142 resultados para nordiska rättssystem
Since begging East European Roma became a common view in the streets of larger Nordic cities, vivid discussions about their presence and activities have been carried out in the mass media. This thesis examines the public debates in Finland and Norway through a discursive analysis and comparison of press content from the two countries. The aim of the study is firstly to identify the prominent discourses which construct certain images of the beggars, as well as the elements and internal logics that these discourses are constructed around. But in addition to scrutinizing representations of the Roma, also an opposite perspective is applied. In accordance with the theoretical concept of ‘othering’, debates about ‘them’ are assumed to simultaneously reveal something significant about ‘us’. The second research question is thus what kind of images of the ideal Finnish and Norwegian societies are reflected in the data, and which societal values are salient in these images. The analysis comprises 79 texts printed in the main Finnish and Norwegian quality newspapers; Helsingin Sanomat and Aftenposten. The data consists of news articles, editorials, columns and letters to the editor from a three-month period in the summer of 2010. The analysis was carried out within the theoretical and methodological framework of critical discourse analysis as outlined by Norman Fairclough. A customized nine-step coding scheme was developed in order to reach the most central dimensions of the texts. Seven main discourses were identified; the Deprivation-solidarity, Human rights, Order, Crime, Space and majority reactions, Authority control, and Authority critique discourse. These were grouped into two competing normative stances on what an ideal society looks like; the exclusionary and the inclusionary stance. While the exclusionary stance places the begging Roma within a frame of crime, illegitimate use of public space and threat to the social order, the other advocates an attitude of solidarity and humanitarian values. The analysis points to a dominance of the former, although it is challenged by the latter. The Roma are “individualized” by quoting and/or presenting them by name in a fair part of the Finnish news articles. In Norway, the opposite is true; there the beggars are dominantly presented as anonymous and passive. Overall, the begging Roma are subjected to a double bind as they are faced with simultaneous expectations of activity and passivity. Theories relating to moral panics and ‘the good enemy’ provide for a deepened understanding of the intensity of the debates. Keywords: East European Roma, begging, media, newspapers, Helsingin Sanomat, Aftenposten, critical discourse analysis, Norman Fairclough, othering, ideal society, moral panics, good enemy, double bind, Finland, Norway
This dissertation examines how Finnish-speaking children learn Swedish in an immersion kindergarten where the method of Canadian immersion is used. Within the framework of conversation analysis, this study explores how second language learning is situated in interaction and evidenced in the participants´ verbal and non-verbal behavior. The database consists of 40 hours of videotaped data collected in naturally occurring situations in a group of 15 four-year-old children during the first two years of their immersion. Due to the immersion method, all the children share the same L1, in this case Finnish, and the teachers understand Finnish. However, they speak only Swedish to the children in all situations and Swedish is learned in interaction without formal teaching. The aim of the study is to discover how the children´s second language competence gradually increases when they participate in interaction with the Swedish-speaking teachers. The study also sheds light on the methodological question of how second language learning can be analyzed with the method of conversation analysis. The focus is on showing how the second language is learned in interaction, especially on how learning is achieved collaboratively. In this study, the emerging second language competence is explored by investigating how the children show understanding of the teachers´ non-verbal and verbal actions during the first and the second semester of the immersion. The children´s use of Swedish is analyzed by investigating how they recycle lexical items and later even syntactic structures from the teachers´ Swedish turns. The results show that the teachers´ actions are largely understood by the children even at the beginning of the immersion. The analyzes of the children´s responsive turns reveal that they interpret the teachers´ turns on the basis of non-verbal cues at first. Especially at the beginning of the immersion, the participants orient to the progress of interaction and not to problems in understanding. Even in situations where the next actions show that the children do not understand what is said, they tend to display understanding rather than non-understanding. This behavior changes, however, when the children´s competence in their second language increases. At the second semester, the children both show understanding of the teachers´ verbal turns and also display their non-understanding by initiating repair when they do not understand. Understanding of the teachers´ verbal turns, including their syntactic structure, is manifested in the ways the children tie their turns to the teachers´ turns. Recycling, on the other hand, proves to be the way by which the children start to speak the second language. In this study, the children´s common L1 is evidenced to be an important resource in interaction. It allows the children to participate in their individual ways and to share their experiences both with each other and with the teachers. It also enables them to co-construct conversations that lead to collaborative learning. Moreover, the uninhibited use of L1 proves to be an important analytic tool that makes the immersion data especially fruitful for conversation analytic research on second language learning, since the children´s interpretations of the second language are in evidence even when they do not speak the second language.
