971 resultados para Art 8 Decreto 3523 de 2009


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This study focuses on two philosophical issues related to the interpretation of art. Firstly, it considers the role of authorial intentions in interpretation. Secondly, the study raises the issue of relativism in interpretation through a discussion of the relativistic tendencies apparent in the views of three major figures of contemporary philosophy: Joseph Margolis, Hans-Georg Gadamer, and Richard Rorty. The major goal of the thesis is to develop a theory of interpretation supporting the role of authorial intentions in interpretation on the basis of Donald Davidson s late philosophy of language and the holistic account of interpretation that underlies different parts of his philosophy. It is my belief that an intentionalist view of interpretation built on Davidsonian elements manages to form the most convincing defense of that interpretive position against the skepticism present in the views of Margolis, Gadamer, and Rorty. The theoretical issues addressed in the thesis are illuminated by discussions of case-examples, most importantly Richard Wagner s The Valkyrie, Thomas Adés America: A Prophecy, and some symphonies by Dimitri Shostakovich. In chapter one, I present a critical discussion of Margolis robust relativism. While finding Margolis criticism of the self-refutive argument plausible, I, nevertheless, argue that the relativistic logic Margolis offers should not be favored in interpretation. The first parts of chapter two outline Davidsonian intentionalism by presenting a reading of Davidson s later work in philosophy of language and mind, and by indicating its relationship to Davidson s views of literature. Then, I shall compare Davidson s ideas with some recent modest forms of intentionalism found in analytic aesthetics, and argue that Davidsonian intentionalism is in many respects more satisfactory compared to them. Chapter three engages Gadamer s hermeneutics by defending E.D. Hirsch s criticism of Gadamer. Uncovering the shortcomings in the replies of Gadamer s followers to Hirsch s criticism serves as a basis for the defense of intentionalism in interpretation carried out in the chapter. That defense is then extended with a discussion of some recent hermeneutic readings of Davidson s views. Chapter four deals with the standing of intentionalism through Rorty s pragmatist approach to literature. By indicating the position of pragmatist notions of aesthetic experience and imagination in Davidsonian intentionalism, it is shown that an intentionalist approach need not be as impoverished with regard to the value Rorty attributes to literature as he assumes. The concluding chapter outlines some ways in which one can be a pluralist with regard to art and interpretation without falling into relativism.


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This thesis explores melodic and harmonic features of heavy metal, and while doing so, explores various methods of music analysis; their applicability and limitations regarding the study of heavy metal music. The study is built on three general hypotheses according to which 1) acoustic characteristics play a significant role for chord constructing in heavy metal, 2) heavy metal has strong ties and similarities with other Western musical styles, and 3) theories and analytical methods of Western art music may be applied to heavy metal. It seems evident that in heavy metal some chord structures appear far more frequently than others. It is suggested here that the fundamental reason for this is the use of guitar distortion effect. Subsequently, theories as to how and under what principles heavy metal is constructed need to be put under discussion; analytical models regarding the classification of consonance and dissonance and chord categorization are here revised to meet the common practices of this music. It is evident that heavy metal is not an isolated style of music; it is seen here as a cultural fusion of various musical styles. Moreover, it is suggested that the theoretical background to the construction of Western music and its analysis can offer invaluable insights to heavy metal. However, the analytical methods need to be reformed to some extent to meet the characteristics of the music. This reformation includes an accommodation of linear and functional theories that has been found rather rarely in music theory and musicology.


