168 resultados para Fallon, Wiliam
The zona incerta (ZI) is a subthalamic nucleus connected to several structures, some of them known to be involved with antinociception. The 21 itself may be involved with both antinociception and nociception. The antinociceptive effects of stimulating the ZI with glutamate using the rat tail-flick test and a rat model of incision pain were examined. The effects of intraperitoneal antagonists of acetylcholine, noradrenaline, serotonin, dopamine, or opioids on glutamate-induced antinociception from the ZI in the tail-flick test were also evaluated. The injection of glutamate (7 mu g/0.25 mu l) into the ZI increased tail-flick latency and inhibited post-incision pain, but did not change the animal performance in a Rota-rod test. The injection of glutamate into sites near the ZI was non effective. The glutamate-induced antinociception from the ZI did not occur in animals with bilateral lesion of the dorsolateral funiculus, or in rats treated intraperitoneally with naloxone (1 and 2 m/kg), methysergide (1 and 2 m/kg) or phenoxybenzamine (2 m/kg), but remained unchanged in rats treated with atropine, mecamylamine, or haloperidol (all given at doses of 1 and 2 m/kg). We conclude that the antinociceptive effect evoked from the ZI is not due to a reduced motor performance, is likely to result from the activation of a pain-inhibitory mechanism that descends to the spinal cord via the dorsolateral funiculus, and involves at least opioid, serotonergic and a-adrenergic mechanisms. This profile resembles the reported effects of these antagonists on the antinociception caused by stimulating the periaqueductal gray or the pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Aim: This study evaluates the contribution of inhibitory pain pathways that descend to the spinal cord through the dorsolateral funiculus (DLF) on the effect of intrathecal gabapentin against spinal nerve ligation (SNL)-induced behavioral hypersensitivity to mechanical stimulation in rats. Main method: Rats were submitted to a sham or complete ligation of the right LS and L6 spinal nerves and a sham or complete DLF lesion. Next, the changes induced by intrathecal administration of gabapentin on the paw withdrawal threshold of rats to mechanical stimulation were evaluated electronically. Key findings: Intrathecal gabapentin (200 mu g/5 mu l) that was injected 2 or 7 days after surgery fully inhibited the SNL-induced behavioral hypersensitivity to mechanical stimulation in sham DLF-Iesioned rats; gabapentin was effective against the SNL-induced behavioral hypersensitivity to mechanical stimulation also in DLF-Iesioned rats. Significance: The effect of intrathecally administered gabapentin against SNL-induced behavioral hypersensitivity to mechanical stimulation in rats does not depend on the activation of nerve fibers that descend to the spinal cord via the DLF. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Objective. Monocyte chemotactic protein (MCP-1), involved in the pathogenesis of lupus nephritis (LN), has recently been indicated as a new biomarker of kidney activity in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Our aim was to assess urinary MCP-1 (uMCP-1) as a biomarker of renal activity in patients with SLE and to compare it to other disease activity markers, using the ELISA. Methods. Seventy-five female Brazilian patients with SLE and a control group participated in our study. Patients with SLE were distributed among 3 groups according to kidney involvement and classified according to disease activity based on clinical and laboratory measures such as urinary sediment, proteinuria, kidney function, C3, C4, anti-dsDNA, disease activity index, and renal SLE disease activity index. The serum and uMCP-1 concentrations were measured by sandwich ELISA. Results. In the A-LN group (active lupus nephritis: SLE with kidney involvement), the concentration of uMCP-1 was significantly higher than in other groups. A cutoff point was established using the results of the control group to apply this test in the detection of LN. A-LN had a higher frequency of positive results for uMCP-1 in comparison to the other groups (p < 0.001). To detect disease activity in patients with LN, a new cutoff was determined based on the results of patients with SLE with kidney involvement. Setting specificity at 90%, the sensitivity of the test was 50%. Conclusion. The high specificity makes uMCP-1 a useful test as a predictor of kidney activity in SLE, especially when associated to other measures used in clinical practice. (First Release Sept 1 2012; J Rheumatol 2012;39:1948-54; doi :10.3899/jrheum.110201)
