849 resultados para Scale development
This thesis contributes to the paucity of marketing research into the area of internal marketing. Drawing from knowledge developed in a diverse range of marketing and management literatures, the domaill of internal marketing is clarified Gild a new concept, internal market orientation is developed. A new instrument, measuring the internal market orientation, is developed and subjected to standard scale development procedures. Six dimensions of the construct are confirmed; collegial interaction, group interaction, jorlllal interaction, external envirollment, wage flexibility and job flexibility. A sample of 766 UK retail store managers are surveyed to identify levels of internal market orientation and external market orientation in large UK multi-product, multi-site retailers and the structural relationships between internal market orientation, extemal market orientation alld company performance are examined. The external market orientation construct is applied to the local retail market and established measurement instruments adapted to this pwpose. Three measures of performance are employed ill this study. The structural relationships between the six dimensions of internal market orientation and the three dimensions of external market orientation are examined employing structural equations methodology, using LISREL 8.3. alld the impact of internal market orientation Oil external market orientation and company performance is measured. The study finds no direct link between internal market orientation and financial performance but does identify the moderated role of internal market orientation on financial performance. Significant relationships between three of the six dimensions of internal market orientation and the three dimensions of external market orientation are identified and the impact of internal market orientation on the retention of employees and their behaviour is also identified. The research findings contribute to marketing theory by providing empirical evidence to support the long held assumption that internal marketing has an impact on marketing success and offers an explanation of the mechanism by which this influence operates. For marketing practitioners, the research findings offer additional information on which services marketing strategies may be formulated.
It is evident that empowerment is in widespread use as a management tool in international organisations. A comprehensive literature review identified that empowerment exists as two distinct constructs: relational empowerment and psychological empowerment. Building on this delineation, existing literature was used to develop a conceptual model of the antecedents and consequences of the two empowerment constructs. Furthermore, the impact of national culture was considered, resulting in a set of testable hypotheses concerning the cross-cultural differences in the relationships between empowerment and its antecedents and consequences. A quantitative study was undertaken to test the hypothesised conceptual model. Data were collected from India and the UK, via drop-off self-administered surveys from front-line employees of both an indigenous and multinational bank in the two cultures, achieving a total of 626 fully usable responses across the four samples. Rigorous scale development for all samples was undertaken and measurement invariance examined. Following this, the conceptual model was tested using latent variable path analysis. The results for the model were both encouraging and surprising. Similar results regarding the effects of relational empowerment and psychological empowerment were found across the two cultures. However, an examination of the antecedents to relational empowerment produced significantly different results across the cultures. Relational empowerment was found to have higher practical value as it had a significant positive effect on employee job satisfaction levels across both cultures.
Market oriented behaviours have been found to be important predictors of business success across a wide array of studies. Despite their potential importance, research into market oriented behaviours in the joint venture (JV) context is very scarce. This study represents a novel attempt to address this gap by examining a set of antecedent factors which arises from sources outside a traditional firm’s boundary. An extensive review and synthesis of the market orientation and JV literature yielded a set of context-specific antecedent factors relevant to the JV’s relational context. In accordance with the perspective offered by the transaction cost theory, a system of hypotheses about the effects of these antecedent factors on JV’s market oriented behaviours was developed. In order to test these hypotheses, empirical evidence was collected by means of a mail survey to international joint ventures operating in the coastal regions of mainland China. A sample of 191 JV firms was collected as a result. Following well established procedures for scale development and purification as recommended in the methodology literature, the scales were critically trimmed and reviewed for their psychometric properties. The conceptual model was tested with a structural equation model. Results suggested that a number of context-specific antecedents are in fact important determinants of JVs’ level of market oriented behaviours. In addition, the linkage between market oriented behaviours and market performance was also successfully established.
This volume brings together French and British scholars of France to analyse one of French politics' most intellectually compelling phenomena, the presidency of the republic. It examines the strengths and weaknesses of that leadership as well as the way that executive power has been established in the Fifth Republic; how presidential power and the subsequent full scale development of 'personality politics' developed within an essentially party-driven, democratic and, most importantly, republican system. Hence the authors in this volume examine the phenomenon of a strong presidency in the French republican framework. The individual chapters focus on the presidency and upon the individual presidents and the way in which they have addressed their own relation to the presidencies they presided over on top of a range of other factors informing their terms of office. A conclusion sums up and appraises the contemporary role of the French presidency within the party system and the republic. The project has generated a great deal of interest in the French political studies community.