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DEVELOPING A TEXTILE ONTOLOGY FOR THE SEMANTIC WEB AND CONNECTING IT TO MUSEUM CATALOGING DATA The goal of the Semantic Web is to share concept-based information in a versatile way on the Internet. This is achievable using formal data structures called ontologies. The goal of this re-search is to increase the usability of museum cataloging data in information retrieval. The work is interdisciplinary, involving craft science, terminology science, computer science, and museology. In the first part of the dissertation an ontology of concepts of textiles, garments, and accessories is developed for museum cataloging work. The ontology work was done with the help of thesauri, vocabularies, research reports, and standards. The basis of the ontology development was the Museoalan asiasanasto MASA, a thesaurus for museum cataloging work which has been enriched by other vocabularies. Concepts and terms concerning the research object, as well as the material names of textiles, costumes, and accessories, were focused on. The research method was terminological concept analysis complemented by an ontological view of the Semantic Web. The concept structure was based on the hierarchical generic relation. Attention was also paid to other relations between terms and concepts, and between concepts themselves. Altogether 977 concept classes were created. Issues including how to choose and name concepts for the ontology hierarchy and how deep and broad the hierarchy could be are discussed from the viewpoint of the ontology developer and museum cataloger. The second part of the dissertation analyzes why some of the cataloged terms did not match with the developed textile ontology. This problem is significant because it prevents automatic ontological content integration of the cataloged data on the Semantic Web. The research datasets, i.e. the cataloged museum data on textile collections, came from three museums: Espoo City Museum, Lahti City Museum and The National Museum of Finland. The data included 1803 textile, costume, and accessory objects. Unmatched object and textile material names were analyzed. In the case of the object names six categories (475 cases), and of the material names eight categories (423 cases), were found where automatic annotation was not possible. The most common explanation was that the cataloged field was filled with a long sentence comprised of many terms. Sometimes in the compound term, the object name and material, or the name and the way of usage, were combined. As well, numeric values in the material name cataloging field prevented annotation and so did the absence of a corresponding concept in the ontology. Ready-made drop-down lists of materials used in one cataloging system facilitated the annotation. In the case of naming objects and materials, one should use terms in basic form without attributes. The developed textile ontology has been applied in two cultural portals, MuseumFinland and Culturesampo, where one can search for and browse information based on cataloged data using integrated ontologies in an interoperable way. The textile ontology is also part of the national FinnONTO ontology infrastructure. Keywords: annotation, concept, concept analysis, cataloging, museum collection, ontology, Semantic Web, textile collection, textile material


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Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women in the western countries. Approximately two-thirds of breast cancer tumours are hormone dependent, requiring estrogens to grow. Estrogens are formed in the human body via a multistep route starting from cholesterol. The final steps in the biosynthesis include the CYP450 aromatase enzyme, converting the male hormones androgens (preferred substrate androstenedione ASD) into estrogens(estrone E1), and the 17beta-HSD1 enzyme, converting the biologically less active E1 into the active hormone 17beta-hydroxyestradiol E2. E2 is bound to the nuclear estrogen receptors causing a cascade of biochemical reactions leading to cell proliferation in normal tissue, and to tumour growth in cancer tissue. Aromatase and 17beta-HSD1 are expressed in or near the breast tumour, locally providing the tissue with estrogens. One approach in treating hormone dependent breast tumours is to block the local estrogen production by inhibiting these two enzymes. Aromatase inhibitors are already on the market in treating breast cancer, despite the lack of an experimentally solved structure. The structure of 17beta-HSD1, on the other hand, has been solved, but no commercial drugs have emerged from the drug discovery projects reported in the literature. Computer-assisted molecular modelling is an invaluable tool in modern drug design projects. Modelling techniques can be used to generate a model of the target protein and to design novel inhibitors for them even if the target protein structure is unknown. Molecular modelling has applications in predicting the activities of theoretical inhibitors and in finding possible active inhibitors from a compound database. Inhibitor binding at atomic level can also be studied with molecular modelling. To clarify the interactions between the aromatase enzyme and its substrate and inhibitors, we generated a homology model based on a mammalian CYP450 enzyme, rabbit progesterone 21-hydroxylase CYP2C5. The model was carefully validated using molecular dynamics simulations (MDS) with and without the natural substrate ASD. Binding orientation of the inhibitors was based on the hypothesis that the inhibitors coordinate to the heme iron, and were studied using MDS. The inhibitors were dietary phytoestrogens, which have been shown to reduce the risk for breast cancer. To further validate the model, the interactions of a commercial breast cancer drug were studied with MDS and ligand–protein docking. In the case of 17beta-HSD1, a 3D QSAR model was generated on the basis of MDS of an enzyme complex with active inhibitor and ligand–protein docking, employing a compound library synthesised in our laboratory. Furthermore, four pharmacophore hypotheses with and without a bound substrate or an inhibitor were developed and used in screening a commercial database of drug-like compounds. The homology model of aromatase showed stable behaviour in MDS and was capable of explaining most of the results from mutagenesis studies. We were able to identify the active site residues contributing to the inhibitor binding, and explain differences in coordination geometry corresponding to the inhibitory activity. Interactions between the inhibitors and aromatase were in agreement with the mutagenesis studies reported for aromatase. Simulations of 17beta-HSD1 with inhibitors revealed an inhibitor binding mode with hydrogen bond interactions previously not reported, and a hydrophobic pocket capable of accommodating a bulky side chain. Pharmacophore hypothesis generation, followed by virtual screening, was able to identify several compounds that can be used in lead compound generation. The visualisation of the interaction fields from the QSAR model and the pharmacophores provided us with novel ideas for inhibitor development in our drug discovery project.


