141 resultados para ASAP


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Odour emission rates were measured from nine tunnel-ventilated broiler farms in south-eastern Queensland, Australia. At one farm, odour emission rates were measured over two sequential batches approximately weekly, while at the remaining farms, odour emission rates were measured just before the first pickup (around Day 35 of the batch) when bird liveweight was greatest and peak odour emission rates were expected. Odour samples were analysed using dynamic olfactometry (to AS/NZS 4323.3:2001), and an artificial olfaction system was used to continuously monitor odour emission rates at one farm. Odour emission rates ranged from 330 to 2960 ou/s per 1000 birds and from 0.19 to 2.12 ou/s.kg, with a significant amount of variability observed throughout the batch and throughout each sampling day. While the wide range in odour emission rates was primarily due to changes in bird liveweight and ventilation requirements, other factors were also involved. The artificial olfaction system proved useful for quantifying the range and variability of odour emission rates, especially when olfactometry analysis was impractical.


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Ongoing pressure to minimise costs of production, growing markets for low residue and organic wool and meat, resistance to chemicals in louse populations, and the deregistration of diazinon for dipping and jetting have contributed to a move away from routine annual application of lousicides to more integrated approaches to controlling lice. Advances including improved methods for monitoring and detection of lice, an expanded range of louse control products and the availability of a web-accessible suite of decision support tools for wool growers (LiceBossTM) will aid this transition. Possibilities for the future include an on-farm detection test and non-chemical control methods. The design and extension of well-constructed resistance management programs to preserve the effectiveness of recently available new product groups should be a priority.


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This paper reports the design of an input-triggered polymorphic ASIC for H.264 baseline decoder. Hardware polymorphism is achieved by selectively reusing hardware resources at system and module level. Complete design is done using ESL design tools following a methodology that maintains consistency in testing and verification throughout the design flow. The proposed design can support frame sizes from QCIF to 1080p.


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Regular Expressions are generic representations for a string or a collection of strings. This paper focuses on implementation of a regular expression matching architecture on reconfigurable fabric like FPGA. We present a Nondeterministic Finite Automata based implementation with extended regular expression syntax set compared to previous approaches. We also describe a dynamically reconfigurable generic block that implements the supported regular expression syntax. This enables formation of the regular expression hardware by a simple cascade of generic blocks as well as a possibility for reconfiguring the generic blocks to change the regular expression being matched. Further,we have developed an HDL code generator to obtain the VHDL description of the hardware for any regular expression set. Our optimized regular expression engine achieves a throughput of 2.45 Gbps. Our dynamically reconfigurable regular expression engine achieves a throughput of 0.8 Gbps using 12 FPGA slices per generic block on Xilinx Virtex2Pro FPGA.


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En el presente estudio se trat6 de determinar la influencia de 3 factures: Ácido Acetil Salicílico (ASAP). Manitol e intensidad de la Luz, sobre el crecimiento de plantas de yuca (Manihot esculenta ) in vitro. Se trabajó con explantes de la variedad M-Col 22 con una edad promedio de 7 meses. Los explantes fueron yemas apicales quo se inocularon en el medio básico Murashigo y Skoog. Los cultivos fueron mantenidos en un cuarto do incubación a 26 +/- 2C, 3000 lux y un fotoperiodo de 16 horas. Cuando las plantas alcanzaron 3 cm de Altura aproximadamente a los 120 días, fue realizada la inoculación de las yemas en los diferentes medios para los experimentos programados. Se efectuaron 4 tratamientos para el factor ASA, siendo estos 0, 2, 5 y 10 mg/1 de ASA. Para el factor Manitol 0, 100, 300 y 500 mg/1, y finalmente para luz fueron probadas 4 intensidades 5000 1000, 1500 y 2500 lux. Se observó buen resultado en todos los tratamientos, sin embargo aunque los 3 factores estudiados inhibieron el desarrollo de plantas de yuca in vitro, se observó mejor efecto con el factor ASA. La adición de 2 mg/1 de este ácido resultó ser una concentración altamente inhibitoria pare las 3 variables estudiadas (altura, número de hojas y número de yemas). La concentración de 100 mg/1 do Manitol inhibió el crecimiento de las plantas en forma más eficiente que los demás tratamientos. En el caso del efecto de la Intensidad lumínica, se observó que 500 lux fue el tratamiento más efectivo en la reducción del crecimiento.


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Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) is a key linear algebraic operation in many scientific and engineering applications. In particular, many computational intelligence systems rely on machine learning methods involving high dimensionality datasets that have to be fast processed for real-time adaptability. In this paper we describe a practical FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) implementation of a SVD processor for accelerating the solution of large LSE problems. The design approach has been comprehensive, from the algorithmic refinement to the numerical analysis to the customization for an efficient hardware realization. The processing scheme rests on an adaptive vector rotation evaluator for error regularization that enhances convergence speed with no penalty on the solution accuracy. The proposed architecture, which follows a data transfer scheme, is scalable and based on the interconnection of simple rotations units, which allows for a trade-off between occupied area and processing acceleration in the final implementation. This permits the SVD processor to be implemented both on low-cost and highend FPGAs, according to the final application requirements.


