846 resultados para technology-based enterprise


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Home Automation (HA) has emerged as a prominent ¯eld for researchers and in- vestors confronting the challenge of penetrating the average home user market with products and services emerging from technology based vision. In spite of many technology contri- butions, there is a latent demand for a®ordable and pragmatic assistive technologies for pro-active handling of complex lifestyle related problems faced by home users. This study has pioneered to develop an Initial Technology Roadmap for HA (ITRHA) that formulates a need based vision of 10-15 years, identifying market, product and technology investment opportunities, focusing on those aspects of HA contributing to e±cient management of home and personal life. The concept of Family Life Cycle is developed to understand the temporal needs of family. In order to formally describe a coherent set of family processes, their relationships, and interaction with external elements, a reference model named Fam- ily System is established that identi¯es External Entities, 7 major Family Processes, and 7 subsystems-Finance, Meals, Health, Education, Career, Housing, and Socialisation. Anal- ysis of these subsystems reveals Soft, Hard and Hybrid processes. Rectifying the lack of formal methods for eliciting future user requirements and reassessing evolving market needs, this study has developed a novel method called Requirement Elicitation of Future Users by Systems Scenario (REFUSS), integrating process modelling, and scenario technique within the framework of roadmapping. The REFUSS is used to systematically derive process au- tomation needs relating the process knowledge to future user characteristics identi¯ed from scenarios created to visualise di®erent futures with richly detailed information on lifestyle trends thus enabling learning about the future requirements. Revealing an addressable market size estimate of billions of dollars per annum this research has developed innovative ideas on software based products including Document Management Systems facilitating automated collection, easy retrieval of all documents, In- formation Management System automating information services and Ubiquitous Intelligent System empowering the highly mobile home users with ambient intelligence. Other product ideas include robotic devices of versatile Kitchen Hand and Cleaner Arm that can be time saving. Materialisation of these products require technology investment initiating further research in areas of data extraction, and information integration as well as manipulation and perception, sensor actuator system, tactile sensing, odour detection, and robotic controller. This study recommends new policies on electronic data delivery from service providers as well as new standards on XML based document structure and format.


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Knowledge Integration (KI) is one of the major aspects driving innovation within an organisation. In this paper, we attempt to develop a better understanding of the challenges of knowledge integration within the innovation process in technology-based firms. Using four technology-based Australian firms, we investigated how knowledge integration may be managed within the context of innovation in technology firms. The literature highlights the role of four KI tasks that affect the innovation capability within technology-oriented firms, namely team building capability, capturing tacit knowledge, role of KM systems and technological systemic integration. Our findings indicate that in addition to the four tasks, a strategic approach to integrating knowledge for innovation as well as leadership and management are essential to achieving effective KI across multiple levels of engagement. Our findings also offer practical insights of how knowledge can be integrated within innovation process.


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Social networking sites (SNSs), with their large numbers of users and large information base, seem to be perfect breeding grounds for exploiting the vulnerabilities of people, the weakest link in security. Deceiving, persuading, or influencing people to provide information or to perform an action that will benefit the attacker is known as “social engineering.” While technology-based security has been addressed by research and may be well understood, social engineering is more challenging to understand and manage, especially in new environments such as SNSs, owing to some factors of SNSs that reduce the ability of users to detect the attack and increase the ability of attackers to launch it. This work will contribute to the knowledge of social engineering by presenting the first two conceptual models of social engineering attacks in SNSs. Phase-based and source-based models are presented, along with an intensive and comprehensive overview of different aspects of social engineering threats in SNSs.


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An increasing number of organizations have installed enterprise social media (ESM) platforms to allow employees to collaborate, work independently, and to innovate more easily. While research has started to explain how such technologies can lead to improved collaboration and productivity, their role in assisting employees in innovation processes remains unclear. In our research-in-progress we examine the case of a global retail organization that adopted ESM for all employees with the view to foster employee-driven innovation. We report on our on-going data collection and analysis, in which we focus on the salient mechanisms and contingency factors why ESM under some conditions facilitates employee-driven innovation and why under some conditions it does not. We report on on-going data collection, data analysis strategies and emergent findings, and conclude with a brief outlook on our future research strategies.


