507 resultados para Sacrifice.
The problem of designing high rate, full diversity noncoherent space-time block codes (STBCs) with low encoding and decoding complexity is addressed. First, the notion of g-group encodable and g-group decodable linear STBCs is introduced. Then for a known class of rate-1 linear designs, an explicit construction of fully-diverse signal sets that lead to four-group encodable and four-group decodable differential scaled unitary STBCs for any power of two number of antennas is provided. Previous works on differential STBCs either sacrifice decoding complexity for higher rate or sacrifice rate for lower decoding complexity.
The problem of designing high rate, full diversity noncoherent space-time block codes (STBCs) with low encoding and decoding complexity is addressed. First, the notion of g-group encodable and g-group decodable linear STBCs is introduced. Then for a known class of rate-1 linear designs, an explicit construction of fully-diverse signal sets that lead to four-group encodable and four-group decodable differential scaled unitary STBCs for any power of two number of antennas is provided. Previous works on differential STBCs either sacrifice decoding complexity for higher rate or sacrifice rate for lower decoding complexity.
This dissertation deals with the notions of sacrifice and violence in connection with the Fin¬nish flag struggles between 1917 and 1945. The study begins with the basic idea that sacrificial thinking is a key element in nationalism and the social cohesion of large groups. The method used in the study combines anthropological notions of totemism with psychoanalytical object relation theory. The aim is to explore the social and psychological elements of the Finnish national flag and the workers flags during the times of crisis and nation building. The phenomena and concepts addressed include self-sacrifice, scapegoating, remembrance of war, inclusion, and exclusion. The research is located at the intersection of nationalism studies and the cultural history of war. The analysis is based primarily on the press debates, public speeches and archival sources of the civic organizations that promoted the Finnish flag. The study is empirically divided into three sections: 1) the years of the Revolution and the Civil War (1917 1918), 2) the interwar period (1919 1938), and 3) the Second World War (1939 1945). The research demonstrates that the modern national flags and workers flags in Finland maintain certain characteristics of primitive totems. When referred to as a totem the flag means an emotionally charged symbol, a reservoir of the collective ideals of a large group. Thus the flag issue offers a path to explore the perceptions and memory of sacrifice and violence in the making of the First Republic . Any given large group, for example a nation, must conceptually pursue a consensus on its past sacrifices. Without productive interpretation sacrifice represents only meaningless violence. By looking at the passions associated with the flag the study also illuminates various group identities, boundaries and crossings of borders within the Finnish society at the same time. The study shows further that the divisive violence of the Civil War was first overcome in the late 1930s when the social democrats adopted a new perception of the Red victims of 1918 they were seen as part of the birth pains of the nation, and not only the martyrs of class struggle. At the same time the radical Right became marginalized. The study also illuminates how this development made the Spirit of the Winter War possible, a genuine albeit brief experience of horizontal brother and sisterhood, and how this spirit was reflected in the popular adoption of the Finnish flag. The experience was not based only on the external and unifying threat posed by the Soviet Union: it was grounded in a sense of unifying sacrifice which reflected a novel way of understanding the nation and its past sacrifices. Paradoxically, the newly forged consensus over the necessity and the rewards of the common sacrifices of the Winter War (1939 1940) made new sacrifices possible during the Continuation War (1941 1944). In spite of political discord and war weariness, the concept of a unified nation under the national flag survived even the absurdity of the stationary war phase. It can be said that the conflict between the idea of a national community and parliamentary party politics dissolved as a result of the collective experience of the Second World War.
Customer value has been identified as “the reason” for customers to patronize a firm, and as one of the fundamental blocks that market exchanges build upon. Despite the importance of customer value, it is often poorly defined, or seems to refer to different phenomena. This dissertation contributes to current marketing literature by subjecting the value concept to a critical investigation, and by clarifying its conceptual foundation. Based on the literature review, it is proposed that customer value can be divided into two separate, but interrelated aspects: value creation processes, and value outcome determination. This means that on one hand, it is possible to examine those activities through which value is created, and on the other hand, investigate how customers determine the value outcomes they receive. The results further show that customers may determine value in four different ways: value as a benefit/sacrifice ratio, as experience outcomes, as means-end chains, and value as phenomenological. In value as benefit/sacrifice ratio, customers are expected to calculate the ratio between service benefits (e.g. ease of use) and sacrifices (e.g. price). In value as experience outcomes, customers are suggested to experience multiple value components, such as functional, emotional, or social value. Customer value as means-ends chains in turn models value in terms of the relationships between service characteristics, use value, and desirable ends (e.g. social acceptance). Finally, value as phenomenological proposes that value emerges from lived, holistic experiences. The empirical papers investigate customer value in e-services, including online health care and mobile services, and show how value in e-service stems from the process and content quality, use context, and the service combination that a customer uses. In conclusion, marketers should understand that different value definitions generate different types of understanding of customer value. In addition, it is clear that studying value from several perspectives is useful, as it enables a richer understanding of value for the different actors. Finally, the interconnectedness between value creation and determination is surprisingly little researched, and this dissertation proposes initial steps towards understanding the relationship between the two.
The nature of a burial is always ritualistic. This is often forgotten when dealing with Finnish inhumation burials containing animal bones. Only the animal bones found close to the deceased have traditionally been thought to have a ritualistic purpose. The animal bones found in the filling of the grave, which is still part of the burial, has on the other hand, often been neglected in the previous research. In this Master s thesis I will discuss the function and interpretation of animal bones in graves. The base of this study is six sites, all of different nature, from Finland. Luistari in Eura is from the western coast and is dated to Late Iron Age (and possibly Medieval period), the Medieval hamlet of Finno is situated in Espoo which is situated on the southern coast. Two town burials, Turku and Porvoo, are also included in this study. The graves from Turku are dated to Late Medieval period and Early Renaissance, whereas the cemetery in Porvoo is from the 18th century. Visulahti in Mikkeli is from the Late Iron Age and represents Eastern Finnish burial tradition, the same as Suotniemi from Käkisalmi parish, which is nowadays part of Russia. While parts of the animal bones had already been analysed before, the author also analysed animal bones for the purpose of the present Master´s thesis. The bones were compared to the burial contexts, when possible. Based on the comparisons I have made interpretations which might explain the existence of animal bones in the graves. The interpretations are among others sacrifice, commemoration meals and animal burials. The site could also have been a settlement site prior to the graves, thus the bones in the graves would belong to the settlement phase. When comparing the date of the studied sites, the town burials are later and the animal bones are probably related to previous or contemporary use of the sites as graveyards. On top of this there does not seem to be much difference in burial tradition between Eastern and Western Finland, although at least from the hamlet burials of Finno there are aspects that could be linked to Eastern burials. In making the interpretations I have taken into consideration the aspects of belief during different time periods when they could be accounted as relevant. Also the problems with bone preservation were relevant and challenging for the study. Often only the hardest substance of the skeleton, namely teeth, has been preserved. For this reason the quality of the archaeological documentation was a key issue in this study. In producing quality interpretations of the animal bones in graves, the bones, contexts and their relationship to the surrounding site should be documented with care.
Legacy of the Finnish Civil War. White nationalism in a local community - content, supporters and disintegration in Iisalmi 1918 - 1933. Using one local community (Iisalmi) as an example, this study centres around the winners of the 1918 Finnish Civil War, exploring their collectivity its subsequent breakdown during 1918 - 1933. Referring to this collectivity by the methodological concept of white nationalism, the thesis first discusses its origin, content and forms. This is done by elucidating the discourses and symbols that came to constitute central ideological and ritualistic elements of white nationalism. Next, the thesis describes and analyzes fundamental actors of the Finnish civil society (such as White Guard and Lotta Svärd) that maintained white nationalism as a form of counter or parallel hegemony to the integration policy of the 1920s. Also highlighted is the significance of white nationalism as a power broker and an instrument of moral regulation in inter-war Finnish society. A third contribution of this thesis involves presenting a new interpretation of the legacy of the Civil War, i.e., the right-wing radicalism during the years 1919 - 1933. I shall describe attempts of the extreme right (Lapua Movement and IKL, Patriotic People s Movement) to use the white nationalism discourse as a vehicle for their political ambitions, as well as the strong counter-reaction these attempts induced among other middle-class groups. At the core of this research is the concept of white nationalism, whose key elements were the sacrifice of 1918, fatherland under threat and warrior citizenship. Winners of the civil war strove to blend these ideals into a homogenized culture, to which the working class and wavering members of the middle-class were coaxed and pressurized to subscribe. The thesis draws on Anglo-American symbol theories, theory of social identity groups, Antonio Gramsci s concept of cultural hegemony and Stuart Hall s approach to discourse and power.
El presente ensayo propone un diálogo sobre el perdón con el pensamiento filosófico de H. Arendt y P. Ricoeur y la reflexión bíblico-teológica de C. di Sante y L. Basset. En él se articulan la necesidad del perdón en la vida cotidiana y la seriedad de un perdón “difícil” que respete la verdad y la dignidad del ofendido y del ofensor y se arriesgue a restaurar la relación personal. La novedad de Jesús, ofrecida a partir de su oración y entrega en la cruz (cf. Lc 23,34) y de su resurrección, abre la posibilidad de ir más allá de la cuenta de los males cometidos; más aún, más allá de la culpa, para acceder por amor a una vida digna de ser celebrada con los otros.
El autor ofrece algunas “notas” de un panorama soteriológico desde distintos autores, con la finalidad de ubicar al lector en la problemática moderna. El alcance pastoral de las categorías soteriológicas se explica porque en ellas se trasmite una determinada imagen de Dios. Así por ejemplo, en el siglo XIX y parte del siglo XX la imagen de la satisfacción cruenta o la del sacrificio entendido como derramamiento de sangre, dominan la escena de toda la predicación de Cuaresma y Pascua. Con sentido teológico y pastoral, la presentación se limita a los núcleos esenciales de la doctrina contenida en las categorías soteriológicas seleccionadas.
383 p. ; P.315-383: "Erauso Kateriñe" antzezlanaren edizioa dago.
El ethos vasco se activa una vez producida la muerte cuyo detonante es el sacrificio de un miembro de la cultura vasca. A partir de aquí ésta comienza a simbolizar para reconstruirse a sí misma, ésta reconstrucción se va a producir a varios niveles de la sociedad: en el estamento deportivo, en el familiar y en el social en general. La confluencia del estudio se hará en la familia de Aitor Zabaleta.
Presentado en el XIII Coloquio Internacional ARYS "Alimentos divinos banquetes humanos. Sacrificios, comidas rituales y tabúes alimentarios en el Mundo Antiguo", celebrado en Jarandilla de la Vera, 16-18 de diciembre de 2010.
Motivated by recent MSL results where the ablation rate of the PICA heatshield was over-predicted, and staying true to the objectives outlined in the NASA Space Technology Roadmaps and Priorities report, this work focuses on advancing EDL technologies for future space missions.
Due to the difficulties in performing flight tests in the hypervelocity regime, a new ground testing facility called the vertical expansion tunnel is proposed. The adverse effects from secondary diaphragm rupture in an expansion tunnel may be reduced or eliminated by orienting the tunnel vertically, matching the test gas pressure and the accelerator gas pressure, and initially separating the test gas from the accelerator gas by density stratification. If some sacrifice of the reservoir conditions can be made, the VET can be utilized in hypervelocity ground testing, without the problems associated with secondary diaphragm rupture.
The performance of different constraints for the Rate-Controlled Constrained-Equilibrium (RCCE) method is investigated in the context of modeling reacting flows characteristic to ground testing facilities, and re-entry conditions. The effectiveness of different constraints are isolated, and new constraints previously unmentioned in the literature are introduced. Three main benefits from the RCCE method were determined: 1) the reduction in number of equations that need to be solved to model a reacting flow; 2) the reduction in stiffness of the system of equations needed to be solved; and 3) the ability to tabulate chemical properties as a function of a constraint once, prior to running a simulation, along with the ability to use the same table for multiple simulations.
