1000 resultados para Memória Johanna Dobereiner
O seguinte trabalho desenvolve o tema da violência contra o movimento popular na Galiléia, segundo o texto de Lucas 13,1-5. Esse texto não tem paralelo nas outras duas fontes sinóticas, nem em João, nem em Tomé, nem no grupo Galileu que escreveu a fonte Q; quanto a esses eventos históricos que narra o texto, não há referência nem em Flávio Josefo, nem em outros historiadores da época. Isso quer dizer, que estes versículos são uma fonte própria de Lucas, uma fonte autônoma, chamada por alguns como fonte L (ou fonte S). A abordagem deste texto de Lucas, feita por grande parte de pesquisadores na área bíblica, preocupa-se com os temas de pecado e arrependimento, deixando na margem a situação das vítimas e as ameaças de Jesus para seus ouvintes. Neste sentido, este trecho de Lucas é de grande importância. Estes versículos expressam a realidade sócio -política. Seu conteúdo é um sinal de conflito e de denúncia contra o sistema imperial romano que não passou desapercebido para o redator do texto e nem para o seu auditório. Trata-se, portanto, da memória das vítimas da opressão. Apresentamos a seguir, a pesquisa em três capítulos esboçados brevemente. O primeiro descreve o agir específico dos procuradores ou governadores romanos, nas províncias comandadas por eles; ao mesmo tempo, a reação do povo e os seus protestos. A nossa ênfase recairá sobre o procurador romano Pôncio Pilatos. Nos valeremos das fontes bíblicas, extra-bíblicas e pseudo-epígrafas. No final, destacaremos a relevância e o papel central do texto Lucas 13,1-5. No segundo capítulo, o centro será a exegese de Lucas 13,1-5, relacionando-o com o contexto maior que, em nosso caso, é chamado itinerário de viagem para Jerusalém , e com um contexto imediato que é o capitulo 13 de Lucas. No final, perguntaremos pelo grupo ou grupos que podem estar por trás destes versículos, e a importância da fonte L, como fonte primeira que se insere no Evangelho de Lucas. O texto de Lucas 13,1-5 aparece como texto autônomo, memória das vítimas; ele contrasta com a visão moderada dos relatos da Paixão nos sinóticos, frente a uma realidade de opressão. O terceiro capítulo constitui-se num ensaio de articulação destes dois capítulos com a realidade atual, especificamente com a situação de guerra, violência e morte na Colômbia, junto aos esforços atuais por reconstruir a memória das vítimas do povo colombiano, memória que dá sentido e dignifica a oferenda de suas vidas.(AU)
This research is aimed at studying the television memory, recovered and built by a pay-TV channel, Canal Viva, and the telenovelas from TV Globo displayed by the channel concerned, in order to verify its characteristics as a cultural product and its place in the plot of mediation and social interactions. In order to do so, the following theoretical bases are established, relating them to the concept of memory: culture, identity, imagination, history of TV and the Brazilian telenovelas, television reception (with a focus on mediation) and nostalgia. For this purpose, the methodology, as built-up, is divided into two steps: first, a bibliographic research and then a case study, on which techniques of documentary analysis are applied, guided interviews with representatives from the channel and, finally, a focus group with assiduous viewers of the Canal Viva telenovelas. The goal of this research is to contribute to studies on communication related to television memory, thus affirming its importance in social interactions.