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A smooth map is said to be stable if small perturbations of the map only differ from the original one by a smooth change of coordinates. Smoothly stable maps are generic among the proper maps between given source and target manifolds when the source and target dimensions belong to the so-called nice dimensions, but outside this range of dimensions, smooth maps cannot generally be approximated by stable maps. This leads to the definition of topologically stable maps, where the smooth coordinate changes are replaced with homeomorphisms. The topologically stable maps are generic among proper maps for any dimensions of source and target. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate methods for proving topological stability by constructing extremely tame (E-tame) retractions onto the map in question from one of its smoothly stable unfoldings. In particular, we investigate how to use E-tame retractions from stable unfoldings to find topologically ministable unfoldings for certain weighted homogeneous maps or germs. Our first results are concerned with the construction of E-tame retractions and their relation to topological stability. We study how to construct the E-tame retractions from partial or local information, and these results form our toolbox for the main constructions. In the next chapter we study the group of right-left equivalences leaving a given multigerm f invariant, and show that when the multigerm is finitely determined, the group has a maximal compact subgroup and that the corresponding quotient is contractible. This means, essentially, that the group can be replaced with a compact Lie group of symmetries without much loss of information. We also show how to split the group into a product whose components only depend on the monogerm components of f. In the final chapter we investigate representatives of the E- and Z-series of singularities, discuss their instability and use our tools to construct E-tame retractions for some of them. The construction is based on describing the geometry of the set of points where the map is not smoothly stable, discovering that by using induction and our constructional tools, we already know how to construct local E-tame retractions along the set. The local solutions can then be glued together using our knowledge about the symmetry group of the local germs. We also discuss how to generalize our method to the whole E- and Z- series.


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Topic detection and tracking (TDT) is an area of information retrieval research the focus of which revolves around news events. The problems TDT deals with relate to segmenting news text into cohesive stories, detecting something new, previously unreported, tracking the development of a previously reported event, and grouping together news that discuss the same event. The performance of the traditional information retrieval techniques based on full-text similarity has remained inadequate for online production systems. It has been difficult to make the distinction between same and similar events. In this work, we explore ways of representing and comparing news documents in order to detect new events and track their development. First, however, we put forward a conceptual analysis of the notions of topic and event. The purpose is to clarify the terminology and align it with the process of news-making and the tradition of story-telling. Second, we present a framework for document similarity that is based on semantic classes, i.e., groups of words with similar meaning. We adopt people, organizations, and locations as semantic classes in addition to general terms. As each semantic class can be assigned its own similarity measure, document similarity can make use of ontologies, e.g., geographical taxonomies. The documents are compared class-wise, and the outcome is a weighted combination of class-wise similarities. Third, we incorporate temporal information into document similarity. We formalize the natural language temporal expressions occurring in the text, and use them to anchor the rest of the terms onto the time-line. Upon comparing documents for event-based similarity, we look not only at matching terms, but also how near their anchors are on the time-line. Fourth, we experiment with an adaptive variant of the semantic class similarity system. The news reflect changes in the real world, and in order to keep up, the system has to change its behavior based on the contents of the news stream. We put forward two strategies for rebuilding the topic representations and report experiment results. We run experiments with three annotated TDT corpora. The use of semantic classes increased the effectiveness of topic tracking by 10-30\% depending on the experimental setup. The gain in spotting new events remained lower, around 3-4\%. The anchoring the text to a time-line based on the temporal expressions gave a further 10\% increase the effectiveness of topic tracking. The gains in detecting new events, again, remained smaller. The adaptive systems did not improve the tracking results.


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How did Søren Kierkegaard (1813 1855) situate the human subject into historical and social actuality? How did he take into consideration his own situatedness? As key for understanding these questions the research takes the ideal of living poetically that Kierkegaard outlined in his dissertation. In The Concept of Irony (1841) Kierkegaard took up this ideal of the Romantic ironists and made it into an ethical-religious ideal. For him the ideal of living poetically came to mean 1) becoming brought up by God, while 2) assuming ethical-religiously one s role and place in the historical actuality. Through an exegesis of Kierkegaard s texts from 1843 to 1851 it is shown how this ideal governed Kierkegaard s thought and action throughout his work. The analysis of Kierkegaard s ideal of living poetically not only a) shows how the Kierkegaardian subject is situated in its historical context. It also b) sheds light on Kierkegaard s social and political thought, c) helps to understand Kierkegaard s character as a religious thinker, and d) pits his ethical-religious orientation in life against its scientific and commonsense alternatives. The research evaluates the rationality of the way of life championed by Kierkegaard by comparing it with ways of life dominated by reflection and reasoning. It uses Kierkegaard s ideal of living poetically in trying to understand the tensions between religious and unreligious ways of life.


