762 resultados para rituals - play and games


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Relatório da Prática Profissional Supervisionada Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar


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In the present longitudinal study, we investigated attachment quality in Portuguese mother–infant and in father–infant dyads, and evaluated whether attachment quality was related to parental sensitivity during parent–infant social interaction or to the amount of time each parent spent with the infant during play and in routine caregiving activities (e.g., feeding, bathing, play). The sample consisted of 82 healthy full-term infants (30 girls, 53 boys, 48 first born), and their mothers and fathers from mostly middle-class households. To assess parental sensitivity, mothers and fathers were independently observed during free play interactions with their infants when infants were 9 and 15 months old. The videotaped interactions were scored by masked coders using the Crittenden’s CARE-Index. When infants were 12 and 18 months old, mother–infant and father–infant dyads were videotaped during an adaptation of Ainsworth’s Strange Situation. Parents also described their level of involvement in infant caregiving activities using a Portuguese version of the McBride and Mills Parent Responsibility Scale. Mothers were rated as being more sensitive than fathers during parent–infant free play at both 9 and 15 months. There also was a higher prevalence of secure attachment in mother–infant versus father–infant dyads at both 12 and 18 months. Attachment security was predicted by the amount of time mothers and fathers were involved in caregiving and play with the infant, and with parents’ behavior during parent–infant free play.


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Past studies found three types of infant coping behaviour during Face-to-Face Still-Face paradigm (FFSF): a Positive Other-Directed Coping; a Negative Other-Directed Coping and a Self-Directed Coping. In the present study, we investigated whether those types of coping styles are predicted by: infants’ physiological responses; maternal representations of their infant’s temperament; maternal interactive behaviour in free play; and infant birth and medical status. The sample consisted of 46, healthy, prematurely born infants and their mothers. At one month, infant heart rate was collected in basal. At three months old (corrected age), infant heart-rate was registered during FFSF episodes. Mothers described their infants’ temperament using a validated Portuguese temperament scale, at infants three months of corrected age. As well, maternal interactive behaviour was evaluated during a free play situation using CARE-Index. Our findings indicate that positive coping behaviours were correlated with gestational birth weight, heart rate (HR), gestational age, and maternal sensitivity in free play. Gestational age and maternal sensitivity predicted Positive Other-Direct Coping behaviours. Moreover, Positive Other-Direct coping was negatively correlated with HR during Still-Face Episode. Self-directed behaviours were correlated with HR during Still-Face Episode and Recover Episode and with maternal controlling/intrusive behaviour. However, only maternal behaviour predicted Self-direct coping. Early social responses seem to be affected by infants’ birth status and by maternal interactive behaviour. Therefore, internal and external factors together contribute to infant ability to cope and to re-engage after stressful social events.


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This essay aims to confront the literary text Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë with five of its screen adaptations and Portuguese subtitles. Owing to the scope of the study, it will necessarily afford merely a bird‘s eye view of the issues and serve as a starting point for further research. Accordingly, the following questions are used as guidelines: What transformations occur in the process of adapting the original text to the screen? Do subtitles update the film dialogues to the target audience‘s cultural and linguistic context? Are subtitles influenced more by oral speech than by written literary discourse? Shouldn‘t subtitles in fact reflect the poetic function prevalent in screen adaptations of literary texts? Rather than attempt to answer these questions, we focus on the objects as phenomena. Our interdisciplinary undertaking clearly involves a semio-pragmatic stance, at this stage trying to avoid theoretical backdrops that may affect our apprehension of the objects as to their qualities, singularities, and conventional traits, based on Lucia Santaella‘s interpretation of Charles S. Peirce‘s phaneroscopy. From an empirical standpoint, we gather features and describe peculiarities, under the presumption that there are substrata in subtitling that point or should point to the literary source text, albeit through the mediation of a film script and a particular cinematic style. Therefore, we consider how the subtitling process may be influenced by the literary intertext, the idiosyncrasies of a particular film adaptation, as well as the socio-cultural context of the subtitler and target audience. First, we isolate one of the novel‘s most poignant scenes – ‗I am Heathcliff‘ – taking into account its symbolic play and significance in relation to character and plot construction. Secondly, we study American, English, French, and Mexican adaptations of the excerpt into film in terms of intersemiotic transformations. Then we analyze differences between the film dialogues and their Portuguese subtitles.


