863 resultados para Possible solutions


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In this survey, we will summarize the latest developments of visual cryptography since its inception in 1994, introduce the main research topics in this area and outline the current problems and possible solutions. Directions and trends for future VC work shall also be examined along with possible VC applications.


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Software-as-a-service (SaaS) is a type of software service delivery model which encompasses a broad range of business opportunities and challenges. Users and service providers are reluctant to integrate their business into SaaS due to its security concerns while at the same time they are attracted by its benefits. This article highlights SaaS utility and applicability in different environments like cloud computing, mobile cloud computing, software defined networking and Internet of things. It then embarks on the analysis of SaaS security challenges spanning across data security, application security and SaaS deployment security. A detailed review of the existing mainstream solutions to tackle the respective security issues mapping into different SaaS security challenges is presented. Finally, possible solutions or techniques which can be applied in tandem are presented for a secure SaaS platform.


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Integrating elements of undergraduate curriculum learning Rapidly advancing practice and recognition of nursing, midwifery and medicine as a vital interrelated workforce, implies a need for a variety of curricula opportunities. This project addresses the challenge for healthcare educators to widen student engagement and participation through inter-professional education by creating learning environments whereby student interactions foster the desire to develop situational awareness, independent learning and contribution to patient advocacy. Overall aim of this ‘Feeding and Nutrition in Infants and Children’ project is to provide opportunities for integrated learning to enable students to advance their knowledge and understanding of current best practice. This Inter-professional (IPE) student-lead workshop was initially implemented in 2006-07 in collaboration with the Centre for Excellence in IPE, within the curricula of medical and nursing programmes¹. Supported by the development of a student resource pack, this project is now being offered to Learning Disability nursing and Midwifery students since September 2014. Methods: Fourth year medical students, undertaking a ‘Child Healthcare module’, alongside nursing and /or midwifery students are divided into groups with three or four students from each profession. Each group focuses on a specific feeding problem that is scenario-based on a common real-life issue prior to the workshop and then present their findings / possible solutions to feeding problem. They are observed by both facilitators and peers, who provide constructive feedback on aspects of performance including patient safety, cultural awareness, communication, decision making skills, teamwork and an appreciation of the role of various professionals in managing feeding problems in infants and children. Results: Participants complete a Likert-scale questionnaire to ascertain their reactions to this integrated learning experience. Ongoing findings suggest that students evaluate this learning activity very positively and have stated that they value the opportunity to exercise their clinical judgement and decision making skills. Most recent comments: ‘appreciate working alongside other student’s / multidisciplinary team approach’ As a group students engage in this team problem-solving exercise, drawing upon their strengths and abilities to learn from each other. This project provides a crucial opportunity for learning and knowledge exchange for all those medical, midwifery and nursing students involved. Reference: 1. Purdy, J. & Stewart, M (2009) ‘Feeding and Nutrition in Infants and Children: An Interprofessional Approach’. The Clinical Teacher, vol 6, no.3. Authors: Dr. Angela Bell, Centre for Medical Education, Queen’s University Belfast. Doris Corkin, Senior Lecturer (education), Children’s Nursing, School of Nursing & Midwifery, Queen’s University Belfast. Carolyn Moorhead, Midwifery Lecturer, School of Nursing & Midwifery, Queen’s University Belfast. Ann Devlin, Lecturer (education), Learning Disability Nursing, School of Nursing & Midwifery, Queen’s University Belfast.


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his essay is premised on the following: a conspiracy to fix or otherwise manipulate the outcome of a sporting event for profitable purpose. That conspiracy is in turn predicated on the conspirators’ capacity to: (a) ensure that the fix takes place as pre-determined; (b) manipulate the betting markets that surround the sporting event in question; and (c) collect their winnings undetected by either the betting industry’s security systems or the attention of any national regulatory body or law enforcement agency.

Unlike many essays on this topic, this contribution does not focus on the “fix”– part (a) of the above equation. It does not seek to explain how or why a participant or sports official might facilitate a betting scam through either on-field behaviour that manipulates the outcome of a game or by presenting others with privileged inside information in advance of a game. Neither does this contribution seek to give any real insight into the second part of the above equation: how such conspirators manipulate a sports betting market by playing or laying the handicap or in-play or other offered betting odds. In fact, this contribution is not really about the mechanics of sports betting or match fixing at all; rather it is about the sometimes under explained reason why match fixing has reportedly become increasingly attractive as of late to international crime syndicates. That reason relates to the fact that given the traditional liquidity of gambling markets, sports betting can, and has long been, an attractively accessible conduit for criminal syndicates to launder the proceeds of crime. Accordingly, the term “winnings”, noted in part (c) of the above equation, takes on an altogether more nefarious meaning.

This essay’s attempt to review the possible links between match fixing in sport, gambling-related “winnings” and money laundering is presented in four parts.

First, some context will be given to what is meant by money laundering, how it is currently policed internationally and, most importantly, how the growth of online gambling presents a unique set of vulnerabilities and opportunities to launder the proceeds of crime. The globalisation of organised crime, sports betting and transnational financial services now means that money laundering opportunities have moved well beyond a flutter on the horses at your local racetrack or at the roulette table of your nearest casino. The growth of online gambling platforms means that at a click it is possible for the proceeds of crime in one jurisdiction to be placed on a betting market in another jurisdiction with the winnings drawn down and laundered in a third jurisdiction and thus the internationalisation of gambling-related money laundering threatens the integrity of sport globally.

Second, and referring back to the infamous hearings of the US Senate Special Committee to Investigate Organised Crime in Interstate Commerce of the early 1950s, (“the Kefauver Committee”), this article will begin by illustrating the long standing interest of organised crime gangs – in this instance, various Mafia families in the United States – in money laundering via sports gambling-related means.

Third, and using the seminal 2009 report “Money Laundering through the Football Sector” by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF, an inter-governmental body established in 1989 to promote effective implementation of legal, regulatory and operational measures for combating money laundering, terrorist financing and other related threats to the integrity of the international financial system), this essay seeks to assess the vulnerabilities of international sport to match fixing, as motivated in part by the associated secondary criminality of tax evasion and transnational economic crime.

The fourth and concluding parts of the essay spin from problems to possible solutions. The underlying premise here is that heretofore there has been an insularity to the way that sports organisations have both conceptualised and sought to address the match fixing threat e.g., if we (in sport) initiate player education programmes; establish integrity units; enforce codes of conduct and sanctions strictly; then our integrity or brand should be protected. This essay argues that, although these initiatives are important, the source and process of match fixing is beyond sport’s current capacity, as are the possible solutions.


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O presente estudo teve como objectivo analisar o desempenho de alunos de primeiro ano dos cursos de Engenharia e de Ecoturismo da Escola Superior Agrária (ESAC) do Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra (IPC) no que respeita à realização de uma síntese da informação escrita a partir de várias fontes. O estudo compreendeu duas partes, constituídas em dois estudos de caso: no primeiro, realizado no ano lectivo de 2003/2004, participaram 123 alunos; no segundo, realizado no ano lectivo de 2006/2007, participaram 60 alunos, constituindo estes a totalidade de alunos de primeiro ano que estudaram a língua nacional sob as orientações do novo “Programa de Língua Portuguesa” vigente no Ensino Secundário a partir de 2003. Em ambos os estudos de caso, procurou-se conhecer o que pensavam os alunos sobre a sua relação com a escrita em contexto escolar e sobre os seus procedimentos e dificuldades relativos à selecção e síntese da informação. Foram analisados os seus procedimentos preliminares à produção de um texto a partir de várias fontes através de eventuais sublinhados, apontamentos e rascunhos e, em seguida, através do trabalho de revisão e qualidade do texto final, que pressupunha o domínio ao nível da explicitação do conhecimento. A análise comparativa a partir dos estudos e os resultados finais revelaram dificuldades de selecção, organização e conexão da informação, bem como dificuldades relativas a uma construção discursiva própria a partir da situação de comunicação proposta, tanto ao nível da superfície do texto quanto ao nível da sua estrutura profunda. Assim, considerando que os participantes no estudo apresentaram dificuldades ao nível da explicitação do conhecimento, considerando a pouca ou nenhuma abordagem do assunto no Ensino Secundário em Portugal, considerando ainda que, em contexto académico, a competência de escrita a partir de várias fontes com vista à explicitação do conhecimento é uma condição básica e necessária para uma escrita de transformação do conhecimento e consequente literacia crítica, torna-se imperativo reflectir sobre o problema para buscar soluções. A inclusão de uma disciplina no primeiro ano do Ensino Superior (cujos conteúdos básicos são aqui sugeridos) - que contemple o ensino explícito da escrita para o desenvolvimento das competências de explicitação e transformação do conhecimento - poderá ser uma interessante solução para promover a melhoria do desempenho escritural dos alunos na difícil transição do Ensino Secundário para o Superior, tornando-os mais auto-confiantes, afastando-os da prática do plágio e contribuindo para o seu sucesso escolar.


