919 resultados para Língua inglesa (Segundo grau) Estudo e ensino


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The current study is about the legitimacy of lower court jurisdiction as a way of exercising basic legal rights, proposing, therefore, a new legal-administrative model for appellate court. In order to achieve that, a demonstration of the importance of basic legal rights in the Brazilian legal system and an open interpretation in light of the Constitution, as a way to affirm said rights, among which are accessibility to the justice system and proper legal protection, is required. As a result, the legitimacy to access the legal system resides in the Constitution, where the interpreter should seek its basic principles to achieve basic legal rights. It is observed that the lack of credibility regarding lower court decisions comes from the dogmatic view of truth born from power, and therefore, that the truth resides in decisions from appellate court and not from lower court judges. A lower court judge holds a privileged position in providing basic legal rights for citizens, considering his close contact to the parties, the facts, and the evidences brought forth. Class action suit is presented as an important instrument able to lead the lower court judge to provide basic legal rights. Small Claims Courts may be used as paradigm to the creation of Appellate State Courts formed by lower court judges, reserving to higher jurisdiction courts and Federal Circuit Courts, the decisions of original competency and the management and institutional representation of the judiciary system. Instilling an internal democratization of the judiciary is also required, which means the participation of lower court judges in electing their peers to chief positions in the court system, as well as establishing a limited mandate to higher court judges.


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This thesis proposes a new thinking on the English teacher and their continuing education, leaving the picture emerging of a new professional, who is producing and being produced. From this perspective, I present an analysis of self writing of thirteen student-teachers, teachers on how they position themselves to be discursively constituted as subjects in the context of continuing education. As part of Applied Linguistics, the theory and method that supports the analysis of data are articulate key elements of Foucault notions, namely:The care of the self, seeking their connection with one another and care of and the self writing. In the theoretical notions of these elements are implied notions of others, such as speech, ethics, technology of the self, subject and truth. (Foucault, 1984, 1995, 2004c, 2006), and questioning the ethics of the subject. I propose to examine selected excerpts from the self writings of student teachers with a specialization in Teaching and Learning the English Language, seeking linguistic processes in the material production of subjectivities.In order to analyze the process of subjectivation, I examine the discursive statements of selected cuts, aiming to learn more specifically, the points of identification and fragments of the uniqueness of the teachers, showing how they care for themselves and reflect upon them in building their subjectivity from the technologies of the self, to occupy the position of English Language teachers. The results show that, in the exercise of self writing, the subject falls, and a practice of asceticism, discursively construct her/his subjectivity


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In this work are presented, as a review and in a historical context, the most used methods to solve quadratic equations. It is also shown the simplest type of change of variables, namely: x = Ay + B where A;B 2 R, and some changes of variables that were used to solve quadratic equations throughout history. Finally, a change of variable, which has been used by the author in the classroom as an alternative method, is presented and the result of this methodoly is illustrated by the responses of a test that was done by the students in classroom


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Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)


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Nesta dissertao de mestrado, objetivamos investigar a relao entre o professor e o livro didtico na 4 srie do ensino fundamental em seis escolas pblicas, localizadas na cidade de Belm. Para tanto, buscamos perceber quais critrios adotados na seleo, quais objetos de ensino evidenciados no livro e nas aulas de língua portuguesa, quais sees usadas e quais estratgias instauradas pelas professoras no momento em que usam o livro didtico. Neste estudo, adotamos uma pesquisa de carter etnogrfico, pois consideramos as vozes das professoras sobre o processo de seleo e a utilizao do livro em sala de aula. Fazemos uso tambm de idias de base scio-interacionista de Vygotsky (1984, 2003) e Bakhtin (1993, 1997, 1999) a respeito da linguagem, da interao, da construo do sujeito, dentre outras; e recorremos a alguns estudos referentes ao ensino de língua portuguesa e ao livro didtico. Na anlise, refletimos sobre as propostas dos livros didticos (publicados entre 2003 e 2005) atinentes compreenso e produo (oral e escrita) e sobre o objeto de ensino priorizado nesse material. Analisamos as entrevistas com seis professoras e as aulas de língua portuguesa, comparamos as propostas dos livros s das professoras e apresentamos algumas sugestes para um melhor aproveitamento do livro. Os resultados da pesquisa indicam que os livros didticos, adotados pelas escolas envolvidas neste estudo, parecem no desempenhar a funo de direcionadores do ensino nem assumir a funo das professoras, uma vez que eles so apenas utilizados para complementar as atividades, planejadas previamente por elas.


