968 resultados para Professores de ciência - Formação


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The paper aims to describe the steps undertaken in the development of a training program to prepare the physical education teacher to meet the demand of inclusion of students with disabilities. Seventeen physical education teachers who worked in public schools, from 1st to 5th grade, participated in the first step. The Data were collected through focus group. The analysis was performed in categories. Two teachers participated in Stage 2, which consists of 28 classes that there was a student with disabilities enrolled. The reports focus group identified eight different subcategories of difficulties: 1 ) Training , 2) Administrative-school issue ; 3 ) Student ; 4 ) Diagnosis ; 5 ) Family ; 6 ) Teaching resource ; 7 ) Strategies ; 8 ) Physical Education. The filming analysis enabled to identify difficulties and success situations of each teacher. The identification of the difficulties pointed out ways to prepare Physical Education teachers, and based on such difficulties actionsand contents that include a training program may be stipulated.


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This paper presents the perceptions of participating teachers and technicians who produced and ministered courses in the Project of Continuing Education of teachers of Amapá State, called Pedagogical Encounter of Municipalities and is based on research results of the Master Degree in Education that was aimed to analyze and describe the referred project as well as studying the impact that it had on educational context of the municipalities. It was conducted a study of the Project’s trajectory including its theoretical basics, implementation and, mainly, a number of Project’s results. The methodology consisted of acquiring and analyzing official papers and interviewing 14 teachers and technicians. The statements obtained make it clear that the Pedagogical Encounter had a major impact on the educational reality of the municipalities, with more positive than negative results not only for teachers but also for instructors and coordinators. The statements can also be concluded that the continuing education actions will not achieve its objectives if they are not accompanied by public policies direct to improve living and job conditions of the teachers.


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The present study aimed to identify the conceptions of students of a Pedagogy course about infantile sexuality and gender relations, checking the needs that they appointed concerning studies about sexuality and sex education in their graduation. Using this information, the authors implemented an interventional course. The instruments used for data collection were two questionnaires. 342 students participated in the first phase of the study, corresponding to the completion of the questionnaire. 38 people participated on the second step – applying the course. The issues they indicated as necessary in their course were: sexuality, sex education, child sexuality, sexual abuse, adolescence and sexuality and disability. Finally, the results of the course were very satisfactory, however, reveals how much we still need to do for training professionals to implement the work of sex education in the school context.


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A observação do céu pode promover diversos desenvolvimentos em um sujeito, ligados a aspectos culturais, tecnológicos e/ou pessoais, e por isso, pode ter um forte potencial motivador. Está proposto nos documentos oficiais, que regem os currículos da educação básica brasileira, que o professor realize atividades de observação e reconhecimento do céu, visando a trabalhar com a capacidade de analisar e interpretar fenômenos naturais do ponto de vista da ciência. Visando, então, a formar um professor que possa levar essa parte da astronomia para sala de aula, indo além do encantamento, o Grupo de Astronomia Sputnik promoveu um curso de curta duração, que dentre diversas atividades, visitou um observatório astronômico, com a intenção de fazer uma observação do céu e capacitar o professor para tal. Esta pesquisa apresenta algumas das concepções desses professores sobre qual a importância da observação do céu tanto para o ensino de astronomia quanto para sua própria formação profissional. Os resultados apontam que, pelo fato dos próprios professores se sentirem bastante motivados com a atividade, eles reconhecem esse potencial para a sala de aula. Do ponto de vista de conteúdos que podem ser veiculados, aparecem alguns em algumas falas, mas ainda é forte a ideia de que para ocorrência desse tipo de atividade prática é preciso que ela esteja vinculada e complementando alguma teoria.


