940 resultados para motor skills


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The Growth, Learning and Development (GLAD) study aimed to examine how a broad range of factors influence child weight during the first year of life. Assessments were undertaken within a multidisciplinary team framework. The sample was drawn from the community and data collection was undertaken in the four Greater Belfast Trusts. Twohundred and thirty-four families took part, each receiving a total of five home visits during which physical growth, oral-motor skills and development were assessed. Psychosocial evaluation examined parent-child interaction, feeding and other parental and child characteristics using quantitative and observational techniques. This paper outlines the main findings and recommendations from the GLAD study.


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This study investigated the relationship between a chronometric estimate of automaticity for the spelling of French words (Automaticity) and performance on four tests of French language attainment among a sample of Year 11 students of French as a foreign language. Fifty participants each completed a computerized test of French spelling and attainment tests in four aspects of French language learning: reading comprehension, writing fluency, oral fluency, and aural comprehension. Correlations were significant between Automaticity and performance on all four tests of French language attainment as well as on overall attainment.


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To evaluate how involvement in life situations (participation) in children with cerebral palsy varies with type and severity of impairment and to investigate geographical variation in participation.

Cross sectional study. Trained interviewers visited parents of children with cerebral palsy; multilevel multivariable regression related participation to impairments, pain, and sociodemographic characteristics.

Eight European regions with population registers of children with cerebral palsy; one further region recruited children from multiple sources.

1174 children aged 8-12 with cerebral palsy randomly selected from the population registers, 743 (63%) joined in the study; the further region recruited 75 children.

Main outcome measure
Children’s participation assessed by the Life-H questionnaire covering 10 main areas of daily life. Scoring ignored adaptations or assistance required for participation.

Children with pain and those with more severely impaired walking, fine motor skills, communication, and intellectual abilities had lower participation across most domains. Type of cerebral palsy and problems with feeding and vision were associated with lower participation for specific domains, but the sociodemographic factors examined were not. Impairment and pain accounted for up to a sixth of the variation in participation. Participation on all domains varied substantially between regions: children in east Denmark had consistently higher participation than children in other regions. For most participation domains, about a third of the unexplained variation could be ascribed to variation between regions and about two thirds to variation between individuals.

Participation in children with cerebral palsy should be assessed in clinical practice to guide intervention and assess its effect. Pain should be carefully assessed. Some European countries facilitate participation better than others, implying some countries could make better provision. Legislation and regulation should be directed to ensuring this happens.


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Background: Previous research has produced conflicting results regarding the effects of season of birth and age-position on cognitive attainments. In Northern Ireland the school year divides the summer season into two providing an opportunity to evaluate the relative contribution of season of birth and age-position effects. Aims: To investigate the relationship between attainment in literacy skills and month of birth for primary and secondary school pupils and to determine the relationship between motor skills and month of birth in primary school pupils. Sample: One thousand one hundred and twenty four primary school pupils participated, and results for key stage 3 (KS3) English and GCSE English Language, for 3,493 Year 10 and 3,697 Year 12 secondary school pupils, respectively, were obtained. Method: Primary school pupils were individually assessed using standardised reading and spelling tests, as well as tests of motor skill. They were also assessed using a standardised group reading test in their class groups. For the secondary school pupils, the results for two year cohorts, in KS3 English and GCSE English language, respectively, were analysed. Results: For the primary school pupils there was evidence of both a season of birth and an age-position effect on all of the cognitive measures, particularly in the early years of schooling. There was, also, evidence of a significant age-position effect at both KS3 and GCSE in favour of the older pupils. For the younger primary school pupils there was evidence of significant age-position effects on both motor measures. Conclusions: The findings from the present study suggest that month of birth may be related to both season of birth and age-position effects. These effects may be compounded, particularly in the early years of primary school, when summer born children are youngest in their year, as in England. In Northern Ireland, age-position effects are also evident in secondary school public examination results, which may have implications for long-term life choices. © 2009 The British Psychological Society.


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Absence of leftward bias in a line bisection task is often used as a clinical hemispheric indicator, but the effect is not uniform in a normal population. Sex, handedness, and strategy variables affect the strength and direction of any bias.