Finally, published physical properties of PICA are compiled, and the composition of the pyrolysis gases that form at high temperatures internal to a heatshield is investigated. A necessary link between the composition of the solid resin, and the composition of the pyrolysis gases created is provided. This link, combined with a detailed investigation into a reacting pyrolysis gas mixture, allows a much needed consistent, and thorough description of many of the physical phenomena occurring in a PICA heatshield, and their implications, to be presented.
Through the use of computational fluid mechanics and computational chemistry methods, significant contributions have been made to advancing ground testing facilities, computational methods for reacting flows, and ablation modeling.
Os aminoácidos L-arginina e L-glutamina foram analisados como protetores dos tecidos erétil do pênis contra os danos induzidos pela radiação. Grupos de ratos Wistar foram tratadas com: nenhuma intervenção, radiação pélvica e sacrifício 7 (RAD7) ou 15 (RAD15) dias; e radiação pélvica, a suplementação diária com L-arginina (A) ou L-glutamina (G), e sacrifício 7 (RAD7 + A, RAD7 + G) ou 15 (RAD15 + A, RAD15 + G) dias após irradiação. componentes estruturais do corpo cavernoso (CC), túnica albugínea do corpo esponjoso (TAC), e urotélio do pênis foram analisados através de métodos estereológicos e imuno-histoquímico. Os resultados mostraram que, no CC, o tecido conjuntivo foi maior nos RAD15 (p <0,04), mas essa mudança foi parcialmente revertido em RAD15 + G (p <0,05) e RAD15 + A (p <0,04). A matriz fibrosa das trabéculas CC estava manchada de colágeno tipo I. Nos RAD15, a intensidade da marcação foi aumentada, enquanto que em RAD15 + G + A e RAD15 a coloração era semelhante à dos controles. Nenhuma alteração de coloração foram observadas nos grupos que foram sacrificados sete dias após a radiação. Cavernosa teor de fibras elásticas na RAD15 foi aumentada (p <0,004), e este foi impedido de RAD15 + A (p <0,004), mas não em RAD15 + G. No TAC, os aminoácidos protegidos (p <0,02) contra o aumento da radiação induzida em fibras elásticas, mas apenas em RAD15. Densidade das células do urotélio e espessura urothellial, foram reduzidos em RAD15 (p <0,004), mas houve efeitos protetores dos dois aminoácidos. Em conclusão, a radiação induzida por alterações nas estruturas penianas tendem a ser mais pronunciado 15 dias após a sessão de radiação. Tanto A e G têm efeitos protetores contra estas alterações, sendo o primeiro um pouco mais eficaz.
En el presente trabajo pretendemos analizar la reforma fiscal llevada a cabo en el territorio histórico de Bizkaia en el ejercicio 2.006, y que entró en vigor el 1 de enero de 2.007. En concreto, se pretende analizar el efecto que tuvo sobre los contribuyentes, desglosándolo por niveles de renta. Con este objeto, planteamos la hipótesis de igualdad de sacrificio, y contrastamos su cumplimiento en los años 2.006 y 2.007, esto es, el último año previo a la entrada en vigor de la reforma y el primero en el que se aplico la nueva normativa. Los resultados muestran que, si bien en el año 2.006 no se cumplía el principio de igualdad de sacrificio, en el año 2.007 hay evidencia a favor de que sí se estuviese cumpliendo. Finalmente, se proponen formas funcionales impositivas alternativas a la empleada en la hipótesis de igualdad de sacrificio, observándose unos resultados similares a los obtenidos mediante la hipótesis de igualdad de sacrificio.
Es bien sabido que el Impuesto sobre la Renta de las Personas Físicas (IRPF) es un impuesto progresivo (aumenta la proporción a pagar cuando aumenta la renta). Aun así es importante saber si el esfuerzo o la pérdida de utilidad que asume cada individuo en el pago del impuesto es el mismo, es decir, si se cumple el principio de igualdad de sacrificio. En este trabajo se plantea si el impuesto sobre la renta en España cumplió este principio en los años 2006 y 2007, y si la reforma fiscal que hubo en estos años nos acercó o alejó de su cumplimiento. La respuesta es que, en líneas generales, sí se cumple, suponiendo esta reforma una mejora relevante para la consecución de este objetivo.