This study describes the use of utterances ending in the conjunctions "ja" (‘and’), "mutta" (‘but’) or "että" (‘that’/‘so’) in Finnish conversation. It argues that in spoken interaction, these conjunctions are not only used as linking elements but also as final elements in interactional and linguistic units. In contrast to more traditional views, the study shows that final conjunctions do not always indicate incompleteness or project continuation, but that they can also form recognizable points for turn-transition. In these contexts they can be reanalyzed as final particles that leave some aspect of the turn implicit. The data for the study consist of audio-taped telephone conversations and videotaped service encounters. Situated within the framework of conversation analysis and interactional linguistics, the study discusses the interactional uses of conjunction-final turns and their recognizability as possibly complete units in talk-in-interaction. The analysis of conjunction-final utterances focuses on 1) participant orientation, and 2) their recurrent contexts of use. The results show that the recipients of conjunction-final utterances often treat them as sufficient and complete in their contexts by displaying understanding or agreement. When the same speaker continues after a pause, it is not always clear that the continuation was "planned" in advance; it can also be reactive to lack of expected uptake. In these cases, a turn can be analyzed as potentially complete even if the same speaker decides to continue after a pause. In the light of these observations, the study confirms the incremental nature of spoken language. All the final conjunctions under examination have recurrent and recognizable contexts of use. Most typically, a conjunction-final utterance is produced in the service of some earlier claim by the same speaker. The conjunction-final utterance may 1) specify the earlier claim with a detailing list ("ja"), 2) legitimize it by presenting grounds ("että") or 3) partly back down from it by making a concession ("mutta"). Together with the earlier claim, conjunction-final utterances form recognizable discourse patterns that are used for argumentative purposes. In these contexts, conjunctions are used to relinquish the floor instead of functioning as turn-holding devices. In conclusion, the study discusses the emergence of conjunctions as final particles – how their development can be explained. Conjunction-type final particles emerge from recurring situations in which the future course of the conjunction-final turn-so-far is clear enough to remain unsaid, to be left to inference. More specifically, this ability to leave something to inference often lies in the fixed discourse patterns that are conventionalized and predictable and thus reducible.
The study describes and analyzes Finland Swedes attitudes to modern-day linguistic influence, the relationship between informants explicitly reported views and the implicit attitudes they express towards language influence. The methods are primarily sociolinguistic. For the analysis of opinions and attitudes I have further developed and tested a new tool in attitude research. With statistical correlation analysis of data collected through a quantitative survey I describe the views that Swedish-language Finns (N=500) report on the influence of English, on imports, and on domain loss. With experimental matchedguise techniques, I study Finland-Swedes (N=600) subconscious reactions to English imports in spoken text. My results show that the subconscious reactions in some respects differ markedly from the views informants explicitly report that they have: informants respond that they would like English words that come into Swedish to be replaced by Swedish replacement words, but in a matched-guise test on their subconscious attitudes, the informants consider English words in a Swedish context to have a positive effect. The topic is further dealt with in interviews where I examine 36 informants implicit attitudes through interactional sociolinguistic analyses. This study comes close to pragmatic discourse analysis in its focus on pragmatic particles and modality. The study makes a rather strict distinction between explicitly expressed opinions and implicit, subconscious attitudes. The quantitative analyses suggest that the opinions we express can be tied to the explicit in language. The outcome of the matched-guise test shows that it is furthermore possible to find subconscious, implicit attitudes that people in actual situations rely on when they make decisions. The discourse analysis finds many subconscious signals, but it also shows that the signals arise in interaction with one s interlocutor, the situation, and the norms in the society. To account for this I have introduced the concept of socioconscious attitude. Socioconscious attitudes reflect not only the traditions and values the utterer grew up with, but also the speaker s relation to the social situation (s)he takes part in.
