980 resultados para Autoregressive moving average (ARMA)


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Echo integration is an established method for stock estimation. However, this method is not free of errors like every other measuring method. Especially the variation between day and night behaviour of fish may lead to large measuring errors. A new method is represented detecting such systematic errors, exemplified by investigations during the international hydroacoustic survey on the spring spawning herring in the Norwegian Sea. For this method all measured sA-values are sorted by starting time of the measuring unit distance. In order to reduce random influences a moving average over five time intervals is computed. When displaying these values in a diagram makes it is very easy to detect systematic errors based on the differences in day-night behaviour. For both species, herring and blue whiting, stock estimations are calculated based on the measured sA-values and the results of the analysed trawl catches. The influence of the differnt day and night behaviour of herring on the results of its biomass estimation is rather low. For blue whiting the measured values were about three time higher during day time than during night time. The result of this investigation should initiate a change of the evaluation procedure for stock estimation based on hydroacoustic measurements.


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The study based on time series marine fish production data during the period of 1983-1984 to 2007-2008 in Bangladesh. For this growth analysis six deterministic time series models are considered. The estimated best fitting models are the cubic, quadratic and quadratic model is appropriate for industrial marine fish production, artisanal marine fish production and total marine fish production in Bangladesh respectively. The study attempts to provide forecasts of marine fish production in Bangladesh for the year of 2008-09 to 2012-13. The magnitude of instability in marine fish production was attempted by computing the coefficient of variation (CV) and the percentage deviation from three years moving average values. The study revealed that the total marine fish production was observed to be relatively stable (CV being 31.85%) compared to the artisanal marine fish production (CV being 32.04%) and industrial marine fish (CV being 47.20%). For the three components of marine fish production the growth rates were different over different time points. The variation of the growth rates in industrial marine fish production was -21.6% to 13.12%, in artisanal marine fish production was 2.39% to 5.29% and in total marine fish production was 11.23% to 24.85% during the study period.


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Recent popularity of the IEEE 802.11b Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs) in a host of current-day applications has instigated a suite of research challenges. The 802.11b WLANs are highly reliable and wide spread. In this work, we study the temporal characteristics of RSSI in the real-working environment by conducting a controlled set of experiments. Our results indicate that a significant variability in the RSSI can occur over time. Some of this variability in the RSSI may be due to systematic causes while the other component can be expressed as stochastic noise. We present an analysis of both these aspects of RSSI. We treat the moving average of the RSSI as the systematic causes and the noise as the stochastic causes. We give a reasonable estimate for the moving average to compute the noise accurately. We attribute the changes in the environment such as the movement of people and the noise associated with the NIC circuitry and the network access point as causes for this variability. We find that the results of our analysis are of primary importance to active research areas such as location determination of users in a WLAN. The techniques used in some of the RF-based WLAN location determination systems, exploit the characteristics of the RSSI presented in this work to infer the location of a wireless client in a WLAN. Thus our results form the building blocks for other users of the exact characteristics of the RSSI.


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In order to protect user privacy on mobile devices, an event-driven implicit authentication scheme is proposed in this paper. Several methods of utilizing the scheme for recognizing legitimate user behavior are investigated. The investigated methods compute an aggregate score and a threshold in real-time to determine the trust level of the current user using real data derived from user interaction with the device. The proposed scheme is designed to: operate completely in the background, require minimal training period, enable high user recognition rate for implicit authentication, and prompt detection of abnormal activity that can be used to trigger explicitly authenticated access control. In this paper, we investigate threshold computation through standard deviation and EWMA (exponentially weighted moving average) based algorithms. The result of extensive experiments on user data collected over a period of several weeks from an Android phone indicates that our proposed approach is feasible and effective for lightweight real-time implicit authentication on mobile smartphones.