Background The stimulation of acupoints along the meridians, but not the non-acupoints outside of the meridians, produces analgesia. Although the acupoint is defined at the body surface, the exact location of the acupoints is not known. This study aims to examine whether the intensity and duration of the analgesic effect of electroacupuncture (EA) at the Zusanli (ST36) and Sanynjiao acupoints (SP6) change according to the depth of the stimulation. Methods Ninety-six male Wistar rats classified as responders were arbitrarily allocated into 16 groups of six rats each. Six groups received EA with uninsulated acupuncture needles (type I) or needles that were immersed in varnish and had the varnish circularly peeled 0.2 mm from the tip (type II), 0.2 mm at 3 mm (type III) or 5 mm (type IV) from the tip, or 0.2 mm at 5 and 1 mm from the tip (type V), or EA sham for 20 min. Five groups received injection of formalin into the acupoint bilaterally at 5 mm or 1 mm deep into ST36, 5 mm below ST36 but inserting the needle at 45° to the skin surface, or 5 mm deep into non-acupoints. The remaining groups received intraplantar injection of saline, 1% or 2.5% formalin. The analgesic effects were measured by the rat tail-flick test. Results The bilateral stimulation of ST36 and SP6 by uninsulated or insulated needles produced analgesia in the rat tail-flick test. The stronger and longer lasting effects occurred after EA with the types I and V needles, or injection of formalin 5 mm deep into ST36. The remaining needles produced weaker and shorter lasting effects. Slow analgesic effect also occurred after formalin injection at 1 mm or 5 mm below ST36 by inserting the needle at 45° to the skin surface. Conclusion The experimental results suggest that the efficacy of the EA stimulation depends on the spatial distribution of the current density under the needling surface rather than only the acupoint or the depth of needling.
Observing high-energy gamma-rays from Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) offers a unique potential to probe extremely tiny values of the intergalactic magnetic field (IGMF), a long standing question of astrophysics, astropa rticle physics and cosmology. Very high energy (VHE) photons from blazars propagating along the line of sight interact with the extragalactic background light (EBL) and produce e + e − pairs. Through inverse-Compton interaction, mainly on the cosmic microwave background (CMB), these pairs generate secondary GeV-TeV compo- nents accompanying the primary VHE signal. Such secondary components would be detected in the gamma-ray range as delayed “pair echos” for very weak IGMF ( B< 10 − 16 G ), while they should result in a spatially extended ga mma-ray emission around the source for higher IGMF values ( B> 10 − 16 G ). Coordinated observations with space (i.e. Fermi) and ground- based gamma-ray instruments, such as the pre sent Cherenkov experiments H.E.S.S., MAGIC and VERITAS, the future Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) Observatory, and the wide-field detectors such as HAWC and LHAASO, should allow to analyze and finally detect such echos, extended emission or pair halos, and to further characterize the IGMF.
Health-related quality of life (HRQOL) is an important measure of the effects of chronic liver disease in affected patients that helps guide interventions to improve well-being. However, the relationship between HRQOL and survival in liver transplant candidates remains unclear. We examined whether the Physical Component Summary (PCS) and Mental Component Summary (MCS) scores from the Short Form 36 (SF-36) Health Survey were associated with survival in liver transplant candidates. We administered the SF-36 questionnaire (version 2.0) to patients in the Pulmonary Vascular Complications of Liver Disease study, a multicenter prospective cohort of patients evaluated for liver transplantation in 7 academic centers in the United States between 2003 and 2006. Cox proportional hazards models were used with death as the primary outcome and adjustment for liver transplantation as a time-varying covariate. The mean age of the 252 participants was 54 +/- 10 years, 64% were male, and 94% were white. During the 422 person years of follow-up, 147 patients (58%) were listed, 75 patients (30%) underwent transplantation, 49 patients (19%) died, and 3 patients were lost to follow-up. Lower baseline PCS scores were associated with an increased mortality rate despite adjustments for age, gender, Model for End-Stage Liver Disease score, and liver transplantation (P for the trend = 0.0001). The MCS score was not associated with mortality (P for the trend = 0.53). In conclusion, PCS significantly predicts survival in liver transplant candidates, and interventions directed toward improving the physical status may be helpful in improving outcomes in liver transplant candidates.