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This study extends understanding of consumers' decisions to adopt transformative services delivered via technology. It incorporates competitive effects into the model of goal-directed behavior which, in keeping with the majority of consumer decision making models, neglects to explicitly account for competition. A goal-level operationalization of competition, incorporating both direct and indirect competition, is proposed. A national web-based survey collected data from 431 respondents about their decisions to adopt mental health services delivered via mobile phone. The findings show that the extent to which consumers perceived using these transformative services to be more instrumental to achieving their goals than competition had the greatest impact on their adoption decisions. This finding builds on the limited empirical evidence for the inclusion of competitive effects to more fully explain consumers' decisions to adopt technology-based and other services. It also provides support for a broader operationalization of competition with respect to consumers' personal goals.


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Do enterprise social network platforms in an organization make the company more innovative? In theory, through communication, collaboration, and knowledge exchange, innovation ideas can easily be expressed, shared, and discussed with many partners in the organization. Yet, whether this guarantees innovation success remains to be seen. The authors studied how innovation ideas moved--or not--from an enterprise social network platform to regular innovation processes at a large Australian retailer. They found that the success of innovation ideas depends on how easily understandable the idea is on the platform, how long it has been discussed, and how powerful the social network participants are in the organization. These findings inform management strategies for the governance of enterprise social network use and the organizational innovation process.


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This paper focuses on document data, one of the most significant sources for technology intelligence. To help organisations use their knowledge in documents effectively, this research aims to identify what organizations really want from documents and what might be possible to obtain from them. The research involves a literature review, a series of in-depth/on-site interviews and a descriptive analysis of document mining applications. The output of the research includes: a document mining framework; an analysis of the current condition of document mining in technology-based organisations together with their future requirements; and guidelines for introducing document mining into an organisation along with a discussion on the practical issues that are faced by users. Copyright © 2011 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.


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Matching a new technology to an appropriate market is a major challenge for new technology-based firms (NTBF). Such firms are often advised to target niche-markets where the firms and their technologies can establish themselves relatively free of incumbent competition. However, technologies are diverse in nature and do not benefit from identical strategies. In contrast to many Information and Communication Technology (ICT) innovations which build on an established knowledge base for fairly specific applications, technologies based on emerging science are often generic and so have a number of markets and applications open to them, each carrying considerable technological and market uncertainty. Each of these potential markets is part of a complex and evolving ecosystem from which the venture may have to access significant complementary assets in order to create and sustain commercial value. Based on dataset and case study research on UK advanced material university spin-outs (USO), we find that, contrary to conventional wisdom, the more commercially successful ventures were targeting mainstream markets by working closely with large, established competitors during early development. While niche markets promise protection from incumbent firms, science-based innovations, such as new materials, often require the presence, and participation, of established companies in order to create value. © 2012 IEEE.