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Vivemos um período de transformações políticas, econômicas, sociais e culturais que, a todo instante, nos impõe desafios. Neste contexto, nas últimas décadas, o uso da tecnologia tem sido ampliado na realização de diversas atividades cotidianas, na divulgação de informações, na comunicação, como forma de expressão e organização da sociedade. A escola, enquanto instituição social, precisa reconhecer esta nova realidade, esta diferente possibilidade de aquisição e transformação de saber, para que possa intervir, ressignificar e redirecionar sua ação, a fim de atender as demandas de seu tempo. O objetivo geral desta pesquisa, a partir da apresentação e análise de experiências realizadas com o uso de Tecnologias da Informação e Conhecimento, é o de refletir sobre como inserir estas ferramentas no processo de ensinar e aprender na escola a partir da visão de professores e alunos, visando a formação integral do educando. Deste modo, no desenvolvimento, entendemos como necessário conhecer e considerar o contexto histórico, bem como as perspectivas relacionadas a escola e seus protagonistas (professores e estudantes) na chamada Sociedade da Informação e do Conhecimento. Ressaltamos a importância do docente (sua formação) e seu papel de mediador nos processos de aprendizagem, assim como a recepção à tecnologia, observando função e espaço de atuação desta. Destacamos experiências com a utilização de TDIC, realizada por professores e alunos, como a produção de game, revistas científicas, escrita de histórias, produções artísticas, blogs, vlogs, discussões em grupos presentes em redes sociais. A metodologia utilizada nesta pesquisa é qualitativa, na modalidade de pesquisa-ação e narrativa, em função do envolvimento com o grupo e com as atividades desenvolvidas, nas quais os participantes compartilham com o pesquisador suas histórias pessoais e de aprendizagem relacionadas às ações ou às atividades que realiza, fornecendo informações e indícios relevantes sobre o seu processo de formação ao longo do tempo. A revisão de literatura foi realizada por meio de análise bibliográfica e documental em livros, teses, dissertações, periódicos específicos sobre o assunto, além de artigos publicados na Internet. A coleta de dados foi realizada a partir de conversas informais, entrevistas semiestruturadas e filmagem dos relatos. A análise foi realizada a partir da abordagem hermenêutico-fenomenológica, que busca descrever e interpretar fenômenos da experiência humana, a fim de investigar a essência por meio da identificação de temas. Os resultados apontam para a necessidade e possibilidade da ampliação da utilização de TDIC como recurso no processo de ensino e aprendizagem, por meio de formação, diálogo, interação, intencionalidade, expectativas, esperança e seus desdobramentos.


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Esta pesquisa buscou analisar como os professores universitários formados bacharéis e não possuidores da formação pedagógica, interpretam suas práticas docentes e o seu percurso formador. O objetivo foi identificar as representações das práticas destes professores e o impacto do habitus e do campo no seu processo formativo. Foi considerado inicialmente que estes profissionais, que ministram aulas de disciplinas técnicas, não apresentam formação específica (pedagógica) para a condução de tais aulas, porém podem possuir práticas docentes inventivas que foram apreendidas ao longo de sua trajetória acadêmica e profissional e, que por meio delas, mediam o aprendizado. A opção metodológica para o desenvolvimento deste trabalho foi o de realização de pesquisa qualitativa por meio de aplicação de questionário de perfil e entrevista semi-estruturada com os professores sem a formação pedagógica de duas Instituições de Ensino Superior. Estas ferramentas objetivaram captar a representação de um grupo de professores da área de Humanas e de Exatas sobre suas práticas pedagógicas, de sua formação docente e trajetória profissional. O referencial teórico apresenta autores que problematizam as questões relacionadas à formação docente no âmbito do Ensino Superior com destaque para: Cunha (2007); Perrenoud (2002), Tardif (2002), Pimenta e Anastasiou (2002) e Nóvoa (1997). Para a análise das entrevistas, com a perspectiva de compreender a representação e as práticas docentes, foi utilizada parte do corpo teórico desenvolvido por Pierre Bourdieu e, ainda, a discussão sobre a visão instrumental da Didática e da formação pedagógica. O estudo possibilitou demonstrar que os professores do Ensino Superior que participaram desta pesquisa utilizam um conjunto de técnicas, práticas, conhecimentos e formas de conduta que não aprenderam em cursos específicos de formação de docentes. Seu desenvolvimento como professores ocorre, em grande medida, a partir de seu passado escolar e da sua convivência profissional.


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There are diverse studies about beliefs in Applied Linguistics since 1970 or so (BARCELOS, 2004), especially beliefs about teaching and learning Foreign Languages. The research about beliefs and experiences of English language teachers, who take part in a program of teaching incentive (Pibid), and, therefore, are immersed in public schools for elementary education, is relevant, once the (ac)knowledgment of these beliefs related to their teaching and learning experiences allows these teachers to reflect about the aspects that involve their teaching practice and their role as teachers of English language. The present work aims to investigate the interaction of beliefs and experiences related to foreign language teaching and learning of teachers who are participants of Pibid, in the subproject of English Language at the Federal University of Uberlândia (UFU), in 2013. The objective is to identify the beliefs and experiences about teaching and learning that the pre-service teachers (PI), the coordinator teacher (PF) and the supervisor teachers (PS) of the program show and how their beliefs and experiences influence each other and can or cannot be redefined. This is a qualitative and interpretative master’s research, in which I analized one narrative of each PI, one interview of PF and another of each PS, and, also, two meetings – the first between the PF and the PIs, and the second between all the participants in the subproject. All the data was collected at the end of their participation in Pibid, approximately one year and six months later. Therefore, I raised some beliefs and experiences about English language teaching and learning present in the teachers’ discourse and analized excerpts in their speech that evidenced the interaction with other participants and its influence to the formation, confirmation, demystification and redefinition of their beliefs. The results of this analysis bring elements that may help the constant reflection of university teachers, teachers in practice and pre-service teachers about the aspects that involve the teaching experiences in public schools.