O presente trabalho pretende mostrar, à luz da abordagem sócio-histórica ou histórico-sociológica, a formação da professora primária na Escola Normal Particular Santa Teresa, uma instituição de irmãs salesianas que se dedicam à educação em Lorena-SP desde 1954. O problema da parte da seguinte indagação: como as irmãs salesianas do Instituto Santa Teresa em Lorena/SP formaram a professora primária, no período de 1964 -1974? Os objetivos que norteiam o problema da pesquisa são: compreender os motivos da criação e extinção da Escola Normal Particular Santa Teresa; conhecer a clientela inicial e quem a freqüentou durante seu funcionamento; descrever a constituição do corpo docente; verificar a legislação pertinente a essa escola; desvelar indícios das práticas pedagógicas. O presente estudo, compreendido entre os anos de 1964 a 1974, fundamenta-se nos aportes teóricos de Mogarro, sobre os arquivos escolares; Demartini, sobre memória e relatos orais; Saviani e outros pesquisadores que tecem novas concepções históricas de instituições escolares no Brasil. A partir dos estudos dos documentos da Escola Normal e da analise dos relatos dos sujeitos ntrevistados percebe-se que: as irmãs salesianas do Instituto Santa Teresa ao formarem a moça professora tinham como finalidade a formação da moça, da mãe, da esposa, da mulher.(AU)
A presente pesquisa propõe analisar o contexto educacional ocorrido no período da ditadura militar, buscando extrair aspectos históricos e educacionais referentes ao período (1964- 1985). Trata-se de uma pesquisa realizada com professores do antigo segundo grau da rede pública de ensino do Município de Santo André (S.P). Optou-se por entrevistar seis professores que atuaram durante esse contexto histórico. Para investigar, foi utilizada a abordagem histórica-metodológica de cunho qualitativo, elegendo a memória como fonte principal de estudo. Para tanto, recorreu-se às contribuições de Bosi (Memória e sociedade: lembranças de velhos, 1984), Thompson (A voz do Passado, 1992), Romanelli (História da Educação no Brasil, 1978), Freitag (Escola Estado e Sociedade, 1980), Góes (O golpe na Educação, 1996), Cunha (Educação e Desenvolvimento Social no Brasil, 1977), Cardoso (Para uma crítica do presente, 2001), Vieira (Estado e miséria social no Brasil, 1995), Minguili (Direção de Escola de 2º grau no Estado de São Paulo, 1984), Arelaro (A extensão do ensino básico no Brasil, 1988), Teixeira (Política e administração de pessoal docente, 1988), Hilsdorf (História da educação brasileira, 2005), Gadotti (Educação e poder, 2001), Germano (Estado militar e educação no Brasil, 1990), Saviani (Escola e democracia, 1986), Santos (Professoras em tempos de mudanças, 2003). A hipótese trabalhada centra-se em interpretar a postura dos professores que atuaram no período em questão, relativa ao regime político que se instalou no País durante esta época, e de que forma isso repercutiu no seu trabalho docente. Na análise do contexto político/social e educacional, recorreu-se à revisão que forneceram subsídios para compreender e explicitar a voz do professor.
Este estudo avalia inicialmente a memória de curto prazo de estudantes universitários; verifica a seguir as modalidades de jogos por esses universitários e a frequência com que os mesmos são praticados e, finalmente, relaciona o nível de memória de curto prazo verificado com a prática de jogos. Parte da hipótese de que a prática de jogos influencia na memória de curto prazo. Utiliza-se do Teste Pictórico de Memória TEPIC-M de Rueda, F. J. M. e Sisto, F. F., devidamente validado para nossa realidade e de escala auto-avaliativa de prática de jogos de lazer/esporte, a qual visa verificar o tipo de jogo praticado, de movimentação física, raciocínio lógico ou conhecimento e os jogos digitais. Desenvolve-se junto a 100 universitários, de ambos os sexos. Os resultados são analisados por meio do Statistical Package for Social Sciences for Windows, SPSS, versão 12.0. Os níveis de memória de curto prazo encontrados foram muito baixos: Inferior (66%), Médio Inferior (25%); Médio (2%); Médio Superior (6%) e Superior (1%). A prática de jogos em suas diversas modalidades também foi reduzida em Jogos de Movimento, JM, e em Jogos Digitais, JD (25%) e maior em Jogos de Raciocínio, JR (61%). A comparação entre os resultados do TEPIC-M e a frequência de participação em JM, revelou-se positiva, uma vez que os que não praticam nunca JM, 74%, não atingiram sequer o nível médio de memória; o mesmo sendo observado em relação à JD, com 70% dos participantes que não praticam esses jogos, sem atingir o nível médio de memória; e, em relação a JR, uma porcentagem menor (44%) dos que não praticam esses jogos, sem atingir o nível médio de memória, dados que indiretamente, comprovam a hipótese deste estudo.
