planktic foraminifer data, conform with the alkenone record of Martrat et al. [2007], shows that abrupt climate change events, especially the Heinrich events, became more frequent and their impacts in general stronger during the last glacial cycle. However, there were two older periods with strong impacts on the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC): the Heinrich-type event associated with Termination (T) IV and the one occurring during MIS 8 (269 to 265 ka). During the Heinrich stadials of the last glacial cycle, the polar front reached the northern Iberian margin (ca. 41°N), while the arctic front was located in the vicinity of 39°N. During all the glacial periods studied, there existed a boundary at the latter latitude, either the arctic front during extreme cold events or the subarctic front during less strong coolings or warmer glacials. Along with these fronts sea surface temperatures (SST) increased southward by about 1°C per one degree of latitude leading to steep temperature gradients in the eastern North Atlantic and pointing to a close vicinity between subpolar and subtropical waters. The southern Iberian margin was always bathed by subtropical water masses - surface and/ or subsurface ones -, but there were periods when these waters also penetrated northward to 40.6°N. Glacial hydrographic conditions were similar during MIS 2 and 4, but much different during MIS 6. MIS 6 was a warmer glacial with the polar front being located further to the north allowing the subtropical surface and subsurface waters to reach at minimum as far north as 40.6°N and resulting in relative stable conditions on the southern margin. In the vertical structure, the Greenland-type climate oscillations during the last glacial cycle were recorded down to 2465 m during the Heinrich stadials, i.e. slightly deeper than in the western basin. This deeper boundary is related to the admixing of Mediterranean Outflow Water, which also explains the better ventilation of the intermediate-depth water column on the Iberian margin. This compilation revealed that latitudinal, longitudinal and vertical gradients existed in the waters along the Iberian margin, i.e. in a relative restricted area, but sufficient paleo-data exists now to validate regional climate models for abrupt climate change events in the northeastern North Atlantic Ocean.


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Modeling and proxy studies indicate that a reduction of Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) strength profoundly impacts temperatures and salinities in the (sub)tropical Atlantic, especially on subsurface levels. While previous studies focused on prominent periods of AMOC reduction during the last deglaciation, we aim to test whether similar reconfigurations of the subtropical hydrography occurred during the moderate climatic alterations punctuating the last interglacial, Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 5. Here, we present temperature and salinity records from a Florida Straits core by combining d18O and Mg/Ca analyses on surface (Globigerinoides ruber, white) and deep-dwelling (Globorotalia crassaformis) foraminifera, covering MIS 5 in high resolution. The data reveal increasing salinities at intermediate depths during interglacial cooling episodes, decoupled from relatively stable surface conditions. This probably indicates the spatial expansion of saline Subtropical Gyre waters due to enhanced Ekman downwelling and might also point to a changed density structure and altered geostrophic balance in Florida Straits. Notably, these oceanographic alterations are not consistently occurring during periods of AMOC reduction. The data suggest that the expansion of gyre waters into Florida Straits was impeded by the increasing influence of Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW) from MIS 5.5 to ~107 kyr BP. Afterwards, increasingly positive benthic d13C values imply a recession of AAIW, allowing the temporary expansion of Gyre waters into Florida Straits. We argue that the inferred transient subtropical salt accumulation and warm pool expansion might have played a pivotal role in reinvigorating meridional overturning and dampen the severity of interglacial cold phases.


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The Denmark Strait Overflow (DSO) today compensates for the northward flowing Norwegian and Irminger branches of the North Atlantic Current that drive the Nordic heat pump. During the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), ice sheets constricted the Denmark Strait aperture in addition to ice eustatic/isostatic effects which reduced its depth (today ~630 m) by ~130 m. These factors, combined with a reduced north-south density gradient of the water-masses, are expected to have restricted or even reversed the LGM DSO intensity. To better constrain these boundary conditions, we present a first reconstruction of the glacial DSO, using four new and four published epibenthic and planktic stable-isotope records from sites to the north and south of the Denmark Strait. The spatial and temporal distribution of epibenthic delta18O and delta13C maxima reveals a north-south density gradient at intermediate water depths from sigma0 ~28.7 to 28.4/28.1 and suggests that dense and highly ventilated water was convected in the Nordic Seas during the LGM. However, extremely high epibenthic delta13C values on top of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge document a further convection cell of Glacial North Atlantic Intermediate Water to the south of Iceland, which, however, was marked by much lower density (sigma0 ~28.1). The north-south gradient of water density possibly implied that the glacial DSO was directed to the south like today and fed Glacial North Atlantic Deep Water that has underthrusted the Glacial North Atlantic Intermediate Water in the Irminger Basin.