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Este artigo sugere, a partir de anlise da operao de modalizao, comum s diversas línguas, trabalho prtico com texto, visando ao aprimoramento do ensino de leitura em língua inglesa.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientfico e Tecnolgico (CNPq)


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Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)


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This study aims at discussing aspects related to learner corpora and linguistic features found in texts written by English learners based on the use of collocations in text production. For this research, we analyzed collocations with the verb to have and with the nouns prejudice and regret.


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This papaer's main objective is to discuss partial data collected for an ongoing reserch wich aims at investigating the pedagogical pratice (re) construction process in Teaching Pratice as part of a pre-service teacher education course.


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The aim of this study was to verify the potential of music as a pedagogical resource in the English class of a public school. The results confirmed that it is possible to motivate students through the use of songs.


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This paper aims at discussing the relevance of student-teachers motivational variants in an English as a Foreign Language Teacher Education course whose syllabus proposes, since the beginning of the program, the development of students proficiency in the target language aligned to EFL teacher education theories. In addition, this study also intends to comprehend how this course structure has been developed, verifying how prospective teachers react towards its proposal. Results indicated relevant aspects related to motivation, since from all participants, many declared their interest in following the teaching career while others revealed interest in developing their English language skills, which indicates that both needs and expectations of these groups seemed to be attained, favoring their motivation to language learning and teaching.


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Ps-graduao em Psicologia do Desenvolvimento e Aprendizagem - FC


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Esta dissertao surgiu de um projeto realizado na rede oficial de ensino do municpio de Santo Andr (SP) no perodo de agosto a dezembro de 2008 junto aos professores inscritos no curso Formao sobre culturas de língua espanhola e suas possibilidades no trabalho pedaggico . Tal projeto teve como aspecto fundamental inserir os professores dos anos iniciais na língua e na cultura espanhola, assim como na hispano-americana, direcionando-os a adquirirem uma viso globalizada das novas tendncias existentes na aquisio de uma segunda língua. O curso permitiu aos professores compartilharem experincias e aprofundarem seus estudos na integrao cultural e lingustica, por meio de metodologias e tcnicas facilitadoras, adequadas faixa etria dos seus alunos crianas de 6 a 10 anos. A partir desse projeto, a pesquisa desenvolvida procurou tericos para estruturar o trabalho, cuja pergunta norteadora possibilidades de introduzir o ensino de uma língua estrangeira no caso, o espanhol , nos primeiros anos do Ensino Fundamental I. Como no Brasil, no h um grande nmero de professores habilitados no ensino da língua espanhola, questionou-se sobre tal possibilidade, considerando ainda que as escolas municipais, que so as escolas que oferecem o Ensino Fundamental I, no apresentam em seu currculo o ensino de língua estrangeira. Com base em tericos que apontam diferentes caminhos para se aprender uma língua estrangeira e frente ao exposto, o estudo buscou analisar os depoimentos e observaes ocorridos na execuo dos projetos individuais, que professores da rede municipal tambm sujeitos desta pesquisa elaboraram durante o curso. A anlise dos questionrios, da entrevista e do depoimento realizados junto a onze desses sujeitos possibilitou traar o perfil de sua formao, da sua atuao e da sua trajetria profissional. Os dados colhidos foram analisados tendo como referencial terico Jacques Rancire (2007) em referncia a Jacotot e seu Mestre ignorante , que aborda conceitos de explicao, igualdade e vontade, submetendo-os anlise de contedo. Nesse contexto, foram extradas as reflexes sobre as possibilidades de prtica pedaggica na vivncia dos professores durante a execuo do projeto. O estudo considerou, aps esta experincia, que existe a possibilidade de ministrar uma formao continuada de língua espanhola a professores que j atuem com alunos dos anos iniciais.(AU)