997 resultados para Fazenda Santo Amaro - MA


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The 475 degrees C embrittlement in stainless steels is a well-known phenomenon associated to alpha prime (alpha`) formed by precipitation or spinodal decomposition. Many doubts still remain on the mechanism of alpha` formation and its consequence on deformation and fracture mechanisms and corrosion resistance. In this investigation, the fracture behavior and corrosion resistance of two high performance ferritic stainless steels were investigated: a superferritic DIN 1.4575 and MA 956 superalloy were evaluated. Samples of both stainless steels (SS) were aged at 475 degrees C for periods varying from 1 to 1,080 h. Their fracture surfaces were observed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and the cleavage planes were determined by electron backscattering diffraction (EBSD). Some samples were tested for corrosion resistance using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and potentiodynamic polarization. Brittle and ductile fractures were observed in both ferritic stainless steels after aging at 475 degrees C. For aging periods longer than 500 h, the ductile fracture regions completely disappeared. The cleavage plane in the DIN 1.4575 samples aged at 475 degrees C for 1,080 h was mainly {110}, however the {102}, {314}, and {131} families of planes were also detected. The pitting corrosion resistance decreased with aging at 475 degrees C. The effect of alpha prime on the corrosion resistance was more significant in the DIN 1.4575 SS comparatively to the Incoloy MA 956.


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Four new species of Anastrepha Schiner were collected in McPhail-type traps hung in trees in a natural reserve and in commercial papaya orchards in Linhares, Espirito Santo state, Brazil. They are described and named herein as follows: Anastrepha atlantica n. sp., Anastrepha glochin n. sp., Anastrepha linharensis n. sp. and Anastrepha martinsi n. sp. Only the latter was collected in traps hung in papaya orchards. The classification of these species in species groups of Anastrepha is also discussed.


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The results presented in this paper refer to a host survey, lasting approximately three and a half years (February 2003-july 2006), undertaken in the Vale do Rio Doce Natural Reserve, a remnant area of the highly endangered Atlantic Rain Forest located in Linhares County, State of Espirito Santo, Brazil. A total of 330 fruit samples were collected from native plants, representing 248 species and 51 plant families. Myrtaceae was the most diverse family with 54 sampled species. Twenty-eight plant species, from ten families, are hosts of ten Anastrepha species and of Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann). Among 33 associations between host plants and fruit flies, 20 constitute new records, including the records of host plants for A. fumipennis Lima and A. nascimentoi Zucchi. The findings were discussed in the light of their implications for rain forest conservation efforts and the study of evolutionary relationships between fruit flies and their hosts.


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Background: Urban air pollutants are associated with cardiovascular events. Traffic controllers are at high risk for pollution exposure during outdoor work shifts. Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the relationship between air pollution and systemic blood pressure in traffic controllers during their work shifts. Methods: This cross-sectional study enrolled 19 male traffic controllers from Santo Andre city (Sao Paulo, Brazil) who were 30-60 years old and exposed to ambient air during outdoor work shifts. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure readings were measured every 15 min by an Ambulatory Arterial Blood Pressure Monitoring device. Hourly measurements (lags of 0-5 h) and the moving averages (2-5 h) of particulate matter (PM(10)), ozone (O(3)) ambient concentrations and the acquired daily minimum temperature and humidity means from the Sao Paulo State Environmental Agency were correlated with both systolic and diastolic blood pressures. Statistical methods included descriptive analysis and linear mixed effect models adjusted for temperature, humidity, work periods and time of day. Results: Interquartile increases of PM(10) (33 mu g/m(3)) and O(3) (49 mu g/m(3)) levels were associated with increases in all arterial pressure parameters, ranging from 1.06 to 2.53 mmHg. PM(10) concentration was associated with early effects (lag 0), mainly on systolic blood pressure. However, O(3) was weakly associated most consistently with diastolic blood pressure and with late cumulative effects. Conclusions: Santo Andre traffic controllers presented higher blood pressure readings while working their outdoor shifts during periods of exposure to ambient pollutant fluctuations. However, PM(10) and O(3) induced cardiovascular effects demonstrated different time courses and end-point behaviors and probably acted through different mechanisms. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The present study was made to check if the Trad-MCN bioassay, developed with inflorescences of Tradescantia pallida cv. Purpurea, might discriminate genotoxic risks in areas of the city of Santo Andre (SE Brazil) contaminated by different air pollutants, and periods of the year when risks are higher, and to determine if the variations in the frequency of micronuclei (MCN) can be explained by environmental factors that characterize the stressful situation in each site. Potted plants were exposed in sites highly contaminated by ozone (Capuava and School) and in sites reached by high vehicular emissions (downtown and Celso Daniel Park). Pedroso Park, far from the polluted areas, was taken as reference. From September 2003 to September 2004, 20 young inflorescences were collected twice a week from each place and the frequencies of MCN were estimated. The environmental conditions observed in the polluted sites were stressful enough to promote an increase of MCN, mainly in sites reached by high vehicular emissions. But MCN rates in Capuava and at Celso Daniel Park could not be predicted only by pollutants which characterized the air contamination in these sites. More severe weather conditions, mainly low temperature, relative humidity and rainfall, caused an increase of MCN. Improvement of the biomonitoring system is recommended to minimize this negative influence of weather factors. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Blood samples collected from 201 humans, 92 dogs, and 27 horses in the state of Espirito Santo, Brazil, were tested by polymerase chain reaction, indirect immunofluorescence assays, and indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for tick-borne diseases (rickettsiosis, ehrlichiosis, anaplasmosis, borreliosis, babesiosis). Our results indicated that the surveyed counties are endemic for spotted fever group rickettsiosis because sera from 70 (34.8%) humans, 7 (7.6%) dogs, and 7 (25.9%) horses were reactive to at least one of the six Rickettsia species tested. Although there was evidence of ehrlichiosis (Ehrlichia canis) and babesiosis (Babesia cams vogeli, Theileria equi) in domestic animals, no human was positive for babesiosis and only four individuals were serologically positive for E. canis. Borrelia burgdorferi-serologic reactive sera were rare among humans and horses, but encompassed 51% of the canine samples, suggesting that dogs and their ticks can be part of the epidemiological cycle of the causative agent of the Brazilian zoonosis, named Baggio-Yoshinari Syndrome.


