714 resultados para EFI science teaching


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The development of scientifically literate citizens remains an important priority of science education; however, growing evidence of students’ disenchantment with school science continues to challenge the realisation of this aim. This triangulation mixed methods study investigated the learning experiences of 152 9th grade students as they participated in an online science-writing project on the socioscientific issue of biosecurity. Students wrote a series of hybridized scientific narratives, or BioStories, that integrate scientific information about biosecurity with narrative storylines. The students completed an online Likert-style questionnaire, the BioQuiz, which examined selected aspects of their attitudes toward science and science learning, prior to their participation in the project, and upon completion of the writing tasks. Statistical analyses of these results and interview data obtained from participating students suggest that hybridized writing about a socioscientific issue developed more positive attitudes toward science and science learning, particularly in terms of the students’ interest and enjoyment. Implications for research and teaching are also discussed.


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Teachers often have difficulty implementing inquiry-based activities, leading to the arousal of negative emotions. In this multicase study of beginning physics teachers in Australia, we were interested in the extent to which their expectations were realized and how their classroom experiences while implementing extended experimental investigations (EEIs) produced emotional states that mediated their teaching practices. Against rhetoric of fear expressed by their senior colleagues, three of the four teachers were surprised by the positive outcomes from their supervision of EEIs for the first time. Two of these teachers experienced high intensity positive emotions in response to their students’ success. When student actions / outcomes did not meet their teachers’ expectations, frustration, anger, and disappointment were experienced by the teachers, as predicted by a sociological theory of human emotions (Turner, 2007). Over the course of the EEI projects, the teachers’ practices changed along with their emotional states and their students’ achievements. We account for similarities and differences in the teachers’ emotional experiences in terms of context, prior experience, and expectations. The findings from this study provide insights into effective supervision practices that can be used to inform new and experienced teachers alike.


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In this paper, we report on how peer scaffolding was used to effect change in tertiary teaching practice and academic disposition in the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Science teaching and learning. We present a small-scale case study investigating the practice of one of this paper’s authors. It is told through two salient episodes which narratively describe the scaffolding used to support a teaching experiment. This was made possible through the national Teaching Teachers for the Future Project (2011-2012) which aimed to enhance the technological pedagogical capability of pre-service teachers across Australia. The outcome was a demonstrable shift in the academic’s disposition towards the use and benefits of ICT in teaching science and an increase in skills and confidence for both the academic and his students. This study and its outcomes fit within the contemporary push to “re-imagine” the teaching of Science, and more broadly of STEM, in schools.


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In this paper, we report on how peer scaffolding was used to effect change in tertiary teaching practice and academic disposition in the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Science teaching and learning. We present a small-scale case study investigating the practice of one of this paper’s authors. It is told through two salient episodes which narratively describe the scaffolding used to support a teaching experiment. This was made possible through the national Teaching Teachers for the Future Project (2011-2012) which aimed to enhance the technological pedagogical capability of pre-service teachers across Australia. The outcome was a demonstrable shift in the academic’s disposition towards the use and benefits of ICT in teaching science and an increase in skills and confidence for both the academic and his students. This study and its outcomes fit within the contemporary push to “re-imagine” the teaching of Science, and more broadly of STEM, in schools.


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Curriculum developers and researchers have promoted context-based programmes to arrest waning student interest and participation in the enabling sciences at high school and university. Context-based programmes aim for student connections between scientific discourse and real-world contexts to elevate curricular relevance without diminishing conceptual understanding. This interpretive study explored the learning transactions in one 11th grade context-based chemistry classroom where the context was the local creek. The dialectic of agency/structure was used as a lens to examine how the practices in classroom interactions afforded students the agency for learning. The results suggest that first, fluid transitions were evident in the student–student interactions involving successful students; and second, fluid transitions linking concepts to context were evident in the students’ successful reports. The study reveals that the structures of writing and collaborating in groups enabled students’ agential and fluent movement between the field of the real-world creek and the field of the formal chemistry classroom. Furthermore, characteristics of academically successful students in context-based chemistry are highlighted. Research, teaching, and future directions for context-based science teaching are discussed.