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A 1983-1985 theory by Mitchell and Power predicts that, when rotating rectangles undergo certain kinds of speed fluctuation, they should appear to reverse just as trapezia do. The prediction is partially confirmed. One of two 'mimic' rectangles underwent apparent reversals more often than a control rectangle undergoing even rotation and in the same places as rotating trapezia. However, its reversal frequency was less than those of the trapezia, and a second 'mimic' showed an inappropriate distribution of reversals round the cycle. These anomalies call for some modification to Mitchell and Power's theory, but minor qualifications may be sufficient.


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Applied behaviour analysis (ABA)-based programmes are endorsed as the gold standard for treatment of children with autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) in most of North America. This is not the case in most of Europe, where instead a non-specified 'eclectic' approach is adopted. We explored the social validity of ABA-based interventions with 15 European families who had experience with home-based, mainly self-managed, ABA-based programmes for their own child/ren with ASD. The results of the study highlighted the overwhelmingly positive impact that ABA-based interventions had on their children in areas such as social skills, challenging behaviour, communication, gross and fine motor skills, concentration, interaction, independence, overall quality of life and, most importantly, a feeling of hope for the future. Implications for European policy on ASD are discussed. © 2013 NASEN.


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Fahrradfahren ist für viele Menschen ein wichtiger Mobilitätsfaktor. Sie können sich mit eigener Kraft in einem Umkreis von mehreren Kilometern bewegen. Im Alter wird das Fahrradfahren jedoch durch nachlassende Kraft und eingeschränkte Motorik zum Gleichgewichthalten eingeschränkt. Erschwerend kommt hinzu, dass diese Personen aus Vorsicht in der Regel kleinere Fahrgeschwindigkeiten bevorzugen. Bei niedrigen Geschwindigkeiten nimmt aber die Gleichgewichtsstabilität des Fahrrads ab und der Fahrer muss intensiver mit dem Lenker das Gleichgewicht kontrollieren. Moderne E-Bikes können die nachlassende körperliche Kraft kompensieren. Es bleibt aber das Problem des Gleichgewichthaltens beim Radfahren. Im folgenden Beitrag wird die Gleichgewichtsregelung von Fahrädern betrachtet. Dabei werden verschiedene Möglichkeiten der Gleichgewichtsregelung behandelt. Die Beurteilung der Verfahren erfolgt anhand der Stabilität und der Eigenschwingungen des geregelten Systems. Besonderes Augenmerk wird dabei auf die Stabilisierung des Bereichs geringer Fahrgeschwindigkeiten gelegt, da mit der nachlassenden Motorik oft auch eher geringere Fahrgeschwindigkeiten gewählt werden.


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Tese de doutoramento, Belas-Artes (Desenho), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Belas-Artes, 2016


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The brain-sex theory of occupational choice suggests that males and females in male-typical careers show a male pattern of cognitive ability in terms of better spatial than verbal performance on cognitive tests with the reverse pattern for females and males in female-typical careers, These differences are thought to result from patterns of cerebral functional lateralisation. This study Sought Such occupationally related effects using synonym generation (verbal ability) and mental rotation (spatial ability) tasks used previously. It also used entrants to these careers as participants to examine whether patterns of cognitive abilities might predate explicit training and practice. Using a population of entrants to sex-differentiated University Courses, a moderate occupational effect on the synonym generation task was found, along with a weak (p<.10) sex effect on the mental rotation task. Highest performance on the mental rotation task was by female Students in fashion design, a female-dominated occupation which makes substantial visuospatial demands and attracts many students with literacy problems such as dyslexia. This group then appears to be a counterexample to the brain-sex theory. However, methodological issues Surrounding previous Studies are highlighted: the simple synonym task appears to show limited discrimination of the sexes, leading to questions concerning the legitimacy of inferences about lateralisation based on scores from that test. Moreover, the human figure-based mental rotation task appears to tap the wrong aspect of visuospatial skill, likely to be needed for male-typical courses such as engineering, Since the fashion-clesign career is also one that attracts disproportionately many male students whose sexual orientation is homosexual, data were examined for evidence of female-typical patterns of cognitive performance among that subgroup. This was not found. This study therefore provides Do evidence for the claim that female-pattern cerebral functional lateralisation is likely in gay males.