This paper explores how the concept of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is constructed through Spanish media and documentary films and how it is represented. The article analyses three documentary films and the cultural and social contexts in and from which they emerged: Solé´s Bucarest: la memòria perduda [Bucharest: Memory Lost] (2007), Bosch´s Bicicleta, cullera, poma [Bicycle, Spoon, Apple] (2010) , and Frabra’s Las voces de la memoria [Memory´s Voices] (2011). The three documentary films approach AD from different perspectives, creating well-structured discourses of what AD represents for contemporary Spanish society, from medicalisation of AD to issues of personhood and citizenship. These three films are studied from an interdisciplinary perspective, in an effort to strengthen the links between ageing and dementia studies and cultural studies. Examining documentary film representations of AD from these perspectives enables semiotic analyses beyond the aesthetic perspectives of film studies, and the exploration of the articulation of knowledge and power in discourses about AD in contemporary Spain
Caffeine is the most consumed psychostimulant, with effects on attention, memory, and arousal. But when this substance is ingested near to bedtime there is a decrease on sleep, interfering on mnemonic processes. So, our ain was to investigate how the caffeine ingested near to sleep onset acts on sleep and memory in marmosets. We used 16 adult marmosets, single housed, in a 12:12h light-dark cycle. For registering locomotor activity were used two kinds of sensors. The gyroscope sensor registers activity each 30 sec and detects motion with good accuracy. Because of this we used this sensor for detecting nocturnal activity. The second sensor was based on infrared and accumulates activity each 5 min and it’s not able to detect nocturnal activity, just diurnal activity. We also used camera for registering Rest phase of one marmoset. For the cognitive task, the animals needed to learn a rewarded context (CR) when compared to a non-rewarded context CNR). This experiment comprises 5 phases: 1) Two days of habituation to apparatus; 2)Training for 8 days; 3) oral administration of caffeine (10 mg/kg) or placebo administration ±1h before sleep onset, for 8 days, with marmosets receiving placebo or caffeine; 4) retraining to apparatus and after that, placebo administration (placebo group-GP), or caffeine administration (with continuous group-GC and acute groupGA); 5) Test, for evaluating learning to CR. The sessions were filmed and each one had 8 min of duration. At 7 am started the habituation, training and test sessions, and at 3:15 pm started retraining. The results for gyroscope sensor showed that there was coincidence of 68,57% with nocturnal register of the cameras. Then, the gyroscope sensors detected nocturnal activity for all experimental groups Moreover, when compared sensor gyroscope with sensor based on infrared, was observed that both sensor presented similarity on patterns of activity curve. When we observed the effects of caffeine on Activity-Rest Cycle in GP, GA and GC, is possible to see that that gyroscope sensors and based on infrared presented only intra group differences. As behavioral results, the marmosets learned to discriminate CR when compared to CNR. Moreover, GP presented deficits on memory recall during the test, and GA increased the memory recall, when both were compared to GP. We concluded that the marmosets were able to learning the cognitive task and that the caffeine ingested near to sleep onset acts modulating memory in these animals. Moreover the gyroscope sensor can be used as alternative tool for investigating nocturnal activity. Then, the utilization of this non-invasive device allows marmosets exhibit their behavior within the laboratory conditions as natural as possible.
La historia de la expansión colonial en los sertónes del Seridó del siglo XVIII y el asentamiento de los primeros pobladores alrededor de las haciendas de ganado y más tarde de la cultura de algodón, oculto la presencia afrodescendiente que ya regia esa vasta región. Por otro lado, la esclavitud se observaba como un fenómeno de segunda prioridad y leve, por el hecho de tener un número de esclavos muy reducido en relación al litoral azucarero; sin embargo no se puede minimizar las marcas que dejaron más de tres siglos de dominación colonial, pues la violencia simbólica en su descripción aun existe. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo reflexionar sobre las causas y consecuencias de la extinción precoz de la presencia afro-brasileña y de la invisibilidad de los núcleos familiares en el municipio de Acari. A través de las memorias de las familias Nunes, Inácio y Pereira, antiguos moradores del Saco de los Pereira y de las familias Pedros, Paula, Higinos y Félix outroras moradores de las haciendas de la región, pretendemos reflexionar sobre las actividades de sobrevivencia, las relaciones de trabajo, la propiedad de la tierra y los robos ocurridos en los siglos XIX – XX, así como mostrar la importancia de las tradiciones familiares en la elaboración de los discursos sobre el pasado y de las variadas identidades. La metodología utilizada durante la investigación, mantuvo como foco las entrevistas que contemplan historias de la vida y las memorias de nuestros interlocutores, en particular los afrodescendientes. Los relatos colocan una luz sobre las vivencias en el período algodonero, los oficios realizados en las haciendas (vaquero, bordado, culinaria, losa) donde se muestra la importancia de las familias negras para entender el escenario Acarienses. También fotos y documentos cartoriáles que ayudaron a componer las historias de vida. El estudio revela la presencia de muchas familias negras vinculadas a las haciendas, demostrando que existe otra versión de la historia local, teniendo como protagonistas aquellos cuya memoria fue silenciada y quedando así marcados por el estigma de la esclavitud.
