940 resultados para Escola infantil - Projeto arquitetônico


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Trata-se de projeto para novos edifícios em substituição ao Pavilhão Permanente de Exposições “Dr. Licínio Hilmar Oliveira de Arantes” bem como intervenção em seu entorno localizados no município de Ibitinga – SP. Foram realizadas coletas de dados e elaboração de um programa para área. Como resultado desta pesquisa foi elaborado um projeto arquitetônico para a área de intervenção


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As preocupações referentes a esse trabalho estão relacionadas à humanização de estabelecimentos assistenciais de saúde de unidades de diálise. Em função de processo de hemodiálise, a população portadora de Insuficiência Renal Crônica (IRC) possui uma rotina de tratamento que a desgasta física e emocionalmente. A fim de proporcionar-lhes bemestar, tornam-se essenciais projetos arquitetônicos mais apropriados às necessidades de seus usuários. Por meio da leitura de bibliografia específica, além do diálogo com profissionais da saúde e também da análise de projetos representativos e concretizados de arquitetura hospitalar, este estudo empreende uma compreensão das motivações funcionais e clínicas das unidades de diálise, em conjunto com o entendimento dos processos de elaboração de ambientes mais favoráveis ao restabelecimento médico. Dessa maneira, o resultado dessas reflexões encaminha para diretrizes projetuais, e por fim a elaboração de um projeto arquitetônico para uma clínica de hemodiálise autônoma, na cidade de Presidente Prudente, que vise à contribuição para a recuperação do indivíduo com ambientes adequados, além das preocupações com a qualidade do serviço prestado


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Este trabalho integra as pesquisas desenvolvidas pelo Grupo N.elac – IAU.USP, que tem como tema estudos sobre a representação da arquitetura e da cidade. Este artigo faz análise dos novos recursos tecnológicos direcionados para o desenho e projeto arquitetônico que emulam ou fazem uso do movimento gestual humano no ato de desenho e projeto. A pesquisa testa e avalia qualitativamente o uso das novas ferramentas digitais, tais como as tablets gráficas (ex:Apple Ipad), tablets opacas (ex: Wacom Bamboo) e canetas eletrônicas (ex: Wacom Inkling) na execução de desenhos livre e de observação, orientados por uma proposta de desenvolvimento gráfico relacionados ao ato de projeto arquitetônico, de maneira que se possa construir uma análise comparativa e interpretativa por meio dos produtos gerados nesse processo.


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Durante o processo de projeto, o arquiteto transpõe suas ideias para o campo real, do concreto. Os diversos modos de expressão e representação têm como função mediar essa interação, diminuindo a distância entre esses dois campos. Vive-se hoje, um momento de intensa transformação das estratégias projetuais, propiciada pelos novos meios digitais. Assim, esta pesquisa, centra-se na comparação entre diversos momentos do uso de modelos nos processos projetivos contemporâneos, através de uma investigação em escritórios de arquitetura paulistanos que utilizam o modelo físico como parte de seus processos de projeto. Busca-se entender qual o papel dessa ferramenta de representação e suas potencialidades nos dias atuais. Como estudo de caso, faz-se uma análise comparativa entre o uso das maquetes digital e física, destacando dois estudos: a maquete do Conjunto Ponte dos Remédios, do arquiteto Marcos Acayaba e as maquetes de estudos elaboradas pelo escritório Andrade Morettin Arquitetos, para o concurso para o Instituto Moreira Salles/SP. Entre os objetivos desse trabalho também se encontra uma análise da contribuição dos modelos físicos no Ensino de Arquitetura.


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Avui en dia l’educació és objecte de debat per a la societat en general i per a les famílies en particular. Són molts els fronts que educadors, mestres, psicòlegs, pedagogs i la resta de persones relacionades amb el sistema escolar tenim oberts, i molts els qüestionaments que sobre el nostre treball es realitzen. En aquesta pràctica reflexionarem sobre un aspecte important: En són beneficioses per al desenvolupament infantil les escoles infantils de 0 a 3 anys?