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This work belongs to the field of computational high-energy physics (HEP). The key methods used in this thesis work to meet the challenges raised by the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) era experiments are object-orientation with software engineering, Monte Carlo simulation, the computer technology of clusters, and artificial neural networks. The first aspect discussed is the development of hadronic cascade models, used for the accurate simulation of medium-energy hadron-nucleus reactions, up to 10 GeV. These models are typically needed in hadronic calorimeter studies and in the estimation of radiation backgrounds. Various applications outside HEP include the medical field (such as hadron treatment simulations), space science (satellite shielding), and nuclear physics (spallation studies). Validation results are presented for several significant improvements released in Geant4 simulation tool, and the significance of the new models for computing in the Large Hadron Collider era is estimated. In particular, we estimate the ability of the Bertini cascade to simulate Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) hadron calorimeter HCAL. LHC test beam activity has a tightly coupled cycle of simulation-to-data analysis. Typically, a Geant4 computer experiment is used to understand test beam measurements. Thus an another aspect of this thesis is a description of studies related to developing new CMS H2 test beam data analysis tools and performing data analysis on the basis of CMS Monte Carlo events. These events have been simulated in detail using Geant4 physics models, full CMS detector description, and event reconstruction. Using the ROOT data analysis framework we have developed an offline ANN-based approach to tag b-jets associated with heavy neutral Higgs particles, and we show that this kind of NN methodology can be successfully used to separate the Higgs signal from the background in the CMS experiment.


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A escolha e a definição de um modelo gerencial a ser implantando em qualquer organização passam, obrigatoriamente, pela anuência da sua alta administração. Trata-se da adoção de um novo posicionamento diante do ambiente em que a instituição está inserida, de uma nova relação desta com seus públicos envolvidos e, sobretudo, do fomento político e financeiro para estas mudanças. Esta nova postura pode ser categoricamente definida como uma decisão vertical descendente visando alcançar determinados objetivos para a instituição. No entanto, além da natureza de "ordem" da diretoria, a participação e o envolvimento do corpo funcional, sobretudo nos primeiros estágios do processo, podem indicar a viabilidade ou não de implantação deste novo modelo escolhido. Ademais, a implantação de um modelo gerencial moderno é uma escolha fundamental e arriscada em qualquer ambiente, sobretudo no setor público. Angariar o apoio dos servidores a partir da uma estratégia de comunicação é fundamental para o sucesso desta decisão. Afinal, mais que um acessório, a comunicação e, sobretudo, a Comunicação Organizacional, devem ser vistas como fundamentais para o desenvolvimento de uma nova cultura organizacional. Diminuindo as resistências, reduzindo os atritos e levando a um ambiente ágil, participativo e aberto a novos desafios, torna-se mais fácil a aceitação de novas ideias no ambiente laboral. Oficialmente, a Câmara dos Deputados iniciou o processo de implantação de um novo modelo de posicionamento estratégico, baseado no BSC (Balanced Score Card), com a publicação do Ato da Mesa 56, em 8 de dezembro de 2009, que definiu a estrutura de implantação e as atribuições das áreas envolvidas com a Gestão Estratégica. A partir deste momento, uma série de ações de divulgação e promoção do Planejamento foi realizada, mas nenhuma sondagem sobre todo o universo de servidores da Casa foi realizada deste então. Torna-se, portanto, indispensável avaliar como o servidor da Câmara se vê e como ele concebe o Planejamento estratégico da Instituição. Este trabalho possui como objetivo principal identificar, com o uso de ferramentas estatísticas, qual a imagem do Planejamento Estratégico adotado junto aos servidores e de que maneira o corpo funcional se relaciona com este novo modelo administrativo. A pesquisa se pautou nas seguintes questões: (a) como se processa a implantação de um modelo gerencial numa instituição centenária como a Câmara dos Deputados? (b) quais os reflexos, ações e consequências desta decisão? (c) como o corpo funcional lida com esta nova realidade? (d) qual o papel da Comunicação neste processo? Durante 45 dias foram aplicados 148 questionários com diferentes categorias funcionais de servidores, além de 20 entrevistas com os gerentes de programas e projetos e representantes dos escritórios setoriais de gestão estratégica. O propósito foi envolver os diferentes segmentos que atuam com o Planejamento Estratégico: Escritórios Setoriais, Coordenadores de Programas e Projetos e os Servidores comuns da Instituição. A pesquisa indica que a falta de uma política específica de comunicação do Planejamento Estratégico, a resistência do servidor ao novo modelo e, sobretudo, o uso de um discurso fictício de aprovação do Planejamento Estratégico são entraves muito fortes que ao longo prazo podem inviabilizar a sua efetiva implantação. Os resultados obtidos demonstram ainda que muito ainda é necessário ser feito para que as expectativas da alta cúpula, os projetos definidos pelas áreas estratégicas e o apoio do corpo funcional andem no mesmo ritmo.


