188 resultados para AVA
Novas Tecnologias da Informação/Comunicação oferecem a opção do uso do ambiente virtual de aprendizagem (AVA), o qual possibilita maior interatividade no cotidiano do ensino de enfermagem instigando os educadores a repensarem suas práticas pedagógicas. O objetivo deste estudo foi relatar a experiência do emprego do ambiente virtual no ensino de enfermagem na perspectiva dos estudantes. A disciplina "Educação em Enfermagem: Tendências e Desafios" foi ministrada a 78 estudantes do 4º semestre do Curso de Graduação em Enfermagem, dos quais 48 responderam um questionário com questões fechadas e, dentre estes, 33 responderam uma questão aberta sobre o uso do AVA. Os alunos consideraram o AVA uma ferramenta facilitadora da aprendizagem, do processo de construção do conhecimento e interação entre alunos, professores e tutores enriquecendo, assim, o compartilhamento de idéias e permitindo uma aprendizagem significativa e colaborativa. O estudo revelou a necessidade de potencialização do uso de AVA no ensino de graduação em enfermagem.
O Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisas de Tecnologia da Informação nos Processos de Trabalho em Enfermagem (GEPETE) visa produzir e socializar o conhecimento na área de tecnologia da informação e comunicação na saúde e enfermagem, articular a integração com grupos de pesquisas desta área e propiciar a participação de alunos. O estudo realizado pelos tutores teve como objetivo relatar a construção do ambiente virtual de aprendizagem (AVA) e a experiência dos tutores como mediadores de um grupo de pesquisa na plataforma Moodle. Para tanto, foi construído um AVA, realizada a mediação pedagógica sob a temática tutoria e o diagnóstico inicial em relação às dificuldades na utilização da tecnologia na interatividade e na comunicação, o que permitiu a proposição da continuidade da utilização da plataforma como um recurso para apoiar as atividades de pesquisa, oferecer aos líderes pesquisadores mecanismos para socialização dos projetos e possibilidades de orientação à distância.
O presente artigo pretende ressaltar o potencial dos jogos digitais como instrumento de assimilação do conhecimento em arquitetura patrimonial, através da pesquisa Patrimônio arquitetônico, design e educação: desenvolvimento de Sistemas Interativos Lúdicos (jogos educativos em meio digital). Nesta pesquisa foram desenvolvidos jogos digitais a partir do levantamento das características arquitetônicas dos edifícios de relevância histórica e cultural da cidade de São Carlos. Através da interação e exploração da interface digital pelo usuário, a apropriação do conhecimento ocorre de uma forma lúdica e criativa. Por meio da manipulação desses jogos, os alunos, cidadãos e visitantes podem aproximar-se da educação patrimonial adquirindo consciência histórica e aprendendo a valorizar as origens da cidade e a arquitetura do município. Ressalta-se a importância das metodologias que permitem viabilizar o desenvolvimento dos jogos eletrônicos (desenho e linguagem de programação) e que se apresentam como importantes ferramentas de representação da arquitetura. Por fim, destaca-se a importância da educação patrimonial para a formação do cidadão e preservação do patrimônio cultural.
Partindo-se do pressuposto de que o desenho é instrumento de diálogo entre o arquiteto e ele mesmo ou com terceiros e que este tipo de representação vem perdendo espaço para tecnologias digitais, este trabalho tem como objetivo estudar e analisar desenhos de projetos selecionados do arquiteto Paulo Mendes da Rocha, como contribuição para a discussão sobre o papel do desenho analógico no processo projetivo atual. O estudo acerca de quatro projetos (Ginásio do Clube Paulistano, Residência Butantã, Residência Millan e MuBE) se deu através de marcações realizadas pela pesquisadora sobre desenhos originais do arquiteto, com o objetivo de detectar intenções projetuais, conceitos e características dos projetos. Para tanto, foram feitas marcações gráficas sobre os desenhos originais, de maneira a evidenciar uma leitura particular da pesquisadora, permitindo assim uma melhor compreensão dos projetos escolhidos para o estudo. O desenho sobre o desenho marca os pontos que o julgamento considera importantes, tratando-se de uma leitura particular e permitindo melhor compreensão dos projetos para quem o pratica, uma vez que o ato de desenhar está estreitamente relacionado ao de pensar. Optou-se por apresentar as imagens relacionadas a citações diretas de autores
Este artigo versa sobre uma pesquisa integrante do Núcleo de Apoio à Pesquisa em Estudos de Linguagem em Arquitetura e Cidade (N.ELAC), que desenvolve pesquisas em Linguagem e Representação. Entre as diversas formas de representação em arquitetura, a presente pesquisa traz o modelo tridimensional físico como ferramenta que proporciona maior facilidade de leitura do projeto, sendo mais concreta que os desenhos técnicos. Objetiva-se, assim, destacar a importância do modelo físico como meio de aproximação da população ao patrimônio arquitetônico. Como estudo de caso, foi escolhido o Edifício E1, obra de Ernest Mange e Hélio Duarte. Localizado no campus da USP em São Carlos, é considerado patrimônio da cidade, entretanto, encontra-se praticamente enclausurado no interior do campus, dificultando maior contato da comunidade com o edifício. O projeto do edifício utilizou apenas o desenho como representação, não incluindo nenhum tipo de modelo tridimensional (físico ou digital). A partir de um levantamento das representações gráficas utilizadas pelos projetistas, foi possível fazer uma comparação entre o nível de compreensão do projeto apenas com as peças gráficas dos arquitetos e a partir do modelo físico, produzido pela pesquisadora. Foi realizado um pré-teste em escola pública municipal, despertando o interesse desses alunos pelo edifício em questão.