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Deep ocean circulation has been considered relatively stable during interglacial periods, yet little is known about its behavior on submillennial time scales. Using a subcentennially resolved epibenthic foraminiferal d13C record we show that North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) influence was strong at the onset of the last interglacial period and then interrupted by several prominent, centennial-scale reductions. These NADW transients occurred during periods of increased ice rafting and southward expansions of polar water influence, suggesting that a buoyancy threshold for convective instability was triggered by freshwater and circum-Arctic cryosphere changes. The deep Atlantic chemical changes were similar in magnitude to those associated with glaciations, implying that the canonical view of a relatively stable interglacial circulation may not hold for conditions warmer/fresher than at present.


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The Indian Ocean is an important component of the global thermohaline circulation system, as its western boundary currents feed the Agulhas Current, an integral part of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation. However, Indian Ocean intermediate to deep-water variability on glacial-interglacial timescales is still a matter of debate. Here we provide stable carbon and oxygen isotopes and sediment elemental compositions of a sediment core from the edge of the Somali Basin. We demonstrate that throughout the past 600 kyr the intermediate western Indian Ocean was primarily bathed by Southern Ocean sourced Upper Circumpolar Deep Water (UCDW). This Southern Ocean sourced water mass enters the Somali Basin via the Amirante Passage or the Mozambique Channel and represents a downstream equivalent of South Atlantic UCDW. We cannot clearly account for the shortterm passage of Red Sea Water (RSW) at 1500 m water depth along the African continental margin, as previously suggested, on glacial-interglacial timescales.


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Stable isotopic data of calcareous nannofossil, monogeneric and monospecific planktic and benthic foraminifera from five Indian Ocean DSDP sites (212, 217, 220, 237, and 253), leads to the following paleoclimatic and paleoceanographic conclusions: - The latest Cretaceous oxygen isotopic record implies a cooling (3-4°C) during the Maastrichtian. At the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary only a minor warming (about 2°C) has been recorded. The parallel delta13C decrease of more than 1? indicates a significant decrease in productivity. - During the latest Paleocene a positive delta13C excursion was detected in Sites 217 and 237. This transient enrichment in delta13C may be due to productivity changes on continents and/or a change in the storage rate of organic matter in marginal basins or shelf areas. - The most striking feature in the oxygen isotopic record is noted at the Early/Middle Eocene transition. The shift towards more positive values (which were probably enhanced to a certain extent by a preceding diagenetic alteration) delineates a dramatic climatic deterioration at high and mid latitudes during the earlier Tertiary. - Near the Eocene/Oligocene boundary a cooling is evident within the latest Eocene interval. During the earliest Oligocene time a hiatus at Sites 217 and 253 partially obscures the climatic record. - Several climatic fluctuations have been noted during the Oligocene: a cooling at the base of Zone NP 23, a warming at the top of Zone NP 23 through NP 24, and a cooling during Zone NP 25. - The Miocene oxygen isotopic record is dominated by changes in surface and bottom water environments during Zone NN5. The decreasing and then increasing delta18O values, together with the subsequent steepening of the vertical delta18O gradient, point towards major climatic instabilities. These events coincide with the Mid-Miocene build-up of Antarctic ice-sheets. During the latest Miocene to the earliest Pliocene the delta18O record of planktic foraminifera indicates a significant warming of the Indian Ocean at mid-latitudes. - The delta13C record during the Oligocene and Miocene reveals several cycles (delta13C enrichments: NP 24, NN2, NN5, NN9, and base NN 11) which are most likely related to changes in storage rates of organic matter and biological productivity due to climatic changes and transgression/regression cycles. In addition, changes in the circulation patterns may also have influenced the carbon isotopic record.


