943 resultados para Residual stresses
[EU]Proiektu honen bidez, laser bidezko tenplaketaren ondoriozko piezen gainazalen distortsioaren neurketa kuantitatiboa eta tratamendu honegatik eratorri daitezkeen hondar tentsioen azterketa egin nahi izan da. Hauxe burutzeko hondar tentsioen neurketarako Contour metodoa erabili da, elektro-higadurako ebaketa eginez. IGET Bilboko mekanikako tailerreko ingurugiroan eta bertako langileen inbestigazio lerroetan barneratzeko helburuz, laser tenplaketa tratamenduen azterketan lagungarria izateko xedearekin aurrera eraman da proiektu hau.
ZnO/MgF2/ZnO sandwich structure films were fabricated. The effects of a buffer layer on structure and optical properties of ZnO films were investigated by X-ray diffraction, photoluminescence, optical transmittance and absorption measurements. Measurement results showed that the buffer layer had the effects of improving the quality of ZnO films and releasing the residual stresses in the films. The near-band edge emissions of ZnO films deposited on the MgF2 buffer layer were significantly enhanced compared with those deposited on bare substrate due to the smaller lattice mismatch between MgF2 and ZnO than that between fused silica and ZnO. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
ZnO/ITO/ZnO sandwich structure films were fabricated. The effects of buffer layer on the structure and optical properties of ZnO films were investigated by x-ray diffraction (XRD), photoluminescence, optical transmittance, and absorption measurements. XRD spectra indicate that a buffer layer has the effects of lowering the grain orientation of ZnO films and increasing the residual stresses in the films. The near-band-edge emissions of ZnO films deposited on both single indium tin oxide (ITO) buffer and ITO/ZnO double buffers are significantly enhanced compared with that deposited on a bare substrate due to the quantum confinement effect. (C) 2006 American Institute of Physics.
Thermal boat evaporation was employed to prepare MgF2 single-layer coatings upon both JGS1 and UBK7 substrates at different substrate temperatures. Microstructure, transmittance and residual stress of these coatings were measured by X-ray diffraction, spectrophotometer, and optical interferometer, respectively. Measurement of laser induced damage threshold (LIDT) of the samples was performed at 355 nm, 8 ns pulses. The results showed that high substrate temperature was beneficial to crystallization of the film. Above 244 degrees C, the refractive index increased gradually with the substrate temperature rising. Whereas, it was exceptional at 210 degrees C that the refractive index was higher than those deposited at 244 and 277 degrees C. The tensile residual stresses were exhibited in all MgF2 films, but not well correlated with the substrate temperature. In addition, the stresses were comparatively smaller upon JGS1 substrates. A tendency could be seen that the LIDTs reached the highest values at about 244 degrees C, and the films upon JGS1 had higher LIDTs than those upon UBK7 substrates at the same temperature. Meanwhile, the damage morphologies showed that the laser damage of the coating resulted from an absorbing center at the film-substrate interface. The features of the damages were displayed by an absorbing center dominated model. Furthermore, the reason of the difference in LIDT values was discussed in detail. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
abstract {LaF3 single-layer coatings were prepared by thermal boat evaporation at the deposition temperatures of 189, 255, 277 and 321°C respectively. The crystal structures of the coatings were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD). A spectrophotometer was employed to measure its transmittance. Moreover, refractive index, extinction coefficient and cut-off wavelength were obtained from the measured transmittance spectral curve. The residual stress was evaluated by the Stoney's equation and optical interferometer. Laser induce damage threshold (LIDT) was performed by a tripled Nd:YAG laser system. The results show that the crystallization status becomes better with the deposition temperature increasing. Correspondingly, the grain size also gets larger. Meanwhile, the coatings become more compact and the refractive index increases. However, the absorption of coatings seriously rises and the cut-off wavelength drifts to the long wave. In addition, the residual stress also increases and the intrinsic stress plays a determinant role in the coating. The LIDT of the coating also enhances at high temperature.}
TiO2 thin films were prepared by electron beam evaporation at different oxygen partial pressures. The influences of oxygen partial pressure on optical, mechanical and structural properties of TiO2 thin films were studied. The results showed that with the increase of oxygen partial pressure, the optical transmittance gradually increased, the transmittance edge gradually shifted to short wavelength, and the corresponding refractive index decreased. The residual stresses of all samples were tensile, and the value increased as oxygen partial pressure increasing, which corresponded to the evolutions of the packing densities. The structures of TiO2 thin films all were amorphous because deposition particles did not possess enough energy to crystallize. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Tensões residuais são uma das principais causas de falhas em componentes mecânicos submetidos a processos de fabricação. O objetivo do trabalho foi medir as tensões residuais presentes em um tubo quadrado soldado por resistência elétrica de alta frequência e caracterizar microestruturalmente o seu material. Para a caracterização, foram utilizadas técnicas de microscopia óptica (MO), microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) e análise química quantitativa. Para a medição das tensões residuais, foi utilizado o método do furo cego, baseado na norma ASTM E837-08, onde rosetas (strain-gages) são coladas à peça para medir as deformações geradas devido à usinagem de um pequeno furo no local de medição. As deformações foram associadas às tensões residuais através de equações baseadas na Lei de Hooke. A caracterização revelou uma microestrutura composta basicamente de ferrita e perlita, típica de aços com baixo teor de carbono, corroborando com a especificação fornecida pelo fabricante. As tensões residuais encontradas foram trativas e mostraram-se elevadas, com alguns valores acima do limite de escoamento do material.
As tensões residuais de cravação ocorrem quando a estaca e o solo não são totalmente descomprimidos após dissipação completa da energia transferida à estaca durante sua instalação. Este assunto tem merecido a atenção de vários pesquisadores, uma vez que a presença das tensões residuais na estaca causa uma alteração no seu comportamento quando carregada. A presente dissertação reuniu estudos anteriores que estabeleceram os principais fatores que influenciam as tensões residuais de cravação. Procurou-se executar uma série de simulações objetivando melhor entender o desenvolvimento das tensões residuais com a porcentagem de resistência de ponta, em continuidade aos estudos de Costa (1994). Costa (1994) observou que a porcentagem de carga na ponta é um fator relevante na avaliação das tensões residuais de cravação. Uma análise paramétrica efetuada confirmou estudos anteriores, verificando que a razão entre a carga residual na ponta em relação à capacidade de carga global cresce, a medida que a porcentagem de carga na ponta aumenta, chegando a um valor máximo para, em seguida, diminuir. Este comportamento é similar ao da curva de compactação do solo, quando, ao aumentar a umidade, o peso específico seco aumenta, até um valor máximo, correspondente à umidade ótima, para em seguida reduzir. Verificouse, ainda, semelhantemente ao aumento da energia de compactação, que vai transladando a curva para cima e para à esquerda do gráfico umidade x peso específico seco, que o aumento do comprimento da estaca apresenta um comportamento similar. O aumento do comprimento leva a curva para cima e para a esquerda. Finalmente, selecionou-se um caso de obra com condições propícias para o desenvolvimento de altas tensões residuais de cravação. Trata-se de um caso de estacas metálicas longas, embutidas em solo residual jovem, de elevada resistência, bem documentado com extensa instrumentação, por ocasião da instalação. A retroanálise de cinco estacas do banco de dados mostrou que as cargas residuais previstas, num programa de simulação de cravação, se aproximaram muito dos valores experimentais. Foi observado também que a profundidade do ponto neutro previsto e medido apresentou uma excelente concordância. O resultado mais relevante desta pesquisa foi quando os valores de porcentagem de ponta foram introduzidos no eixo das abscissas e os valores da razão entre a carga residual na ponta e a capacidade de carga global, no eixo das ordenadas, e se observou o aspecto da curva semelhante à de compactação. A dissertação ilustra ser possível e simples a previsão das tensões residuais de cravação através de uma análise pela equação da onda.
A remarkable shell structure is described that, due to a particular combination of geometry and initial stress, has zero stiffness for any finite deformation along a twisting path; the shell is in a neutrally stable state of equilibrium. Initially the shell is straight in a longitudinal direction, but has a constant, nonzero curvature in the transverse direction. If residual stresses are induced in the shell by, for example, plastic deformation, to leave a particular resultant bending moment, then an analytical inextensional model of the shell shows it to have no change in energy along a path of twisted configurations. Real shells become closer to the inextensional idealization as their thickness is decreased; experimental thin-shell models have confirmed the neutrally stable configurations predicted by the inextensional theory. A simple model is described that shows that the resultant bending moment that leads to zero stiffness gives the shell a hidden symmetry, which explains this remarkable property.
Boronizing is a thermochemical diffusion-based process for producing iron boride layers in the surface of steel components. The boride layer is wear resistant and is very hard. Large residual stresses are found to exist in the surface layers, which are a function of substrate steel composition and heat treatment. By slow cooling from the boronizing temperature (900°C), a large compressive stress is developed in the boride layer. Hardening the steel by rapid cooling, either directly from the boronizing treatment or after subsequent austenitizing, develops tension in the coating which causes it to fracture. Tempering of the martensite produces compression in the coating, closing but not welding the cracks. The results of solid particle erosion experiments using silicon carbide, quartz, and glass bead erodents on boronized steels are presented.
The improved mechanical properties of surface nano-crystallized graded materials produced by surface severe plastic deformation ((SPD)-P-2) are generally owing to the effects of the refined structure, work-hardened region and compressive residual stress. However, during the (SPD)-P-2 process, residual stress is produced simultaneously with work-hardened region, the individual contribution of these two factors to the improved mechanical properties remains unclear. Numerical simulations are carried out in order to answer this question. It is found that work hardening predominates in improving the yield strength and the ultimate tensile strength of the surface nano-crystallized graded materials, while the influence of the residual stress mainly emerges at the initial stage of deformation and decreases the apparent elastic modulus of the surface nano-crystallized graded materials, which agrees well with the experimental results. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
基于热粘弹性积分型本构关系,考虑材料性能依赖于温度变化及相变潜热的影响,利用AN SYS热-力耦合及载荷步功能模拟结晶型高密度聚乙烯(HDPE)塑料压力管道热板焊接过程,并对焊接接头的应力分布进行有限元分析,得到了环向、轴向以及径向瞬态应力分布的基本规律。采用盲孔法和锯切法测量焊后残余应力,实测结果与数值分析基本符合