997 resultados para CIM-OSA


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The object of this work is Hegel's Logic, which comprises the first third of his philosophical System that also includes the Philosophy of Nature and the Philosophy of Spirit. The work is divided into two parts, where the first part investigates Hegel s Logic in itself or without an explicit reference to rest of Hegel's System. It is argued in the first part that Hegel's Logic contains a methodology for constructing examples of basic ontological categories. The starting point on which this construction is based is a structure Hegel calls Nothing, which I argue to be identical with an empty situation, that is, a situation with no objects in it. Examples of further categories are constructed, firstly, by making previous structures objects of new situations. This rule makes it possible for Hegel to introduce examples of ontological structures that contain objects as constituents. Secondly, Hegel takes also the very constructions he uses as constituents of further structures: thus, he is able to exemplify ontological categories involving causal relations. The final result of Hegel's Logic should then be a model of Hegel s Logic itself, or at least of its basic methods. The second part of the work focuses on the relation of Hegel's Logic to the other parts of Hegel's System. My interpretation tries to avoid, firstly, the extreme of taking Hegel's System as a grand metaphysical attempt to deduce what exists through abstract thinking, and secondly, the extreme of seeing Hegel's System as mere diluted Kantianism or a second-order investigation of theories concerning objects instead of actual objects. I suggest a third manner of reading Hegel's System, based on extending the constructivism of Hegel's Logic to the whole of his philosophical System. According to this interpretation, transitions between parts of Hegel's System should not be understood as proofs of any sort, but as constructions of one structure or its model from another structure. Hence, these transitions involve at least, and especially within the Philosophy of Nature, modelling of one type of object or phenomenon through characteristics of an object or phenomenon of another type, and in the best case, and especially within the Philosophy of Spirit, transformations of an object or phenomenon of one type into an object or phenomenon of another type. Thus, the transitions and descriptions within Hegel's System concern actual objects and not mere theories, but they still involve no fallacious deductions.


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Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan suomalaisten eturivin poliitikkojen blogiviestintää imagonrakennuksen näkökulmasta. Tarkoitus on selvittää, millä tavalla poliitikot käyttävät blogejaan osana imagonrakennusprosessia. Tutkimuskysymyksen taustalla on ajatus yhteiskunnan viestinnällistymisestä, ”medialisoitumisesta”. Mediavälineiden ja -sisältöjen kyllästämässä mielikuvayhteiskunnassa jokainen joutuu pitämään huolta siitä, millainen imago hänelle muiden mielissä muodostuu. Mielikuvayhteiskunnassa imagot kilpailevat toisiaan vastaan ideologioiden sijaan, ja poliitikot pyrkivät erottumaan toisistaan ja kauppaamaan itseään äänestäjille mielikuvien avulla. Koska poliitikot taustaryhmineen voivat kommunikoida yleisöille blogien avulla ilman perinteisten tiedotusvälineiden väliintuloa, blogien merkitys imagoiden rakentamisessa, muokkaamisessa ja ylläpitämisessä on huomionarvoinen. Tutkielma sijoittuu poliittisen viestinnän tutkimuksen kenttään ja siinä hyödynnetään myös retoriikan tutkimuksen perusteita. David Nimmon teoria jakaa imagoviestinnän kolmeen aspektiin: ajatteluun ja tulkintaan liittyvään kognitiiviseen puoleen, tunteisiin vetoavaan affektiiviseen osaan sekä konatiiviseen, eli toimintaan kehottavaan elementtiin. Ferdinand de Saussuren linjaamien semiotiikan käytäntöjen mukaan viestintä puolestaan koostuu semioottisista valinnoista. Blogeissa käytettyjen semioottisen valintojen perusteella imagoviestinnän eri aspektit korostuvat halutuilla tavoilla. Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan imagonrakennuksen näkökulmasta niitä retorisia keinoja ja valintoja, joita blogikirjoituksissa esiintyy. Tutkielman alkuperäislähteinä ovat 24:n näkyvässä asemassa olevan suomalaisen poliitikon blogit tai vastaavat verkkosivut syksyltä 2009 ja keväältä 2010. Mukaan valittiin kaikki sellaiset eduskuntapuolueiden sekä valiokuntien puheenjohtajat, jotka päivittivät sisältöä blogeihinsa säännöllisesti. Tutkielman tärkeimpiä kirjallisuuslähteitä ovat muiden muassa Erkki Karvosen, David Nimmon, Risto Uimosen sekä Pekka Isotaluksen teokset. Tutkielman metodologisena apuvälineenä on sovellettu laadullisen sisällönanalyysin menetelmiä kuten palautesilmukkaa. Palautesilmukan induktiivisessa vaiheessa aineiston pohjalta on ensin toistuvien lukukertojen myötä muodostettu kategoriat, joihin varsinaiset sisällöt on sitten deduktiivisessa vaiheessa lajiteltu lopullista analyysia varten. Näin on saatu esiin erilaisia imagotyyppejä, joihin poliitikot itsensä blogeissaan asemoivat sekä imagonrakennuskeinoja, joita he blogiviestinnässään käyttävät. Tutkimus osoittaa, että useimmat suomalaiset poliitikot pyrkivät rakentamaan imagojaan asiapitoisista lähtökohdista, riskittömästi ja hillitysti. Imagoviestit sisällytetään tiiviisti asia-aiheiden yhteyteen eikä imagotekijöitä tyrkytetä sisältöjen kustannuksella. Kognitiiviset elementit korostuvat affektiivisten kustannuksella. Vaikka provokatiivisia intohimopoliitikkojakin joukosta löytyy, suurin osa pyrkii profiloitumaan imagoltaan viileiksi ja osaaviksi asiantuntijoiksi.


