995 resultados para Backwards reachable set


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It is shown that a method based on the principle of analytic continuation can be used to solve a set of infinite simultaneous equations encountered in solving for the electric field of a periodic electrode structure.


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State-of-the-art image-set matching techniques typically implicitly model each image-set with a Gaussian distribution. Here, we propose to go beyond these representations and model image-sets as probability distribution functions (PDFs) using kernel density estimators. To compare and match image-sets, we exploit Csiszar´ f-divergences, which bear strong connections to the geodesic distance defined on the space of PDFs, i.e., the statistical manifold. Furthermore, we introduce valid positive definite kernels on the statistical manifold, which let us make use of more powerful classification schemes to match image-sets. Finally, we introduce a supervised dimensionality reduction technique that learns a latent space where f-divergences reflect the class labels of the data. Our experiments on diverse problems, such as video-based face recognition and dynamic texture classification, evidence the benefits of our approach over the state-of-the-art image-set matching methods.


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A compact model for noise margin (NM) of single-electron transistor (SET) logic is developed, which is a function of device capacitances and background charge (zeta). Noise margin is, then, used as a metric to evaluate the robustness of SET logic against background charge, temperature, and variation of SET gate and tunnel junction capacitances (CG and CT). It is shown that choosing alpha=CT/CG=1/3 maximizes the NM. An estimate of the maximum tolerable zeta is shown to be equal to plusmn0.03 e. Finally, the effect of mismatch in device parameters on the NM is studied through exhaustive simulations, which indicates that a isin [0.3, 0.4] provides maximum robustness. It is also observed that mismatch can have a significant impact on static power dissipation.


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Bulk Ge15Te83Si2 glass has been found to exhibit memory-type switching for 1 mA current with a threshold electric field of 7.3 kV/cm. The electrical set and reset processes have been achieved with triangular and rectangular pulses, respectively, of 1 mA amplitude. In situ Raman scattering studies indicate that the degree of disorder in Ge15Te83Si2 glass is reduced from off to set state. The local structure of the sample under reset condition is similar to that in the off state. The Raman results are consistent with the switching results which indicate that the Ge15Te83Si2 glass can be set and reset easily. (C) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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In this paper the static noise margin for SET (single electron transistor) logic is defined and compact models for the noise margin are developed by making use of the MIB (Mahapatra-Ionescu-Banerjee) model. The variation of the noise margin with temperature and background charge is also studied. A chain of SET inverters is simulated to validate the definition of various logic levels (like VIH, VOH, etc.) and noise margin. Finally the noise immunity of SET logic is compared with current CMOS logic.


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The problem of designing high rate, full diversity noncoherent space-time block codes (STBCs) with low encoding and decoding complexity is addressed. First, the notion of g-group encodable and g-group decodable linear STBCs is introduced. Then for a known class of rate-1 linear designs, an explicit construction of fully-diverse signal sets that lead to four-group encodable and four-group decodable differential scaled unitary STBCs for any power of two number of antennas is provided. Previous works on differential STBCs either sacrifice decoding complexity for higher rate or sacrifice rate for lower decoding complexity.


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The problem of designing high rate, full diversity noncoherent space-time block codes (STBCs) with low encoding and decoding complexity is addressed. First, the notion of g-group encodable and g-group decodable linear STBCs is introduced. Then for a known class of rate-1 linear designs, an explicit construction of fully-diverse signal sets that lead to four-group encodable and four-group decodable differential scaled unitary STBCs for any power of two number of antennas is provided. Previous works on differential STBCs either sacrifice decoding complexity for higher rate or sacrifice rate for lower decoding complexity.


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The pulse-echo apparatus, designed and constructed by the author, has been used to reinvestigate the elastic properties of the eighteen optical glasses. The elastic constants are correct to 0·5%. The results are compared with the earlier investigation which utilised the optical method. The possible causes for large discrepancies observed are critically and briefly discussed. A qualitative interpretation of the results has been successfully attempted. The acoustic velocity increases with the decrease in lead and barium oxides and with increase in calcium oxide and boron trioxide components.