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In the design of a building process must consider climatic variations in the region, the external conditions and the use of available resources in nature, like the sun, vegetation, rain and winds, to provide a built environment with comfort and environment reduced energy expenditure. However, increasing urbanization, often with an occupancy of disordered ground comes disregarding this knowledge and disregarding local characteristics, drastically reducing the green areas. This disordered occupation associated with the reduction of green spaces, is modifying aspects of climate and thus, damaging the thermal comfort of users. Given this situation was born the question: What projetuais strategies can bring better thermal conditions to an educational building located in a region of hot and humid weather? Thus, faced with two important issues , education and environmental comfort , the research is justified by the fact that there is a large national demand for expansions and renovations in its public schools , but not in most areas provides students with quality for good learning development. This paper aims to draw up a project for establishment of Primary Education with the application of the concepts of bioclimatic, highlighting the use of vegetation as a regulatory element of the climate. Initially we carried out a literature search; we analyzed architectural solutions and set up the site. The next phases, called understanding, were raised with the laws, rules and environmental restrictions. Subsequently, the program needs and the development of architectural design was defined. The conclusion of this paper presents the definition of criteria and solutions for the use of vegetation to design of bioclimatic architecture in hot and humid climates and contributes a catalog of plant species for schools in the metropolitan region of Natal, RN.


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The architect materializes his ideas using architectural representations that acts differently during the design process, as instrument that expresses his creatives ideas, as communication between the designer and the client, or as project documentation for its execution (DURAND, 2003). In this paper, it’s been discussed the connexion between the architectural representations and the design process, in a professional context, focusing on representation as an aid to conception. The general aim is to understand the role of architectural representations in the design process by identifying ways of appropriation of their types and resources. The investigation was developed through the theoretical and conceptual studies about the mentioned themes, and the empirical and qualitative research, with architects from the state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, which was developed in two stages: the first one, by filling an electronic form, and the second one, by case studies through execution of design exercises. The results of indirect research showed that the majority of architects and urbanists believes that the way it use the types and representation resources may interfere in design concept. And, after the completion of the case studies, was showed that, motivated by different design conditions, most designers has used the representations differently, which is reflected in different design conceptions.


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The changes in the teaching of Architecture in Brazilian Universities, from the 1990s onwards, with the upgrading of the Architecture project as an object of research and scientific knowledge and more specifically, the adoption by the Architecture and Urbanism Course (CAU) from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) of the principle of content integration of the disciplines, aroused the interest in research on issues related to the Design process and the teaching of design in this context. After 20 years of its implementation and recognized as being a major step forward in teaching the teaching/learning process, the integration is the central focus of this research, which will seek to identify changes in the teaching design and its refutation in projects developed by students at the end of their course. In general, it is understood that the need to integrate knowledge from diverse areas of Architect’s professional activity, who seeks through an exercise of summary, identify solutions to the issues involved in a project. On the assumption that the integration of content of disciplines fosters the teaching/learning of Architecture project, which can be evident in the Final Course Assignment (FCA), it becomes necessary to understand, in the light of theories of education, such as the principles of curriculum organization, such as interdisciplinarity and multidisciplinarity, transdisciplinarity and transversality are related to the term integration, is more understood and disseminated among the professors of the Architecture courses. The object of this study is consequently the relationship between the integration of subject content and Architecture projects developed by students from CAU-UFRN, in the context of Final Graduation projects (FCAs) completed in the period of duration of the Teaching Project A5-from 2003. The study has the main objective of investigating to what extent the integration of disciplinary content affects the development of the Final Assignment of UFRN, from the analysis of drawings and texts of the projects of the learners and the testimonies of teachers and undergraduate students. From a methodological point of view, the research “Architecture, Project and Knowledge Production: Academic Production – FCAs, Thesis and dissertations in PA/Brazil” carried out by the PROJETAR/UFRN team has been adopted as the basis for the construction of the analytical instruments. In order to identify aspects of their experience by various actors which were not recorded in FCA, electronic forms were applied between teachers and students, through the internet. The integration of subject content based Teaching Project of CAU-UFRN institutionalises the interdisciplinarity, organizing the curriculum by thematic semesters, in which the disciplines work the same focus and at the same site. The integrated work which derives from there tries to articulate the content of each discipline of the period and represents a general practice and has been evaluated by teachers and students, and considered as a facilitator of the teaching/learning process. The analysis of the data collected from the textual content and graphic of the sample of FCAs of CAU-UFRN suggests that the content of the various areas of knowledge are assimilated by the student and used as a resource for the design and development of Architecture projects. In other words, there is in the end product of the students record of the integration of content, whether in speech or in drawing, reaffirming the importance of the convergence of various knowledge in the Architectonic project. However, the integration of content from the point of view of their articulation and operationalization, which involves teachers and students in the same period, has as a condition sine qua non for the success of this educational principle, the provision of these to work as part of a team, for the dialogic practice, which creates areas of intersection not only between disciplines, but between the knowledge of each of the participants.