Einleitung: Im Zusammenhang mit der Leistungsdienlichkeit langer finaler Fixation (quiet eye, QE) wird vermutet, dass Leistungsverbesserungen nur für eine optimale Dauer zu beobachten sein sollten, also auch bei „überlangen“ QE-Dauern die Leistung wieder abnimmt (u.a. Janelle et al., 2000; Klostermann, 2014). Jedoch liegen zu dieser Vermutung bislang keine empirischen Befunde vor, so dass in der hier präsentierten Studie Präzisionsleistung in einer Wurfaufgabe in Abhängigkeit von (auch) sehr langen experimentell kontrollierten QE-Dauern untersucht wurde. Methode: In einem Within-subject-Design hatten 20 Sportstudierende unter acht verschiedenen QE-Bedingungen (Onset in 400-ms-Schritten von -3200 ms bis -400 ms vor Bewegungsbeginn; 16 Versuche pro Bedingung in randomisierter Abfolge) mit retro-reflektierenden Bällen auf eine Großleinwand projizierte Zielscheiben möglichst mittig zu treffen. Die QE-Manipulation erfolgte über eine an den Bewegungsbeginn gebundene Zielscheibeneinblendung samt Wurfrhythmisierung durch Tonvorgaben. Aus den mit einem Vicon-T20-System (200 Hz) sowie einem integrierten mobilen Eyetracker (EyeSeeCam, 220 Hz) erhobenen Daten wurden die QE-Dauer (ms) und die Wurfleistung (radialer Fehler, mm) als abhängige Variablen berechnet und varianzanalytisch auf Unterschiede untersucht. Resultate und Diskussion: Für die QE-Dauer wurde ein signifikanter Haupteffekt gefunden, F(7, 133) = 38.4, p < .01, ηp2 = .67, mit zumindest tendenziellen (-2000 ms vs. -2400 ms, -2800 ms vs. -3200 ms), größtenteils aber signifikanten QE-Anstiegen gemäß der experimentellen Manipulation (alle ps < .01), obgleich die jeweils angezielten QE-Dauern nicht erreicht und zum Teil deutlich unterschritten wurden (tatsächliche relativ zur angezielten Dauer im Mittel 59.95 %). Für den radialen Fehler ergab sich ein signifikanter Haupteffekt, F(7, 133) = 8.5, p < .01, ηp2 = .31, welcher durch signifikant schlechtere Leistungen bei den Onsets -400 ms und -800 ms gegenüber allen anderen Onsets erklärt wird (alle ps < .05; ausgenommen -400 ms vs. -800 ms und -800 ms vs. -2400 ms). Somit wurde der „klassische“ QE-Effekt schlechterer Leistungen infolge kurzer QE-Dauern repliziert; die Vermutung einer Leistungsverschlechterung bei überlangen QE-Dauern konnte jedoch – zumindest unter den infolge der Manipulation tatsächlich erzielten Werten – nicht untermauert werden. Literatur: Klostermann, A. (2014). Finale Fixationen, sportmotorische Leistung und eine Inhibitionshypothese: Mechanismen des „Quiet Eye“, Sportwissenschaft, 44, 49-59. Janelle, C. M., Hillman, C. H., Apparies, R. J., Murray, N. P., Meili, L., Fallon, E. A. & Hatfield, B. D. (2000). Expertise differences in cortical activation and gaze behavior during rifle shooting. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 22, 167-182.