890 resultados para 420111 Other European Languages


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An extensive electricity transmission network facilitates electricity trading between Finland, Sweden, Norway and Denmark. Currently most of the area's power generation is traded at NordPool, where the trading volumes have steadily increased since the early 1990's, when the exchange was founded. The Nordic electricity is expected to follow the current trend and further integrate with the other European electricity markets. Hydro power is the source for roughly a half of the supply in the Nordic electricity market and most of the hydro is generated in Norway. The dominating role of hydro power distinguishes the Nordic electricity market from most of the other market places. Production of hydro power varies mainly due to hydro reservoirs and demand for electricity. Hydro reservoirs are affected by water inflows that differ each year. The hydro reservoirs explain remarkably the behaviour of the Nordic electricity markets. Therefore among others, Kauppi and Liski (2008) have developed a model that analyzes the behaviour of the markets using hydro reservoirs as explanatory factors. Their model includes, for example, welfare loss due to socially suboptimal hydro reservoir usage, socially optimal electricity price, hydro reservoir storage and thermal reservoir storage; that are referred as outcomes. However, the model does not explain the real market condition but rather an ideal situation. In the model the market is controlled by one agent, i.e. one agent controls all the power generation reserves; it is referred to as a socially optimal strategy. Article by Kauppi and Liski (2008) includes an assumption where an individual agent has a certain fraction of market power, e.g. 20 % or 30 %. In order to maintain the focus of this thesis, this part of their paper is omitted. The goal of this thesis is two-fold. Firstly we expand the results from the socially optimal strategy for years 2006-08, as the earlier study finishes in 2005. The second objective is to improve on the methods from the previous study. This thesis results several outcomes (SPOT-price and welfare loss, etc.) due to socially optimal actions. Welfare loss is interesting as it describes the inefficiency of the market. SPOT-price is an important output for the market participants as it often has an effect on end users' electricity bills. Another function is to modify and try to improve the model by means of using more accurate input data, e.g. by considering pollution trade rights effect on input data. After modifications to the model, new welfare losses are calculated and compared with the same results before the modifications. The hydro reservoir has the higher explanatory significance in the model followed by thermal power. In Nordic markets, thermal power reserves are mostly nuclear power and other thermal sources (coal, natural gas, oil, peat). It can be argued that hydro and thermal reservoirs determine electricity supply. Roughly speaking, the model takes into account electricity demand and supply, and several parameters related to them (water inflow, oil price, etc.), yielding finally the socially optimal outcomes. The author of this thesis is not aware of any similar model being tested before. There have been some other studies that are close to the Kauppi and Liski (2008) model, but those have a somewhat different focus. For example, a specific feature in the model is the focus on long-run capacity usage that differs from the previous studies on short-run market power. The closest study to the model is from California's wholesale electricity markets that, however, uses different methodology. Work is constructed as follows.


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INTRODUCTION: Recent studies in other European countries suggest that the prevalence of congenital cryptorchidism continues to increase. This study aimed to explore the prevalence and natural history of congenital cryptorchidism in a UK centre. METHODS: Between October 2001 and July 2008, 784 male infants were born in the prospective Cambridge Baby Growth Study. 742 infants were examined by trained research nurses at birth; testicular position was assessed using standard techniques. Follow-up assessments were completed at ages 3, 12, 18 and 24 months in 615, 462, 393 and 326 infants, respectively. RESULTS: The prevalence of cryptorchidism at birth was 5.9% (95% CI 4.4% to 7.9%). Congenital cryptorchidism was associated with earlier gestational age (p<0.001), lower birth weight (p<0.001), birth length (p<0.001) and shorter penile length at birth (p<0.0001) compared with other infants, but normal size after age 3 months. The prevalence of cryptorchidism declined to 2.4% at 3 months, but unexpectedly rose again to 6.7% at 12 months as a result of new cases. The cumulative incidence of "acquired cryptorchidism" by age 24 months was 7.0% and these cases had shorter penile length during infancy than other infants (p = 0.003). CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of congenital cryptorchidism was higher than earlier estimates in UK populations. Furthermore, this study for the first time describes acquired cryptorchidism or "ascending testis" as a common entity in male infants, which is possibly associated with reduced early postnatal androgen activity.


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[ES] Desde hace varios años, el pequeño comercio en España y en otros países europeos viene enfrentándose a un entorno de creciente concurrencia, con la irrupción de nuevas formas comerciales más integradas vertical u horizontalmente, y mejor preparadas para competir en precio y variedad. Ante este hecho, las centrales de compra se ofrecen como una alternativa tendente a acortar distancias en estas dos cuestiones, a la vez que buscan la prestación de ciertos servicios que ayuden al pequeño comerciante a gestionar más eficaz y eficientemente su negocio.


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Máster en Dirección Empresarial desde la Innovación y la internacionalización. Curso 2013/2014


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El nº 81 de Ecomiaz lleva el título de: Estado de bienestar y gobierno multinivel


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Background: In the present study we have assessed whether the Carpathian Mountains represent a genetic barrier in East Europe. Therefore, we have analyzed the mtDNA of 128 native individuals of Romania: 62 of them from the North of Romania, and 66 from South Romania. Results: We have analyzed their mtDNA variability in the context of other European and Near Eastern populations through multivariate analyses. The results show that regarding the mtDNA haplogroup and haplotype distributions the Romanian groups living outside the Carpathian range (South Romania) displayed some degree of genetic differentiation compared to those living within the Carpahian range (North Romania). Conclusion: The main differentiation between the mtDNA variability of the groups from North and South Romania can be attributed to the demographic movements from East to West (prehistoric or historic) that differently affected in these regions, suggesting that the Carpathian mountain range represents a weak genetic barrier in South-East Europe.