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In the midst of growing preservationist awareness, regarding methods of architectural intervention of buildings with a recognized heritage value, there are numerous approaches on how the original heritage value can be protected. However, can these intervention projects be differentiated? Is it possible to identify how they differ (if in fact they do) from an architectural project not related to preservation? Although there are numerous theoretical studies regarding methods utilized in architectonical projects, there appear to be a lack of studies focused on an architectural intervention exclusively focused on areas or edifications that have a recognized heritage value, thereby requiring a reflection on which methodological procedures in an architectonical project serve the purpose of the preservation of the historical aspects. This discussion is of even greater importance because, at the national level, some recent discussions on this type of architectural design seem arbitrary and lack methodological rigor. Therefore, this research attempts to focus equally on the theoretical-methodological practices of preservation as well as the architectural project methods. In an attempt to address these aspects, the focus of this research centers on the case studies of the intervention projects of the maritime passenger terminal of Natal (Terminal Marítimo de Passageriros de Natal), the old government hall (Palacio do Governo - EDTAM) and the old central hotel (Hotel Central) which are situated in the area known as the historic downtown of the city of Natal, within the federal heritage protection polygon. The analyses of these is intended to identify what methodological procedures were recorded in the final product (in the graphical representation of the architectural design and other documents) delivered to IPHAN / RN, the body responsible for review and approval of these architectural projects, noting whether such procedures appear, in some way, in the final product, and if an understanding of the complexity of preservation is evident. The analyses of these projects corroborate the hypothesis that there are unique characteristics, which must be addressed in the intervention project for preservation when compared to new project design. The main characteristic to be addressed is related to the very nature of the project. It is inherent in the dialectical relationship between the need to preserve (the identified heritage values) and the need to modernize (making adaptations to contemporary life). This relationship, denominated in this dissertation as "radical restraint", must, or at least should, guide the actions in the project as well as the technical analyses of the preservationist organization. However, this radical restriction appears more evident in the guidelines put forth by legislators than in the decisions of designers. These legislators require the presentation of documents, aimed at identifying and contextualizing intervention (Ordinance No. 420 of December 22, 2010), that grant (or should grant) assistance in the decision making process. It was evident in the analyses of these documents that there existed a disconnect between the documents produced and the decisions made in the project. This fact can be seen in the total absence of dialogue about theoretical-methodological preservationist principles, which, in our view, is an essential element of the methodological procedures of the intervention project needed to guide the legislative and project design discussions.


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Natal, como outras cidades metropolitanas brasileiras, sofreu nas últimas décadas uma forte transformação impulsionada pelo mercado imobiliário e pela indústria da construção civil. A produção de apartamentos em condomínios fechados vem crescendo e tornando cada vez mais comum, no cenário urbano, a presença de torres residenciais (com extensos muros e grades, fachadas cegas e guaritas) que favorecem o “desurbanismo”. Por outro lado, este tipo de empreendimento, o edifício multifamiliar, apresenta plantas baixas padronizadas as quais frequentemente são incoerentes com a diversidade de perfis dos usuários. A consequência disso são reformas e adequações nos apartamentos após a entrega da obra. Diante deste contexto, elaborei uma proposta arquitetônica, que é apresentada nesta dissertação, como alternativa a essa modalidade de produção que está se tornando dominante no Brasil e em outros países. Dois conceitos nortearam esta proposta: a) o conceito de urbanidade cujo objetivo no projeto arquitetônico é favorecer a percepção do outro (por copresença e/ou cociência) através da permeabilidade, acessos e passagens entre o edifício e o entorno. A maneira como os cheios (barreiras) se estruturam com os vazios foi trabalhada de modo que definissem propriedades espaciais cuja intenção é facilitar o encontro e a diversidade entre moradores e entre estes e os de fora, no entanto sem desconsiderar o problema da violência urbana e, consequentemente a importância da promoção de segurança para os usuários. b) o conceito de flexibilidade a fim de possibilitar ao consumidor final o desmembramento da unidade habitacional em duas e, em especial, a participação e ou escolha na concepção do arranjo interno e da definição dos acabamentos do seu apartamento. Tudo isto durante a construção do empreendimento e ao longo da sua vida útil, favorecendo assim o potencial de diversidade (grupos sociais), adaptabilidade a fases distintas da vida e durabilidade do edifício.