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La fibrillation auriculaire (FA) est une arythmie touchant les oreillettes. En FA, la contraction auriculaire est rapide et irrégulière. Le remplissage des ventricules devient incomplet, ce qui réduit le débit cardiaque. La FA peut entraîner des palpitations, des évanouissements, des douleurs thoraciques ou l’insuffisance cardiaque. Elle augmente aussi le risque d'accident vasculaire. Le pontage coronarien est une intervention chirurgicale réalisée pour restaurer le flux sanguin dans les cas de maladie coronarienne sévère. 10% à 65% des patients qui n'ont jamais subi de FA, en sont victime le plus souvent lors du deuxième ou troisième jour postopératoire. La FA est particulièrement fréquente après une chirurgie de la valve mitrale, survenant alors dans environ 64% des patients. L'apparition de la FA postopératoire est associée à une augmentation de la morbidité, de la durée et des coûts d'hospitalisation. Les mécanismes responsables de la FA postopératoire ne sont pas bien compris. L'identification des patients à haut risque de FA après un pontage coronarien serait utile pour sa prévention. Le présent projet est basé sur l'analyse d’électrogrammes cardiaques enregistrées chez les patients après pontage un aorte-coronaire. Le premier objectif de la recherche est d'étudier si les enregistrements affichent des changements typiques avant l'apparition de la FA. Le deuxième objectif est d'identifier des facteurs prédictifs permettant d’identifier les patients qui vont développer une FA. Les enregistrements ont été réalisés par l'équipe du Dr Pierre Pagé sur 137 patients traités par pontage coronarien. Trois électrodes unipolaires ont été suturées sur l'épicarde des oreillettes pour enregistrer en continu pendant les 4 premiers jours postopératoires. La première tâche était de développer un algorithme pour détecter et distinguer les activations auriculaires et ventriculaires sur chaque canal, et pour combiner les activations des trois canaux appartenant à un même événement cardiaque. L'algorithme a été développé et optimisé sur un premier ensemble de marqueurs, et sa performance évaluée sur un second ensemble. Un logiciel de validation a été développé pour préparer ces deux ensembles et pour corriger les détections sur tous les enregistrements qui ont été utilisés plus tard dans les analyses. Il a été complété par des outils pour former, étiqueter et valider les battements sinusaux normaux, les activations auriculaires et ventriculaires prématurées (PAA, PVA), ainsi que les épisodes d'arythmie. Les données cliniques préopératoires ont ensuite été analysées pour établir le risque préopératoire de FA. L’âge, le niveau de créatinine sérique et un diagnostic d'infarctus du myocarde se sont révélés être les plus importants facteurs de prédiction. Bien que le niveau du risque préopératoire puisse dans une certaine mesure prédire qui développera la FA, il n'était pas corrélé avec le temps de l'apparition de la FA postopératoire. Pour l'ensemble des patients ayant eu au moins un épisode de FA d’une durée de 10 minutes ou plus, les deux heures précédant la première FA prolongée ont été analysées. Cette première FA prolongée était toujours déclenchée par un PAA dont l’origine était le plus souvent sur l'oreillette gauche. Cependant, au cours des deux heures pré-FA, la distribution des PAA et de la fraction de ceux-ci provenant de l'oreillette gauche était large et inhomogène parmi les patients. Le nombre de PAA, la durée des arythmies transitoires, le rythme cardiaque sinusal, la portion basse fréquence de la variabilité du rythme cardiaque (LF portion) montraient des changements significatifs dans la dernière heure avant le début de la FA. La dernière étape consistait à comparer les patients avec et sans FA prolongée pour trouver des facteurs permettant de discriminer les deux groupes. Cinq types de modèles de régression logistique ont été comparés. Ils avaient une sensibilité, une spécificité et une courbe opérateur-receveur similaires, et tous avaient un niveau de prédiction des patients sans FA très faible. Une méthode de moyenne glissante a été proposée pour améliorer la discrimination, surtout pour les patients sans FA. Deux modèles ont été retenus, sélectionnés sur les critères de robustesse, de précision, et d’applicabilité. Autour 70% patients sans FA et 75% de patients avec FA ont été correctement identifiés dans la dernière heure avant la FA. Le taux de PAA, la fraction des PAA initiés dans l'oreillette gauche, le pNN50, le temps de conduction auriculo-ventriculaire, et la corrélation entre ce dernier et le rythme cardiaque étaient les variables de prédiction communes à ces deux modèles.