Durante o processo de projeto, o arquiteto transpõe suas ideias para o campo real, do concreto. Os diversos modos de expressão e representação têm como função mediar essa interação, diminuindo a distância entre esses dois campos. Vive-se hoje, um momento de intensa transformação das estratégias projetuais, propiciada pelos novos meios digitais. Assim, esta pesquisa, centra-se na comparação entre diversos momentos do uso de modelos nos processos projetivos contemporâneos, através de uma investigação em escritórios de arquitetura paulistanos que utilizam o modelo físico como parte de seus processos de projeto. Busca-se entender qual o papel dessa ferramenta de representação e suas potencialidades nos dias atuais. Como estudo de caso, faz-se uma análise comparativa entre o uso das maquetes digital e física, destacando dois estudos: a maquete do Conjunto Ponte dos Remédios, do arquiteto Marcos Acayaba e as maquetes de estudos elaboradas pelo escritório Andrade Morettin Arquitetos, para o concurso para o Instituto Moreira Salles/SP. Entre os objetivos desse trabalho também se encontra uma análise da contribuição dos modelos físicos no Ensino de Arquitetura.
The objective of this study is to evaluate the impact of informal care support networks on the health status, life satisfaction, happiness and anxiety of elderly individuals in Argentina and Cuba. Recent economic changes, demographic changes, the structure of families and changes in women?s labor participation have affected the availability of informal care. Additionally, the growing number of elderly as a percentage of total population has significant implications for both formal and informal care in Argentina and Cuba. Methods: The SABE - Survey on Health, Well-Being, and Aging in Latin America and the Caribbean, 2000 was used as the data source. The survey has a sample of 10,656 individuals aged 60 years and older residing in private households occupied by permanent dwellers in 7 cities in the Latin American and Caribbean region. My study will focus on the Buenos Aires and Havana samples in which there were 1043 individuals and 1905 individuals respectively. General sampling design was used to establish comparability between countries. Individuals requiring assistance are surveyed on their source of help and the relative impact of informal versus paid help is measured for this group. Other measures of social support (number of living children, companionship and number of individuals living in the same dwelling) are used to measure networks for the full sample. Multivariate probit regression analyses were run separately for Cuba and for Argentina to evaluate the marginal impacts of the types of social support on health status, life satisfaction, happiness and anxiety. Results: For Argentina, almost all of the family help variables positively impact good health. Getting help from most other members of the family negatively impacts satisfaction with life. Happiness is affected differently by each of the family help variables but community support increases the likelihood of being happy. Although none of the family or community help variables show statistical significance, most negatively affect anxiety levels. In Cuba, all of the social support variables have a positive marginal impact on the health status of the elderly. In this case, some of the family and community help variables have a negative marginal impact on life satisfaction; however, it appears that having those closest to the elderly, children, spouse, or other family, positively impacts life satisfaction. Most of the support variables negatively impact happiness. Receiving help from a child, spouse or parent is associated with a marginal increase in anxiety, whereas receiving help from a grandchild, another family member or a friend actually reduces anxiety. Discussion: The study highlights the necessity for enhancing the coordination of various care networks in order to provide adequate care and reduce the burdens of old age on the individual, family and society and the need for consistent support for the caregivers. More qualitative work should be done to identify how support is given and what comprises the support. The constant change and advancement of the world, and the growth of the Latin American and Caribbean region, suggests that more updates studies need to be done.