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Mikrooptische Filter sind heutzutage in vielen Bereichen in der Telekommunikation unersetzlich. Wichtige Einsatzgebiete sind aber auch spektroskopische Systeme in der Medizin-, Prozess- und Umwelttechnik. Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit der Technologieentwicklung und Herstellung von luftspaltbasierenden, vertikal auf einem Substrat angeordneten, oberflächenmikromechanisch hergestellten Fabry-Perot-Filtern. Es werden zwei verschiedene Filtervarianten, basierend auf zwei verschiedenen Materialsystemen, ausführlich untersucht. Zum einen handelt es sich dabei um die Weiterentwicklung von kontinuierlich mikromechanisch durchstimmbaren InP / Luftspaltfiltern; zum anderen werden neuartige, kostengünstige Siliziumnitrid / Luftspaltfilter wissenschaftlich behandelt. Der Inhalt der Arbeit ist so gegliedert, dass nach einer Einleitung mit Vergleichen zu Arbeiten und Ergebnissen anderer Forschergruppen weltweit, zunächst einige theoretische Grundlagen zur Berechnung der spektralen Reflektivität und Transmission von beliebigen optischen Schichtanordnungen aufgezeigt werden. Auß erdem wird ein kurzer theoretischer Ü berblick zu wichtigen Eigenschaften von Fabry-Perot-Filtern sowie der Möglichkeit einer mikromechanischen Durchstimmbarkeit gegeben. Daran anschließ end folgt ein Kapitel, welches sich den grundlegenden technologischen Aspekten der Herstellung von luftspaltbasierenden Filtern widmet. Es wird ein Zusammenhang zu wichtigen Referenzarbeiten hergestellt, auf denen diverse Weiterentwicklungen dieser Arbeit basieren. Die beiden folgenden Kapitel erläutern dann ausführlich das Design, die Herstellung und die Charakterisierung der beiden oben erwähnten Filtervarianten. Abgesehen von der vorangehenden Epitaxie von InP / GaInAs Schichten, ist die Herstellung der InP / Luftspaltfilter komplett im Institut durchgeführt worden. Die Herstellungsschritte sind ausführlich in der Arbeit erläutert, wobei ein Schwerpunktthema das trockenchemische Ä tzen von InP sowie GaInAs, welches als Opferschichtmaterial für die Herstellung der Luftspalte genutzt wurde, behandelt. Im Verlauf der wissenschaftlichen Arbeit konnten sehr wichtige technische Verbesserungen entwickelt und eingesetzt werden, welche zu einer effizienteren technologischen Herstellung der Filter führten und in der vorliegenden Niederschrift ausführlich dokumentiert sind. Die hergestellten, für einen Einsatz in der optischen Telekommunikation entworfenen, elektrostatisch aktuierbaren Filter sind aus zwei luftspaltbasierenden Braggspiegeln aufgebaut, welche wiederum jeweils 3 InP-Schichten von (je nach Design) 357nm bzw. 367nm Dicke aufweisen. Die Filter bestehen aus im definierten Abstand parallel übereinander angeordneten Membranen, die über Verbindungsbrücken unterschiedlicher Anzahl und Länge an Haltepfosten befestigt sind. Da die mit 357nm bzw. 367nm vergleichsweise sehr dünnen Schichten freitragende Konstrukte mit bis zu 140 nm Länge bilden, aber trotzdem Positionsgenauigkeiten im nm-Bereich einhalten müssen, handelt es sich hierbei um sehr anspruchsvolle mikromechanische Bauelemente. Um den Einfluss der zahlreichen geometrischen Strukturparameter studieren zu können, wurden verschiedene laterale Filterdesigns implementiert. Mit den realisierten Filter konnte ein enorm weiter spektraler Abstimmbereich erzielt werden. Je nach lateralem Design wurden internationale Bestwerte für durchstimmbare Fabry-Perot-Filter von mehr als 140nm erreicht. Die Abstimmung konnte dabei kontinuierlich mit einer angelegten Spannung von nur wenigen Volt durchgeführt werden. Im Vergleich zu früher berichteten Ergebnissen konnten damit sowohl die Wellenlängenabstimmung als auch die dafür benötigte Abstimmungsspannung signifikant verbessert werden. Durch den hohen Brechungsindexkontrast und die geringe Schichtdicke zeigen die Filter ein vorteilhaftes, extrem weites Stopband in der Größ enordnung um 550nm. Die gewählten, sehr kurzen Kavitätslängen ermöglichen einen freien Spektralbereich des Filters welcher ebenfalls in diesen Größ enordnungen liegt, so dass ein weiter spektraler Einsatzbereich ermöglicht wird. Während der Arbeit zeigte sich, dass Verspannungen in den freitragenden InPSchichten die Funktionsweise der mikrooptischen Filter stark beeinflussen bzw. behindern. Insbesondere eine Unterätzung der Haltepfosten und die daraus resultierende Verbiegung der Ecken an denen sich die Verbindungsbrücken befinden, führte zu enormen vertikalen Membranverschiebungen, welche die Filtereigenschaften verändern. Um optimale Ergebnisse zu erreichen, muss eine weitere Verbesserung der Epitaxie erfolgen. Jedoch konnten durch den zusätzlichen Einsatz einer speziellen Schutzmaske die Unterätzung der Haltepfosten und damit starke vertikale Verformungen reduziert werden. Die aus der Verspannung resultierenden Verformungen und die Reaktion einzelner freistehender InP Schichten auf eine angelegte Gleich- oder Wechselspannung wurde detailliert untersucht. Mittels Weisslichtinterferometrie wurden lateral identische Strukturen verglichen, die aus unterschiedlich dicken InP-Schichten (357nm bzw. 1065nm) bestehen. Einen weiteren Hauptteil der Arbeit stellen Siliziumnitrid / Luftspaltfilter dar, welche auf einem neuen, im Rahmen dieser Dissertation entwickelten, technologischen Ansatz basieren. Die Filter bestehen aus zwei Braggspiegeln, die jeweils aus fünf 590nm dicken, freistehenden Siliziumnitridschichten aufgebaut sind und einem Abstand von 390nm untereinander aufweisen. Die Filter wurden auf Glassubstraten hergestellt. Der Herstellungsprozess ist jedoch auch mit vielen anderen Materialien oder Prozessen kompatibel, so dass z.B. eine Integration mit anderen Bauelemente relativ leicht möglich ist. Die Prozesse dieser ebenfalls oberflächenmikromechanisch hergestellten Filter wurden konsequent auf niedrige Herstellungskosten optimiert. Als Opferschichtmaterial wurde hier amorph abgeschiedenes Silizium verwendet. Der Herstellungsprozess beinhaltet die Abscheidung verspannungsoptimierter Schichten (Silizium und Siliziumnitrid) mittels PECVD, die laterale Strukturierung per reaktiven Ionenätzen mit den Gasen SF6 / CHF3 / Ar sowie Fotolack als Maske, die nasschemische Unterätzung der Opferschichten mittels KOH und das Kritisch-Punkt-Trocken der Proben. Die Ergebnisse der optischen Charakterisierung der Filter zeigen eine hohe Ü bereinstimmung zwischen den experimentell ermittelten Daten und den korrespondierenden theoretischen Modellrechnungen. Weisslichtinterferometermessungen der freigeätzten Strukturen zeigen ebene Filterschichten und bestätigen die hohe vertikale Positioniergenauigkeit, die mit diesem technologischen Ansatz erreicht werden kann.


