993 resultados para Banach Space


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Let (X, parallel to . parallel to) be a Banach space and omega is an element of R. A bounded function u is an element of C([0, infinity); X) is called S-asymptotically omega-periodic if lim(t ->infinity)[u(t + omega) - u(t)] = 0. In this paper, we establish conditions under which an S-asymptotically omega-periodic function is asymptotically omega-periodic and we discuss the existence of S-asymptotically omega-periodic and asymptotically omega-periodic solutions for an abstract integral equation. Some applications to partial differential equations and partial integro-differential equations are considered. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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For a locally compact Hausdorff space K and a Banach space X we denote by C-0(K, X) the space of X-valued continuous functions on K which vanish at infinity, provided with the supremum norm. Let n be a positive integer, Gamma an infinite set with the discrete topology, and X a Banach space having non-trivial cotype. We first prove that if the nth derived set of K is not empty, then the Banach-Mazur distance between C-0(Gamma, X) and C-0(K, X) is greater than or equal to 2n + 1. We also show that the Banach-Mazur distance between C-0(N, X) and C([1, omega(n)k], X) is exactly 2n + 1, for any positive integers n and k. These results extend and provide a vector-valued version of some 1970 Cambern theorems, concerning the cases where n = 1 and X is the scalar field.


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Untersucht werden in der vorliegenden Arbeit Versionen des Satzes von Michlin f¨r Pseudodiffe- u rentialoperatoren mit nicht-regul¨ren banachraumwertigen Symbolen und deren Anwendungen a auf die Erzeugung analytischer Halbgruppen von solchen Operatoren auf vektorwertigen Sobo- levr¨umen Wp (Rn


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This Ph.D thesis focuses on iterative regularization methods for regularizing linear and nonlinear ill-posed problems. Regarding linear problems, three new stopping rules for the Conjugate Gradient method applied to the normal equations are proposed and tested in many numerical simulations, including some tomographic images reconstruction problems. Regarding nonlinear problems, convergence and convergence rate results are provided for a Newton-type method with a modified version of Landweber iteration as an inner iteration in a Banach space setting.


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Let E be an infinite dimensional complex Banach space. We prove the existence of an infinitely generated algebra, an infinite dimensional closed subspace and a dense subspace of entire functions on E whose non-zero elements are functions of unbounded type. We also show that the τδ topology on the space of all holomorphic functions cannot be obtained as a countable inductive limit of Fr´echet spaces. RESUMEN. Sea E un espacio de Banach complejo de dimensión infinita y sea H(E) el espacio de funciones holomorfas definidas en E. En el artículo se demuestra la existencia de un álgebra infinitamente generada en H(E), un subespacio vectorial en H(E) cerrado de dimensión infinita y un subespacio denso en H(E) cuyos elementos no nulos son funciones de tipo no acotado. También se demuestra que el espacio de funciones holomorfas con la topología ? no es un límite inductivo numberable de espacios de Fréchet.


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Let U be an open subset of a separable Banach space. Let F be the collection of all holomorphic mappings f from the open unit disc D � C into U such that f(D) is dense in U. We prove the lineability and density of F in appropriate spaces for diferent choices of U. RESUMEN. Sea U un subconjunto abierto de un espacio de Banach separable. Sea F el conjunto de funciones holomorfas f definidas en el disco unidad D del plano complejo con valores en U tales que f(D) es denso en U. En el artículo se demuestra la lineabilidad y densidad del conjunto F para diferentes elecciones de U.


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In this paper we prove several results on the existence of analytic functions on an infinite dimensional real Banach space which are bounded on some given collection of open sets and unbounded on others. In addition, we also obtain results on the density of some subsets of the space of all analytic functions for natural locally convex topologies on this space. RESUMEN. Los autores demuestran varios resultados de existencia de funciones analíticas en espacios de Banach reales de dimensión infinita que están acotadas en un colección de subconjuntos abiertos y no acotadas en los conjuntos de otra colección. Además, se demuestra la densidad de ciertos subconjuntos de funciones analíticas para varias topologías localmente convexas.


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In the context of real-valued functions defined on metric spaces, it is known that the locally Lipschitz functions are uniformly dense in the continuous functions and that the Lipschitz in the small functions - the locally Lipschitz functions where both the local Lipschitz constant and the size of the neighborhood can be chosen independent of the point - are uniformly dense in the uniformly continuous functions. Between these two basic classes of continuous functions lies the class of Cauchy continuous functions, i.e., the functions that map Cauchy sequences in the domain to Cauchy sequences in the target space. Here, we exhibit an intermediate class of Cauchy continuous locally Lipschitz functions that is uniformly dense in the real-valued Cauchy continuous functions. In fact, our result is valid when our target space is an arbitrary Banach space.


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We introduce the notion of Lipschitz compact (weakly compact, finite-rank, approximable) operators from a pointed metric space X into a Banach space E. We prove that every strongly Lipschitz p-nuclear operator is Lipschitz compact and every strongly Lipschitz p-integral operator is Lipschitz weakly compact. A theory of Lipschitz compact (weakly compact, finite-rank) operators which closely parallels the theory for linear operators is developed. In terms of the Lipschitz transpose map of a Lipschitz operator, we state Lipschitz versions of Schauder type theorems on the (weak) compactness of the adjoint of a (weakly) compact linear operator.


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This article continues the investigation of stationarity and regularity properties of infinite collections of sets in a Banach space started in Kruger and López (J. Optim. Theory Appl. 154(2), 2012), and is mainly focused on the application of the stationarity criteria to infinitely constrained optimization problems. We consider several settings of optimization problems which involve (explicitly or implicitly) infinite collections of sets and deduce for them necessary conditions characterizing stationarity in terms of dual space elements—normals and/or subdifferentials.


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We survey several applications of Simons’ inequality and state related open problems. We show that if a Banach space X has a strongly sub-differentiable norm, then every bounded weakly closed subset of X is an intersection of finite union of balls.


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*Supported by the Grants AV ˇCR 101-97-02, 101-90-03, GA ˇCR 201-98-1449, and by the Grant of the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Czech Technical University No. 2003.


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*Supported in part by GAˇ CR 201-98-1449 and AV 101 9003. This paper is based on a part of the author’s MSc thesis written under the supervison of Professor V. Zizler.


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We prove that if E is a subset of a Banach space whose density is of measure zero and such that (E, weak) is a paracompact space, then (E, weak) is a Radon space of type (F ) under very general conditions.


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∗ Supported by Research grants GAUK 190/96 and GAUK 1/1998