929 resultados para Internet Things openHAB Smart Home Automation


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Wireless sensor networks are emerging as effective tools in the gathering and dissemination of data. They can be applied in many fields including health, environmental monitoring, home automation and the military. Like all other computing systems it is necessary to include security features, so that security sensitive data traversing the network is protected. However, traditional security techniques cannot be applied to wireless sensor networks. This is due to the constraints of battery power, memory, and the computational capacities of the miniature wireless sensor nodes. Therefore, to address this need, it becomes necessary to develop new lightweight security protocols. This dissertation focuses on designing a suite of lightweight trust-based security mechanisms and a cooperation enforcement protocol for wireless sensor networks. This dissertation presents a trust-based cluster head election mechanism used to elect new cluster heads. This solution prevents a major security breach against the routing protocol, namely, the election of malicious or compromised cluster heads. This dissertation also describes a location-aware, trust-based, compromise node detection, and isolation mechanism. Both of these mechanisms rely on the ability of a node to monitor its neighbors. Using neighbor monitoring techniques, the nodes are able to determine their neighbors’ reputation and trust level through probabilistic modeling. The mechanisms were designed to mitigate internal attacks within wireless sensor networks. The feasibility of the approach is demonstrated through extensive simulations. The dissertation also addresses non-cooperation problems in multi-user wireless sensor networks. A scalable lightweight enforcement algorithm using evolutionary game theory is also designed. The effectiveness of this cooperation enforcement algorithm is validated through mathematical analysis and simulation. This research has advanced the knowledge of wireless sensor network security and cooperation by developing new techniques based on mathematical models. By doing this, we have enabled others to build on our work towards the creation of highly trusted wireless sensor networks. This would facilitate its full utilization in many fields ranging from civilian to military applications.


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La diffusione di soluzioni domotiche dipende da tecnologie abilitanti che supportino la comunicazione tra i numerosi agenti delle reti. L’obiettivo della tesi è progettare e realizzare un middleware per sensori distribuiti Java-based chiamato SensorNetwork, che permetta ad un agente domotico di effettuare sensing sull’ambiente. Le funzionalità principali del sistema sono uniformità di accesso a sensori eterogenei distribuiti, alto livello di automazione (autoconfigurazione e autodiscovery dei nodi), configurazione a deployment time, modularità, semplicità di utilizzo ed estensione con nuovi sensori. Il sistema realizzato è basato su un’architettura a componente-container che permette l’utilizzo di sensori all’interno di stazioni di sensori e che supporti l’accesso remoto per mezzo di un servizio di naming definito ad-hoc.


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Queueing theory provides models, structural insights, problem solutions and algorithms to many application areas. Due to its practical applicability to production, manufacturing, home automation, communications technology, etc, more and more complex systems requires more elaborated models, tech- niques, algorithm, etc. need to be developed. Discrete-time models are very suitable in many situations and a feature that makes the analysis of discrete time systems technically more involved than its continuous time counterparts. In this paper we consider a discrete-time queueing system were failures in the server can occur as-well as priority messages. The possibility of failures of the server with general life time distribution is considered. We carry out an extensive study of the system by computing generating functions for the steady-state distribution of the number of messages in the queue and in the system. We also obtain generating functions for the stationary distribution of the busy period and sojourn times of a message in the server and in the system. Performance measures of the system are also provided.


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Queueing systems constitute a central tool in modeling and performance analysis. These types of systems are in our everyday life activities, and the theory of queueing systems was developed to provide models for forecasting behaviors of systems subject to random demand. The practical and useful applications of the discrete-time queues make the researchers to con- tinue making an e ort in analyzing this type of models. Thus the present contribution relates to a discrete-time Geo/G/1 queue in which some messages may need a second service time in addition to the rst essential service. In day-to-day life, there are numerous examples of queueing situations in general, for example, in manufacturing processes, telecommunication, home automation, etc, but in this paper a particular application is the use of video surveil- lance with intrusion recognition where all the arriving messages require the main service and only some may require the subsidiary service provided by the server with di erent types of strategies. We carry out a thorough study of the model, deriving analytical results for the stationary distribution. The generating functions of the number of messages in the queue and in the system are obtained. The generating functions of the busy period as well as the sojourn times of a message in the server, the queue and the system are also provided.