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It is known that bioscience is perceived to be difficult and causes anxiety within undergraduate nursing students; yet, commencing students' perceptions of bioscience is not known. Therefore, the aim of this study was to ascertain incoming students' perceptions, knowledge and approaches to learning bioscience. Incoming students to the Bachelor of Nursing completed a questionnaire prior to undertaking bioscience. Two hundred and seventy three students completed the questionnaire that explored their expectations, preconceptions of bioscience content, approaches to learning bioscience, and relationship to clinical practice in the context of biosciences. Participant ages ranged from 17 to 53 (mean 23 years), and 78% of students had completed at least one secondary school science subject, of which 60% had studied biology. Overall, students' preconceptions included anxiety about studying bioscience, bioscience being difficult and harder than nursing subjects, and that more content will be required for bioscience than nursing subjects. Analysis using ANOVA revealed the relationships for secondary school science and age on student responses. A significant effect of secondary school science was found for science in school being advantageous for bioscience (p = 0.010), understanding what bioscience entails (p = 0.002), needing to study science prior to the start of the semester (p = 0.009), and that bioscience is considered difficult (p = 0.029). A significant effect of age was found for exams being more difficult than other assessments (p = 0.000) and for being able to see the relevance of nursing when reaching the workplace (p = 0.011). The findings also indicated that perceptions and associated anxieties related to bioscience were present in commencing students, similar to those which have been reported previously in established student groups. This strongly suggests that the faculty should attempt to dispel preconceptions about bioscience and target improved supports to facilitate the transition of students into the commencement of bioscience for nursing students.


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An overview of teaching and research activities in the area of plant anatomy at QUT is provided. The current status of teaching of technical skills in plant anatomy is discussed briefly. Examples of applications of plant anatomy to a diverse range of fields are provided, including the crossover between art and science.


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[Es]En este trabajo se aborda la problemática detectada como consecuencia del fracaso que presenta gran mayoría del alumnado de la E. U. de Magisterio de Bilbao, futuro profesorado de Educación Primaria (EP), en la aplicación creativa de conocimientos transmitidos en el aula de ciencias, esto es, en la resolución de problemas y en la explicación de fenómenos cotidianos del mundo que nos rodea. Para ello se ha analizado, por un lado, su capacitación en relación a varios tópicos de ciencias incluidos en el Área de Conocimiento del Medio en la EP, presentados en un contexto de ciencia en la vida cotidiana y su autovaloración en relación a su capacitación didáctica para abordarlos en aulas de ciencias escolares y, por otro, la metodología didáctica utilizada en las clases de ciencias que han recibido en etapas educativas previas a la universitaria.


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A presente tese tem por finalidade refletir sobre princípios pedagógico-filosóficos para o ensino da ciência na etapa intermediária da educação escolar. Considerando que tanto a prática educativa quanto a prática científica são práticas sociais mediadoras do processo de produção, e que, portanto, não se pode pensá-las fora de um método que as integre dialeticamente a partir de determinantes que estão dados no campo da economia política, procurou-se investigar aqui qual é o estatuto hoje reservado à ciência no quadro de valores introduzidos pela economia política neoliberal e os efeitos dessas mudanças sobre o que se prescreve para a formação científica no ensino médio brasileiro a partir da última reforma educacional (LDBEN/1996). Tratou-se de sublinhar aqui as conexões que foram se firmando entre os processos de universalização da forma-mercadoria e as mudanças introduzidas no regime de produção do conhecimento, que vai cada vez mais sendo moldado pelos objetivos e prescrições do capital. Tendo por referência o materialismo histórico-dialético, o objeto desta tese foi delineado de modo a refletir o processo de constituição da produção da ciência em dois âmbitos distintos: o da macro-política, presidido hegemonicamente pelas instituições ligadas ao capital, a partir da década de 1990, e o da relação epistemológica que subjaz à prática científica contemporânea, assinalando a co-relação entre estes processos e os seus nexos causais. Para dar contas destas relações, procedeu-se a uma investigação histórica e filosófica que teve por objetivo mostrar como o conceito de natureza cunhado pelas mãos dos primeiros cientistas no século XVII futura matriz da noção de ciências da natureza tal como ela é tomada hoje no currículo , assentado numa distinção fixa entre juízos de fato e juízos de valor, deve seu conteúdo a um processo que é finalmente econômico e social. Por meio desta crítica pode-se estabelecer os vínculos entre a economia política, o viés institucional da ciência e o universo da epistemologia. Concluiu-se que há uma relação necessária entre o novo registro institucional de produção do conhecimento, garantido por um estatuto regulatório afinado com as demandas do neoliberalismo, e o novo estatuto epistemológico, assinalado por uma ênfase nos pressupostos do realismo científico ingênuo. Esta relação se projeta sobre o ensino da ciência na forma de uma intensificação de seu teor tecnicista, e dentre as suas características destacamos duas: 1) o conceito de natureza, tomado no ensino das ciências como uma abstração des-historicizada; 2) o mito da unicidade científica, isto é, a crença de que só há uma ciência: a que formulará, numa linguagem única e inequívoca, a verdade do real. Para finalizar, fizemos alusão a dois programas educacionais que, a nosso ver, avançam rumo a novas formas de ensino na medida em que refletem a experiência de um grupo de educadores e alunos com os princípios da educação politécnica: o do Instituto de Educação Josué de Castro (IEJC/ITERRA) e o da Escola Politécnica de Saúde Joaquim Venâncio (EPSJV/Fiocruz).