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Objetivos: Pretende-se verificar as modificações neuromotoras após uma intervenção baseada no conceito de Bobath ao nível dos ajustes posturais durante o alcance funcional dos membros superiores, em três crianças com paralisia cerebral. Pretende-se também, verificar o efeito desta abordagem nas atividades e participação, bem como destacar os aspetos individuais das mesmas crianças com a capacidade de mudança após a intervenção. Metodologia: A avaliação foi realizada antes e três meses após a intervenção em fisioterapia segundo o conceito de Bobath. Optou-se por um registo observacional com uma Máquina Fotográfica Digital, um sistemas de Câmaras de Vídeo, uma Plataforma de Forças e, utilizaram-se ainda instrumentos como o Gross Motor Functional Measure– versão 88 itens, o Gross Motor Function Classification System, o Teste de Alcance Funcional Modificado e a ferramenta, Classificação Internacional de Funcionalidade, Incapacidade e Saúde – crianças e jovens. Resultados: Verificou-se um progresso nos ajustes posturais e na funcionalidade em geral, o que se repercutiu na restrição da participação e na limitação da actividade. A postura na posição de sentado, o deslocamento do centro de pressão, a capacidade de deslocamento no sentido anterior, bem como as capacidades motoras grosseiras modificaram-se em todas as crianças, tendo a criança B apresentado a maior e a criança A a menor capacidade de mudança após a intervenção. Conclusão: A intervenção segundo o Conceito de Bobath promoveu modificações neuromotoras, o que levaram a uma melhoria da funcionalidade geral, da mobilidade e do controlo postural da criança, refletindo-se nos ajustes posturais durante o alcance funcional dos membros superiores na posição de sentado. Verificou-se ainda, uma melhoria na restrição da participação e na limitação da actividade diária.


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Introdução: O controlo postural (CP), intimamente ligado aos limites de estabilidade, é fundamental nas atividades da vida diária e encontra-se comprometido após Acidente Vascular Encefálico (AVE). Objectivo: Descrever as alterações nos limites de estabilidade, na posição ortostática, em utentes com AVE, face à aplicação de um programa de intervenção baseado num processo de raciocínio clínico. Métodos: Estudo de série de casos, de três indivíduos com alterações do CP do tronco e/ou das grandes articulações, decorrentes de AVE, mas capazes de assumir e manter a posição ortostática. Para avaliar os limites de estabilidade foram utilizados a plataforma de pressões Emed (coordenadas do centro de pressão, COPx e COPy) e o MultidirectionalReachTest (MDRT). Foram também aplicadas, a Fugl-Meyer Assessmentof Sensoriomotor Recovery After Stroke (FMA) e a Berg Balance Scale (BBS). Os instrumentos de avaliação foram aplicados antes e após a intervenção (M0 e M1), de 8 semanas, baseada nos princípios do conceito de Bobath. Resultados: Os valores dos testes de alcance no MDRT aumentaram em todos os utentes. Os limites e os deslocamentos médio-lateral (COPx) e, ântero-posterior (COPy) dos valores do CPr aumentaram, entre M0 e M1. No que se refere à FMA e a BBS, verificou-se que todos apresentaram um aumento dos scores. Conclusão: Os utentes modificaram os seus limites de estabilidade no sentido do aumento, assim como, da função motora e do equilíbrio. Deste modo, a intervenção de acordo com os princípios do conceito de Bobath aparenta introduzir os estímulos necessários à reorganização funcional do sistema nervoso central lesado.


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Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências da Educação, Especialidade Intervenção Precoce


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Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Educação Especial – ramo de Problemas de Cognição e Multideficiência


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Mental practice is an internal reproduction of a motor act (whose intention is to promote learning and improving motor skills). Some studies have shown that other cognitive strategies also increase the strength and muscular resistance in healthy people by the enhancement of the performance during dynamic tasks. Mental training sessions may be primordial to improving muscle strength in different subjects. The aim of this study was to systematically review and meta-analiyze studies that assessed whether mental practice is effective in improving muscular strength. We conducted an electronic-computed search in Pub-Med/Medline and ISI Web of Knowledge, Scielo and manual searchs, searching papers written in English between 1991 and 2014. There were 44 studies in Pub-Med/Medline, 631 in ISI Web of Knowledge, 11 in Scielo and 3 in manual searchs databases. After exclusion of studies for duplicate, unrelated to the topic by title and summary, different samples and methodologies, a meta-analysis of 4 studies was carried out to identify the dose-response relationship. We did not find evidence that mental practice is effective in increasing strength in healthy individuals. There is no evidence that mental practice alone can be effective to induce strength gains or to optimize the training effects.