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Many fisheries are potentially very valuable. According to a recent report by the World Bank and the FAO (2008), global fisheries rents could be as high as US$ 40-60 billion annually on a sustainable basis. However, according to the report, due to the “common property problem”, most fisheries of the world are severely overexploited and generate no economic rents. The Lake Victoria Nile perch fishery could be among the most valuable fisheries in the world. Unfortunately, also this fishery has fallen prey to the common property problem with excessive fishing effort, dwindling stocks and declining profitability. As a result, there is a large and growing rents loss in this fishery (compared to the optimal) reducing economic welfare and economic growth opportunities in the countries sharing this fishery. As in other fisheries, the biological and economic recovery of this fishery can only come though improved fisheries management


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Wydział Filologii Polskiej i Klasycznej


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India has compelling need and keen aspirations for indigenous clinical research. Notwithstanding this need and previously reported growth the expected expansion of Indian clinical research has not materialized. We reviewed the scientific literature, lay press reports, and ClinicalTrials.gov data for information and commentary on projections, progress, and impediments associated with clinical trials in India. We also propose targeted solutions to identified challenges. The Indian clinical trial sector grew by (+) 20.3% CAGR (compound annual growth rate) between 2005 and 2010 and contracted by (-) 14.6% CAGR between 2010 and 2013. Phase-1 trials grew by (+) 43.5% CAGR from 2005-2013, phase-2 trials grew by (+) 19.8% CAGR from 2005-2009 and contracted by (-) 12.6% CAGR from 2009-2013, and phase-3 trials grew by (+) 13.0% CAGR from 2005-2010 and contracted by (-) 28.8% CAGR from 2010-2013. This was associated with a slowing of the regulatory approval process, increased media coverage and activist engagement, and accelerated development of regulatory guidelines and recuperative initiatives. We propose the following as potential targets for restorative interventions: Regulatory overhaul (leadership and enforcement of regulations, resolution of ambiguity in regulations, staffing, training, guidelines, and ethical principles [e.g., compensation]).Education and training of research professionals, clinicians, and regulators.Public awareness and empowerment. After a peak in 2009-2010, the clinical research sector in India appears to be experiencing a contraction. There are indications of challenges in regulatory enforcement of guidelines; training of clinical research professionals; and awareness, participation, partnership, and the general image amongst the non-professional media and public. Preventative and corrective principles and interventions are outlined with the goal of realizing the clinical research potential in India.


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Measures of prevention and control against polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) focus on an official food control, a code of best practice to reduce PAHs levels by controlling industry and in the development of a chemopreventive strategy. Regulation (EU) 835/2011 establishes maximum levels of PAHs for each food group. In addition, Regulations (EU) 333/2007 and 836/2011 set up the methods of sampling and analysis for its official control. Scientific studies prove that the chemopreventive strategy is effective against these genotoxic compounds effects. Most chemopreventive compounds studied with proven protective effects against PAHs are found in fruit and vegetables.


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A novel type of submicron ion radiography designed to image low-contrast objects, including nanofoils, membranes and biological structures, is proposed. It is based on femtosecond-laser-driven-cluster- plasma source of multicharged ions and polymer dosimeter film CR-39. The intense isotropic ion flow was produced by femtosecond Ti:Sa laser pulses with intensity similar to 4x10(17) W/cm(2) absorbed in the supersonic jet of the mixed He and CO2 gases. Two Focusing Spectrometers with Spatial Resolution (FSSR) were used to measure X-ray spectra of H-and He-like multicharged oxygen ions. The spectra testify that ions with energy more than 300 keV were radiated in different directions from the plasma source. High contrast ion radiography images were obtained for 2000 dpi metal mesh, 1 mu m polypropylene and 100 nm Zr foils as well as for the different biological objects. Images were recorded on a 1 mm thick CR-39 detector, placed in contact with back surface of the imaged samples at the distances 140 -160 mm from the ion source. The spatial resolution of the image no worse than 600 nm was provided. A difference in object thickness of 100 nm was very well resolved for both Zr and polymer foils. The ion radiography images recorded at different angles from the source, demonstrated almost uniform spatial distribution of ion with total number of 10(8) per shot. (C) 2009 WILEY-VCH Vertag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim