962 resultados para Mucous membrane enzymes
A perda de dentes além de afectar a mastigação e a estética, altera também o equilíbrio do sistema estomatognático, observando-se de imediato alterações na posição dos dentes adjacentes e dos dentes oponentes. Torna-se, portanto, imprescindível para a reposição da saúde oral do paciente a reabilitação com recurso a próteses fixas ou removíveis. No que diz respeito às próteses parciais removíveis (PPR´s) estas visam a substituição dos dentes perdidos, sendo facilmente removidas e inseridas pelo paciente, sem qualquer intervenção do médico dentista e, apoiam-se directamente na mucosa e nos dentes. Enquanto as PPR´s acrílicas são suportadas pela mucosa, mediante uma ampla área de contacto, as próteses esqueléticas são suportadas pelos dentes pilares através da colocação de retentores. No caso específico das PPR´s, é fundamental que o profissional de saúde tenha em consideração a importância do planeamento correcto e adequado da reabilitação oral. Para isso, pode e deve utilizar o paralelómetro, determinando assim correctamente a localização dos planos-guia, dos apoios e retentores necessários. Guiando-se por estes princípios fundamentais, qualquer reabilitação com recurso às PPR´s pode ser bem sucedida quer a nível estético quer a nível funcional.
Background There is a potential risk of infection with blood-borne viruses if a doctor receives a blood splash to a mucous membrane. The quantification of facial contamination with blood has never been documented in the context of dermatological surgery. Objectives (i) To identify the number of facial blood splashes that occur during skin surgery and to identify the procedures that present higher risks for the operator and assistant. (ii) To assess the provision of eye protection and attitudes to its use in dermatological surgery in the U.K. Methods (i) Prospective, observational study in the skin surgery suite of a U.K. teaching hospital assessing 100 consecutive dermatological surgery procedures, plus 100 consecutive operations in which an assistant was present. Primary outcome: number of face-mask visors with at least one blood splash. Secondary outcomes: to identify if any of the following variables influenced the occurrence of a blood splash: grade of operator, site and type of procedure, and the use of electrocautery. (ii) A postal survey of all U.K.-based members of the British Society of Dermatological Surgery (BSDS) was conducted assessing facilities available and the attitudes of U.K.-based clinicians to the use of face masks during surgery. Results (i) In 33% of all surgical procedures there was at least one facial splash to the operator (range 1–75) and in 15% of procedures the assistant received at least one splash (range 1–11). Use of monopolar electrocautery was significantly less likely to result in splashes to the mask compared with bipolar electrocautery [odds ratio (OR) 0Æ04; 95% confidence interval (CI) 0Æ01–0Æ19]. Compared with the head/neck, operations on the body were significantly more likely to result in splashes to the mask (OR 6Æ52) (95% CI 1Æ7–25Æ07). The type of procedure and the status of the operator did not have a bearing on the likelihood of receiving a splash to the mask. (ii) From the survey, 33 of 159 (20Æ8%) of BSDS members had no face masks available and 54 of 159 (34Æ0%) did not wear any facial protection while operating. The majority (53Æ5%) thought they received a splash in £ 1% of procedures. Conclusions There is a substantial risk of a splash of blood coming into contact with the face during dermatological surgery for both the operator and assistant, regardless of the procedure. The risk of receiving a blood splash to the face may be substantially underestimated by U.K.-based dermatologists. The use of protective eyewear is advisable at all times, but particularly when using bipolar electrocautery, or when operating on high-risk individuals.
Antecedentes: La rinitis alérgica es una enfermedad secundaria a la exposición a alérgenos con una inflamación de las mucosas nasales mediadas por la Ig-E, tiene síntomas como estornudos, obstrucción nasal, prurito nasal y descarga nasal. Los tratamientos de primera línea son los antihistamínicos orales y Montelukast los cuales se dan como monoterapia, existe la combinación de los dos tratamientos en el mercado, sin embargo se duda de su eficacia combinada para tratar los síntomas nasales. Objetivo: Determinar la eficacia y seguridad del tratamiento combinado de Montelukast con Antihistamínicos orales en el tratamiento de Rinitis Alérgica. Metodología: Se realizó una revisión sistemática de la literatura con metaanálisis de los estudios clínicos que evaluaron la eficacia de los antihistamínicos orales y Montelukast tanto en monoterapia como en terapia combinada. Resultados: De 795 artículos publicados hasta febrero 2016 identificados en las bases de datos electrónicas y literatura gris, se seleccionaron por consenso nueve estudios. Los estudios mostraron una reducción significativa del TNSS de -2,61 (-3.32 a -1,90) de la terapia combinada de Montelukast más antihistamínicos orales en comparación con la monoterapia de cada uno de ellos. Los estudios reportaron que la seguridad de la terapia combinada de Montelukast más antihistamínicos orales no fue diferente a la monoterapia. Conclusiones: La terapia combinada de Montelukast con antihistamínico redujo el puntaje de TNSS en -2,61 (-3.32 a -1,90) por lo que es eficaz y seguro en pacientes con rinitis alérgica.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Sistemas de Bioengenharia
Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D degree in Biochemistry, Structural Biochemistry
This thesis concerns work on structure and membrane interactions of enzymes involved in lipid synthesis, biomembrane and cell wall regulation and cell defense processes. These proteins, known as glycosyltransferases (GTs), are involved in the transfer of sugar moieties from nucleotide sugars to lipids or chitin polymers. Glycosyltransferases from three types of organisms have been investigated; one is responsible for vital lipid synthesis in Arabidopsis thaliana (atDGD2) and adjusts the lipid content in biomembranes if the plant experiences stressful growth conditions. This enzyme shares many structural features with another GT found in gram-negative bacteria (WaaG). WaaG is however continuously active and involved in synthesis of the protective lipopolysaccharide layer in the cell walls of Escherichia coli. The third type of enzymes investigated here are chitin synthases (ChS) coupled to filamentous growth in the oomycete Saprolegnia monoica. I have investigated two ChS-derived MIT domains that may be involved in membrane interactions within the endosomal pathway. From analysis of the three-dimensional structure and the amino-acid sequence, some important regions of these very large proteins were selected for in vitro studies. By the use of an array of biophysical methods (e.g. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Fluorescence and Circular Dichroism spectroscopy) and directed sequence analyses it was possible to shed light on some important details regarding the structure and membrane-interacting properties of the GTs. The importance of basic amino-acid residues and hydrophobic anchoring segments, both generally and for the abovementioned proteins specifically, is discussed. Also, the topology and amino-acid sequence of GT-B enzymes of the GT4 family are analyzed with emphasis on their biomembrane association modes. The results presented herein regarding the structural and lipid-interacting properties of GTs aid in the general understanding of glycosyltransferase activity. Since GTs are involved in a high number of biochemical processes in vivo it is of outmost importance to understand the underlying processes responsible for their activity, structure and interaction events. The results are likely to be useful for many applications and future experimental design within life sciences and biomedicine.
In rabbit ligated ileal loops, two atypical enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (aEPEC) strains, 3991-1 and 0421-1, intimately associated with the cell membrane, forming the characteristic EPEC attachment and effacement lesion of the brush border, induced a mucous hypersecretion, whereas typical EPEC (tEPEC) strain E2348/69 did not. Using cultured human mucin-secreting intestinal HT29-MTX cells, we demonstrate that apically aEPEC infection is followed by increased production of secreted MUC2 and MUC5AC mucins and membrane-bound MUC3 and MUC4 mucins. The transcription of the MUC5AC and MUC4 genes was transiently upregulated after aEPEC infection. We provide evidence that the apically adhering aEPEC cells exploit the mucins` increased production since they grew in the presence of membrane-bound mucins, whereas tEPEC did not. The data described herein report a putative new virulence phenomenon in aEPEC.
Previous evidences reported by us and by other authors revealed the presence of IgG in sera of Schistosoma mansoni-infected patients to immunodominant antigens which are enzymes. Besides their immunological interest as possible inductors of protection, several of these enzume antigens might be also intersting markers of infection in antibody-detecting immunocapture assays which use the intrinsic catalytic property of these antigens. It was thus thought important to define some enzymatic and immunological characteristics of these molecules to better exploit their use as antigens. Four different enzymes from adult worms were partially characterized in their biochemical properties and susceptibility to react with antibodies of infected patients, namely alkaline phosphatase (AKP, Mg*+, pH 9.5), type I phosphodiesterase (PDE, pH 9.5), cysteine proteinase (CP, dithiothreitol, pH 5.5) and N-acetyl-ß-D-glucosaminidase (NAG, pH 5.5). The AKP and PDE are distinct tegumental membrane-bound enzymes whereas CP and NAG are soluble acid enzymes. Antibodies in infected human sera differed in their capacity to react with and to inhibit these enzyme antigens. Possibly, the specificity of the antibodies related to the extent of homology between the parasite and the host enzyme might be in part responsible for the above differences. The results are also discussed in view of the possible functional importance of these enzymes.
BACKGROUND Temporomandibular disorder (TMD) is a multifactorial syndrome related to a critical period of human life. TMD has been associated with psychological dysfunctions, oxidative state and sexual dimorphism with coincidental occurrence along the pubertal development. In this work we study the association between TMD and genetic polymorphisms of folate metabolism, neurotransmission, oxidative and hormonal metabolism. Folate metabolism, which depends on genes variations and diet, is directly involved in genetic and epigenetic variations that can influence the changes of last growing period of development in human and the appearance of the TMD. METHODS A case-control study was designed to evaluate the impact of genetic polymorphisms above described on TMD. A total of 229 individuals (69% women) were included at the study; 86 were patients with TMD and 143 were healthy control subjects. Subjects underwent to a clinical examination following the guidelines by the Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders (RDC/TMD). Genotyping of 20 Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs), divided in two groups, was performed by multiplex minisequencing preceded by multiplex PCR. Other seven genetic polymorphisms different from SNPs (deletions, insertions, tandem repeat, null genotype) were achieved by a multiplex-PCR. A chi-square test was performed to determine the differences in genotype and allelic frequencies between TMD patients and healthy subjects. To estimate TMD risk, in those polymorphisms that shown significant differences, odds ratio (OR) with a 95% of confidence interval were calculated. RESULTS Six of the polymorphisms showed statistical associations with TMD. Four of them are related to enzymes of folates metabolism: Allele G of Serine Hydoxymethyltransferase 1 (SHMT1) rs1979277 (OR = 3.99; 95%CI 1.72, 9.25; p = 0.002), allele G of SHMT1 rs638416 (OR = 2.80; 95%CI 1.51, 5.21; p = 0.013), allele T of Methylentetrahydrofolate Dehydrogenase (MTHFD) rs2236225 (OR = 3.09; 95%CI 1.27, 7.50; p = 0.016) and allele A of Methionine Synthase Reductase (MTRR) rs1801394 (OR = 2.35; 95CI 1.10, 5.00; p = 0.037). An inflammatory oxidative stress enzyme, Gluthatione S-Tranferase Mu-1(GSTM1), null allele (OR = 2.21; 95%CI 1.24, 4.36; p = 0.030) and a neurotransmission receptor, Dopamine Receptor D4 (DRD4), long allele of 48 bp-repeat (OR = 3.62; 95%CI 0.76, 17.26; p = 0.161). CONCLUSIONS Some genetic polymorphisms related to folates metabolism, inflammatory oxidative stress, and neurotransmission responses to pain, has been significantly associated to TMD syndrome.
The retrograde suppression of the synaptic transmission by the endocannabinoid sn-2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG) is mediated by the cannabinoid CB1 receptors and requires the elevation of intracellular Ca(2+) and the activation of specific 2-AG synthesizing (i.e., DAGLα) enzymes. However, the anatomical organization of the neuronal substrates that express 2-AG/CB1 signaling system-related molecules associated with selective Ca(2+)-binding proteins (CaBPs) is still unknown. For this purpose, we used double-label immunofluorescence and confocal laser scanning microscopy for the characterization of the expression of the 2-AG/CB1 signaling system (CB1 receptor, DAGLα, MAGL, and FAAH) and the CaBPs calbindin D28k, calretinin, and parvalbumin in the rat hippocampus. CB1, DAGLα, and MAGL labeling was mainly localized in fibers and neuropil, which were differentially organized depending on the hippocampal CaBPs-expressing cells. CB(+) 1 fiber terminals localized in all hippocampal principal cell layers were tightly attached to calbindin(+) cells (granular and pyramidal neurons), and calretinin(+) and parvalbumin(+) interneurons. DAGLα neuropil labeling was selectively found surrounding calbindin(+) principal cells in the dentate gyrus and CA1, and in the calretinin(+) and parvalbumin(+) interneurons in the pyramidal cell layers of the CA1/3 fields. MAGL(+) terminals were only observed around CA1 calbindin(+) pyramidal cells, CA1/3 calretinin(+) interneurons and CA3 parvalbumin(+) interneurons localized in the pyramidal cell layers. Interestingly, calbindin(+) pyramidal cells expressed FAAH specifically in the CA1 field. The identification of anatomically related-neuronal substrates that expressed 2-AG/CB1 signaling system and selective CaBPs should be considered when analyzing the cannabinoid signaling associated with hippocampal functions.
Dermatophytes are the most common agents of superficial mycoses, and exclusively infect stratum corneum, nails or hair. Therefore, secreted proteolytic activity is considered a virulence trait of these fungi. In a medium containing protein as a sole nitrogen and carbon source Trichophyton rubrum secretes a metallocarboxypeptidase (TruMcpA) of the M14 family according to the MEROPS proteolytic enzyme database. TruMcpA is homologous to human pancreatic carboxypeptidase A, and is synthesized as a precursor in a preproprotein form. The propeptide is removed to generate the mature active enzyme alternatively by either one of two subtilisins which are concomitantly secreted by the fungus. In addition, T. rubrum was shown to possess two genes (TruSCPA and TruSCPB) encoding serine carboxypeptidases of the S10 family which are homologues of the previously characterized Aspergillus and Penicillium secreted acid carboxypeptidases. However, in contrast to the Aspergillus and Penicillium homologues, TruScpA and TruScpB enzymes are not secreted into the environment, but are membrane-associated with a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchor. During infection, T. rubrum secreted and GPI-anchored carboxypeptidases may contribute to fungal virulence by cooperating with previously characterized endoproteases and aminopeptidases in the degradation of compact keratinized tissues into assimilable amino acids and short peptides.
The free form of the iron ion is one of the strongest oxidizing agents in the cellular environment. The effect of iron at different concentrations (0, 1, 5, 10, 50, and 100 µM Fe3+) on the normal human red blood cell (RBC) antioxidant system was evaluated in vitro by measuring total (GSH) and oxidized (GSSG) glutathione levels, and superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase, glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) and reductase (GSH-Rd) activities. Membrane lipid peroxidation was assessed by measuring thiobarbituric acid reactive substance (TBARS). The RBC were incubated with colloidal iron hydroxide and phosphate-buffered saline, pH 7.45, at 37oC, for 60 min. For each assay, the results for the control group were: a) GSH = 3.52 ± 0.27 µM/g Hb; b) GSSG = 0.17 ± 0.03 µM/g Hb; c) GSH-Px = 19.60 ± 1.96 IU/g Hb; d) GSH-Rd = 3.13 ± 0.17 IU/g Hb; e) catalase = 394.9 ± 22.8 IU/g Hb; f) SOD = 5981 ± 375 IU/g Hb. The addition of 1 to 100 µM Fe3+ had no effect on the parameters analyzed. No change in TBARS levels was detected at any of the iron concentrations studied. Oxidative stress, measured by GSH kinetics over time, occurs when the RBC are incubated with colloidal iron hydroxide at concentrations higher than 10 µM of Fe3+. Overall, these results show that the intact human RBC is prone to oxidative stress when exposed to Fe3+ and that the RBC has a potent antioxidant system that can minimize the potential damage caused by acute exposure to a colloidal iron hydroxide in vitro.
Inorganic pyrophosphatases (PPases) are enzymes that hydrolyze pyrophosphate (PPi)which is produced as a byproduct in many important growth related processes e.g. in the biosynthesis of DNA, proteins and lipids. PPases can be either soluble or membranebound. Membrane-bound PPases (mPPases) are ion transporters that couple the energy released during PPi hydrolysis to Na+ or H+ transport. When I started the project, only three Na+-transporting mPPases were known to exist. In this study, I aimed to confirm if Na+-transport is a common function of mPPases. Furthermore, the amino acid residues responsible for determining the transporter specificity were unknown. I constructed a phylogenetic tree for mPPases and selected the representative bacterial and archaeal mPPases to be investigated. I expressed different prokaryotic mPPases in Escherichia coli, isolated these as inverted membrane vesicles and characterized their functions. In the first project I identified four new Na+-PPases, two K+-dependent H+-PPases and one K+-independent mPPase. The residues determining the transporter specificity were identified by site-directed mutagenesis. I showed that the conserved glutamate residues are important for specificity, though are not the only residues that influence it. This research clarified the ion transport specificities throughout the mPPase phylogenetic tree, and revealed that Na+ transport is a widespread function of mPPases. In addition, it became clear that the transporter specificity can be predicted from the amino acid sequence in combination with a phylogenetic analysis. In the second project, I identified a novel class of mPPases, which is capable of transporting both Na+ and H+ ions and is mainly found in bacteria of the human gastrointestinal tract. The physiological role of these novel enzymes may be to help the bacteria survive in the demanding conditions of the host. In the third project, I characterized the Chlorobium limicola Na+-PPase and found that this and related mPPases are able to transport H+ ions at subphysiological Na+ concentrations. In addition, the H+-transport activity was shown to be a common function of all studied Na+-PPases at low Na+ concentrations. I observed that mutating gate-lysine to asparagine eliminated the H+ but not the Na+ ion transport function, indicating the important role of the residue in the transport of H+. In the fourth project, I characterized the unknown and evolutionary divergent mPPase clade of the phylogenetic tree. The enzymes belonging to this clade are able to transport H+ ions and, based on their sequence, were expected to be K+- and Na+-independent. The sequences of membrane-bound PPase are usually highly conserved, but the enzymes belonging to this clade are more divergent and usually contain 100−150 extra amino acid residues compared to other known mPPases. Despite the vast sequence differences, these mPPases have the full set of important residues and, surprisingly, are regulated by Na+ and K+ ions. These enzymes are mainly of bacterial origin.
El marcaje de proteínas con ubiquitina, conocido como ubiquitinación, cumple diferentes funciones que incluyen la regulación de varios procesos celulares, tales como: la degradación de proteínas por medio del proteosoma, la reparación del ADN, la señalización mediada por receptores de membrana, y la endocitosis, entre otras (1). Las moléculas de ubiquitina pueden ser removidas de sus sustratos gracias a la acción de un gran grupo de proteasas, llamadas enzimas deubiquitinizantes (DUBs) (2). Las DUBs son esenciales para la manutención de la homeostasis de la ubiquitina y para la regulación del estado de ubiquitinación de diferentes sustratos. El gran número y la diversidad de DUBs descritas refleja tanto su especificidad como su utilización para regular un amplio espectro de sustratos y vías celulares. Aunque muchas DUBs han sido estudiadas a profundidad, actualmente se desconocen los sustratos y las funciones biológicas de la mayoría de ellas. En este trabajo se investigaron las funciones de las DUBs: USP19, USP4 y UCH-L1. Utilizando varias técnicas de biología molecular y celular se encontró que: i) USP19 es regulada por las ubiquitin ligasas SIAH1 y SIAH2 ii) USP19 es importante para regular HIF-1α, un factor de transcripción clave en la respuesta celular a hipoxia, iii) USP4 interactúa con el proteosoma, iv) La quimera mCherry-UCH-L1 reproduce parcialmente los fenotipos que nuestro grupo ha descrito previamente al usar otros constructos de la misma enzima, y v) UCH-L1 promueve la internalización de la bacteria Yersinia pseudotuberculosis.