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Tutkielmassa käsitellään korkeakoulutetun väestön sijoittumista pääkaupunkiseudulla. Se asettuu osaksi seutua koskevaa empiiristä keskustelua sekä osaksi bourdieuläistä keskustelua luokkamauista ja kulttuurisesta pääomasta. Ensiksi mainittua se täydentää keskittyen vähemmälle huomiolle jääneeseen ylemmän keskiluokan tutkimukseen, jälkimmäistä kehystäen teoriaa uuden tyyppisellä empiirisellä tarkastelulla. Tutkielmassa pyritään ensin esittämään seudun erilaistumista yleisellä tasolla korkean koulutuksen ja aiemman tutkimuksen perusteella relevanteiksi rajattujen muiden tekijöiden osalta. Tämän jälkeen suhteutetaan korkeasti koulutettujen sijoittumista muuhun erilaistumiseen. Tässä ajatuksena on löytää korkeakoulutettujen osuudeltaan muut tekijät huomioon ottaen korkeita alueita. Teoreettisella tasolla pyritään kulttuurisen pääoman paikantamiseen kartalle. Tutkielma on osa Helsingin yliopiston Geotieteiden ja Maantieteen laitoksen Mari Vaattovaaran johtamaa projektia ja siinä käytetään Tilastokeskuksen vuoden 2008 ruututietokanta-aineistoa. Pääkaupunkiseutu on jaettu aineistossa sivultaan 250 metrin neliönmuotoisiin ruutuihin. Tämä mahdollistaa pääkaupunkiseudun varsin hienojakoisen tarkastelun. Erilaistumisen muotoja pyritään suhteuttamaan toisiinsa regressiomalleilla. Näissä käytetään painotetun neliösumman menetelmää. Menetelmällä pyritään vastaamaan havaittuun varianssin heteroskedastisuusongelmaan. Pääasiallisesti tulokset esitetään karkeina karttakuvauksina ja ehdollisina hajonta- ja jakaumakuvioina. Korkeakoulutettujen sijoittumisen havaittiin noudattavan aikaisemmissa tutkimuksissa esitettyjä suuntalinjoja. Kuten hyvätuloisetkin, sijoittuvat korkeakoulutetut seudulla länsipainotteisesti ja merenrantaa myötäillen. Vakioitaessa väestön muuta sijoittumista, huomattiin erojen tasoittuvan. Mielenkiintoista oli tasoittuminen vahvasti niin talotyyppien, itä–länsi-akselin kuin kaupunkienkin osalta. Kaikilla näillä mittareilla oli suorissa tarkasteluissa havaittavissa eroja, mutta suuri osa havaittavista eroista selittyi pois tulojen, ikäryhmien ja perhetyyppien alueellisella jakautumisella. Näiltä osin korkeakoulutettujen sijoittuminen seudulla näyttäisi liittyvän sijoittumiseen muilla tekijöillä. Moranin I:llä mitattuna selittyi korkeakoulutettujen suhteellisten osuuksien välinen autokorrelaatio osin lisättäessä muita tekijöitä malliin, mutta silti viimeisenkin mallin virhetermeillä oli havaittavaa autokorrelaatiota. Tämä saattaisi viitata kulttuurisen pääoman paikantumiseen kartalle, mutta saattaa myös olla tulosta mallin heikkouksista. Kaikkiaan tutkielman anti on sekä näkökulmaltaan että menetelmältään uudenlaisissa kuvauksissa, jotka auttavat asettamaan korkeakoulutetun väestön sijoittumisen paremmin muun seudullisen erilaistumisen kontekstiin. Nämä kuvaukset poikkeavat aikaisemmista osin näkökulmansa ja osin menetelmien osalta.