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Data la sempre maggiore richiesta di fabbisogno energetico, si è sviluppata una nuova filosofia nella gestione dei consumi energetici, il DSM (demand side management), che ha lo scopo di incoraggiare il consumatore ad usare energia in modo più intelligente e coscienzioso. Questo obiettivo, unito all’accumulo di energia da fonti rinnovabili, permetterà un abbassamento dell’utilizzo dell’energia elettrica proveniente dal consumo di fonti non rinnovabili e altamente inquinanti come quelle a combustibili fossili ed una diminuzione sia del consumo energetico, sia del costo per produrre energia che dell’energia stessa. L’home automation e la domotica in ambiente domestico rappresentano un esempio di DSM. L’obiettivo di questa tesi è quello di creare un sistema di home automation utilizzando tecnologie opensource. Sono stati utilizzati device come board Arduino UNO, Raspberry Pi ed un PC con sistema operativo GNU/Linux per creare una simulazione di un sistema di home automation abbinato alla gestione di celle fotovoltaiche ed energy storaging. Il sistema permette di poter spegnere un carico energetico in base a delle particolari circostanze come, per esempio, il superamento di una certa soglia di consumo di energia elettrica. Il software utilizzato è opensource e mira a poter ottimizzare il consumo energetico secondo le proprie finalità. Il tutto a dimostrare che si può creare un sistema di home automation da abbinare con il presente e futuro delle fonti rinnovabili utilizzando tecnologie libere in modo tale da preservare privacy e security oltre che customizzazione e possibilità di adattamento a diverse circostanze. Nella progettazione del sistema è stato implementato un algoritmo per gestire varie situazioni all’interno di un ambiente domestico. La realizzazione di tale algoritmo ha prodotto ottimi risultati nella raggiungimento degli obiettivi prefissati. Il progetto di questa tesi può essere ulteriormente ampliato ed il codice è reperibile in un repository pubblico.


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The Internet of Things is a new paradigm where smart embedded devices and systems are connected to the Internet. In this context, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) are becoming an important alternative for sensing and actuating critical applications like industrial automation, remote patient monitoring and domotics. The IEEE 802.15.4 protocol has been adopted as a standard for WSN and the 6LoWPAN protocol has been proposed to overcome the challenges of integrating WSN and Internet protocols. In this paper, the mechanisms of header compression and fragmentation of IPv6 datagrams proposed in the 6LoWPAN standard were evaluated through field experiments using a gateway prototype and IEEE 802.15.4 nodes.


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La seguente tesi ha come scopo la progettazione e la realizzazione di un sistema intelligente per la gestione e il monitoraggio dell'acqua in impianti facenti uso di docce attraverso 'l'Internet Of Things', con l'obiettivo di ridurre gli sprechi favorendo cosi un risparmio sia di tipo energetico sia di tipo idrico. Stabiliti i requisiti si passa alla fase di progettazione dove vengono analizzate tutte le funzionalità che il sistema deve soddisfare. Segue la fase di implementazione, il cui scopo e realizzare concretamente le funzionalità producendo un prototipo iniziale. Quest'ultimo sara sottoposto ad eventuali test per verificare il corretto funzionamento del sistema e delle singole parti che lo costituiscono.


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The presented work aims to contribute towards the standardization and the interoperability off the Future Internet through an open and scalable architecture design. We present S³OiA as a syntactic/semantic Service-Oriented Architecture that allows the integration of any type of object or device, not mattering their nature, on the Internet of Things. Moreover, the architecture makes possible the use of underlying heterogeneous resources as a substrate for the automatic composition of complex applications through a semantic Triple Space paradigm. Created applications are dynamic and adaptive since they are able to evolve depending on the context where they are executed. The validation scenario of this architecture encompasses areas which are prone to involve human beings in order to promote personal autonomy, such as home-care automation environments and Ambient Assisted Living.


