998 resultados para Continuous classes


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We consider consider the problem of dichotomizing a continuous covariate when performing a regression analysis based on a generalized estimation approach. The problem involves estimation of the cutpoint for the covariate and testing the hypothesis that the binary covariate constructed from the continuous covariate has a significant impact on the outcome. Due to the multiple testing used to find the optimal cutpoint, we need to make an adjustment to the usual significance test to preserve the type-I error rates. We illustrate the techniques on one data set of patients given unrelated hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Here the question is whether the CD34 cell dose given to patient affects the outcome of the transplant and what is the smallest cell dose which is needed for good outcomes. (C) 2010 Elsevier BM. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, we prove that if a Banach space X contains some uniformly convex subspace in certain geometric position, then the C(K, X) spaces of all X-valued continuous functions defined on the compact metric spaces K have exactly the same isomorphism classes that the C(K) spaces. This provides a vector-valued extension of classical results of Bessaga and Pelczynski (1960) [2] and Milutin (1966) [13] on the isomorphic classification of the separable C(K) spaces. As a consequence, we show that if 1 < p < q < infinity then for every infinite countable compact metric spaces K(1), K(2), K(3) and K(4) are equivalent: (a) C(K(1), l(p)) circle plus C(K(2), l(q)) is isomorphic to C(K(3), l(p)) circle plus (K(4), l(q)). (b) C(K(1)) is isomorphic to C(K(3)) and C(K(2)) is isomorphic to C(K(4)). (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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A group is said to have the R(infinity) property if every automorphism has an infinite number of twisted conjugacy classes. We study the question whether G has the R(infinity) property when G is a finitely generated torsion-free nilpotent group. As a consequence, we show that for every positive integer n >= 5, there is a compact nilmanifold of dimension n on which every homeomorphism is isotopic to a fixed point free homeomorphism. As a by-product, we give a purely group theoretic proof that the free group on two generators has the R(infinity) property. The R(infinity) property for virtually abelian and for C-nilpotent groups are also discussed.


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Using the method of forcing we construct a model for ZFC where CH does not hold and where there exists a connected compact topological space K of weight omega(1) < 2(omega) such that every operator on the Banach space of continuous functions on K is multiplication by a continuous function plus a weakly compact operator. In particular, the Banach space of continuous functions on K is indecomposable.


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In this article, we prove that any automorphism of R. Thompson`s group F has infinitely many twisted conjugacy classes. The result follows from the work of Brin, together with standard facts about R. Thompson`s group F, and elementary properties of the Reidemeister numbers.


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Let n >= 3. We classify the finite groups which are realised as subgroups of the sphere braid group B(n)(S(2)). Such groups must be of cohomological period 2 or 4. Depending on the value of n, we show that the following are the maximal finite subgroups of B(n)(S(2)): Z(2(n-1)); the dicyclic groups of order 4n and 4(n - 2); the binary tetrahedral group T*; the binary octahedral group O*; and the binary icosahedral group I(*). We give geometric as well as some explicit algebraic constructions of these groups in B(n)(S(2)) and determine the number of conjugacy classes of such finite subgroups. We also reprove Murasugi`s classification of the torsion elements of B(n)(S(2)) and explain how the finite subgroups of B(n)(S(2)) are related to this classification, as well as to the lower central and derived series of B(n)(S(2)).


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We determine the structure of the semisimple group algebra of certain groups over the rationals and over those finite fields where the Wedderburn decompositions have the least number of simple components We apply our work to obtain similar information about the loop algebras of mdecomposable RA loops and to produce negative answers to the isomorphism problem over various fields (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc All rights reserved


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Using Sigma theory we show that for large classes of groups G there is a subgroup H of finite index in Aut(G) such that for phi is an element of H the Reidemeister number R(phi) is infinite. This includes all finitely generated nonpolycyclic groups G that fall into one of the following classes: nilpotent-by-abelian groups of type FP(infinity); groups G/G `` of finite Prufer rank; groups G of type FP(2) without free nonabelian subgroups and with nonpolycyclic maximal metabelian quotient; some direct products of groups; or the pure symmetric automorphism group. Using a different argument we show that the result also holds for 1-ended nonabelian nonsurface limit groups. In some cases, such as with the generalized Thompson`s groups F(n,0) and their finite direct products, H = Aut(G).