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Tämän pro gradu –tutkielman aihe on sosiaalityön asiantuntijuus moniammatillisessa psykiatrisessa avohoitotyössä. Tutkielman tehtävä on analysoida psykiatrisessa avoterveydenhuollossa työskentelevien eri ammattialojen asiantuntijoiden kokemuksia ja käsityksiä sosiaalityön roolista ja asemasta moniammatillisessa toimintaympäristössä. Tutkimustyötä ohjaavat seuraavat kysymyksenasettelut: Mikä on sosiaalityön asiantuntijuuden rooli psykiatrisessa avohoitotyössä? Miten eri työntekijäryhmät ja työntekijät määrittelevät sosiaalityön asemaa ja tehtäviä psykiatrisessa avohoidossa? Onko havaittavissa eroja sosiaalityöntekijöiden ja muiden psykiatrisen avohoidon ammattiryhmien tavassa määritellä sosiaalityön asemaa ja tehtäviä psykiatrisessa hoitotyössä? Miten psykiatrinen sosiaalityö mahdollisesti poikkeaa muusta terveydenhuollon sosiaalityöstä, mitkä ovat sen erityispiirteitä? Tutkimusaineisto koostuu kymmenestä teemahaastattelusta. Haastattelut toteutettiin osassa Helsingin kaupungin psykiatriayksikön avopalveluiden toimipisteitä kesän 2011 aikana. Haastateltaviksi valikoitui viisi sosiaalityöntekijää, kolme sairaanhoitajaa ja kaksi psykologia. Tutkimuksen lähestymistapa on laadullinen. Litteroidut haastattelut analysoitiin sisällönanalyysin avulla. Analyysin aikana aineistosta muodostettiin teemoja sosiaalityön työnkuvaan, erityisosaamiseen sekä moniammatilliseen yhteistyöhön liittyen. Sosiaalityöntekijöiden työnkuva näyttäytyi tutkimustuloksissa kaksijakoisena. Sosiaalityöntekijät toimivat usein sekä hoitavina työntekijöinä että erityistyöntekijöinä. Hoitavina työntekijöinä toimiessaan sosiaalityöntekijät osallistuivat potilaiden hoitoon supportiivisten ja terapeuttishenkisten keskustelukäyntien kautta. Erityistyöntekijän rooli puolestaan näyttäytyi konsultatiivisena, jolloin sosiaalityöntekijät toimivat yhteiskunnallisten ja sosiaalisten kysymysten erityisasiantuntijoina. Sosiaalityön erityisasiantuntijuuden osa-alueiksi nousivat sosiaaliturva- ja sosiaalipalvelut, yhteiskuntatieteellinen näkökulma, tuki ja kuunteleminen sekä verkostot, tiedottaminen ja työn kehittäminen. Muiden työntekijöiden haastatteluissa korostui erityisesti sosiaalityön asema sosiaaliturva- ja sosiaalipalveluiden asiantuntijana-ammattina. Sosiaalityöntekijät puolestaan nostivat esiin yhteiskuntatieteellisen näkökulman sekä ihmissuhdetyön osaamisen merkitystä psykiatrisessa sosiaalityössä. Etenkin sosiaalityöntekijät kokivat kaksijakoisen työnkuvansa ajoittain hankalaksi sekä toivat esiin toivetta työnkuvan selkeyttämisestä erityisasiantuntijan roolin suuntaan. Sosiaalityön osaaminen ja rooli psykiatriassa eivät aina näyttäytyneet selkeinä myöskään muiden ammattiryhmien edustajille, vaan sosiaalityöstä ja sen sisällöistä kaivattiin lisää tietoa. Moniammatillisessa yhteistyössä korostui vuorovaikutuksen ja avoimen työilmapiirin sekä mahdollisimman selkeän työnjaon merkitys. Yhteistyötä vaikeutti etenkin resurssien puute ja kiire. Sekä sosiaalityöntekijät että muut työntekijät korostivat aktiivisen ja vuorovaikutteisen työotteen merkitystä juuri terveydenhuollon sosiaalityössä, kun sosiaalityötä tehdään ensisijaisesti lääke- ja hoitotieteen toimintaympäristössä. Avainsanat – Nyckelord – Keywords Sosiaalityö Terveydenhuolto Psykiatria Asiantuntijuus Moniammatillisuus


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Olen pro gradussani tarkastellut kahdeksan asunnottomana olleen, tuetun asumisen kuntouttavassa yksikössä asuvan ihmisen kertomuksia asunnottomuudesta. Tarkastelen tutkielmassani sitä, millaisia identiteettejä haastateltaville rakentuu asunnottomaksi jäädessä, asunnottomuuden aikana ja sen jälkeen ja miten nämä identiteetit muuttuvat kertomuksen kuluessa. Tähän tutkimuskysymykseen vastatakseni olen analysoinut sitä, miten haastateltavat puhuvat suhteistaan muihin ihmisiin ja millaisia puhuja-asemia he ottavat suhteessa näihin. Tutkielmani metateoreettinen viitekehys on sosiaalinen konstruktionismi ja analyysimetodi on diskurssianalyysi. Ymmärrän viitekehykseni ohjaamana kielenkäytön aktiivisena toimintana, jolla muokataan sosiaalista todellisuutta. Haastateltavien asunnottomaksi jääminen oli usein liittynyt päihteiden käyttöön. Kaikilla haastatelluilla ei kuitenkaan ollut ongelmallista päihdehistoriaa ja usein asunnottomaksi joutumiseen liittyi monenlaisia kriisitilanteita, kuten työttömyys ja avioero. Asunnottomaksi jäämisen vaiheessa haastatelluille muodostuu syöksykierteeseen joutuneen ihmisen identiteetti. Asunnottomaksi jääminen oli koetellut kaikkien haastateltavien ihmissuhteita riippumatta olosuhteista, joissa kodin menettäminen tapahtui. Ilman kotia haastateltavat olivat usein päätyneet ”päihdeporukoihin”, joissa ihmissuhteita kuvattiin instrumentaalisiksi. Asunnottomuuden aikaa varjostivat myös väkivalta ja turvattomuus. Asunnottomuuden aikana haastateltuja kuvaa parhaiten marginalisoitunut identiteetti. Asunnon saamisen lisäksi haastateltuja oli erityisesti tukenut se, että heillä oli ihmisiä, jotka välittivät heistä ja tukivat heitä. Asuinpaikan yhteisöllisyys ja valvotut, päihteettömät olosuhteet olivat myös useimmille merkityksellisiä. Asunnottomista yleisesti jaettua käsitystä päihdeongelmaisina ja absoluuttisesti asunnottomina ei allekirjoitettu yksiselitteisesti, vaikka osa kuvasikin olevansa käsityksen kaltaisia ”perinteisiä asunnottomia”. Asunnottomuuteen vaikuttavat syyt olivatkin hyvin yksilöllisiä ja moniulotteisia. Asunnottomuuden jälkeinen eheytyvä identiteetti muodostuu tilanteessa, jossa päihteistä on toivuttu tai haastatellun elämäntilanne oli muista syistä parantunut. Tätä identiteettiä värittää myös toivo.