This thesis explores efforts to conjoin organisational contexts and capabilities in explaining sustainable competitive advantage. Oliver (1997) argued organisations need to balance the need to conform to industry’s requirements to attain legitimization (e.g. DiMaggio & Powell, 1983), and the need for resource optimization (e.g. Barney, 1991). The author hypothesized that such balance can be viewed as movements along the homogeneity-heterogeneity continuum. An organisation in a homogenous industry possesses similar characteristics as its competitors, as opposed to a heterogeneous industry in which organisations within are differentiated and competitively positioned (Oliver, 1997). The movement is influenced by the dynamic environmental conditions that an organisation is experiencing. The author extended Oliver’s (1997) propositions of combining RBV’s focus on capabilities with institutional theory’s focus on organisational context, as well as redefining organisational receptivity towards change (ORC) factors from Butler and Allen’s (2008) findings. The authors contributed to the theoretical development of ORC theory to explain the attainment of sustainable competitive advantage. ORC adopts the assumptions from both institutional and RBV theories, where the receptivity factors include both organisational contexts and capabilities. The thesis employed a mixed method approach in which sequential qualitative quantitative studies were deployed to establish a robust, reliable, and valid ORC scale. The adoption of Hinkin’s (1995) three-phase scale development process was updated, thus items generated from interviews and literature reviews went through numerous exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) to achieve convergent, discriminant, and nomological validities. Samples in the first phase (semi structured interviews) were hotel owners and managers. In the second phase, samples were MBA students, and employees of private and public sectors. In the third phase, samples were hotel managers. The final ORC scale is a parsimonious second higher-order latent construct. The first-order constructs comprises four latent receptivity factors which are ideological vision (4 items), leading change (4 items), implementation capacity (4 items), and change orientation (7 items). Hypotheses testing revealed that high levels of perceived environmental uncertainty leads to high levels of receptivity factor. Furthermore, the study found a strong positive correlation between receptivity factors and competitive advantage, and between receptivity factors and organisation performance. Mediation analyses revealed that receptivity factors partially mediate the relationship between perceived environmental uncertainty, competitive advantage and organisational performance.
Prior research on brand extension has provided little evidence on enhancing the evaluation of extremely incongruent extension. Adopting the theoretical framework of schema congruity theory, the author posits that evaluations can be improved if brand personality impressions of both parent brand and extension are complementary. The author coins this as the brand personality complementarity (BPC) principle. Prior to examining BPC effect, cultural-specific brand personality scale was developed to identify universal and indigenous brand personality dimensions. The reason is BPC requires a reliable and valid brand personality scale in order to detect its effect. Following successful identification of the cultural-specific brand personality scale, a total of three experimental studies were done to investigate BPC effect. Specifically, one experimental study identified complementary levels amongst brand personality dimensions, whereas two experimental studies investigated the moderating effect of BPC. Findings from the scale development study reveal that Malaysian brand personality (MBP) scale is a second higher-order factor reflected by first higher-order factors of sophistication, youth, competence, and sincerity. Most importantly, findings from the experimental studies revealed; 1) different BPC levels amongst all possible pairs of MBP dimensions, 2) significant interaction effect of brand extension congruity x BPC, and 3) significant mediation effect of complementarity resolution. Specific findings indicated that when iv text-based stimuli were used to form brand personality impression, even low BPC level improves the evaluations of extremely incongruent extension. However, when visualbased stimuli were used, low BPC level worsen the extension evaluation compared those of the control condition (i.e. without brand personality impression). Implications for both academician and practitioner are discussed.
A kutatás fő célja annak vizsgálata, hogy egy adott kultúra észlelt személyisége milyen hatással van az ország ideális turisztikai, illetve üzleti célországként való megítélésére. A kultúraszemélyiség koncepciójának bemutatása után a kultúraszemélyiség-skála (culture personality, CP) fejlesztésének kezdeti eredményeit, majd a kultúraszemélyiség dimenzióinak vizsgálatát részletezik a szerzők. A skálakialakítás során – kvalitatív eredményeiket felhasználva – egy ötvenegy tulajdonságpárból álló szemantikus differenciálskálát fejlesztettek ki és teszteltek. Jelen cikkükben összehasonlítják Franciaország és Magyarország észlelt kultúraszemélyiségét, vizsgálva a magyar és a francia válaszadók véleményének hasonlóságait és különbségeit. Eredményeik azt mutatják, hogy nemcsak az egyes kultúrák személyiségét észlelik eltérően a válaszadók, de ugyanazon kultúra személyiségének bizonyos jellemzőit is eltérően ítélik meg. _____ The main purpose of our study was to investigate the effect of perceived culture – personality (CP) on the evaluation of the country as ideal business/tourist destination. After introducing the concept of culture-personality, initial results of our CP scale development are discussed, and dimensions of culture-personality will be examined. As a result of the scale construction procedure – based on our extensive qualitative studies –, a 51-item semantic differential scale has been developed and tested. Similarities and differences of perceived culture-personalities of France and Hungary among Hungarian and French respondents are described.
This paper presents and validates a methodology for integrating reusable software components in diverse game engines. While conforming to the RAGE com-ponent-based architecture described elsewhere, the paper explains how the interac-tions and data exchange processes between a reusable software component and a game engine should be implemented for procuring seamless integration. To this end, a RAGE-compliant C# software component providing a difficulty adaptation routine was integrated with an exemplary strategic tile-based game “TileZero”. Implementa-tions in MonoGame, Unity and Xamarin, respectively, have demonstrated successful portability of the adaptation component. Also, portability across various delivery platforms (Windows desktop, iOS, Android, Windows Phone) was established. Thereby this study has established the validity of the RAGE architecture and its un-derlying interaction processes for the cross-platform and cross-game engine reuse of software components. The RAGE architecture thereby accommodates the large scale development and application of reusable software components for serious gaming.