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From May 2007 to March 2008, blood samples were collected from 92 healthy dogs living in 21 households (17 farms in rural area, and 4 homes in urban area) in 6 counties of the State of Espirito Santo, southeastern Brazil. In addition, ticks were collected from these dogs. A mean of 4.4 +/- 3.0 dogs (range: 1-12) were sampled per household; 78 and 14 dogs were from rural and urban areas, respectively. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) designed to amplify fragments of the 18S rDNA gene of Babesia spp or Hepatozoon spp revealed amplicons of the expected size in 20 (21.7%) dogs for Babesia, and 54 (58.7%) dogs for Hepatozoon. All Babesia-positive dogs were also Hepatozoon-positive. Among the 21 households, 15 (71.4%) from 3 counties had at least one PCR-positive dog, including 13 farms (rural area) and 2 homes (urban area). A total of 40 PCR products from the Hepatozoon-PCR, and 19 products from the Babesia-PCR were submitted to DNA sequencing. All generated sequences from Hepatozoon-PCR were identical to each other, and to corresponding 18S rDNA sequences of H. canis in GenBank. Surprisingly, all generated sequences from the Babesia PCR were also identical to corresponding 18S rDNA sequences of H. canis in GenBank. Dogs from 10 rural and 2 urban households were found infested by Rhipicephalus sanguineus ticks. Immature of Amblyomma cajennense ticks were found in dogs from only 4 rural households (also infested by R. sanguineus). All but one household with R. sanguineus-infested dogs had at least one Hepatozoon-infected dog. Statistical analysis showed that the presence of ticks (i.e. R. sanguineus) infesting dogs in the households was significantly (P < 0.05) associated with at least one PCR-positive dog. There was no significant association (P > 0.05) between PCR-positive dogs and urban or rural households. Canine hepatozoonosis caused by H. canis is a high frequent infection in Espirito Santo, Brazil, where it is possibly vectored by R. sanguineus. Since all infected dogs were found apparently healthy, the pathogenicity of H. canis for dogs in Espirito Santo is yet to be elucidated. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper describes how watershed protection is being combined with settlement upgrading and land-use management within an area that serves as one of Greater Sao Paulo's main sources of fresh water. This is being undertaken in the municipality of San to Andre. Unlike previous watershed protection measures, which proved ineffective, it recognizes the need to combine the protection of water-sheds with the improvement of conditions in existing settlements and guiding, rather than prohibiting, further settlement. The paper describes how, the community-based watershed management involves the inhabitants of illegal settlements and other stakeholders in an adaptive planning framework that first seeks consensus on what is to be planned before developing the plan, its implementation and its operation, maintenance and monitoring.


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O caso relata o processo de concess??o de licenciamento ambiental para a constru????o de Santo Ant??nio e Jirau, duas usinas hidrel??tricas no estado de Rond??nia. A proposta foi apresentada em um contexto no qual d??ficits energ??ticos colocavam o pa??s em estado de alerta, o que ampliou a press??o para projetos de aproveitamento hidrel??trico de grande porte. Era um dos projetos do Programa de Acelera????o do Crescimento (PAC), o que lhe confere car??ter priorit??rio. A concess??o de licen??a de viabilidade ambiental (licen??a pr??via) constitui pr??-requisito para ser iniciada a licita????o das obras das usinas. Iniciado em 2002, o processo de licenciamento estendeu-se at?? agosto de 2007, quando foi aprovado com medidas de controle da fauna, flora e subst??ncias t??xicas, e a prote????o das popula????es locais. O tema foi escolhido para estudo de caso por envolver m??ltiplos atores e interesses e enfocar um amplo e demorado processo de media????es e negocia????es multilaterais. O caso foi desenhado para ser aplicado em oficina de negocia????es, para alunos com conhecimentos pr??vios sobre teoria das negocia????es, permitindo articular aspectos te??ricos com a dimens??o pr??tica relatada pela experi??ncia. O caso tamb??m fornece elementos para an??lise da participa????o dos atores pol??ticos, conflitos, gera????o de alian??as e consensos e para discuss??es sobre tomada de decis??o