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A presente pesquisa apropriou-se da expressão Educação em Saúde (ES) tanto para se referir a um campo de trabalho pedagógico e produção científica quanto para a designação da prática de um dado profissional que propõe a abordagem da saúde de forma planejada e pedagogicamente orientada. Os professores de Ciências Biológicas foram tomados como um dos responsáveis pela ES no ambiente escolar, desta forma, a investigação situou-se na formação inicial de professores de Ciências Biológicas com a finalidade de suscitar discussões e reflexões sobre a formação destes profissionais para lidar com as questões do campo da ES no cotidiano da docência na educação básica. Assim, a pesquisa orientou-se inicialmente pela pergunta: a ES está presente na formação inicial de professores de Ciências e Biologia? Esta pergunta permite constatar presenças e ausências da abordagem sobre saúde nas Licenciaturas em Ciências Biológicas (LCB) e problematizar os casos de ausência sinalizando-os como casos de negação às orientações para o respectivo curso. Outra pergunta que em seguida passa a orientar a pesquisa é: Como a saúde está inserida e abordada nas LCB nas quais ela encontra-se representada? Esta pergunta traduz o interesse da pesquisa em superar a discussão inicial que constata presenças e ausências, uma vez que propõe a investigação qualitativa das iniciativas de abordagem da saúde nos cursos de formação de professores de Ciências Biológicas centrando os esforços em entender como tem sido materializada a ES nos cursos de formação de professores de Ciências Biológicas. Para a seleção das LCB consideradas na pesquisa, empreendeu-se alguns recortes para delimitação de um quantitativo de licenciaturas que fosse condizente com o prazo de realização de pesquisa. Primeiramente buscou-se no ementário de disciplinas obrigatórias de diferentes LCB aquelas que mencionavam alguma intenção de abordar a saúde, a partir de então apreendeu-se que dos cinco cursos investigados um não explicita a intenção da abordagem da saúde, um segundo não determina a ES como obrigatória e os três demais encontram-se alinhados com as orientações curriculares nacionais do ensino superior no que se refere à contemplação da saúde. A análise das entrevistas foi organizada em categorias amplas, categorias e subcategorias que sinalizam distinções entre as iniciativas de realização da ES nas LCB. Embora todos os professores entrevistados desenvolvessem a ES em disciplinas da LCB, os resultados indicam diferentes naturezas para as ES identificada, a saber: ES para a Formação de Professores de Ciências Biológicas; ES intermediária entre a formação do bacharel e do licenciado em Ciências Biológicas e ES para a formação de profissionais da saúde. A partir da discussão dos resultados encontrados na presente pesquisa consideramos imprescindível que novos estudos se dediquem à ES, bem como as suas características e naturezas na formação de professores de Ciências e Biologia. Acreditamos que este seja um caminho pelo qual seja possível prosseguir as discussões iniciais que tratam da presença e/ou ausência da abordagem da saúde nas LCB.


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Schema acquisition is one of the mechanisms of learning. How to design reasonable teaching material to promote schema acquisition is an important question that psychological researchers and educators both interested. Cognitive Load Theory indicates that: The cognitive resource of Human is limited, the organization and presentation of the learning material should avoid demanding the learner consume resource in actions that have nothing to do with schema acquisition. How can we do that? Sweller. J. et think: Increasing the operation cost of the learning material would make the students put more resource into the implementation of the operation, this kind of resource consuming has nothing to do with schema acquisition. So, in order to make the students put more resource into actions which relating to schema acquisition, we should decrease the operation cost of the learning material. But, the research results of O'Hara et indicate: In problem-solving of knowledge lean field, increasing the operation cost would make the college students invent more resource to plan and understanding actions. So, Increasing the operation cost would facilitate the schema acquisition. How operation cost will effect the Middle-School Students' (MSS) schema acquisition and resource distribution when they solve problems of knowledge lean/rich field? This is the main question this research want to make inquiry. IN this research, we use three experiments indicate: Increasing the operation cost of actions, the implementing action would be less and the planning action would be more. So, increasing the operation cost can promote the schema acquisition. We use "cost-benefit analysis" strategy to explain this result. This strategy means that: Human is rational, before doing one action, he will weigh the cost and the coming benefit of this action, if the coming benefit is higher than the cost, he will implement this action; if the cost is higher than the coming benefit, this action will be contained. On the one hand, this research further affirms the core opinion of the Cognitive Load Theory: Human's cognitive resource is limited, we should put the limited resource into actions which is related to the schema acquisition; On the other hand, for the learning material designing principle which is advanced by the Cognitive Load Theory, we raise our questions. Besides, the question we raised holds some identical views with the constructive learning opinion: Learning is not passive information absorption, but positively constructing the meaning of the information, besides, this kind of construction can't done by others. The result of this research can provide some theory guidance and experimental basis for the designing of the MSS's science teaching material from a complete new angle.