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Tässä pro gradu –tutkielmassa tarkastellaan museoita osana yhteiskunnan historiakulttuuria; niitä tapoja joiden pohjalta käsityksiä menneestä tuotetaan ja käytetään. Aihetta lähestytään kysymällä millaisia kulttuurihistoriallisia museoita pääkaupunkiseudulle on perustettu ja millaiset teemat eivät ole olleet museon arvoisia. Tutkielmassa selvitetään onko pääkaupunkiseudulle perustetuissa kulttuurihistoriallisissa museoissa havaittavissa ajallista aaltoa sen suhteen millaisille aiheille on perustettu oma museo. Lopuksi pohditaan esimerkkitapausten valossa sitä, miten erilaisia teemoja edustavien museoiden perustamistarvetta on perusteltu omana aikanaan. Etsimällä vastauksia tutkimuskysymyksiin pyritään samalla hahmotetaan sitä, millaista yhteiskunnallista historiakulttuuria museot ovat olleet osa. Työn ensimmäisessä vaiheessa kartoitettiin millaisia kulttuurihistoriallisia museoita pääkaupunkiseudulla on ollut. Museoviraston ja Suomen museoliiton aineistojen avulla on listattu kooste vuosien 1875-2010 välillä pääkaupunkiseudulla olleista museoista. Museoiden perustamiseen ja museokentältä katoamiseen liittyvää koostetta on täydennetty Helsingin matkailuyhdistyksen julkaisujen tiedoilla sekä museoiden omilla tiedonannoilla. Tutkielman museot on luokiteltu edustamiensa teemojen mukaan. Tarkoituksena on ollut hahmotella miten pääkaupunkiseudun kulttuurihistoriallisten museoiden kenttä on muuttunut 135 vuoden aikana. Työn toisessa vaiheessa tarkasteltiin neljän esimerkkitapauksen kautta museokentän ajallista muutosta ja sitä millaisia perusteluita museoiden perustamiselle on annettu sekä millaista keskustelua museon perustamisesta on omana aikanaan käyty. Esimerkkitapausten tarkastelun lähteinä käytettiin arkistomateriaalia, aikakauden lehdissä museoista käytyä keskustelua ja museoista kirjoitettuja historiikkeja. Pääkaupunkiseudun kulttuurihistoriallisissa museoissa on tutkielman mukaan havaittavissa löyhä ajallinen muutos. Kulttuurihistoriallisten museoiden edustamat historian kertomukset ovat muuttuneet ja pirstaloituneet 135 vuoden aikana virallisesta, kansallisesta historian kertomuksesta kohti useita pienempiä historian kertomuksia ja erilaisten ryhmien omaa historiaa. 1800-1900-lukujen taitteessa perustettiin pääosin valtiollisia ja instituutioiden historiaan keskittyneitä museoita sekä suurmiehille omistettuja henkilöhistoriallisia museoita. Valtiolliset ja henkilöhistorialliset teemat näkyvät museoissa läpi koko tutkielman tarkasteluajanjakson. Kansallisen historian katse suuntasi paikalliseen 1900-luvun alussa ja 1980-luvulla, jolloin perustettiin erityisen paljon paikallishistoriallisia ja alueellisia museoita. 1970-1990-luvuilla museokenttää hallitsivat monet tekniikkaan, teollisuuteen ja yrityshistoriaan keskittyneet museot. Tultaessa 2000-luvulle museot edustivat lapsiin, nuoriin, koulutukseen ja monikulttuurisuuteen liittyviä teemoja. Tutkielman toisen vaiheen esimerkkitapausten tarkastelu osoitti, että erilaisia teemoja edustavien museoiden perustamistarvetta perustellaan hyvin samankaltaisesti. Niin 1800-luvun lopussa kuin 1900-luvun lopussa museoiden tarvetta perusteltiin kasvatus- ja sivistystyöllä ja aihealueen arvostuksen kasvulla. Museon perustamisen koettiin osoittavan Suomen kuuluvan osaksi länsimaisia sivistysyhteiskuntia. Museoiden perustamisen taustalla on usein ollut asiaa ajanut yhdistys. Kuitenkin museohanke on ollut vuosikausien projekti ja konkretisoitunut usein vasta kun museon tiloihin ja talouteen liittyvät kysymykset on saatu kuntoon. Tutkielman loppupäätelmien myötä hahmottui monia historiantutkimuksellisen lisätarkastelun arvoisia aiheita museoista osana yhteiskunnan historiakulttuuria. Avainsanat – Nyckelord – Keywords kulttuurihistorialliset museot, historiakulttuuri, historiankäyttö, yhteiskunta


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In Taita Hills, south-eastern Kenya, remnants of indigenous mountain rainforests play a crucial role as water towers and socio-cultural sites. They are pressurized due to poverty, shortage of cultivable land and the fading of traditional knowledge. This study examines the traditional ecological knowledge of Taitas and the ways it may be applied within transforming natural resource management regimes. I have analyzed some justifications for and hindrances to ethnodevelopment and participatory forest management in light of recently renewed Kenyan forest policies. Mixed methods were applied by combining an ethnographic approach with participatory GIS. I learned about traditionally protected forests and their ecological and cultural status through a seek out the expert method and with remote sensing data and tools. My informants were: 107 household interviewees, 257 focus group participants, 73 key informants and 87 common informants in participatory mapping. Religious leaders and state officials shared their knowledge for this study. I have gained a better understanding of the traditionally protected forests and sites through examining