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El presente trabajo desarrollado en el Hospital Méderi es una asesoría sobre modelos de pronósticos la cual consiste en analizar una base de datos de mercancía almacenada en la bodega general, suministrada por la entidad, mediante cuatro tipos de pronósticos diferentes, Promedio Móvil Ponderado, Promedio Móvil simple, Regresión Lineal y Suavizamiento Exponencial. Teniendo en cuenta el resultado arrojado por cada uno de los pronósticos, se hace una recomendación al hospital diciendo cual pronóstico debería utilizar para predecir la demanda con mayor precisión.


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Esta tesis surge como una oportunidad de mejora en el almacén de cirugías del Hospital MÉDERI, debido a la recurrente devolución de medicamentos e insumos solicitados por las auxiliares de enfermería para las cirugías generales, lo cual repercute directamente en pérdidas de productividad laboral por los re-procesos, un aumento en los errores humanos y posibles pérdidas de medicamentos e insumos. Tras esta clara oportunidad de mejora, se toma la decisión de evaluar el proceso interno del almacén de cirugías con el fin de conocer el punto crítico que genera esta situación; dando como resultado los protocolos de cirugías, los cuales al haber sido diseñados varios años atrás basados en una demanda presentada en ese momento, no están acorde con la realidad que se vive actualmente el almacén de cirugía. Por lo tanto se decidió implementar un pronóstico de promedio móvil, para identificar la demanda real que se presentan en el Hospital MÉDERI, esto seguido de una identificación gráfica comparativa que permitiera definir el nuevo protocolo de cirugía general, lo cual permite disminuir la cantidad de material solicitado, con lo cual se generan disminuciones significativas en el inventario, perdidas y un aumento en la productividad.


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Las estrategias de inversión pairs trading se basan en desviaciones del precio entre pares de acciones correlacionadas y han sido ampliamente implementadas por fondos de inversión tomando posiciones largas y cortas en las acciones seleccionadas cuando surgen divergencias y obteniendo utilidad cerrando la posición al converger. Se describe un modelo de reversión a la media para analizar la dinámica que sigue el diferencial del precio entre acciones ordinarias y preferenciales de una misma empresa en el mismo mercado. La media de convergencia en el largo plazo es obtenida con un filtro de media móvil, posteriormente, los parámetros del modelo de reversión a la media se estiman mediante un filtro de Kalman bajo una formulación de estado espacio sobre las series históricas. Se realiza un backtesting a la estrategia de pairs trading algorítmico sobre el modelo propuesto indicando potenciales utilidades en mercados financieros que se observan por fuera del equilibrio. Aplicaciones de los resultados podrían mostrar oportunidades para mejorar el rendimiento de portafolios, corregir errores de valoración y sobrellevar mejor periodos de bajos retornos.


