238 resultados para CHOCOLATE


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Background and Aims Research into craving is hampered by lack of theoretical specification and a plethora of substance-specific measures. This study aimed to develop a generic measure of craving based on elaborated intrusion (EI) theory. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) examined whether a generic measure replicated the three-factor structure of the Alcohol Craving Experience (ACE) scale over different consummatory targets and time-frames. Design Twelve studies were pooled for CFA. Targets included alcohol, cigarettes, chocolate and food. Focal periods varied from the present moment to the previous week. Separate analyses were conducted for strength and frequency forms. Setting Nine studies included university students, with single studies drawn from an internet survey, a community sample of smokers and alcohol-dependent out-patients. Participants A heterogeneous sample of 1230 participants. Measurements Adaptations of the ACE questionnaire. Findings Both craving strength [comparative fit indices (CFI = 0.974; root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA) = 0.039, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 0.035–0.044] and frequency (CFI = 0.971, RMSEA = 0.049, 95% CI = 0.044–0.055) gave an acceptable three-factor solution across desired targets that mapped onto the structure of the original ACE (intensity, imagery, intrusiveness), after removing an item, re-allocating another and taking intercorrelated error terms into account. Similar structures were obtained across time-frames and targets. Preliminary validity data on the resulting 10-item Craving Experience Questionnaire (CEQ) for cigarettes and alcohol were strong. Conclusions The Craving Experience Questionnaire (CEQ) is a brief, conceptually grounded and psychometrically sound measure of desires. It demonstrates a consistent factor structure across a range of consummatory targets in both laboratory and clinical contexts.


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Increased frequency of eating in the absence of homeostatic need, notably through snacking, is an important contributor to overconsumption and may be facilitated by increased availability of palatable food in the obesogenic environment. Opportunistic initiation of snacking is likely to be subject to individual differences, although these are infrequently studied in laboratory-based research paradigms. This study examined psychological factors associated with opportunistic initiation of snacking, and predictors of intake in the absence of homeostatic need. Fifty adults (mean age 34.5 years, mean BMI 23.9 kg/m2, 56% female) participated in a snack taste test in which they ate a chocolate snack to satiation, after which they were offered an unanticipated opportunity to initiate a second eating episode. Trait and behavioural measures of self control, sensitivity to reward, dietary restraint and disinhibited eating were taken. Results showed that, contrary to expectations, those who initiated snacking were better at inhibitory control compared with those who did not initiate. However, amongst participants who initiated snacking, intake (kcal) was predicted by higher food reward sensitivity, impulsivity and BMI. These findings suggest that snacking initiation in the absence of hunger is an important contributor to overconsumption. Consideration of the individual differences promoting initiation of eating may aid in reducing elevated eating frequency in at-risk individuals.


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The quasi-aromatic property of metal chelates of thio-beta-diketones has been studied by reacting them with phenylisocyanate, where addition takes place at the gamma-CH in a stepwise manner. Mono-thiodiketonates of Ni(II), Pd(II), cu(II) and Co(III) and the dithio-acetylacetonate of Ni(II) react with phenylisocyanate to produce mono-, di- and triphenylamido [with cobalt (III) only] substituted derivatives. In the case of tris (ethylthioacetoacetato) cobalt (III), it is found that the reaction with phenylisocyanate gives two isomers, a chocolate coloured isomer in which the phenylamido carbonyl is not coordinated while the green coloured isomer has bonding through phenylemido carbonyl oxygen. The reactions of the thiodiketonates have been compared with those of beta-diketonates and beta-ketoiminates. The reaction products have been characterised by elemental analyses, magnetic moments, and electronic, IR and 1H NMR spectral studies.