their ecological characteristics and relation to social dynamics, by evaluating their strengths and hindrances as sites for conservation of cultural and biological diversity. My results show that, these sites are important components of a complex socio-ecological system, which has symbolical status and sacred and mystical elements within it, that contributes to the connectivity of remnant forests in the agroforestry dominated landscape. Altogether, 255 plant species and 220 uses were recognized by the tradition experts, whereas 161 species with 108 beneficial uses were listed by farmers. Out of the traditionally protected forests studied 47 % were on private land and 23% on community land, leaving 9% within state forest reserves. A paradigm shift in conservation is needed; the conservation area approach is not functional for private lands or areas trusted upon communities. The role of traditionally protected forests in community-based forest management is, however, paradoxal, since communal approaches suggests equal participation of people, whereas management of these sites has traditionally been the duty of solely accredited experts in the village. As modernization has gathered pace such experts have become fewer. Sacredness clearly contributes but, it does not equal conservation. Various social, political and economic arrangements further affect the integrity of traditionally protected forests and sites, control of witchcraft being one of them. My results suggest that the Taita have a rich traditional ecological knowledge base, which should be more determinately integrated into the natural resource management planning processes.


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Traumatic brain injury (TBI) affects people of all ages and is a cause of long-term disability. In recent years, the epidemiological patterns of TBI have been changing. TBI is a heterogeneous disorder with different forms of presentation and highly individual outcome regarding functioning and health-related quality of life (HRQoL). The meaning of disability differs from person to person based on the individual s personality, value system, past experience, and the purpose he or she sees in life. Understanding of all these viewpoints is needed in comprehensive rehabilitation. This study examines the epidemiology of TBI in Finland as well as functioning and HRQoL after TBI, and compares the subjective and objective assessments of outcome. The frame of reference is the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF). The subjects of Study I represent the population of Finnish TBI patients who experienced their first TBI between 1991 and 2005. The 55 Finnish subjects of Studies II and IV participated in the first wave of the international Quality of life after brain injury (QOLIBRI) validation study. The 795 subjects from six language areas of Study III formed the second wave of the QOLIBRI validation study. The average annual incidence of Finnish hospitalised TBI patients during the years 1991-2005 was 101:100 000 in patients who had TBI as the primary diagnosis and did not have a previous TBI in their medical history. Males (59.2%) were at considerably higher risk of getting a TBI than females. The most common external cause of the injury was falls in all age groups. The number of TBI patients ≥ 70 years of age increased by 59.4% while the number of inhabitants older than 70 years increased by 30.3% in the population of Finland during the same time period. The functioning of a sample of 55 persons with TBI was assessed by extracting information from the patients medical documents using the ICF checklist. The most common problems were found in the ICF components of Body Functions (b) and Activities and Participation (d). HRQoL was assessed with the QOLIBRI which showed the highest level of satisfaction on the Emotions, Physical Problems and Daily Life and Autonomy scales. The highest scores were obtained by the youngest participants and participants living independently without the help of other people, and by people who were working. The relationship between the functional outcome and HRQoL was not straightforward. The procedure of linking the QOLIBRI and the GOSE to the ICF showed that these two outcome measures cover the relevant domains of TBI patients functioning. The QOLIBRI provides the patients subjective view, while the GOSE summarises the objective elements of functioning. Our study indicates that there are certain domains of functioning that are not traditionally sufficiently documented but are important for the HRQoL of persons with TBI. This was the finding especially in the domains of interpersonal relationships, social and leisure activities, self, and the environment. Rehabilitation aims to optimize functioning and to minimize the experience of disability among people with health conditions, and it needs to be based on a comprehensive understanding of human functioning. As an integrative model, the ICF may serve as a frame of reference in achieving such an understanding.