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The Internet of Things (IoT) is growing at a fast pace with new devices getting connected all the time. A new emerging group of these devices are the wearable devices, and Wireless Sensor Networks are a good way to integrate them in the IoT concept and bring new experiences to the daily life activities. In this paper we present an everyday life application involving a WSN as the base of a novel context-awareness sports scenario where physiological parameters are measured and sent to the WSN by wearable devices. Applications with several hardware components introduce the problem of heterogeneity in the network. In order to integrate different hardware platforms and to introduce a service-oriented semantic middleware solution into a single application, we propose the use of an Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) as a bridge for guaranteeing interoperability and integration of the different environments, thus introducing a semantic added value needed in the world of IoT-based systems. This approach places all the data acquired (e.g., via Internet data access) at application developers disposal, opening the system to new user applications. The user can then access the data through a wide variety of devices (smartphones, tablets, computers) and Operating Systems (Android, iOS, Windows, Linux, etc.).


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Cognitive radio (CR) is fast emerging as a promising technology that can meet the machine-to machine (M2M) communication requirements for spectrum utilization and power control for large number of machines/devices expected to be connected to the Internet-of Things (IoT). Power control in CR as a secondary user can been modelled as a non-cooperative game cost function to quantify and reduce its effects of interference while occupying the same spectrum as primary user without adversely affecting the required quality of service (QoS) in the network. In this paper a power loss exponent that factors in diverse operating environments for IoT is employed in the non-cooperative game cost function to quantify the required power of transmission in the network. The approach would enable various CRs to transmit with lesser power thereby saving battery consumption or increasing the number of secondary users thereby optimizing the network resources efficiently.


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Manufacturing companies have passed from selling uniquely tangible products to adopting a service-oriented approach to generate steady and continuous revenue streams. Nowadays, equipment and machine manufacturers possess technologies to track and analyze product-related data for obtaining relevant information from customers’ use towards the product after it is sold. The Internet of Things on Industrial environments will allow manufacturers to leverage lifecycle product traceability for innovating towards an information-driven services approach, commonly referred as “Smart Services”, for achieving improvements in support, maintenance and usage processes. The aim of this study is to conduct a literature review and empirical analysis to present a framework that describes a customer-oriented approach for developing information-driven services leveraged by the Internet of Things in manufacturing companies. The empirical study employed tools for the assessment of customer needs for analyzing the case company in terms of information requirements and digital needs. The literature review supported the empirical analysis with a deep research on product lifecycle traceability and digitalization of product-related services within manufacturing value chains. As well as the role of simulation-based technologies on supporting the “Smart Service” development process. The results obtained from the case company analysis show that the customers mainly demand information that allow them to monitor machine conditions, machine behavior on different geographical conditions, machine-implement interactions, and resource and energy consumption. Put simply, information outputs that allow them to increase machine productivity for maximizing yields, save time and optimize resources in the most sustainable way. Based on customer needs assessment, this study presents a framework to describe the initial phases of a “Smart Service” development process, considering the requirements of Smart Engineering methodologies.


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The Internet of Things facilitates the identification, digitization, and control of physical objects. However, it is the availability of cost effective sensors, mobile smart devices, scalable cloud infrastructure, and advanced analytics that have consumerized the Internet of Things. The accessibility of digital representations of things has transformative potential and provides entire new affordances for organizations and their ecosystems across most industries.


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The Internet of Things is a vision for a world of interconnected smart devices. We present an alternative vision based on a review of literature that emphasizes the importance and role of objects in social relations. We situate this work in relation to a conceptual understanding of objects and sociality, and note some methodological implications of a more object-centred sociality that may suggest design opportunities alongside the emerging Internet of Things.