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El presente trabajo se enfoca en el análisis de las acciones de Ecopetrol, empresa representativa del mercado de Extracción de Petróleo y Gas natural en Colombia (SP&G), durante el periodo, del 22 de mayo de 2012 al 30 de agosto de 2013. Durante este espacio de tiempo la acción sufrió una serie de variaciones en su precio las cuales se relacionaban a la nueva emisión de acciones que realizo la Compañía. Debido a este cambio en el comportamiento del activo se generaron una serie de interrogantes sobre, (i) la reacción del mercado ante diferentes sucesos ocurridos dentro de las firmas y en su entorno (ii) la capacidad de los modelos financieros de predecir y entender las posibles reacciones observadas de los activos (entendidos como deuda). Durante el desarrollo del presente trabajo se estudiará la pertinencia del mismo, en línea con los objetivos y desarrollos de la Escuela de Administración de la Universidad del Rosario. Puntualmente en temas de Perdurabilidad direccionados a la línea de Gerencia. Donde el entendimiento de la deuda como parte del funcionamiento actual y como variable determinante para el comportamiento futuro de las organizaciones tiene especial importancia. Una vez se clarifica la relación entre el presente trabajo y la Universidad, se desarrollan diferentes conceptos y teorías financieras que han permitido conocer y estudiar de manera más específica el mercado, con el objetivo de reducir los riesgos de las inversiones realizadas. Éste análisis se desarrolla en dos partes: (i) modelos de tiempo discreto y (ii) modelos de tiempo continúo. Una vez se tiene mayor claridad sobre los modelos estudiados hasta el momento se realiza el respectivo análisis de los datos mediante modelos de caos y análisis recurrente los cuales nos permiten entender que las acciones se comportan de manera caótica pero que establecen ciertas relaciones entre los precios actuales y los históricos, desarrollando comportamientos definidos entre los precios, las cantidades, el entorno macroeconómico y la organización. De otra parte, se realiza una descripción del mercado de petróleo en Colombia y se estudia a Ecopetrol como empresa y eje principal del mercado descrito en el país. La compañía Ecopetrol es representativa debido a que es uno de los mayores aportantes fiscales del país, pues sus ingresos se desprenden de bienes que se encuentran en el subsuelo por lo que la renta petrolera incluye impuestos a la producción transformación y consumo (Ecopetrol, 2003). Por último, se presentan los resultados del trabajo, así como el análisis que da lugar para presentar ciertas recomendaciones a partir de lo observado.


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La computación evolutiva y muy especialmente los algoritmos genéticos son cada vez más empleados en las organizaciones para resolver sus problemas de gestión y toma de decisiones (Apoteker & Barthelemy, 2000). La literatura al respecto es creciente y algunos estados del arte han sido publicados. A pesar de esto, no hay un trabajo explícito que evalúe de forma sistemática el uso de los algoritmos genéticos en problemas específicos de los negocios internacionales (ejemplos de ello son la logística internacional, el comercio internacional, el mercadeo internacional, las finanzas internacionales o estrategia internacional). El propósito de este trabajo de grado es, por lo tanto, realizar un estado situacional de las aplicaciones de los algoritmos genéticos en los negocios internacionales.


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Higher order cumulant analysis is applied to the blind equalization of linear time-invariant (LTI) nonminimum-phase channels. The channel model is moving-average based. To identify the moving average parameters of channels, a higher-order cumulant fitting approach is adopted in which a novel relay algorithm is proposed to obtain the global solution. In addition, the technique incorporates model order determination. The transmitted data are considered as independently identically distributed random variables over some discrete finite set (e.g., set {±1, ±3}). A transformation scheme is suggested so that third-order cumulant analysis can be applied to this type of data. Simulation examples verify the feasibility and potential of the algorithm. Performance is compared with that of the noncumulant-based Sato scheme in terms of the steady state MSE and convergence rate.


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Sweden, together with Norway, Finland and Denmark, have created a multi-national electricity market called NordPool. In this market, producers and retailers of electricity can buy and sell electricity, and the retailers then offers this electricity to end consumers such as households and industries. Previous studies have shown that pricing at the NordPool market is functioning quite well, but no other study has to my knowledge studied if pricing in the retail market to consumers in Sweden is well functioning. If the market is well functioning, with competition and low transaction costs when changing electricity retailer, we would expect that a homogeneous good such as electricity would be sold at the approximately same price, and that price changes would be highly correlated, in this market. Thus, the aim of this study is to test whether the price of Vattenfall, the largest energy firm in the Swedish market, is highly correlated to the price of other firms in the Swedish retail market for electricity. Descriptive statistics indicate that the price offered by Vattenfall is quite similar to the price of other firms in the market. In addition, regression analysis show that the correlation between the price of Vattenfall and other firms is as high as 0.98.