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Isoflavonoids are naturally occurring plant derived biochemicals, which act as phytoalexins. Isoflavonoids are of interest due to their estrogenic and other potential physiological properties, particularly in mammals that typically consume isoflavonoid rich nutrients such as soy and red clover. The literature review of this thesis mainly focuses on the reduced metabolites of hydroxy and/or methoxy substituted isoflavones with four groups: isoflavan-4-ols, isoflav-3-enes, isoflavans and α-methyldeoxybenzoins (1,2-diarylpropan-1-ones), which are all reduced metabolites of food derived isoflavones in mammals. Related isoflavan-4-ones are briefly discussed. Results of an extensive survey of the literature concerning the synthesis of polyhydroxy- or methoxysubstituted isoflavonoids and especially asymmetric approaches are discussed. The experimental section describes new synthetic methods to prepare polyphenolic reduced isoflavonoid structures such as isoflav-3-enes, isoflavan-4-ones, cis- and trans-isoflavan-4-ols, 1,2-diarylpropan-1-ones and isoflavans by various hydride reagents and hydrogenations. The specific reactivity differences of various hydride reagents toward isoflavonoids are discussed. The first enantioselective synthesis of natural (S)-(-)-equol and the opposite enantiomer (R)-(+)-equol is also described by the asymmetric iridium PHOX catalysed hydrogenation of isoflav-3-enes. Both of these equol enantiomers are found to possess biological activity in mammals due to estrogen receptor binding activity. The natural enantiomer prefers estrogen receptor β and the R-enantiomer prefers the estrogen receptor α. Also the precursor, isoflav-3-ene, is found to possess positive biological effects on mammals. In connection with the synthetic work, the (S)-(-)-equol was discovered from serum of ewes after isoflavone rich red clover feeding. The chiral HPLC method was developed to identify natural equol enantiomer for the first time in this species. The first synthesis of natural isoflavonoid (R)-(-)-angolensin and its enantiomer (S)-(+)-angolensin is desribed by the use of recyclable chiral auxiliaries (chiral pseudoephedrines). The method offers a general approach also to other natural polyphenolic 1,2-diarylpropan-1-ones and to further study isoflavonoid metabolism in human and other mammals. The absolute configurations of these new chiral isoflavonoid metabolites were determined by X-ray spectroscopy. Also thorough NMR and MS analysis of synthesised structures are presented.


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Leevi Haapala explores moving image works, sculptures and installations from a psychoanalytic perspective in his study The Unconscious in Contemporary Art. The Gaze, Voice and Time in Finnish Contemporary Art at the Turn of the Millennium . The artists included in the study are Eija-Liisa Ahtila, Hans-Christian Berg, Markus Copper, Liisa Lounila and Salla Tykkä. The theoretical framework includes different psychoanalytic readings of the concepts of the gaze, voice and temporality. The installations are based on spatiality and temporality, and their detailed reading emphasizes the medium-specific features of the works as well as their fragmentary nature, heterogeneity and affectivity. The study is cross-disciplinary in that it connects perspectives from the visual culture, new art history and theory to the interpretation of contemporary art. The most important concepts from psychoanalysis, affect theory and trauma discourse used in the study include affect, object a (objet petit a) as articulated by Jacques Lacan, Sigmund Freud s uncanny (das Unheimliche) and trauma. Das Unheimliche has been translated as uncanny in art history under the influence of Rosalind Krauss. The object of the study, the unconscious in contemporary art, is approached through these concepts. The study focuses on Lacan s additions to the list of partial drives: the gaze and voice as scopic and invocative drives and their interpretations in the studies of the moving image. The texts by the American film theorist and art historian Kaja Silverman are in crucial role. The study locates contemporary art as part of trauma culture, which has a tendency to define individual and historical experiences through trauma. Some of the art works point towards trauma, which may appear as a theoretic or fictitious construction. The study presents a comprehensive collection of different kinds of trauma discourse in the field of art research through the texts of Hal Foster, Cathy Caruth, Ruth Leys and Shoshana Felman. The study connects trauma theory with the theoretical analysis of the interference and discontinuity of the moving image in the readings by Susan Buck-Morss, Mary Ann Doane and Peter Osborn among others. The analysis emphasizes different ways of seeing and multisensoriality in the reception of contemporary art. With their reflections and inverse projections, the surprising mechanisms of Hans-Christian Berg s sculptures are connected with Lacan s views on the early mirroring and imitation attempts of the individual s body image. Salla Tykkä s film trilogy Cave invites one to contemplate the Lacanian theory of the gaze in relation to the experiences of being seen. The three oceanic sculpture installations by Markus Copper are studied through the vocality they create, often through an aggressive way of acting, as well as from the point of view of the functioning of an invocative drive. The study compares the work of fiction and Freud s texts on paranoia and psychosis to Eija-Liisa Ahtila s manuscripts and moving image installations about the same topic. The cinematic time in Liisa Lounila s time-slice video installations is approached through the theoretical study of the unconscious temporal structure. The viewer of the moving image is inside the work in an in-between state: in a space produced by the contents of the work and its technology. The installations of the moving image enable us to inhabit different kinds of virtual bodies or spaces, which do not correspond with our everyday experiences. Nevertheless, the works of art often try to deconstruct the identification to what has been shown on screen. This way, the viewer s attention can be fixed on his own unconscious experiences in parallel with the work s deconstructed nature as representation. The study shows that contemporary art is a central cultural practice, which allows us to discuss the unconscious in a meaningful way. The study suggests that the agency that is discursively diffuse and consists of several different praxes should be called the unconscious. The emergence of the unconscious can happen in two areas: in contemporary art through different senses and discursive elements, and in the study of contemporary art, which, being a linguistic activity is sensitive to the movements of the unconscious. One of the missions of art research is to build different kinds of articulated constructs and to open an interpretative space for the nature of art as an event.