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the diurnal rhythm of melatonin concentration in blood and milk of dairy cows. Blood was sampled and the entire milk was removed every hour and melatonin concentration was measured throughout 24 hours in June in 12 dairy cows (around 16 hours daylight). Both, blood plasma and milk melatonin concentration showed a diurnal pattern with high levels during scotoperiod and low levels during photoperiod. Average blood plasma melatonin was 16.2 +/- 2.3 pg/mL during the photoperiod (0800-2200h), started to increase at 2100h, and reached a plateau at 2300h (16.0 +/- 4.4 pg/mL). Peak concentration was reached at 0100h (25.4 +/- 5.6 pg/mL). At 0700h melatonin decreased to baseline level again. The melatonin pattern in milk paralleled the pattern in blood. However, the concentration of melatonin was much lower in milk than in blood with a maximum concentration of 2.9 +/- 0.6 pg/mL at all tested time points.
It has been suggested that the ratio of lactose to milk oligosaccharides in mammalian milk/colostrum is based on the ratio of expression of a-lactalbumin and glycosyltransferases in the mammary epithelial cells. It has also been suggested that the high secretion of milk in dairy breed cows has been acquired by a high expression of a-lactalbumin expression. As there is a large difference of milk secretion level between dairy and non dairy breed cows, there may be a difference in the ratio of lactose to milk oligosaccharides in milks between dairy and non dairy breed cows. In this study, the concentrations of hexose, sialic acid as well as sialyllactoses, which are representative bovine milk oligosaccharides, were determined in the milks of dairy and non dairy breed cows. The concentration of hexose was significantly higher in the milks of non dairy breed cows than that of dairy breed cows, but there were no significant differences with respect to sialic acid and sialyllactose. The significant difference of the ratio of the concentrations of 3'- and 6'-sialyllactose to total hexose in milk was not observed between dairy and non dairy cows.
This study will explore familial and friend support networks and living arrangements among elderly individuals in Latin America and the impact that this type of support has on the health of the elderly individuals in the countries of interest. Using data from the Survey on Health and Well-Being of Elders (SABE) from 1999-2000, I will explore which type of support has a larger impact on overall health. I will also measure differences in unmet needs for certain health services. This topic is particularly interesting because it will help to uncover what policies are best for aiding in the healthcare of the elderly in aging population. Lastly, the investigation of this topic will allow me to draw conclusions about the most effective means of social and public policy for the elderly community and provide me with information about the role of both informal provisions of support from family and friends, and formal provisions of support from the government. My primary focus will be on Argentina, using Buenos Aires as the sample city, and Cuba, using Havana as the sample city. These two countries have increasingly aging populations, poorer resources and vast inequalities, but, extremely different political, economic and cultural situations. Comparing the two countries will further allow me to determine correlations between health and the existence of support networks, as well as provide me with information to make more general claims that may be of use in the United States. Argentina is particularly interesting to me because of my abroad experience and homestay experience with an older Argentine woman who lived alone but depended upon her family for many healthcare needs, doctors’ visits and general well-being. In Argentina, I experienced a different form of living than I am used to in the United States, where many older individuals or couples live in nursing homes or assisted living facilities rather than alone or with family. The changing economic climate of the two countries coupled with labor patterns of women returning to work at rapid rates indicates that policies cannot just rely on either the formal or informal sector but require a combination of the two sectors working together.This paper will first give background on the difference in the economies and the health care systems in Argentina and Cuba and will show why it interesting to study and compare these two countries. I will then discuss the health status of the elderly in each population as well as discuss the informal care networks and the role of family in each country. This section will then be followed by a description of the data and methods used. I will end by drawing conclusions about the study and the outcomes, and then I will attempt to make suggestions about effective health care policies for the elderly.
Projects in the area of architectural design and urban planning typically engage several architects as well as experts from other professions. While the design and review meetings thus often involve a large number of cooperating participants, the actual design is still done by the individuals in the time in between those meetings using desktop PCs and CAD applications. A real collaborative approach to architectural design and urban planning is often limited to early paper-based sketches.In order to overcome these limitations, we designed and realized the ARTHUR system, an Augmented Reality (AR) enhanced round table to support complex design and planning decisions for architects. WhileAR has been applied to this area earlier, our approach does not try to replace the use of CAD systems but rather integrates them seamlessly into the collaborative AR environment. The approach is enhanced by intuitiveinteraction mechanisms that can be easily con-figured for different application scenarios.