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At the western continental margin of the Barents Sea, 75°N, hemipelagic sediments provide a record of Holocene climate change with a time resolution of 10-70 years. Planktic foraminifera counts reveal a very early Holocene thermal optimum 10.7-7.7 kyr BP, with summer sea surface temperatures (SST) of 8°C and a much enhanced West Spitsbergen Current. There was a short cooling between 8.8 and 8.2 kyr BP. In the middle and late Holocene summer, SST dropped to 2.5°-5.0°C, indicative of reduced Atlantic heat advection, except for two short warmings near 2.2 and 1.6 kyr BP. Distinct quasi-periodic spikes of coarse sediment fraction (with large portions of lithic grains, benthic and planktic foraminifera) record cascades of cold, dense winter water down the continental slope as a result of enhanced seasonal sea ice formation and storminess on the Barents shelf over the entire Holocene. The spikes primarily cluster near recurrence intervals of 400-650 and 1000-1350 years, when traced over the entire Holocene, but follow significant 885-/840- and 505-/605-year periodicities in the early Holocene. These non-stationary periodicities mimic the Greenland-[Formula: See Text]Be variability, which is a tracer of solar forcing. Further significant Holocene periodicities of 230, (145) and 93 years come close to the deVries and Gleissberg solar cycles.


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Isotopic and geochemical proxies measured in bulk sediment samples of two gravity cores south of Barbados were used to develop a model for the organic carbon accumulation during the last 250 kyr with respect to the influence of terrestrial sources (e.g. the Orinoco and Amazon rivers) as well as the marine contributions, sea-level, surface currents, and morphological features. Total organic carbon (TOC) content and the stable organic carbon isotopes of the organic matter (delta13Corg) show no glacial to interglacial variability. TOC content is generally very low in both cores but increases between 40 and 120 kyr. A comparable pattern is detected in accumulation rates of the organic matter but is only hinted in the delta13Corg ratios. The results suggest that during the last 250 kyr the organic carbon accumulation south of Barbados has been controlled by glacioeustatic sea-level changes and the general morphologic settings. A sea-level stand of 15-80 m below present day seems generally to favour the accumulation of organic matter south of Barbados. Although delta13Corg ratios reveal no clear trend in the organic matter composition, terrestrial organic carbon discharged by rivers (Orinoco or Amazon) seems not to be a major component in the sediments of that area during the last 250 kyr.


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This study addresses changes in the absolute magnitude and spatial geometry of particle flux and export production in a meridional transect across the central equatorial Pacific Ocean's upwelling system during oxygen isotope Stage 11 and Stage 12 and compares these time periods to the current Holocene interglacial system. Temporal and spatial variability in several chemical proxies of export production, and in particular the distributions of Ba, scavenged Al, and P, are studied in a suite of sediment cores gathered along a cross-equator transect at 5°S, 2°S, 0°, 2°N, and 4°N. Because this latitudinal range preserves strong gradients in biogenic particle flux in the modern equatorial Pacific Ocean, we are able to assess variations in the relative magnitude of export production as well as the meridional width of the equatorial system through the late Quaternary glacial/interglacial cycles. During interglacial oxygen isotope Stage 11 the chemical proxies each indicate lower particle flux and export production than during Stage 12. These records are consistent throughout the transect during this time period, but geographic narrowing (during the interglacial) and widening (during the glacial) of the meridional gradient also occurs. Although carbonate concentration varies dramatically through glacial/interglacial cycles at all latitudes studied, the productivity proxies record only minimal glacial/interglacial change at 5°S and 4°N, indicating that the carbonate minima at these latitudes is controlled dominantly by dissolution rather than production. The chemical data indicate that although the spatial geometry of the system during Stages 11 and 12 indicates maximum productivity at the equator during both glacial and interglacial conditions, the absolute magnitude of export production integrated from 5°S to 4°N during Stage 11 was 25-50% less than during Stage 12, and also was 25-50% less than it is now.