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The aim of this study was to examine the applicability of the Phonological Mean Length of Utterance (pMLU) method to the data of children acquiring Finnish, for both typically developing children and children with a Specific Language Impairment (SLI). Study I examined typically developing children at the end of the one-word stage (N=17, mean age 1;8), and Study II analysed children s (N=5) productions in a follow-up study with four assessment points (ages 2;0, 2;6, 3;0, 3;6). Study III was carried out in the form of a review article that examined recent research on the phonological development of children acquiring Finnish and compared the results with general trends and cross-linguistic findings in phonological development. Study IV included children with SLI (N=4, mean age 4;10) and age-matched peers. The analyses in Studies I, II and IV were made using the quantitative pMLU method. In the pMLU method, pMLU values are counted for both the words that the children targeted (so-called target words) and the words produced by the children. When the child s average pMLU value was divided with the average target word pMLU value, it is possible to examine that child s accuracy in producing the words with the Whole-Word Proximity (PWP) value. In addition, the number of entirely correctly produced words is counted to obtain the Whole-Word Correctness (PWC) value. Qualitative analyses were carried out in order to examine how the children s phoneme inventories and deficiencies in phonotactics would explain the observed pMLU, PWP and PWC values. The results showed that the pMLU values for children acquiring Finnish were relatively high already at the end of the one-word stage (Study I). The values were found to reflect the characteristics of the ambient language. Typological features that lead to cross-linguistic differences in pMLU values were also observed in the review article (Study III), which noted that in the course of phonological acquisition there are a large number of language-specific phenomena and processes. Study II indicated that overall the children s phonological development during the follow-up period was reflected in the pMLU, PWP and PWC values, although the method showed limitations in detecting qualitative differences between the children. Correct vowels were not scored in the pMLU counts, which led to some misleadingly high pMLU and PWP results: vowel errors were only reflected in the PWC values. Typically developing children in Study II reached the highest possible pMLU results already around age 3;6. At the same time, the differences between the children with SLI and age-matched peers in the pMLU values were very prominent (Study IV). The values for the children with SLI were similar to the ones reported for two-year-old children. Qualitative analyses revealed that the phonologies of the children with SLI largely resembled the ones of younger, typically developing children. However, unusual errors were also witnessed (e.g., vowel errors, omissions of word-initial stops, consonants added to the initial position in words beginning with a vowel). This dissertation provides an application of a new tool for quantitative phonological assessment and analysis in children acquiring Finnish. The preliminary results suggest that, with some modifications, the pMLU method can be used to assess children s phonological development and that it has some advantages compared to the earlier, segment-oriented approaches. Qualitative analyses complemented the pMLU s observations on the children s phonologies. More research is needed in order to verify the levels of the pMLU, PWP and PWC values in children acquiring Finnish.


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Various intrinsic and external factors are constantly attacking the cells causing damage to DNA and to other cellular structures. Cells in turn have evolved with different kinds of mechanisms to protect against the attacks and to repair the damage. Ultraviolet radiation (UVR) is one of the major environmental genotoxic carcinogens that causes inflammation, mutations, immunosuppression, accelerated aging of the skin and skin cancers. Epidermis is the outermost layer of the skin consisting mostly of keratinocytes, whose primary function is to protect the skin against e.g. UV radiation. LIM domain proteins are a group of proteins involved in regulation of cell growth, damage signalling, cell fate determination and signal transduction. Despite their two zinc fingers, LIM domains do not bind to DNA, but rather mediate protein-protein interactions and function as modular protein binding interfaces. We initially identified CSRP1 as UVR-regulated transcript by using expression profiling. Here we have further studied the regulation and function of CRP1, a representative of cysteine rich protein- family consisting of two LIM domains. We find that CRP1 is increased by UVR in primary human keratinocytes and in normal human skin fibroblasts. Ectopic expression of CRP1 protected the cells against UVR and provided a survival advantage, whereas silencing of CRP1 rendered the cells more photosensitive. Actinic keratosis is a premalignant lesion of skin caused by excess exposure to sunlight and sunburn, which may lead to formation of squamous cell carcinoma. The expression of CRP1 was increased in basal keratinocytes of Actinic keratosis patient specimens suggesting that CRP1 may be increased by constant exposure to UVR and may provide survival advantage for the cells also in vivo. In squamous cell carcinoma, CRP1 was only expressed in the fibroblasts surrounding the tumour. Moreover, we found that ectopic expression of CRP1 suppresses cell proliferation. Transforming growth factor beta (TGFbeta) is a multifunctional cytokine that regulates several functions in cell including growth, apoptosis and differentiation, and plays important roles in pathological disorders like cancer and fibrosis. We found that TGFbeta-signalling pathway regulates CRP1 at protein, but not at transcriptional level. The increase was mediated both through Smad and non-Smad signalling pathways involving MAPK/p38. Furthermore, we found that TGFbeta-mediated increase in CRP1 was associated with myofibroblast differentiation, and that CRP1 was significantly more expressed in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis as compared to normal lung specimens. Since cell contractility is a distinct feature of myofibroblasts, and CRP1 is associated with actin cytoskeleton, we studied the role of CRP1 in cell contractility. CRP1 was found to localize to stress fibres that mediate contractility and to mediate myofibroblast contraction. These studies identify CRP1 as a stress responsive and cytokine regulated cytoskeletal protein that participates in pathological processes involved in fibrotic diseases and cancer.