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Esta tese tem como propósito analisar as relações político-diplomáticas entre Portugal e a Santa Sé na primeira metade do século XVIII, tendo como principal problemática o corte das relações diplomáticas entre as duas cortes -, ocorrido entre 1728-1731. O episódio resultou, no nível mais imediato, da recusa de Roma em conceder paridade a Portugal diante das outras cortes europeias, negando a ascensão do núncio apostólico Vicente Bichi, ao título de cardeal. Tal política inseria-se em uma linguagem diplomática tradicional, para a qual Roma permanecia o centro da cristandade e distribuidora de privilégios. A opção de D. João V em manter-se fiel a uma linguagem tradicional não o impediu de se apropriar e de utilizar uma linguagem moderna, expressão compartilhada pelos loci de poder setecentistas, representados pelas monarquias que se consolidavam na França, na Inglaterra, na Áustria, na Prússia e até na Rússia, operando a partir de uma razão de Estado, a linguagem diplomática moderna, que configurou o tabuleiro político europeu entre os congressos de Utrecht e de Viena. Linguagem esta que fora traduzida pelos embaixadores ou chefes de missão portugueses, o que permitiu a participação de Portugal nas grandes decisões do período e consolidou a política de privilégio de D. João V, consagrando o monarca Fidelíssimo e, consequentemente, o reino português numa Europa em transformação.


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Alexandre Herculano foi uma figura muito importante na História de Portugal. Primeiramente como historiador, recolhendo materiais que continham a História da Nação e que serviu como estudo para a preservação e divulgação de um passado glorioso. Como intelectual, engajou-se na política e assuntos sociais em benefício da nação portuguesa. Escrevendo e publicando artigos em importantes jornais e revistas da época, ou seja, o século XIX, sua figura identifica-se com a de um intelectual. Como tal, denunciou e alertou o povo sobre seus principais direitos e deveres como cidadãos portugueses. Sua grande preocupação também era em relação à educação porque, segundo ele, Portugal estava atrasado em relação a outros países europeus. Descrever Herculano como intelectual de Portugal é uma das propostas deste trabalho


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Homenaje a Ignacio Barandiarán Maestu / coord. por Javier Fernández Eraso, Juan Santos Yanguas.


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Homenaje a Ignacio Barandiarán Maestu / coord. por Javier Fernández Eraso, Juan Santos Yanguas.


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[ES] En este trabajo se ha analizado un grupo de 6 inserciones Alu autosómicas (ACE, APO, PV92, TPA25, FXIIIB y D1) en una muestra de 56 individuos de etnia gitana residentes en el País Vasco, con el objetivo de estimar la intensidad de los procesos de microdiferenciación experimentados por esta población y su parentesco genético con otras poblaciones europeas y asiáticas. Las inserciones Alu polimórficas son unos marcadores muy útiles en los estudios de evolución humana, entre otras razones porque se conoce su estado ancestral, que es la ausencia de inserción y porque se producen por un único evento mutacional. Son por ello particularmente interesantes para analizar la heterogeneidad genética de poblaciones originarias de diferentes continentes.


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In this work we perform for the first time a palaeoenvironmental and biostratigraphic analysis of the lower Miocene alluvial deposits of the Cenicero section (NW sector of the Ebro Basin; N Iberian Peninsula), based on the ostracod and micromammal assemblages. One of the main characteristics of this section is the unusual abundance on non-reworked ostracods present in the studied samples compared to other European sequences of similar age and sedimentary environment. This fact has allowed us to develop precise palaeoenvironmental reconstructions. The variations of the identified ostracod assemblages, defined by species such as Cyclocypris laevis, Ilyocypris bradyi, Ilyocypris gibba, Limnocythere sp. or Pseudocandona parallela, record the development of small, ephemeral and shallow ponds in a distal alluvial and/or floodplain environment. Towards the upper part of the section the ponds appear to be less ephemeral, being the aquatic systems more stable for ostracods development. Variations in the water temperature and salinity have been observed along the section, which are related to changes in the local pluviometric regime. On the other hand, the presence of micromammals in one of the studied samples has allowed the precise dating of this section. Thus, the presence of Armantomys daamsi dates the Cenicero section as Agenian (lower Miocene), local zone Y2 (MN2).


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In the 1500’s, the waters of Venezuela and to a lesser extent Colombia produced more natural pearls than any place ever produced in the world in any succeeding century. Atlantic pearl-oysters, Pinctata imbricata Röding 1798, were harvested almost entirely by divers. The pearls from them were exported to Spain and other European countries. By the end of the 1500’s, the pearl oysters had become much scarcer, and little harvesting took place during the 1600’s and 1700’s. Harvesting began to accelerate slowly in the mid 1800’s and has since continued but at a much lower rate than in the 1500’s. The harvesting methods have been hand collecting by divers until the early 1960’s, dredging from the 1500’s to the present, and hardhat diving from 1912 to the early 1960’s. Since the mid 1900’s, Japan and other countries of the western Pacific rim have inundated world markets with cultured pearls that are of better quality and are cheaper than natural pearls, and the marketing of natural pearls has nearly ended. The pearl oyster fishery in Colombia ended in the 1940’s, but it has continued in Venezuela with the fishermen selling the meats to support themselves; previously most meats had been discarded. A small quantity of pearls is now taken, and the fishery, which comprised about 3,000 fishermen in 1947, comprised about 300 in 2002.