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This work presents the results on the development of a high pressure Xe gaseous detector envisaging medical imaging. The detector uses two VUV photosensors operating face-to-face, based on the CsI-MHSP with position discrimination capability. The known effect of the charge gain decrease with the gas pressure is compensated with a light gain using the electroluminescence process. Studies of signal amplitude, energy and position resolution are presented. On the second part, gaseous detectors based on THGEM where studied in order to fulfill the requirements of present and future high energy physics experiments. The work is focused on the application of THGEM in RICH detectors elements: a triple THGEM detector using CsI photocathodes in Ne mixtures was suggested. The ion backflow to the photocathode remains a concern and a limitation; to minimize it, the application of a new hole-structure, THCOBRA, was suggested. Preliminary results foresee good perspectives for the successful application of THCOBRA in ion back-flow suppression. This work contains several methods and measurements of the CsI photocathodes behaviour in radiation gaseous detectors. A long discussion on its issues and possible solutions are presented.


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O trabalho de investigação aqui apresentado carateriza e propõe possíveis soluções para algumas das condicionantes associadas à utilização de sistemas de m-Tourism em visitas a museus, relacionadas com mecanismos de disponibilização de conteúdos multimédia e com o acesso e partilha de informação entre visitantes. O estudo empírico parte da realização de entrevistas a profissionais da área do turismo e museus e da aplicação de um questionário a visitantes de museus, para melhor compreender as relações entre as instituições de turismo e os turistas com a internet, Web 2.0 e dispositivos móveis e para caraterizar o cenário atual de utilização destas tecnologias pelos visitantes de museus, bem como de serviços de m-Tourism. A utilização destes instrumentos contribuiu também para o desenvolvimento de um protótipo que concretizasse o conceito de m-Tourism 2.0, o qual estabelece como um dos seus pilares a necessidade de soluções que permitam aos turistas comunicar o que estão a sentir e vivenciar, em qualquer momento da experiência turística, e partilhar essas informações com alguém. Os resultados revelam que um número reduzido de visitantes está envolvido em atividades de partilha de conteúdos e alguma vez utilizou sistemas móveis de apoio a visitas a museus, embora a utilização destes sistemas seja reconhecida como sendo uma mais-valia nesse tipo de visita. Verifica-se, ainda, que há alguma predisposição para os visitantes partilharem comentários e exprimirem as suas preferências, bem como para aceder às informações partilhadas por outros visitantes, em sistemas de m-Tourism. A investigação realizada permite ainda concluir que o protótipo desenvolvido potencia uma melhoria da experiência turística, revelando-se um sistema adequado para a disponibilização de conteúdos multimédia complementares à informação já existente no museu e para a criação de novas dinâmicas de acesso à informação e de comunicação entre os visitantes.