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Mestrado em Engenharia Informática - Área de Especialização em Sistemas Gráficos e Multimédia


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Master Thesis Presented at Instituto de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto for obtaining the Master’s degree in Digital Marketing under the supervision of Professor José de Freitas Santos


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O desenvolvimento e proliferação de equipamentos e produtos multimédia, permitindo a combinação de som, imagem e texto despoletou a emergência de novos estímulos que se associam a sensações, novas formas de interagir, de comunicar e também de brincar e aprender. Jogar e brincar são excelentes fontes de estímulos, principalmente para as crianças, pois potenciam a evolução da lógica, do raciocínio, das associações e da capacidade de escolha. No contexto dos jogos, decorrente da evolução tecnológica, o mercado dos jogos digitais tem vindo a expandir-se consideravelmente, nomeadamente na área dos jogos educativos. Os jogos educativos baseados em contos infantis permitem um enriquecimento de experiências, de capacidades sequenciais de lógica e promovem a apetência da criança para fantasiar num mundo paralelo. No entanto, do nosso ponto de vista, o mercado dos jogos digitais ainda tem um longo caminho a percorrer para fornecer de forma equilibrada este tipo de jogos educativos. Com este trabalho abordam-se as potencialidades que os jogos educativos baseados em contos infantis podem ter no desenvolvimento de algumas competências das crianças, nomeadamente através da análise das suas vantagens e dos seus aspetos negativos. O mercado dos jogos digitais é também analisado para determinar os seus contributos e as ideias principais presentes. A componente prática deste trabalho de mestrado contempla a criação de um jogo educativo baseado em contos infantis que corresponda aos interesses das crianças entre os 3 e os 5 anos de idade, e que fomente o desenvolvimento de algumas das suas competências a nível da linguagem. Os testes feitos com o protótipo do jogo permitem aferir a recetividade por parte das crianças. A simplicidade no manuseamento da aplicação e o facto de integrar histórias do imaginário infantil consideram-se fatores positivos e motivadores à utilização do jogo “Contos Baralhados: Brinca com as Histórias”.


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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We investigate the determinants of giving in a lab-in-the-field experiment with large stakes. Study participants in urban Mozambique play dictator games where their counterpart is the closest person to them outside their household. Dictators share more with counterparts when they have the option of giving in kind (in the form of goods), compared to giving that must be in cash. Qualitative post-experiment responses suggest that this effect is driven by a desire to control how recipients use gifted resources. Standard economic determinants such as the rate of return to giving and the size of the endowment also affect giving, but the effects of even large changes in these determinants are significantly smaller than the effect of the in-kind option. Our results support theories of giving where the utility of givers depends on the composition (not just the level) of gift-recipient expenditures, and givers thus seek control over transferred resources.


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From a narratological perspective, this paper aims to address the theoretical issues concerning the functioning of the so called «narrative bifurcation» in data presentation and information retrieval. Its use in cyberspace calls for a reassessment as a storytelling device. Films have shown its fundamental role for the creation of suspense. Interactive fiction and games have unveiled the possibility of plots with multiple choices, giving continuity to cinema split-screen experiences. Using practical examples, this paper will show how this storytelling tool returns to its primitive form and ends up by conditioning cloud computing interface design.


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Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Estudos Ingleses e Norte Americanos


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Field Lab in Entrepreneurial Innovative Ventures


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Childhood’s overweight and obesity are a worrying issue in the world nowadays. The purpose of this study was to provide contributions to the promotion of healthy food by analyzing the impact of physical activity, parents’ influence and home meals frequency on children’s food choices. Structured questionnaires were used and were answered by 172 children between 10 and 14 years old and by their respective parents. Children and parents preferred healthy food vs. non-healthy food presenting the children’s healthy food choices a mean of 4.26 and the parent’s healthy food choices a mean of 4.47 in a scale ranging from 0 to 6. Our results also show that physical activity, parent’s education and home meals frequency did not have an impact on children’s food choices, contrasting to the sedentary behavior and parents’ choices which had a negative and positive correlation, respectively, with children’s food choices. Taking these results into account and using them to advise parents and companies, we underline that parents must guarantee an adequate children’s nutrition after doing physical efforts and control the time children watch TV and play computer games and companies may create marketing campaigns and educational programs in order to promote healthy food, improve children’s eating habits and reduce the childhood obesity prevalence.


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"Published online: 15 Sep 2015."


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Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências da Educação (Especialidade em Tecnologia Educativa)