Das Spektrum internetbasierter psychologischer Behandlungsangebote bei psychischen Problemen und Erkrankungen bewegt sich zwischen webbasierten Selbsthilfeprogrammen, die das Internet als Informationsmedium verwenden, und Email-, Chat- und Video-Therapien, in welchen das Internet zu Kommunikationszwecken zwischen Hilfesuchenden und Professionellen genutzt wird. Dieser Beitrag fokussiert auf eine Beratungs- und Therapieform, die die Möglichkeiten des Internets als Informations- und Kommunikationsmedium in sogenannten geleiteten Selbsthilfeansätzen kombiniert. Internetbasierte geleitete Selbsthilfeansätze, in welchen Klienten während der Bearbeitung eines Selbsthilfeprogramms von Therapeuten via Internet (z.B. Email) unterstützt werden, wurden in den letzten Jahren intensiv erforscht. Im Bereich von Angststörungen und Depressionen liegen besonders viele Studien vor. Verschiedene Forschergruppen haben hier in der Regel große Behandlungseffekte gefunden, die mit der Wirkung von Face-to-Face-Therapien vergleichbar sind. In diesem Beitrag wird der geleitete Selbsthilfeansatz dargestellt und die empirische Evidenz diskutiert.
Human pro-TNF-$\alpha$ is a 26 kd type II transmembrane protein, and it is the precursor of 17 kd mature TNF. Pro-TNF release mature from its extracellular domain by proteolytic cleavage between resideu Ava ($-$1) and Val (+1). Both forms of TNF are biologically active and the native form of mature TNF is a bell-shaped trimer. The structure of pro-TNF was studied both in intact cell system and in an in vitro translation system by chemical crosslinking. We found that human pro-TNF protein exist as a trimer in intact cells (LPS-induced THP-1 cells and TNF cDNA transfected COS-3 cells) and this trimeric structure is assembled intracellularly, possibly in the ER. By analysis several deletion mutants, we observed a correlation between expression of pro-TNF cytotoxicity in a juxtacrine fashion and detection of the trimer, suggesting the trimeric structure is very important for its biologic activity. With a series of deletion mutants in the linking domain, we found that the small deletion did not block the cleavage and large deletion did regardless of the presence or absence of the native cleavage site, suggesting that the length of the residues between the plasma membrane and the base of the trimer determines the rate of the cleavage, possibly by blocking the accessibility of the cleavage enzyme to its action site. Our data also suggest that the native cleavage site is not sufficient for the release of mature TNF and alternative cleavage site(s) exists. ^
BACKGROUND: Social anxiety disorder (SAD) is one of the most common mental disorders and causes subjective suffering and economic burden worldwide. Although effective treatments are available, a lot of cases go untreated. Internet-based self-help is a low-threshold and flexible treatment alternative for SAD. Various studies have already shown that internet-based self-help can be effective to reduce social phobic symptoms significantly. Most of the interventions tested include therapist support, whereas the role of peer support within internet-based self-help has not yet been fully understood. There is evidence suggesting that patients' mutual exchange via integrated discussion forums can increase the efficacy of internet-based treatments. This study aims at investigating the added value of therapist-guided group support on the treatment outcome of internet-based self-help for SAD. METHODS/DESIGN: The study is conducted as a randomized controlled trial. A total of 150 adults with a diagnosis of SAD are randomly assigned to either a waiting-list control group or one of the active conditions. The participants in the two active conditions use the same internet-based self-help program, either with individual support by a psychologist or therapist-guided group support. In the group guided condition, participants can communicate with each other via an integrated, protected discussion forum. Subjects are recruited via topic related websites and links; diagnostic status will be assessed with a telephone interview. The primary outcome variables are symptoms of SAD and diagnostic status after the intervention. Secondary endpoints are general symptomology, depression, quality of life, as well as the primary outcome variables 6 months later. Furthermore, process variables such as group processes, the change in symptoms and working alliance will be studied. DISCUSSION: The results of this study should indicate whether group-guided support could enhance the efficacy of an internet-based self-help treatment for SAD. This novel treatment format, if shown effective, could represent a cost-effective option and could further be modified to treat other conditions, as well.
Low-flow, low-gradient severe aortic stenosis (AS) is characterised by a small aortic valve area (AVA) and low mean gradient (MG) secondary to a low cardiac output and may occur in patients with either a preserved or reduced left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF). Symptomatic patients presenting with low-flow, low-gradient severe AS have a dismal prognosis independent of baseline LVEF if managed conservatively and should therefore undergo aortic valve replacement if feasible. Transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) is the first-line investigation for the assessment of AS haemodynamic severity. However, when confronted with guideline-discordant AVA (small) and MG (low) values, there are several reasons other than severe AS combined with a low cardiac output which may lead to such a situation, including erroneous measurements, small body size, inherent inconsistencies in the guidelines' criteria, prolonged ejection time and aortic pseudostenosis. The distinction between these various entities poses a diagnostic challenge. However, it is important to make a distinction because each has very different implications in terms of risk stratification and therapeutic management. In such instances, cardiac catheterisation forms an integral part of the work-up of these patients in order to confirm or refute the echocardiographic findings to guide management decisions appropriately.