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Heinrich events are well documented for the last glaciation, but little is known about their occurrence in older glacial periods of the Pleistocene. Here we report scanning XRF and bulk carbonate d18O results from Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Site U1308 (reoccupation of Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 609) that are used to develop proxy records of ice-rafted detritus (IRD) for the last ~1.4 Ma. Ca/Sr is used as an indicator of IRD layers that are rich in detrital carbonate (i.e., Heinrich layers), whereas Si/Sr reflects layers that are poor in biogenic carbonate and relatively rich in detrital silicate minerals. A pronounced change occurred in the composition and frequency of IRD at ~640 ka during marine isotope stage (MIS) 16, coinciding with the end of the middle Pleistocene transition. At this time, "Hudson Strait" Heinrich layers suddenly appeared in the sedimentary record of Site U1308, and the dominant period of the Si/Sr proxy shifted from 41 ka prior to 640 ka to 100 ka afterward. The onset of Heinrich layers during MIS 16 represents either the initiation of surging of the Laurentide Ice Sheet (LIS) off Hudson Strait or the first time icebergs produced by this process survived the transport to Site U1308. We speculate that ice volume (i.e., thickness) and duration surpassed a critical threshold during MIS 16 and activated the dynamical processes responsible for LIS instability in the region of Hudson Strait. We also observe a strong coupling between IRD proxies and benthic d13C variation at Site U1308 throughout the Pleistocene, supporting a link between iceberg discharge and weakening of thermohaline circulation in the North Atlantic.


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Glacial/interglacial changes in Southern Ocean's air-sea gas exchange have been considered as important mechanisms contributing to the glacial/interglacial variability in atmospheric CO2. Hence, understanding past variability in Southern Ocean intermediate- to deep-water chemistry and circulation is fundamental to constrain the role of these processes on modulating glacial/interglacial changes in the global carbon cycle. Our study focused on the glacial/interglacial variability in the vertical extent of southwest Pacific Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW). We compared carbon and oxygen isotope records from epibenthic foraminifera of sediment cores bathed in modern AAIW and Upper Circumpolar Deep Water (UCDW; 943 - 2066 m water depth) to monitor changes in water mass circulation spanning the past 350,000 years. We propose that pronounced freshwater input by melting sea ice into the glacial AAIW significantly hampered the downward expansion of southwest Pacific AAIW, consistent with climate model results for the Last Glacial Maximum. This process led to a pronounced upward displacement of the AAIW-UCDW interface during colder climate conditions and therefore to an expansion of the glacial carbon pool.


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Changes in the Southeast Asia monsoon winds and surface circulation patterns since the last glaciation are inferred using multiple paleoceanographic indicators including planktic foraminifer faunal abundances, fauna and alkenones sea-surface temperature (SST) estimates, oxygen and carbon isotopes of planktic and benthic foraminifers, and sedimentary fluxes of carbonates and organic carbon obtained from deep-sea core SCS90-36 from the South China Sea (SCS) (17°59.70'N, 111°29.64'E at water depth 2050 m). All these paleoceanographic evidences indicate marked changes in the SCS ocean system over the last glacial toward the Holocene. Planktic foraminiferal faunal SST estimates show stable warm-season SST of 28.6°C, close to the modern value, throughout the glacial-interglacial cycle. In contrast, cold-season SST increases gradually from 23.6°C in the last glacial to a mean value of 26.4°C in the Holocene with a fluctuation of about 3°C during 13-16 ka. SST estimates by UK'37 method reveal less variability and are in average 1-3°C lower than the fauna-derived winter-season SST. These patterns reveal that the seasonality of the SST is not only higher by about 3-4°C in the glacial, but also a function of the winter season SST. Sedimentation rates decrease from the last glacial-deglacial stage to the Holocene due to a reduction in supply of terrigenous components, which led to an increase of carbonate contents. Total organic carbon (TOC) contents of primarily marine sources decrease from the last glacial-deglacial to the Holocene. The last deglaciation is also characterized by high surface productivity as indicated by increased ketones abundances and high mass accumulation rates (MAR) of the TOC and carbonates. The gradient of planktic foraminifer ocygen and carbon isotopes of between surface dwellers and deep dwellers increases significantly toward Termination I and Holocene, and is indiscernibly small in the carbon isotope gradient of between 14 and 24 ka, revealing a deep-mixing condition in surface layers prior to 10 ka. The glacial-interglacial fluctuation of the carbon isotope value of a benthic foraminifer is 0.61%. which is significantly larger than a global mean value. The large carbon isotope fluctuation indicates an amplification of marginal-sea effects which is most likely resulted from an increase in surface productivity in the northern SCS during the last glacial-deglacial stage. The multiple proxies consistently indicate that the last glacial-deglacial stage winter monsoon in the Southeast Asia was probably strengthened in the northern SCS, leading to a development of deep-mixing surface layer conditions and a more efficient nutrient cycling which supports more marine organic carbon production.