The random walk models with temporal correlation (i.e. memory) are of interest in the study of anomalous diffusion phenomena. The random walk and its generalizations are of prominent place in the characterization of various physical, chemical and biological phenomena. The temporal correlation is an essential feature in anomalous diffusion models. These temporal long-range correlation models can be called non-Markovian models, otherwise, the short-range time correlation counterparts are Markovian ones. Within this context, we reviewed the existing models with temporal correlation, i.e. entire memory, the elephant walk model, or partial memory, alzheimer walk model and walk model with a gaussian memory with profile. It is noticed that these models shows superdiffusion with a Hurst exponent H > 1/2. We study in this work a superdiffusive random walk model with exponentially decaying memory. This seems to be a self-contradictory statement, since it is well known that random walks with exponentially decaying temporal correlations can be approximated arbitrarily well by Markov processes and that central limit theorems prohibit superdiffusion for Markovian walks with finite variance of step sizes. The solution to the apparent paradox is that the model is genuinely non-Markovian, due to a time-dependent decay constant associated with the exponential behavior. In the end, we discuss ideas for future investigations.
This research starts from the presupposition that Cartilha do Silêncio(1997), a novel by the Brazilian writer Francisco Dantas, has a double articulated shift. One of the moves is towards the modern experience, with the idea that modernity is filled with contraries, as remarked by Nietzsche; the other is linked to the livelihoods ashore on traditional experiences, which encompasses the notion of memory as individual and collective ownership. The aim here is to analyze such perspective, social and critical issues within the characters' life stories that regards the calling of past as clear example that tradition is not gone, though modern life presents its own signs. Such dynamics gives to the plot a paradoxal feature. This work is mainly grounded on Marshall Berman' s thoughts in All That Is Solid Melts Into Air: The Experience of Modernity (1982) as well as on Antoine Compagnon'sFive Paradoxes of Modernity (1994). Assuming that Francisco Dantas' Novel is set as a split narrative, outcome of social memory originated on individual experiences aside social process and patriarchal family, this research brings into play the concept of memory by Jacques Le Goff in History and Memory (1992) along EcléaBosi's study in Memória e Sociedade: lembranças de velhos (1979). Keen to check how Cartilha do silêncio adjoins modern livelihoods with aesthetics order, the method articulates text and context, literary and social life, according to Antonio Candido'sLiteratura e Sociedade (1965). Thus, after reading the novel, it is possible to notice how the identity of the characters are built throughout the plot and it is also kept against settling on its social context during the transition from patriarchal tradition to modernity, creating a taut mood between both registries.
The Brejuí Mine, situated in the municipality of Currais Novos (RN), was responsible for the local economy growth between the years of 1943 and 1990, causing the interest of miner's working class to its urban center. After the end of scheelita extraction, the mine became a "theme park", in 2004. The company left its mark on the city by building several monuments in reference to the mining activity and the company's founder, Tomaz Salustino. However, there are no written records that describe such activities on its early years, nor their pioneers in the mining subject. Therefore, it is important to investigate the miner’s memories and ask if, along the more than five decades that lasted the heyday of mining, an identity linked to the profession was built; the extent to which workers make reference to this history as membersand what are the symbols that are being triggered in the development of a working class identity. Further, I investigate what memory was mad concerning the pioneers, mostly farmers attracted by miner work. To do so, I make use of audiovisual archival resources and oral records of the interlocutors that were filmed in the preparations of the documentary “Lembranças de velhos garimpeiros". We have noticed that, in the script of the official history of the Brejuí Mine, the "boss" figure overlaps the workers and that the forms patronage, originated from the rural world, followed punctuating the social relations in the mine. Today, with the resumption of the mining activity, it is possible that the strengthening of the working class and the Seridó miner identity desire reborn.