Päivikin sadusta Metsolan lapsiin : Aili Somersalon lastenkirjojen nimistö 1910-luvulta 1950-luvulle
Tutkielmassa selvitetään, millaiset piirteet ovat tyypillisiä Aili Somersalon kirjoittamien satuteosten nimistölle. Tarkasteltavana on 274 nimeä, jotka on poimittu kymmenestä Somersalon vuosina 1918 1951 julkaistusta lastenkirjasta. Nimiaineisto on jaettu kuuteen eri kategoriaan: ihmisten nimiin, eläinten nimiin, kuvitteellisiin nimiin, fantastisten satuolentojen nimiin, paikannimiin ja lainanimiin. Tutkielmassa keskitytään nimien rakenteellisten piirteiden ja funktioiden erittelyyn. Tämän lisäksi pohditaan, kuinka nimet ovat motivoituneet ja muuttuuko kirjailijan nimenanto vuosikymmenten aikana. Tutkielmassa sivutaan myös nimen ja nimityksen välistä rajaa sekä kyseenalaistetaan iso alkukirjain proprin tunnusmerkkinä kaunokirjallisessa kontekstissa. Aineiston nimille tyypillisiä rakenteellisia piirteitä ovat yksinimisyys, yhdysnimirakenne ja nimien kaksiosaisuus, appellatiivisuus ja adjektiivien esiintyminen nimenä tai nimenosana, johtimien käyttö sekä erilaiset äänteelliset piirteet. Nimen perustehtävän, identifioinnin, lisäksi aineiston nimet pyrkivät kuvailemaan, luokittelemaan ja lokalisoimaan tarkoitteitaan. Vuosikymmenten aikana teosten nimimäärä kasvaa maltillisesti. Teosten sisältämissä konventionaalisissa nimissä näkyy kulloisenkin vuosikymmenen nimimuoti. Merkillepantavaa on myös teoksissa esiintyvä hahmojen samanimisyys. Mielenkiintoisen lisän analyysiin tuovat aineiston lainanimet, jotka ovat peräisin paitsi universaalista satuperinteestä, myös suomalaisesta kansanmytologiasta ja Kalevalasta. Kansallisromanttisuus näkyy myös teoksiin valikoituneissa konventionaalisissa nimissä, joista suuri osa on omakielisiä. Kirjailija on lainannut teoksiinsa nimiä myös omasta elämänpiiristään. Somersalon nimenmuodostus nojaa vahvasti leksikkoon. Aineiston nimien ja nimitysten välinen raja ei ole yksiselitteinen, ja aineiston voikin luonnehtia koostuvan nimityksen kaltaisista nimistä ja nimen kaltaisista nimityksistä. Kaiken kaikkiaan aineiston nimet ovat hyvin informatiivisia, tarkoitteen fyysisiä tai mentaalisia ominaisuuksia kuvailevia, ja toimivat olennaisena osana tarinankerrontaa. Nimet kielivät kirjailijan kannattamasta ideologiasta, ja kytkeytyvät siten myös reaalimaailmaan. Vaikka kirjailijan nimenanto on osin huolimatonta, on se silti selvästi harkittua. Aili Somersalon luoma nimimaisema on omalakinen ja tunnistettava.