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-Status report on June Executive Board commitments -Enterprise-level LESAT Beta Version -Detailed-level LESAT Development Plan -Industry and government participation and support requirements -Resource Needs -Executive Board decision on proposed next steps


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This work shows the use of adaptation techniques involved in an e-learning system that considers students' learning styles and students' knowledge states. The mentioned e-learning system is built on a multiagent framework designed to examine opportunities to improve the teaching and to motivate the students to learn what they want in a user-friendly and assisted environment


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Background: Medication errors are an important cause of morbidity and mortality in primary care. The aims of this study are to determine the effectiveness, cost effectiveness and acceptability of a pharmacist-led information-technology-based complex intervention compared with simple feedback in reducing proportions of patients at risk from potentially hazardous prescribing and medicines management in general (family) practice. Methods: Research subject group: "At-risk" patients registered with computerised general practices in two geographical regions in England. Design: Parallel group pragmatic cluster randomised trial. Interventions: Practices will be randomised to either: (i) Computer-generated feedback; or (ii) Pharmacist-led intervention comprising of computer-generated feedback, educational outreach and dedicated support. Primary outcome measures: The proportion of patients in each practice at six and 12 months post intervention: - with a computer-recorded history of peptic ulcer being prescribed non-selective non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - with a computer-recorded diagnosis of asthma being prescribed beta-blockers - aged 75 years and older receiving long-term prescriptions for angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors or loop diuretics without a recorded assessment of renal function and electrolytes in the preceding 15 months. Secondary outcome measures; These relate to a number of other examples of potentially hazardous prescribing and medicines management. Economic analysis: An economic evaluation will be done of the cost per error avoided, from the perspective of the UK National Health Service (NHS), comparing the pharmacist-led intervention with simple feedback. Qualitative analysis: A qualitative study will be conducted to explore the views and experiences of health care professionals and NHS managers concerning the interventions, and investigate possible reasons why the interventions prove effective, or conversely prove ineffective. Sample size: 34 practices in each of the two treatment arms would provide at least 80% power (two-tailed alpha of 0.05) to demonstrate a 50% reduction in error rates for each of the three primary outcome measures in the pharmacist-led intervention arm compared with a 11% reduction in the simple feedback arm. Discussion: At the time of submission of this article, 72 general practices have been recruited (36 in each arm of the trial) and the interventions have been delivered. Analysis has not yet been undertaken.