Introduction: Several modifications are identified as aging, causing more or less limitation imposed by over the years. Among these, one can highlight the different degrees of cognitive decline, particularly memory that can involve the daily activities and the subject functionality. Studies have shown an association between levels of serum cortisol and stress imposed by the exercise on this. However, there are few studies that references the performance on cognitive aspects of declarative memory and cortisol on the exercise in the water with automatic and práxicos movements and moderate. Objective: Check the effect based on the acute physical exercise and práxicos automatic movements on the performance of visual declarative memory and in serum cortisol in subjects aged between 51 and 74 years. Materials and Methods: It builds a survey characterized as cross with a first sample of 32 physically active subjects aged between 51 and 74 years, divided into two exercise groups (March of Automatic Group - MAG and the March of Praxis Group - MPG). We used a probabilistic and random sampling for sample selection. Used the MMSE (Mini Mental State Examination) to check the general cognitive status, visual acuity test - optotypes chart "E" Rasquin and was even used the declarative visual memory test proposed by Nitrini and collaborators (1994), applying before motor stimulation and immediately after, and the day of blood collection with 2 ml for analysis of cortisol hormone. The normality and homogeneity were verified from the Shapiro-Wilk and Levene tests. Thus we adopted a descriptive statistics to characterize the sample. The Split-Plot ANOVA was used along with the paired t-test to verify the identified differences. We adopted a significance level of p <0.05. Results: It was observed that the groups (MAG and MPG) and the anthropometric variables, perceived exertion, education, cognitive assessment and visual acuity showed no significant differences (p > 0.05), showing that the groups are homogeneous, with variables and similar means. After the stimulation session, lasting 30 min, it was observed that the amount of hits for Δ of declarative memory questionnaire visual images increased, presenting significant for both groups (MAG, p < 0.001; MPG, p = 0.042). The same was observed for cortisol concentration with a reduction in the levels immediately after the stimulus (MAG and MPG, p < 0.001). Conclusion: The results showed that the exercises proposed in its acute effect provide significantly memories of gains and also showed a reduction in cortisol levels.
Reading and writing are essential rights, which involve individual and social aspects; in addition, these skills are important when it comes to socio economic and political development, critical thinking and an active participation in society (UNESCO 2005). From a neurobiological standpoint, our brain is not prepared for reading, and this practice must be deliberately acquired via instructional guidance (DEHAENE 2009). However, reading disorders and deficits within executive functions, such as low working memory capacity, can make reading arduous. The aim of this study is to investigate the development of reading skills within 45 third grade students from public schools in the city of Natal – RN and its connection to working memory capacity, through information gathered from the Provinha Brasil, data generated from working memory tasks (Portuguese version of AWMA - Automated Working Memory Assessment) and fluid intelligence measures RAVEN. Based on this main objective, we attempted to answer the following research questions: (a) What are the correlations between working memory and reading scores?; (b) What characterizes the relationship between working memory capacity and the risk of reading disabilities amongst the participants in this study?; Following a quantitative research methodology, the Provinhas Brasil from 3rd grade students belonging to the six public schools members of Project ACERTA - Avaliação de Crianças em Risco de Transtornos de Aprendizagem (CAPES/OBEDUC)- were analyzed and compared to the scores from the working memory tests and the fluid intelligence ones. Results indicate that reading skills within children at risk of reading disabilities are directly linked to working memory capacity, especially with regards to the phonological component. It is also evident that the participants with less working memory capacity show more difficulties in the reading abilities that demand interpretation skills. Thus, we intend to contribute to the discussion regarding the diagnosis of reading disabilities and possible intervention strategies.
Reading and writing are essential rights, which involve individual and social aspects; in addition, these skills are important when it comes to socio economic and political development, critical thinking and an active participation in society (UNESCO 2005). From a neurobiological standpoint, our brain is not prepared for reading, and this practice must be deliberately acquired via instructional guidance (DEHAENE 2009). However, reading disorders and deficits within executive functions, such as low working memory capacity, can make reading arduous. The aim of this study is to investigate the development of reading skills within 45 third grade students from public schools in the city of Natal – RN and its connection to working memory capacity, through information gathered from the Provinha Brasil, data generated from working memory tasks (Portuguese version of AWMA - Automated Working Memory Assessment) and fluid intelligence measures RAVEN. Based on this main objective, we attempted to answer the following research questions: (a) What are the correlations between working memory and reading scores?; (b) What characterizes the relationship between working memory capacity and the risk of reading disabilities amongst the participants in this study?; Following a quantitative research methodology, the Provinhas Brasil from 3rd grade students belonging to the six public schools members of Project ACERTA - Avaliação de Crianças em Risco de Transtornos de Aprendizagem (CAPES/OBEDUC)- were analyzed and compared to the scores from the working memory tests and the fluid intelligence ones. Results indicate that reading skills within children at risk of reading disabilities are directly linked to working memory capacity, especially with regards to the phonological component. It is also evident that the participants with less working memory capacity show more difficulties in the reading abilities that demand interpretation skills. Thus, we intend to contribute to the discussion regarding the diagnosis of reading disabilities and possible intervention strategies.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)