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Due to environmental loads, mechanical damages, structural aging and human factors, civil infrastructure inevitably deteriorate during their service lives. Since their damage may claim human lives and cause significant economic losses, how to identify damages and assess structural conditions timely and accurately has drawn increasingly more attentions from structural engineering community worldwide. In this study, a fast and sensitive time domain damage identification method will be developed. First, a high quality finite element model is built and the structural responses are simulated under different damage scenarios. Based on the simulated data, an Auto Regressive Moving Average Exogenous (ARMAX) model is then developed and calibrated. The calibrated ARMAX model can be used to identify damage in different scenarios through model updating process using clonal selection algorithm (CSA). The identification results demonstrate the performance of the proposed methodology, which has the potential to be used for damage identification in practices.


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Due to environmental loads, mechanical damages, structural aging and human factors, civil infrastructure inevitably deteriorate during their service lives. Since their damage may claim human lives and cause significant economic losses, how to identify damages and assess structural conditions timely and accurately has drawn increasingly more attentions from structural engineering community worldwide. In this study, a fast and sensitive time domain damage identification method will be developed. To do this, a finite element model of a steel pipe laid on the soil is built and the structural responses are simulated under different damage scenarios. Based on the simulated data, an Auto Regressive Moving Average Exogenous (ARMAX) model is then built and calibrated. The calibrated ARMAX model is used to identify different damage scenarios through model updating process using clonal selection algorithm (CSA). The results demonstrate the application potential of the proposed method in identifying the pipeline conditions. To further verify its performance, laboratory tests of a steel pipe laid on the soil with and without soil support (free span damage) are carried out. The identification results of pipe-soil system show that the proposed method is capable of identifying damagein a complex structural system. Therefore, it can be applied to identifying pipeline conditions.


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There is currently no universally recommended and accepted method of data processing within the science of indirect calorimetry for either mixing chamber or breath-by-breath systems of expired gas analysis. Exercise physiologists were first surveyed to determine methods used to process oxygen consumption ([OV0312]O 2) data, and current attitudes to data processing within the science of indirect calorimetry. Breath-by-breath datasets obtained from indirect calorimetry during incremental exercise were then used to demonstrate the consequences of commonly used time, breath and digital filter post-acquisition data processing strategies. Assessment of the variability in breath-by-breath data was determined using multiple regression based on the independent variables ventilation (VE), and the expired gas fractions for oxygen and carbon dioxide, FEO 2 and FECO2, respectively. Based on the results of explanation of variance of the breath-by-breath [OV0312]O2 data, methods of processing to remove variability were proposed for time-averaged, breath-averaged and digital filter applications. Among exercise physiologists, the strategy used to remove the variability in sequential [OV0312]O2 measurements varied widely, and consisted of time averages (30 sec [38%], 60 sec [18%], 20 sec [11%], 15 sec [8%]), a moving average of five to 11 breaths (10%), and the middle five of seven breaths (7%). Most respondents indicated that they used multiple criteria to establish maximum [OV0312]O 2 ([OV0312]O2max) including: the attainment of age-predicted maximum heart rate (HRmax) [53%], respiratory exchange ratio (RER) >1.10 (49%) or RER >1.15 (27%) and a rating of perceived exertion (RPE) of >17, 18 or 19 (20%). The reasons stated for these strategies included their own beliefs (32%), what they were taught (26%), what they read in research articles (22%), tradition (13%) and the influence of their colleagues (7%). The combination of VE, FEO 2 and FECO2 removed 96-98% of [OV0312]O2 breath-by-breath variability in incremental and steady-state exercise [OV0312]O2 data sets, respectively. Correction of residual error in [OV0312]O2 datasets to 10% of the raw variability results from application of a 30-second time average, 15-breath running average, or a 0.04 Hz low cut-off digital filter. Thus, we recommend that once these data processing strategies are used, the peak or maximal value becomes the highest processed datapoint. Exercise physiologists need to agree on, and continually refine through empirical research, a consistent process for analysing data from indirect calorimetry.