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This research focuses on creativity and innovation management in organizations. We present a model of intervention that aims at establishing a culture of organizational innovation through the internal development of individual and team creativity focusing on problem solving. The model relies on management’s commitment and in the organization’s talented people (creative leaders and employees) as a result of their ability in defining a better organization. The design follows Min Basadur’s problem solving approach consisting of problem finding, fact finding, problem definition, solution finding and decision implementation. These steps are carried out using specific techniques and procedures that will link creative people and management in order to initiate the process until problems are defined. For each defined problem, project teams will develop possible solutions and implement these decisions. Thus, a system of transformation of the individual and team creativity into organizational innovation can be established.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the Creative Problem Solving (CPS) method in improving the leadership process in a non-profit organization. The research was designed around an intervention and structured in three stages (pre-consult, intervention and follow-up), with a team designated by management, in order to bring leadership cohesion to both departments of the organization and also between the board and executive management. The results, expressed in the tasks performed and in the interviews to team members, allowed us to conclude on the effectiveness of the CPS method to improve organizational leadership, by establishing a stronger relationship between departments, as well as, in the long term, between the board and executive management. These results highlight possible solutions to improve the leadership of non-profit organizations.


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Innerhalb digitaler Nebenstellenanlagen können kurzfristig die verbesserten Kommunikationsmöglichkeiten eines „Integrated Services Digital Network" unabhängig von der Existenz eines nur langfristig realisierbaren, durchgehend digitalen öffentlichen Netzes angeboten werden. Beim Anschluß an die bestehenden öffentlichen Netze ergeben sich jedoch einige Probleme: Z. B. müssen die Bedingungen des bestehenden Dämpfungsplans eingehalten werden, auch im ungünstigsten Fall sind ausreichend hohe Signal-Quantisierungsgeräusch-Abstände sicherzustellen, für die Text- und Datenkommunikation mit den derzeit bestehenden öffentlichen Netzen sind u. U. zusätzliche Einrichtungen in der Nebenstellenanlage erforderlich. Diese Einführungsprobleme werden diskutiert und Lösungsmöglichkeiten hierzu vorgeschlagen.


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Der Leitfaden dient als Wegweiser für eine strukturierte Anhörung von Kindern im Alter von drei bis 14 Jahren im forensischen Kontext. Ziel soll es sein, kindgerecht möglichst umfangreiche und zuverlässige Informationen zu erhalten. Er gliedert sich in 1) Beispielformulierungen und prägnante Informationen sowie Erklärungen zur praktischen Befragung von Kindern, die in Form von einzelnen, aufeinanderfolgenden Karten präsentiert werden und 2) einen theoretischen Teil, der entwicklungspsychologische Aspekte, rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen, sowie Lösungsansätze für häufig aufkommende Fragen und Probleme bei der Anhörung von Kindern beinhaltet. Die Karten folgen dem typischen Verlauf einer strukturierten Anhörung: Belehrung, Themenneutrales Training zur Befragung, Tatrelevante Anhörung, Verständnisfragen. Sie können am Bildschirm eingeblendet, oder in ausgedruckter Form verwendet werden. Zu jeder Karte finden sich entsprechende Erklärungen zur Vertiefung. Der gesamte Leitfaden orientiert sich an neuesten wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen aus dem Bereich der Vernehmungs‐ und Entwicklungspsychologie sowie an relevanten gesetzlichen Grundlagen. Er eignet sich für Polizeibeamte, Richter, Staatsanwälte, Anwälte, forensische Gutachter und andere Personen, die Befragungen von Kindern im forensischen Kontext durchführen.


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Relatório da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada, Mestrado em Ensino da Matemática, Universidade de Lisboa, 2015


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The review illustrates the importance of road movements in goods distribution in urban areas. It highlights the major economic, environmental and social impacts associated with this freight activity and reviews policy options available to those responsible for regulation. A wide range of possible solutions to problems posed by urban freight operations are also covered including approaches related to: consolidation, facilities, vehicle design, information capture and utilisation, and non-road modes.


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Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Audiovisual e Multimédia.


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Mestrado em Engenharia Civil - Construções