This study explored how climate-smart agricultural and aquaculture innovations may lead to more successful climate adaptation efforts and enhanced resilience for both men and women in households and across communities, as well as to improved and equitable outcomes in terms of income, nutrition and livelihood opportunities. Specifically, it investigated efforts to target women with household aquaculture innovations to understand (1) if such approaches enable women to use or benefit from them; (2) if and how usage impacts the sustained use of these innovations; and (3) if it would be possible to scale out these innovations to achieve large scale development outcomes.
La conscience de l’environnement d’affaires est définie comme l’ensemble des savoirs détenus par les employés non-cadres par rapport à l’environnement d’affaires interne et externe de leur organisation. Elle se manifeste lorsque l’employé est impliqué dans la prise de décision ou résolution de problème affectant l’entreprise. Ce travail a comme objectifs la validation d’une échelle de mesure du concept à l’étude, ainsi que la vérification de sa validité de construit et nomologique. L’ensemble initial d’items de l’échelle de mesure a été déterminé suite à des entrevues avec les employés d’organisations participantes (Gauvreau-Jean, 2008). L’ensemble initial de 40 items a été testé avec un échantillon de 508 employés d’une manufacture. Suite à des ajustements, l’échelle modifiée couvre quatre dimensions du construit. L’adéquation de son contenu a ensuite été mise à l’épreuve par deux groupes cibles et deux évaluations expertes (Lessard, 2014). Finalement, dans le cadre de notre étude, la validité du contenu et nomologique de l’échelle modifiée (contenant 24 items) a été testée avec 330 employés de première ligne de quatre entreprises. Les quatre dimensions du construit furent supportées, la fiabilité de l’échelle était haute, puis les hypothèses reliant la conscience de l’environnement avec les caractéristiques au travail, l’évaluation de la performance par un superviseur et l’engagement affectif furent supportées également. Un autre sondage complété par les gestionnaires (n=43) avait comme but une évaluation de la performance contextuelle des employés supervisés. Le développement de l’échelle à 24 items sur la conscience de l’environnement d’affaires pourrait répondre aux questions portant sur la participation de l’employé et l’efficacité organisationnelle.
La conscience de l’environnement d’affaires est définie comme l’ensemble des savoirs détenus par les employés non-cadres par rapport à l’environnement d’affaires interne et externe de leur organisation. Elle se manifeste lorsque l’employé est impliqué dans la prise de décision ou résolution de problème affectant l’entreprise. Ce travail a comme objectifs la validation d’une échelle de mesure du concept à l’étude, ainsi que la vérification de sa validité de construit et nomologique. L’ensemble initial d’items de l’échelle de mesure a été déterminé suite à des entrevues avec les employés d’organisations participantes (Gauvreau-Jean, 2008). L’ensemble initial de 40 items a été testé avec un échantillon de 508 employés d’une manufacture. Suite à des ajustements, l’échelle modifiée couvre quatre dimensions du construit. L’adéquation de son contenu a ensuite été mise à l’épreuve par deux groupes cibles et deux évaluations expertes (Lessard, 2014). Finalement, dans le cadre de notre étude, la validité du contenu et nomologique de l’échelle modifiée (contenant 24 items) a été testée avec 330 employés de première ligne de quatre entreprises. Les quatre dimensions du construit furent supportées, la fiabilité de l’échelle était haute, puis les hypothèses reliant la conscience de l’environnement avec les caractéristiques au travail, l’évaluation de la performance par un superviseur et l’engagement affectif furent supportées également. Un autre sondage complété par les gestionnaires (n=43) avait comme but une évaluation de la performance contextuelle des employés supervisés. Le développement de l’échelle à 24 items sur la conscience de l’environnement d’affaires pourrait répondre aux questions portant sur la participation de l’employé et l’efficacité organisationnelle.
The large scale development of an Intelligent Transportation System is very close. The main component of such a smart environment is the network that provides connectivity for all vehicles. Public safety is the most demanding application because requires a fast, reliable and secure communication. Although IEEE 802.11p is presently the only full wireless standard for vehicular communications, recent advancements in 3GPP LTE provide support to direct communications and the ongoing activities are also addressing the vehicle to vehicle case. This thesis focuses on the resource allocation procedures and performance of LTE-V2V. To this aim, a MATLAB simulator has been implemented and results have been obtained adopting different mobility models for both in-coverage and out-of-coverage scenarios.
This paper relates to government initiatives which aim at advancing their country’s economic development and investor attractiveness. It identifies large scale projects that involve collaboration between government and business (termed: large scale collaborative venture – LSCV) as one aspect of competing in the new economy. The study pursued the research proposition that a LSCV can be effectively facilitated by following a theory based process similar to what is used in corporate practice. An approach to managing such ventures is outlined, based on strategic marketing theory applied to a major project, the Multifunction Polis. It is proposed that such an approach may enhance the success of a collaborative venture and thereby help countries participate more successfully in global competition through such ventures.