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The middle Miocene delta18O increase represents a fundamental change in earth's climate system due to a major expansion and permanent establishment of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet accompanied by some effect of deepwater cooling. The long-term cooling trend in the middle to late Miocene was superimposed by several punctuated periods of glaciations (Mi-Events) characterized by oxygen isotopic shifts that have been related to the waxing and waning of the Antarctic ice-sheet and bottom water cooling. Here, we present a high-resolution benthic stable oxygen isotope record from ODP Site 1085 located at the southwestern African continental margin that provides a detailed chronology for the middle to late Miocene (13.9-7.3 Ma) climate transition in the eastern South Atlantic. A composite Fe intensity record obtained by XRF core scanning ODP Sites 1085 and 1087 was used to construct an astronomically calibrated chronology based on orbital tuning. The oxygen isotope data exhibit four distinct delta18O excursions, which have astronomical ages of 13.8, 13.2, 11.7, and 10.4 Ma and correspond to the Mi3, Mi4, Mi5, and Mi6 events. A global climate record was extracted from the oxygen isotopic composition. Both long- and short-term variabilities in the climate record are discussed in terms of sea-level and deep-water temperature changes. The oxygen isotope data support a causal link between sequence boundaries traced from the shelf and glacioeustatic changes due to ice-sheet growth. Spectral analysis of the benthic delta18O record shows strong power in the 400-kyr and 100-kyr bands documenting a paleoceanographic response to eccentricity-modulated variations in precession. A spectral peak around 180-kyr might be related to the asymmetry of the obliquity cycle indicating that the response of the dominantly unipolar Antarctic ice-sheet to obliquityinduced variations probably controlled the middle to late Miocene climate system. Maxima in the delta18O record, interpreted as glacial periods, correspond to minima in 100-kyr eccentricity cycle and minima in the 174-kyr obliquity modulation. Strong middle to late Miocene glacial events are associated with 400-kyr eccentricity minima and obliquity modulation minima. Thus, fluctuations in the amplitude of obliquity and eccentricity seem to be the driving force for the middle to late Miocene climate variability.


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The Mid-Pleistocene transition (MPT) was the time when quasi-periodic (? 100 kyr), high-amplitude glacial variability developed in the absence of any significant change in the character of orbital forcing, leading to the establishment of the characteristic pattern of late Pleistocene climate variability. It has long been known that the interval around 900 ka stands out as a critical point of the MPT, when major glaciations started occurring most notably in the northern hemisphere. Here we examine the record of climatic conditions during this significant interval, using high-resolution stable isotope records from benthic and planktonic foraminifera from a sediment core in the North Atlantic (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 306, Site U1313). We have considered the time interval from late in Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 23 to MIS 20 (910 to 790 ka). Our data indicate that interglacial MIS 21 was a climatically unstable period and was broken into four interstadial periods, which have been identified and correlated across the North Atlantic region. These extra peaks tend to contradict previous studies that interpreted the MIS 21 variability as consisting essentially of a linear response to cyclical changes in orbital parameters. Cooling events in the surface record during MIS 21 were associated with low benthic carbon isotope excursions, suggesting a coupling between surface temperature changes and the strength of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation. Time series analysis performed on the whole interval indicates that benthic and planktonic oxygen isotopes have significant concentrations of spectral power centered on periods of 10.7 kyr and 6 kyr, which is in agreement with the second and forth harmonic of precession. The excellent correspondence between the foraminifera d18O records and insolation variations at the Equator in March and September suggests that a mechanism related to low-latitude precession variations, advected to the high latitudes by tropical convective processes, might have generated such a response. This scenario accounts for the presence of oscillations at frequencies equal to precession harmonics at Site U1313, as well as the occurrence of higher amplitude oscillations between the MIS22/21 transition and most of MIS 21, times of enhanced insolation variability.