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In Brazil, special education public is a challenge to all teachers, especially to Physical Education ones. Among others, it encompasses students with disabilities, students with intellectual giftedness, and students with pervasive developmental disorder. Besides posing challenges, the inclusion process causes worry and generates debates on problems that impede the full partaking of such pupils in schooling practices related to physical education. This thesis presents a research that focused on these matters by means of co-working involving the researcher and the Physical Education teacher in regular classrooms following co-teaching perspective. The starting point of the research is the following question: what contributions co-working involving Physical Education teacher and researcher may provide to people with disabilities and to Physical Education teacher in regular schools attended by students who are the special education’s target? The research aimed at discussing and analyzing the development of such co-working activity involving the researcher and Physical Education teacher. It followed co-teaching perspective and was put into practice in a public school in Uberlândia, state of Minas Gerais. Participant qualitative approach, which recognizes relations between social sciences and intervention in social reality, was the methodological choice to develop the research in three phases: 1) making the research; 2) intervening in social reality; 3) assessing/diagnosing it. Strategies to gather data included semi structured interview, questionnaire, participant observation, and group interview. Data come, above all, from oral accounts as well as from the work by the group of participants of the research, which means, researcher, Physical Education teacher who works at regular schools and three teachers who deal with AEE (Atendimento Educacional Especial), a special educational teaching program. The concept of inclusion is discussed accordingly to authors such as Miranda (2001), Mantoan (2001), Duarte and Santos (2003), Mittler (2003), Rodrigues (2006), and Bueno (2008). The conception of co-working is developed in the light of studies by Capellini (2004) and Mendes (2009), among others. Results point out not only initial conditions of anguish, doubts and hardships, but also a will to debate difficulties Physical Education teachers face in their daily pedagogical activities at school. Likewise, results showed that teachers who took part in the research are interested in continuing their training in connection with co-teaching as strategy to teach physical education at inclusive schools.


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This text presents developed in the Graduate Program in Science and Mathematics Education at the Federal University of Uberlândia, in which it was intended to answer the question: What are the pedagogical implications for the fractions concept learning for students of the 6th grade of elementary school that the teaching guide activities can provide? The objectives of this research were: a) analyze the possible pedagogical implications for the learning of the fraction's concept for students of the 6th grade of elementary school through guiding teaching activities; b) using the conceptual connections of the fraction to enable students to develop an abstract thought and c) investigate whether guiding teaching activities reflect on 'how to think' and 'how to do' of the student. Five teaching activities have been developed (MOURA, 2002) from the perspective of teaching guiding activity (TGA) and had as object of study the teaching of fractions for students in 6th year of elementary school. They have been prepared and proposed activities in which it was intended to investigate the use of history of mathematics as an aid in learning the conceptual fraction links (CARAÇA, 1951) by students. Such activities, for analysis, were organized into episodes and scenes (MOURA, 2004) and discussed how students deal with the measurement of whole quantity (all) and subunits (part); how they represent in verbal or written language. It is hoped that the research is set up as an important contribution to mathematics teaching area and may contribute to the initial and continuing training of mathematics teacher sand the formation of theoretical thinking of elementary school students.


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In this dissertation was elaborated an interdisciplinary didactic sequence for the development of Physical concepts involved in the interaction of laser radiation with biological matter in order to make a relation between Physics and other fields of knowledge aiming to enlarge the contextualization of scientific knowledge. The objective was to develop an educational product which theme is “Laser’s Interaction with Biological Tissues”. In this work, basic physical concepts related to laser radiation were presented, its interaction with matter and applicability in the student's daily life, with emphasis on Public Health. The inclusion of the subject in schools was effected through didactic transposition as theoretical foundation and the three pedagogical moments as teaching support. The development of the project involved discussions of scientific knowledge applied in society’s daily life. In the product's design the didactic sequence was projected and the use of varied teaching resources has been proposed, such as videos, texts, experiments, simulators and de Software “Tracker”. The construction of paradidactic material was performed considering different stages of equal importance for a teacher's reflection process. The work prioritizes the alternative conceptions of student, transforming him in a direct agent of the construction of knowledge and this aspect is based on the profile of the Student's Material. Another important point is the evaluation's proposal, this was systematized to be done class after class through building texts, essay questions, presentation of papers, among others activities. The didactic sequence guides the introduction of relevant topics of the students and society’s daily life, the ideas are not closed and in many times the teacher make changes which deem relevant to the teaching for better development of their practice.