Tutkielmassa käsitellään Maria Vaaran (1931 1992) omaelämäkerrallista teossarjaa sekä Vaaran kirjoittamisen terapeuttisia funktioita. Teoksissaan Vaara kuvaa parantumistaan skitsofreniaksi luokitellusta psyykkisestä sairaudesta ja masennuksesta luovan kirjoittamisen sekä psykoterapian avulla. Vaaran kirjoitus lähestyy psykoanalyyttisia teorioita kirjoittamisen terapeuttisista vaikutuksista, mutta myös jälkistrukturalistisia näkemyksiä tekstistä prosessinalaisena, kumouksellisena käytäntönä. Tutkielman keskeiset teoriat tulevat psykoanalyytikko, kielitieteilijä Julia Kristevalta sekä psykoanalyyttisesta ja jälkistrukturalistisesta perinteestä, ja näiden teoreettisten lähestymistapojen avulla tarkastellaan omaelämäkerrallisen kirjoittamisen, subjektiuden sekä kielen ja kirjoittamisen toisiinsa limittyviä teemoja Vaaran tuotannossa. Vaaran omaelämäkerrallinen kirjoittaminen paljastuu tutkielmassa yhtäaikaisesti subjektiutta eheyttäväksi ja hajottavaksi toiminnaksi. Vaaran teokset osoittavat, miten minuus rakentuu erilaisten samastumisten ja erottautumisten kautta, psykoottisten kuvitelmien, hallusinaatioiden ja paranoidien kuvitelmien täyttäessä tekstin. Kirjoittaminen kohtaa ongelman merkityksen epäyhtenevyydestä: siitä, ettei sanoilla koskaan voida täysin tavoittaa omia psykofyysisia kokemuksia tai välittää niitä toisille ihmisille. Kuitenkin Vaaran teosten Maria kirjoittaa kaiken aikaa ja luo kokemuksellisia suhteita toisiin. Mielikuvitus, kirjallisuus ja kirjoittaminen muodostavat avoimen psyykkisen tilan, jossa minuutta voidaan rakentaa. Kirjoittaminen osoittautuu lopulta käytännöksi, jossa esteettinen, terapeuttinen ja eettinen nivoutuvat yhteen. Vaaran teosten Marian harjoittama minuuden analyysi tarjoaa mahdollisuuksia käsitellä vierauden ja toiseuden ilmenemistä omassa itsessä ilmiö, joka Julia Kristevan mukaan mahdollistaa myös niiden todellisten toisten ymmärtämisen, joiden parissa elämme. Vaaran teokset kyseenalaistavat jaottelun terveisiin ja sairaisiin , ne rikkovat toden ja fiktion välisiä rajoja ja käsitystä minuudesta yhtenä ja eheänä. Vaaran tuotanto ei olekaan ainoastaan kuvaus skitsofreniasta ja sen kielestä, vaan siitä, miten minuus ja ilmaisu ylipäänsä rakentuvat suhteessa toisiin ja miten psyykkinen elämä on riippuvaista avoimuudesta erilaisille katkoksille ja murtumille.
Modal cohesion and subordination. The Finnish conditional and jussive moods in comparison to the French subjunctive This study examines verb moods in subordinate clauses in French and Finnish. The first part of the analysis deals with the syntax and semantics of the French subjunctive, mood occurring mostly in subordinate positions. The second part investigates Finnish verb moods. Although subordinate positions in Finnish grammar have no special finite verb form, certain uses of Finnish verb moods have been compared to those of subjunctives and conjunctives in other languages. The present study focuses on the subordinate uses of the Finnish conditional and jussive (i.e. the third person singular and plural of the imperative mood). The third part of the analysis discusses the functions of subordinate moods in contexts beyond complex sentences. The data used for the analysis include 1834 complex sentences gathered from newspapers, online discussion groups and blog texts, as well as audio-recorded interviews and conversations. The data thus consist of both written and oral texts as well as standard and non-standard variants. The analysis shows that the French subjunctive codes theoretical modality. The subjunctive does not determine the temporal and modal meaning of the event, but displays the event as virtual. In a complex sentence, the main clause determines the temporal and modal space within which the event coded by the subjunctive clause is interpreted. The subjunctive explicitly indicates that the space constructed in the main clause extends its scope over the subordinate clause. The subjunctive can therefore serve as a means for creating modal cohesion in the discourse. The Finnish conditional shares the function of making explicit the modal link between the components of a complex construction with the French subjunctive, but the two moods differ in their semantics. The conditional codes future time and can therefore occur only in non-factual or counterfactual contexts, whereas the event expressed by French subjunctive clauses can also be interpreted as realized. Such is the case when, for instance, generic and habitual meaning is involved. The Finnish jussive mood is used in a relatively limited number of subordinate clause types, but in these contexts its modal meaning is strikingly close to that of the French subjunctive. The permissive meaning, typical of the jussive in main clause positions, is modified in complex sentences so that it entails inter-clausal relation, namely concession. Like the French subjunctive, the jussive codes theoretical modal meaning with no implication of the truth value of the proposition. Finally, the analysis shows that verb moods mark modal cohesion, not only on the syntagmatic level (namely in complexe sentences), but also on the paradigmatic axis of discourse in order to create semantic links over entire segments of talk. In this study, the subjunctive thus appears, not as an empty category without function, as it is sometimes described, but as an open form that conveys the temporal and modal meanings emerging from the context.