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The problem of determining whether a Tanner graph for a linear block code has a stopping set of a given size is shown to be NT-complete.


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We present a distributed algorithm that finds a maximal edge packing in O(Δ + log* W) synchronous communication rounds in a weighted graph, independent of the number of nodes in the network; here Δ is the maximum degree of the graph and W is the maximum weight. As a direct application, we have a distributed 2-approximation algorithm for minimum-weight vertex cover, with the same running time. We also show how to find an f-approximation of minimum-weight set cover in O(f2k2 + fk log* W) rounds; here k is the maximum size of a subset in the set cover instance, f is the maximum frequency of an element, and W is the maximum weight of a subset. The algorithms are deterministic, and they can be applied in anonymous networks.


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Many next-generation distributed applications, such as grid computing, require a single source to communicate with a group of destinations. Traditionally, such applications are implemented using multicast communication. A typical multicast session requires creating the shortest-path tree to a fixed number of destinations. The fundamental issue in multicasting data to a fixed set of destinations is receiver blocking. If one of the destinations is not reachable, the entire multicast request (say, grid task request) may fail. Manycasting is a generalized variation of multicasting that provides the freedom to choose the best subset of destinations from a larger set of candidate destinations. We propose an impairment-aware algorithm to provide manycasting service in the optical layer, specifically OBS. We compare the performance of our proposed manycasting algorithm with traditional multicasting and multicast with over provisioning. Our results show a significant improvement in the blocking probability by implementing optical-layer manycasting.


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The basis set dependence of the topographical structure of the molecular electrostatic potential (MESP), as well as the effect of substituents on the MESP distribution, has been investigated with substituted benzenes as test cases. The molecules are studied at HF-SCF 3�21G and 6�31G** levels, with a further MESP topographical investigation at the 3�21G, double-zeta, 6�31G*, 6�31G**, double-zeta polarized and triple-zeta polarized levels. The MESP critical points for a 3�21G optimized/6�31G** basis are similar to the corresponding 6�31G** optimized/6�31G** ones. More generally, the qualitative features of the MESP topography computed at the polarized level are independent of the level at which optimization is carried out. For a proper representation of oxygen lone pairs, however, optimization using a polarized basis set is required. The nature of the substituent drastically changes the MESP distribution over the phenyl ring. The values and positions of MESP minima indicate the most active site for electrophilic attack. This point is strengthened by a study of disubstituted benzenes.


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We report here an easily reversible set-reset process in a new Ge15Te83Si2 glass that could be a promising candidate for phase change random access memory applications. The I-V characteristics of the studied sample show a comparatively low threshold electric field (E-th) of 7.3 kV/cm. Distinct differences in the type of switching behavior are achieved by means of controlling the on state current. It enables the observation of a threshold type for less than 0.7 mA beyond memory type (set) switching. The set and reset processes have been achieved with a similar magnitude of 1 mA, and with a triangular current pulse for the set process and a short duration rectangular pulse of 10 msec width for the reset operation. Further, a self-resetting effect is seen in this material upon excitation with a saw-tooth/square pulse, and their response of leading and trailing edges are discussed. About 6.5 x 10(4) set-reset cycles have been undertaken without any damage to the device. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. doi: 10.1063/1.3574659]


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Let K be a field of characteristic zero and let m(0),..., m(e-1) be a sequence of positive integers. Let C be an algebroid monomial curve in the affine e-space A(K)(e) defined parametrically by X-0 = T-m0,..., Xe-1 = Tme-1 and let A be the coordinate ring of C. In this paper, we assume that some e - 1 terms of m(0),..., m(e-1) form an arithmetic sequence and construct a minimal set of generators for the derivation module Der(K)(A) of A and write an explicit formula for mu (Der(K)(A)).