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Olfaction, the sense of smell, has many important functions in humans. Human responses to odors show substantial individual variation. Olfactory receptor genes have been identified and other genes may also influence olfaction. However, the proportion of phenotypic variation in odor response due to genetic variation remains largely unknown. Little is also known about which genes modify specific responses to odors. This study aimed to elucidate genetic and environmental influences on human responses to odors. Individuals from Finnish families (n=146) and Australian (n=413), British (n=163), Danish (n=336), and Finnish (n=399) twins rated intensity and pleasantness of a set of 12 (families) or 6 (twins) odors and tried to identify the odors. In addition, the participants rated their own sense of smell and annoyance experienced with different environmental odors. The odor stimuli of a commercial smell test (The Brief Smell Identification Test; banana, chocolate, cinnamon, gasoline, lemon, onion, paint thinner, pineapple, rose, smoke, soap, and turpentine) were presented in the family study. Based on the results of the family study and a literature survey, a new set of odor stimuli (androstenone, chocolate, cinnamon, isovaleric acid, lemon, and turpentine) was designed for the twin studies. In the family sample, heritabilities of the traits were estimated and underlying genomic regions were searched using a genome-wide linkage scan. In the pooled twin sample, variation in the measured traits was decomposed into genetic and environmental components using quantitative genetic modeling. In addition, associations between nongenetic factors (e.g., sex, age, and smoking) and olfactory-related traits were explored. Suggestive evidence for a genetic linkage for pleasantness of cinnamon at a locus on chromosome 4q32.3 emerged from the family sample. High heritability for the pleasantness of cinnamon was found in the family but not the twin study. Heritability of perceived intensity of androstenone odor was determined to be ~30% in the twin sample. A strong genetic correlation between perceived intensity and pleasantness of androstenone, in the absence of any environmental correlation, indicated that only the genetic correlation explained the phenotypic correlation between the traits (r=-0.27) and that the traits were influenced by an overlapping set of genes. Self-rated olfactory function appeared to reflect the odor annoyance experienced rather than actual olfactory acuity or genetic involvement. Results from nongenetic analyses supported the speculated superiority of females' olfactory abilities, the age-related diminishing of olfactory acuity, and the influences of experience-dependent factors on odor responses. This was the first study to estimate heritabilities and perform linkage screens for individual odors. A genetic effect was detected for only a few responses to specific odors, suggesting the predominance of environmental effects in odor perceptions.


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Two cups and two saucers used for chocolate. The Einstein children's portraits are emblazoned on these delicate teacups, presumably by their parents, as these come from the family collection.


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Bacteria growing in paper machines can cause several problems. Biofilms detaching from paper machine surfaces may lead to holes and spots in the end product or even break the paper web leading to expensive delays in production. Heat stable endospores will remain viable through the drying section of paper machine, increasing the microbial contamination of paper and board. Of the bacterial species regularly found in the end products, Bacillus cereus is the only one classified as a pathogen. Certain B. cereus strains produce cereulide, the toxin that causes vomiting disease in food poisonings connected to B. cereus. The first aim of this thesis was to identify harmful bacterial species colonizing paper machines and to assess the role of bacteria in the formation of end product defects. We developed quantitative PCR methods for detecting Meiothermus spp. and Pseudoxanthomonas taiwanensis. Using these methods I showed that Meiothermus spp. and Psx. taiwanensis are major biofoulers in paper machines. I was the first to be able to show the connection between end product defects and biofilms in the wet-end of paper machines. I isolated 48 strains of primary-biofilm forming bacteria from paper machines. Based on one of them, strain K4.1T, I described a novel bacterial genus Deinobacterium with Deinobacterium chartae as the type species. I measured the transfer of Bacillus cereus spores from packaging paper into food. To do this, we constructed a green fluorescent protein (GFP) labelled derivative of Bacillus thuringiensis and prepared paper containing spores of this strain. Chocolate and rice were the recipient foods when transfer of the labelled spores from the packaging paper to food was examined. I showed that only minority of the Bacillus cereus spores transferred into food from packaging paper and that this amount is very low compared to the amount of B. cereus naturally occurring in foods. Thus the microbiological risk caused by packaging papers is very low. Until now, the biological function of cereulide for the producer cell has remained unknown. I showed that B. cereus can use cereulide to take up K+ from environment where K+ is scarce: cereulide binds K+ ions outside the cell with high affinity and transports these ions across cell membrane into the cytoplasm. Externally added cereulide increased the growth rate of cereulide producing strains in medium where potassium was growth limiting. In addition, cereulide producing strains outcompeted cereulide non-producing B. cereus in potassium deficient environment, but not when the potassium concentration was high. I also showed that cereulide enhances biofilm formation of B. cereus.