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Se ha planteado como objetivo la mejora de la calidad de la docencia de la Microbiología mediante la actualización de la metodología docente , introduciendo como actividad docente el aprendizaje activo basado en preguntas (inquirybased learning:IBL) para conseguir mejorar las competencias que deberán adquirir los estudiantes como parte de su formación integral. En este estudio han participado 55 alumnos de Segundo Curso del Grado de Podología (Curso 2014-2015),y se ha calculado el porcentaje de alumnos que participaron en las 3 pruebas (3 IBL), en 2 (2 IBL), en 1 (1 IBL), y los que no participaron en ninguna y posteriormente se relacionó con las calificaciones obtenidas en la asignatura de Microbiología. Se incluyeron las preguntas IBL que se realizaron en clase en el campus virtual de la asignatura, pero sin incluir la corrección de las mismas. En los alumnos que realizaron alguna prueba IBL se obtuvieron calificaciones mejores en las preguntas diseñadas para analizar la síntesis de conocimientos y el análisis de datos que en aquellos que no habían participado en ninguna. Al finalizar la actividad se realizó un estudio transversal a través de un cuestionario autocumplimentado en el que se valoraba la opinión de los alumnos sobre el aprendizaje activo mediante IBL valorando positivamente esta actividad para medir el aprendizaje y mejorar la preparación del examen. Consideramos que el uso del campus virtual unido a la actualización en la metodología docente puede mejorar el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes de Microbiología.


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The students academic performance is a key aspect for all agents involved in a higher education quality program. However, there is no unanimity on how to measure it. Some professionals choose assessing only cognitive aspects while others lean towards assessing the acquisition of certain skills. The need to train increasingly adapted professionals in order to respond to the companies’ demands and being able to compete internationally in a global labour market requires a kind of training that goes beyond memorizing. Critical and logical thinking are amongst written language skills demanded in the field of Social Sciences. The objective of this study is to empirically demonstrate the impact of voluntary assignments on the academic performance of students. Our hypothesis is that students who complete high quality voluntary assignments are those more motivated and, therefore, those with higher grades. An experiment with students from the "Financial Accounting II" during the academic year of 2012/13 at the Business and Economics School of the UCM was carried out. A series of voluntary assessments involving the preparation of accounting essays were proposed in order to develop skills and competencies as a complement to the lessons included in the curriculum of the subject. At the end of the course, the carrying-out or not of the essay together with its critical, reflective quality and style, were compared. Our findings show a relationship between the voluntarily presented papers of quality and the final grade obtained throughout the course. These results show that the students intrinsic motivation is a key element in their academic performance. On the other hand, the teachers role focuses on being a motivating element through the learning process.


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Students' learning process can be negatively affected when their reading and comprehension control is not appropriated. This research focuses on the analysis of how a group of students from high school evaluate their reading comprehension in manipulated scientific texts. An analysis tool was designed to determine the students' degree of comprehension control when reading a scientific short text with an added contradiction. The results have revealed that the students from 1st and 3rd ESO do not properly self-evaluated their reading comprehension. A different behavior has been observed in 1st Bachillerato, where appropriate evaluation and regulation seem to be more frequent. Moreover, no significant differences have been found regarding the type of text, year or gender. Finally, as identified by previous research, the correlations between the students' comprehension control and their school marks have shown to have a weak relationship and inversely proportional to the students' age.


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In the last years, “Inquiry-Based Science Education” methodologies (IBSE) are being recommended by European institutions in order to improve the competence levels and the attitudes towards science of primary and secondary school students. Therefore, the aim of this study is to test the effectiveness of an IBSE methodology, the Methodology of Problem Solving as an Investigation (MPSI), for the teaching-learning process of planning of experiments in the fourth level of Spanish Secondary Education. By means of the students’ solutions for a series of open problems, the progress in the learning of the competences related to the planning of experiments has been analyzed, along with the influence of the methodology on the development of these competencies. The results show a students’ command from higher to lower levels on: emission of hypothesis, design of the experiment, qualitative analysis, identification of variables and reformulation of the open problem. Furthermore, the Methodology has contributed to an improvement of the scientific competence in the area of planning experiments.