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PEDRINI, Aldomar; SZOKOLAY, Steven. Recomendações para o desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta de suporte às primeiras decisões projetuais visando ao desempenho energético de edificações de escritório em clima quente. Ambiente Construído, Porto Alegre, v. 5, n. 1, p.39-54, jan./mar. 2005. Trimestral. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 04 out. 2010.


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This thesis aims to describe and demonstrate the developed concept to facilitate the use of thermal simulation tools during the building design process. Despite the impact of architectural elements on the performance of buildings, some influential decisions are frequently based solely on qualitative information. Even though such design support is adequate for most decisions, the designer will eventually have doubts concerning the performance of some design decisions. These situations will require some kind of additional knowledge to be properly approached. The concept of designerly ways of simulating focuses on the formulation and solution of design dilemmas, which are doubts about the design that cannot be fully understood nor solved without using quantitative information. The concept intends to combine the power of analysis from computer simulation tools with the capacity of synthesis from architects. Three types of simulation tools are considered: solar analysis, thermal/energy simulation and CFD. Design dilemmas are formulated and framed according to the architect s reflection process about performance aspects. Throughout the thesis, the problem is investigated in three fields: professional, technical and theoretical fields. This approach on distinct parts of the problem aimed to i) characterize different professional categories with regards to their design practice and use of tools, ii) investigate preceding researchers on the use of simulation tools and iii) draw analogies between the proposed concept, and some concepts developed or described in previous works about design theory. The proposed concept was tested in eight design dilemmas extracted from three case studies in the Netherlands. The three investigated processes are houses designed by Dutch architectural firms. Relevant information and criteria from each case study were obtained through interviews and conversations with the involved architects. The practical application, despite its success in the research context, allowed the identification of some applicability limitations of the concept, concerning the architects need to have technical knowledge and the actual evolution stage of simulation tools


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In the teaching practice of architecture and urbanism in Brazil, educational legislation views modeling laboratories and workshops as an indispensable component of the infrastructure required for the good functioning of any architectural course of study. Although the development of information technology at the international level has created new possibilities for digital production of architectural models, research in this field being underway since the early 1990s, it is only from 2007 onwards that such technologies started to be incorporated into the teaching activity of architecture and urbanism in Brazil, through the pioneering experience at LAPAC/FEC/UNICAMP. It is therefore a recent experiment whose challenges can be highlighted through the following examples: (i) The implementation of digital prototyping laboratories in undergraduate courses of architecture and urbanism is still rare in Brazil; (ii) As a new developing field with few references and application to undergraduate programs, it is hard to define methodological procedures suitable for the pedagogical curricula already implemented or which have already been consolidated over the years; (iii) The new digital ways for producing tridimensional models are marked with specificities which make it difficult to fit them within the existing structures of model laboratories and workshops. Considering the above, the present thesis discusses the tridimensional model as a tool which may contribute to the development of students skills in perceiving, understanding and representing tridimensional space. Analysis is made of the relation between different forms of models and the teaching of architectural project, with emphasis on the design process. Starting from the conceptualization of the word model as it is used in architecture and urbanism, an attempt is made to identify types of tridimensional models used in the process of project conception, both through the traditional, manual way of model construction as well as through the digital ones. There is also an explanation on how new technologies for digital production of models through prototyping are being introduced in undergraduate academic programs of architecture and urbanism in Brazil, as well as a review of recent academic publications in this area. Based on the paradigm of reflective practice in teaching as designed by Schön (2000), the experiment applied in the research was undertaken in the integrated workshop courses of architectural project in the undergraduate program of architecture and urbanism at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte. Along the experiment, physical modeling, geometric modeling and digital prototyping are used in distinct moments of the design process with the purpose of observing the suitability of each model to the project s phases. The procedures used in the experiments are very close to the Action Research methodology in which the main purpose is the production of theoretical knowledge by improving the practice. The process was repeated during three consecutive semesters and reflection on the results which were achieved in each cycle helped enhancing the next one. As a result, a methodological procedure is proposed which consists of the definition of the Tridimensional Model as the integrating element for the contents studied in a specific academic period or semester. The teaching of Architectural Project as it is developed along the fifth academic period of the Architecture and Urbanism undergraduate program of UFRN is taken as a reference