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Tutkimuksen kirjallisuuskatsauksessa keskityttiin jäätelöpuikkoihin, erilaisiin suklaakuorrutteisiin ja elintarvikkeiden kuorruttamiseen suklaalla. Lisäksi kirjallisuuskatsauksessa perehdyttiin suklaan koostumukseen, nestemäisen suklaan virtausominaisuuksiin ja koostumuksen ja virtausominaisuuksien välisiin vuorovaikutuksiin. Kokeellisessa osassa tavoitteena oli selvittää, miten maitosuklaakuorrutteen rasvapitoisuuden, emulgointiainepitoisuuden ja kuorrutteen lämpötilanvaihtelut vaikuttavat kuorrutteen viskositeettiin, myötöjännitykseen, jähmettymisaikaan ja jäätelöpuikon päälle jäävän kuorrutteen määrään. Erityisesti pyrittiin selvittämään, miten jäätelöpuikon päälle jäävän kuorrutteen määrää saadaan säädeltyä kuorrutteen rasvapitoisuutta, emulgointiainepitoisuutta ja lämpötilaa muuttamalla. Tutkimuksen koeasetelma tehtiin Box-Behnken-mallilla. Selittäviksi muuttujiksi tutkimukseen valittiin kuorrutteen rasvan määrä, emulgointiaineen määrä ja kuorrutteen lämpötila jäätelöpuikkoja kuorrutettaessa. Vastemuuttujina oli kuorrutteen jähmettymisaika, viskositeetti, myötöjännitys ja jäätelöpuikon päälle jäävän kuorrutteen määrä. Tulokset käsiteltiin regressioanalyysin avulla. Muuttujien välisiä vuorovaikutuksia tutkittiin vastepintamallilla. Vastemuuttujien välisiä korrelaatioita tutkittaessa käytettiin Pearsonin korrelaatiokerrointa. Kuorrutteen rasvan määrän lisääntyminen vähensi tilastollisesti merkitsevästi jäätelöpuikon päälle jäävän kuorrutteen määrää, kuorrutteen jähmettymisaikaa, viskositeettia ja myötöjännitystä. Emulgointiaineen määrän lisääminen kuorrutteessa pienensi kuorrutteen määrää jäätelöpuikon päällä, kuorrutteen jähmettymisaikaa ja kuorrutteen myötöjännitystä. Kuorrutteen lämpötilan lisääminen jäätelöpuikkoja kuorrutettaessa pienensi kuorrutteen määrää ja viskositeettia. Kuorrutteen jähmettymisaika sen sijaan piteni lämpötilaa lisättäessä. Tutkimuksen perusteella voidaan sanoa, että jäätelöpuikkoja kastettaessa suklaakuorrutteen lämpötila, rasvan määrä ja lesitiinin määrä vaikuttivat jäätelöpuikon päälle jäävän kuorrutteen määrään. Vastepintamallinnuksen käyttö soveltui hyvin suklaakuorrutteen määrän tutkimiseen. Sen avulla saatiin selvitettyä, miten jäätelöpuikon päälle jäävän kuorrutteen määrää saadaan säädeltyä muuttamalla kuorrutteen emulgointiainepitoisuutta, rasvapitoisuutta ja lämpötilaa.


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Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan kuluttajien näkemyksiä ekotuotteiden valintaan vaikuttavista tekijöistä. Analysoin ekotuotteiden hankintaa kolmen teeman kautta. Ne ovat vihreys ja vastuullisuus, puhtaus tuotevalinnoissa sekä niin sanottu arjen luksus. Tutkimukseni empiirinen osa koostuu 10 teemahaastattelusta. Tutkimuskohteena on ekokauppa Ruohonjuuressa ostoksiaan tekevät kuluttajat. Haastateltavia etsin ilmoituksella ekokauppa Ruohonjuuresta sekä kaupan Facebook-sivuilta. Lisäksi oma haastattelupäivä Ruohonjuuren myymälässä tuotti haastateltavia mukaan tutkimukseen. Kirjoitin haastatteluista yhteenvedon ja analysoin aineistoa teemoittelun avulla. Nykyiset ympäristöongelmat vaikuttavat siihen, millaisena koemme arjen tulevaisuudessa. Vihreä ja vastuulllinen kuluttaja ottaa huomioon kulutuspäätöksiensä vaikutukset ympäristöön. Vihreät kulutuspäätökset tarkoittavat kestäviä kulutustapoja kuten jätteiden lajittelua, kirpputorikierrättämistä ja ympäristöä säästävien ekotuotteiden valintaa. Aineiston perusteella voi todeta, että ekotuotteiden ympäristömyönteisyyteen liitetään läheisesti luomutuotanto ja luomutuotteet. Ekotuotteet nähdään myös eettisinä ja moraalisina valintoina, joiden avulla halutaan vaikuttaa myös muiden hyvinvointiin. Ekotuotteisiin kohdistuu siten monenlaisia odotuksia, mutta myös epäilyjä. Aineistoni perusteella tuotetta ei välttämättä koettu ekotuotteeksi, jos sen valmistamiseen on käytetty paljon resursseja. Kuluttajat ovat kiinnostuneita ruoan alkuperästä ja sen aitoudesta. Ekotuotteet koetaan muita tuotteita päinvastoin puhtaiksi vaihtoehdoiksi. Puhtaus ekotuotteissa mielletään laadultaan turvallisiksi ja terveellisiksi tuotteiksi, jotka maistuvat hyvältä. Haastatteluaineiston perusteella voi todeta, että ekotuotteet koettiin myös arjen ostosten erikoisuudeksi. Arjen luksus lisää käyttäjälleen mielihyvän elämyksiä. Ekotuotteita ostamalla rakennetaan myös omaa elämäntyyliä ja erottaudutaan muista. Aineiston perusteella ekokauppaan mennään kiertelemään, tekemään heräteostoksia ja etsimään uutuuksia. Shoppailu ekokaupassa voi olla nautinnollista ja miellyttävää toimintaa, vaikka ostamista vain harkitaan. Ekotuote lahjana kertoo lahjan antajasta ja tuo lahjan saajalle palan luksusta vaikkapa luomusuklaan muodossa.


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José Mariano da Conceição Velloso, 172?-1811 - Frei Velloso teve duas grandes paixões: a botânica e o desenho, inclusive a gravura e a pintura. Esforça-se para difundir o desenho e a pintura pela sua oficina do Arco do Cego. Trabalha na produção de livros didáticos, num esforço gigantesco, produz obras relacionadas com a agricultura, a mineração, a pecuária e as artes que se podiam obter àquela época. Como relata Borba de Moraes, o esforço fracassou devido ao imenso atraso das elites brasileiras da época. A respeito do Fazendeiro do Brasil, o Governador de São Paulo informou à Corte que não conseguira vender um só exemplar da coleção e que não achava quem os quisesse levar de graça.


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Nivel educativo: Grado. Duración (en horas): Más de 50 horas


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Mesoporous spinel membranes as ultrafiltration membranes were prepared through a novel sol-gel technique. By in situ modification of the sol particle surface during the sol-gel process, control of the material structure on a nanometer scale from the earliest stages of processing was realized. Nano-particles with a chocolate-nut-like morphology, i.e. spinel MgAl2O4 as a shell and gamma -Al2O3 as a core, were first revealed by HRTEM results. The formation of the spinel phase was confirmed by X-ray diffraction (XRD). N-2 adsorption-desorption results showed that the mesoporous membranes had a narrow pore size distribution. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Procedimentos para o monitoramento; Ácaro rajado; Ácaro branco; Cochonila; Cigarrinha; Mosca branca; Mosca-das-frutas; Mandarová; Variola ou pinta preta; Mancha de corynespora; Podridão de phytophthora; Podridão preta (Phoma); Oidiose; Mancha chocolate; Carvão interno;. Mancha anelar; Meleira; Inimigos naturais; Mancha fisiológica; Escala diagramática e fórmula para cálculo de incidência (Pinta preta); Ficha de campo para o monitoramento.


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Receitas basicas; Extrato ou leite de soja; Extrato de soja condensado; Farinha de soja; Graos de soja cozido; Hidratacao da PVT (Proteina Vegetal Texturizada); Tofu ou "queijo" de soja; Salgados; Bolinho de mandioca ou batata e residuo de soja; Bolo salgado de soja; Croquete de residuo de soja; Hamburguer de PVT; Macarrao com molho de ¨leite¨ de soja e PVT; Pao de cebola com farinha e "leite" de soja; Salada de soja; Sopa de frango, arroz e residuo de soja; Sopa de residuo de soja; Strogonoff de camarao e graos de soja cozidos; Sufle de milho verde e residuo de soja; Torta de mandioca com residuo de soja e PVT; Doces; Arroz doce com "leite" de soja; Biscoito de coco e farinha de soja; Creme de soja; Curau de milho verde e "leite" de soja; Pudim de "leite" de soja; Rosquinhas fritas de chocolate com "leite" e farinha de soja; Torta de banana caramelada; Rosquinhas fritas de chocolate com "leite" e farinha de soja; Bolos; Bolo de cenoura com farinha de soja; Bolo de coco com farinha e "leite" de soja; Bolo de fuba com farinha e "leite" de soja; Bolo de laranja com farinha de soja; Bolo de formigueiro com farinha e "leite" de soja; Bolo de maracuja com farinha de soja; Receitas festivas; Bolo de natal com farinha e "leite" de soja; Bolo ingles com farinha e "leite" de soja; Colomba Pascal com farinha e "leite" de soja; Panetone com farinha de soja.


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas


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32 hojas : ilustraciones, fotografías a color.