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A partir de 1998, teve in??cio, na Secretaria da Fazenda do Estado de Pernambuco, o Programa de Moderniza????o Fazend??ria (Promofaz), que promoveu diversas mudan??as organizacionais, concentrando esfor??os em projetos estruturadores, incluindo investimentos no planejamento de tecnologia da informa????o (TI). Dentre os projetos de TI, destacou-se a elabora????o das arquiteturas de sistemas e tecnol??gicas. Neste trabalho, foi realizada uma revis??o dos processos organizacionais da moderniza????o fazend??ria, abrangendo aspectos de cultura, mudan??a e aprendizagem organizacionais, confrontados com referenciais hist??ricos e te??ricos, e maior enfoque na ??rea de tecnologia da informa????o. Apesar das dificuldades, o processo de informatiza????o tem provocado fortes impactos nos componentes culturais da institui????o. Sem a utiliza????o da tecnologia da informa????o como ferramenta, provavelmente n??o se implantariam os novos modelos de gest??o adotados pela Sefaz, mas se observou que a tecnologia, sozinha, n??o faz o milagre da mudan??a, sendo necess??rio todo um conjunto de esfor??os e um trabalho paralelo com outros fatores de mudan??a.


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O objetivo principal do trabalho ?? analisar a estrutura de comando e delega????o e as formas de disputa de poder existentes no Minist??rio da Fazenda, considerado o mais t??cnico e o mais importante do Governo Federal. Enfatizando a tem??tica das rela????es entre burocracia e pol??tica no sistema presidencialista brasileiro, o presente estudo procura entender a l??gica pol??tica que orienta as a????es do alto escal??o do Minist??rio da Fazenda no mandato do presidente Fernando Henrique Cardoso.


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Este artigo apresenta o caso do modelo de mensura????o de desempenho existente na Secretaria de Estado da Fazenda do Rio Grande do Sul. Mediante abordagem explorat??ria e descritiva, baseada em entrevistas em profundidade, comparamos as similaridades entre o modelo vigente na Secretaria e as principais caracter??sticas citadas nos estudos desses modelos aplicados ?? iniciativa privada. Encontramos como semelhan??as: a dissocia????o entre recompensa e esfor??o; negocia????o de metas; e mecanismos sociais de puni????o. A an??lise das s??ries trimestrais dos indicadores de desempenho, na compara????o meta/realizado entre 2005-2008 (14 trimestres, at?? junho/2008), fornece evid??ncias iniciais de que os funcion??rios da Secretaria t??m atingido em m??dia 91,46% das metas. Isso sugere a exist??ncia de folga or??ament??ria e, portanto, de baixo incentivo ao desempenho.


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Este estudo foi realizado em três marcenarias no sul do Estado do Espírito Santo, com o objetivo de analisar o layout e propor mudanças que otimizem o funcionamento harmônico entre o local de trabalho e o trabalhador, considerando-se fatores ergonômicos, fluxo de produção e produtividade. A coleta de dados foi feita analisando-se as condições do ambiente de trabalho (clima, ruído, iluminação) e aplicando uma entrevista para avaliar as condições gerais e de segurança no trabalho. O layout foi avaliado por medições, observação da sequência de trabalho nas máquinas e aplicação do software AutoCAD 2000. Os resultados indicaram que o Índice de Bulbo Úmido e o Termômetro de Globo estavam de acordo com a Norma Regulamentadora nº 15 (atividade moderada), sendo de 26,38 ºC, em média. Os níveis médios de ruído foram de 87,48 dB (A), acima do permitido para uma jornada de 8 h diárias (NR 15). A luminosidade média, encontrada em duas marcenarias, ficou acima da faixa de iluminação mínima recomendada para esse trabalho de maquinarias (NBR 5413/92). Todas as marcenarias tinham disposição desordenada do maquinário em razão da sequência lógica de trabalho, presença de pilastras e resíduos na área útil e de passagem, piso desnivelado, falta de rampas para acesso aos galpões, manutenção de máquinas e equipamentos de forma incorreta, falhas no telhado e ausência de bancadas para facilitar a adoção de uma melhor postura durante o manuseio das peças.


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A survey of Monomachidae species was carried out in anarea of Atlantic rain forest of the Biological Reserve of Duas Bocas, Espírito Santo State, Brazil between September, 1996 and August, 1997. Two species of Mollomachus Klug, 1841, M. fuscator Perty, 1833 and M. eurycephalus Schletterer, 1890 were collected from May to September. Both species are typical of winter time and showed the same parttern of seasonality.