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Os riscos de poluição ao meio ambiente envolvendo petróleo envolvem, não só o seu transporte, como também seu refino. O prejuízo causado por um derramamento de petróleo vai além de danos à fauna e flora, pois envolvem também questões sociais. A emissão de óxidos de enxofre, denominadas SOx, durante o refino de petróleo através do craqueamento catalítico em leito fluidizado (FCC) também é uma das preocupações ambientais, já que esses óxidos estão relacionados com o a formação de chuva ácida e problemas respiratórios. Os hidrocarbonetos provenientes de um derramamento podem ser degradados em produtos menos agressivos ao meio ambiente, por oxidação química, por exemplo. Já as emissões de enxofre na unidade de FCC podem ser minimizadas por diversos processos, como por exemplo, o uso de aditivos nas unidades de FCC. Nesse trabalho óxidos de manganês dos tipos OMS-1 e OMS-2 foram sintetizados em presença e ausência de biomassa e óxidos OMS-2 foram dopados com os metais cobre, vanádio e ferro. Possíveis alterações em suas propriedades, suas atividades catalíticas em oxidação de hidrocarbonetos e em testes de captura de enxofre em condições de temperatura similares à unidade de FCC foram investigadas. Constatou-se uma diminuição na área superficial, tamanho e volume de poros nos óxidos sintetizados em presença de biomassa, através de uma análise de adsorção e dessorção de N2 (ASAP), porém seus difratogramas em uma análise de difração de raio X de pó (DRX) revelaram a obtenção de estruturas do criptomelano em todos os OMS-2. Os óxidos OMS-2 testados na oxidação do cicloexano, não sofreram modificações em sua estrutura após seu uso como catalisador, mas a presença da biomassa na síntese não aumentou sua atividade catalítica. Nos testes DeSOx, o óxido dopado com ferro apresentou o melhor desempenho e testes em ciclos mostraram ser possível sua reutilização


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In this paper a novel scalable public-key processor architecture is presented that supports modular exponentiation and Elliptic Curve Cryptography over both prime GF(p) and binary GF(2) extension fields. This is achieved by a high performance instruction set that provides a comprehensive range of integer and polynomial basis field arithmetic. The instruction set and associated hardware are generic in nature and do not specifically support any cryptographic algorithms or protocols. Firmware within the device is used to efficiently implement complex and data intensive arithmetic. A firmware library has been developed in order to demonstrate support for numerous exponentiation and ECC approaches, such as different coordinate systems and integer recoding methods. The processor has been developed as a high-performance asymmetric cryptography platform in the form of a scalable Verilog RTL core. Various features of the processor may be scaled, such as the pipeline width and local memory subsystem, in order to suit area, speed and power requirements. The processor is evaluated and compares favourably with previous work in terms of performance while offering an unparalleled degree of flexibility. © 2006 IEEE.


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The paper starts presents the work initially carried out by Queen's University and RSRE (now Qinetiq) in the development of advanced architectures and microchips based on systolic array architectures. The paper outlines how this has led to the development of highly complex designs for high definition TV and highlights work both on advanced signal processing architectures and tool flows for advanced systems. © 2006 IEEE.


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An SVD processor system is presented in which each processing element is implemented using a simple CORDIC unit. The internal recursive loop within the CORDIC module is exploited, with pipelining being used to multiplex the two independent micro-rotations onto a single CORDIC processor. This leads to a high performance and efficient hardware architecture. In addition, a novel method for scale factor correction is presented which only need be applied once at the end of the computation. This also reduces the computation time. The net result is an SVD architecture based on a conventional CORDIC approach, which combines high performance with high silicon area efficiency.


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Field programmable gate array (FPGA) technology is a powerful platform for implementing computationally complex, digital signal processing (DSP) systems. Applications that are multi-modal, however, are designed for worse case conditions. In this paper, genetic sequencing techniques are applied to give a more sophisticated decomposition of the algorithmic variations, thus allowing an unified hardware architecture which gives a 10-25% area saving and 15% power saving for a digital radar receiver.


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This study probed for an answer to the question, "How do you identify as early as possible those students who are at risk of failing or dropping out of college so that intervention can take place?" by field testing two diagnostic instruments with a group of first semester Seneca College Computer Studies students. In some respects, the research approach was such as might be taken in a pilot study. Because of the complexity of the issue, this study did not attempt to go beyond discovery, understanding and description. Although some inferences may be drawn from the results of the study, no attempt was made to establish any causal relationship between or among the factors or variables represented here. Both quantitative and qualitative data were gathered during. four resea~ch phases: background, early identification, intervention, and evaluation. To gain a better understanding of the problem of student attrition within the School of Computer Studies at Seneca College, several methods were used, including retrospective analysis of enrollment statistics, faculty and student interviews and questionnaires, and tracking of the sample population. The significance of the problem was confirmed by the results of this study. The findings further confirmed the importance of the role of faculty in student retention and support the need to improve the quality of teacher/student interaction. As well, the need __f or ~~ills as~e:ss_~ent foll,,-~ed }JY supportiv e_c_ounsell~_I'l9_ ~~d_ __ placement was supported by the findings from this study. strategies for reducing student attrition were identified by faculty and students. As part of this study, a project referred to as "A Student Alert project" (ASAP) was undertaken at the School of Computer Studies at Seneca College. Two commercial diagnostic instruments, the Noel/Levitz College Student Inventory (CSI) and the Learning and Study Strategies Inventory (LASSI), provided quantitative data which were subsequently analyzed in Phase 4 in order to assess their usefulness as early identification tools. The findings show some support for using these instruments in a two-stage approach to early identification and intervention: the CSI as an early identification instrument and the LASSI as a counselling tool for those students who have been identified as being at risk. The findings from the preliminary attempts at intervention confirmed the need for a structured student advisement program where faculty are selected, trained, and recognized for their advisor role. Based on the finding that very few students acted on the diagnostic results and recommendations, the need for institutional intervention by way of intrusive measures was confirmed.