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According to the literature and statistical figures, professional drivers constitute a high-risk group in traffic and should be investigated in connection with the factors related to safe driving. However, safety-related behaviours and outcomes among professional drivers have attracted very little attention from safety researchers. In addition, comparing different professional and non-professional driver groups in terms of critical on-the-road characteristics and outcomes has been indicated in the literature as being necessary for a more comprehensive understanding of driver groups and the nature of driving itself. The aim of the present study was to investigate professional driving from a safety climate stand point in relation to predominant driving-related factors and by considering the differences between driver groups. Hence, four Sub-studies were conducted according to a framework emphasizing the relationships between safety climate, driver groups, driver stress, human factors (i.e., driver behaviour and performance) and accidents. Demographic information, as well as data for driver behaviour, performance, and driver stress was collected by questionnaire. The data was analysed using factor analysis, analysis of covariance as well as hierarchical and logistic regression analysis. The results revealed multi-dimensional factor structures for the safety climate measures. Considering the relationships between variables, differences were evidenced regarding on-the-road stress reactions, risky driver behaviours and penalties, between the various professional and non-professional driver groups. Driver stress was found to be related to accidents. The results also indicated that the safety climate has positive relationships with both driver behaviour and performance, and as well as involvement in accidents. The present study has a number of critical implications resulting from the fact that the way in which the effects of safety climate on professional driving were investigated, as well as the differences between professional and non-professional driver groups, was unique. Additionally, for the first time, a safety climate scale was developed specifically for professional drivers. According to the results of the study and to previous literature, a tentative model was proposed representing a possible route for the relationships between safety climate, human factors, driver stress, driver groups and accidents, by emphasizing the effects of safety climate.


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The objectives of this study were to make a detailed and systematic empirical analysis of microfinance borrowers and non-borrowers in Bangladesh and also examine how efficiency measures are influenced by the access to agricultural microfinance. In the empirical analysis, this study used both parametric and non-parametric frontier approaches to investigate differences in efficiency estimates between microfinance borrowers and non-borrowers. This thesis, based on five articles, applied data obtained from a survey of 360 farm households from north-central and north-western regions in Bangladesh. The methods used in this investigation involve stochastic frontier (SFA) and data envelopment analysis (DEA) in addition to sample selectivity and limited dependent variable models. In article I, technical efficiency (TE) estimation and identification of its determinants were performed by applying an extended Cobb-Douglas stochastic frontier production function. The results show that farm households had a mean TE of 83% with lower TE scores for the non-borrowers of agricultural microfinance. Addressing institutional policies regarding the consolidation of individual plots into farm units, ensuring access to microfinance, extension education for the farmers with longer farming experience are suggested to improve the TE of the farmers. In article II, the objective was to assess the effects of access to microfinance on household production and cost efficiency (CE) and to determine the efficiency differences between the microfinance participating and non-participating farms. In addition, a non-discretionary DEA model was applied to capture directly the influence of microfinance on farm households production and CE. The results suggested that under both pooled DEA models and non-discretionary DEA models, farmers with access to microfinance were significantly more efficient than their non-borrowing counterparts. Results also revealed that land fragmentation, family size, household wealth, on farm-training and off farm income share are the main determinants of inefficiency after effectively correcting for sample selection bias. In article III, the TE of traditional variety (TV) and high-yielding-variety (HYV) rice producers were estimated in addition to investigating the determinants of adoption rate of HYV rice. Furthermore, the role of TE as a potential determinant to explain the differences of adoption rate of HYV rice among the farmers was assessed. The results indicated that in spite of its much higher yield potential, HYV rice production was associated with lower TE and had a greater variability in yield. It was also found that TE had a significant positive influence on the adoption rates of HYV rice. In article IV, we estimated profit efficiency (PE) and profit-loss between microfinance borrowers and non-borrowers by a sample selection framework, which provided a general framework for testing and taking into account the sample selection in the stochastic (profit) frontier function analysis. After effectively correcting for selectivity bias, the mean PE of the microfinance borrowers and non-borrowers were estimated at 68% and 52% respectively. This suggested that a considerable share of profits were lost due to profit inefficiencies in rice production. The results also demonstrated that access to microfinance contributes significantly to increasing PE and reducing profit-loss per hectare land. In article V, the effects of credit constraints on TE, allocative efficiency (AE) and CE were assessed while adequately controlling for sample selection bias. The confidence intervals were determined by the bootstrap method for both samples. The results indicated that differences in average efficiency scores of credit constrained and unconstrained farms were not statistically significant although the average efficiencies tended to be higher in the group of unconstrained farms. After effectively correcting for selectivity bias, household experience, number of dependents, off-farm income, farm size, access to on farm training and yearly savings were found to be the main determinants of inefficiencies. In general, the results of the study revealed the existence substantial technical, allocative, economic inefficiencies and also considerable profit inefficiencies. The results of the study suggested the need to streamline agricultural microfinance by the microfinance institutions (MFIs), donor agencies and government at all tiers. Moreover, formulating policies that ensure greater access to agricultural microfinance to the smallholder farmers on a sustainable basis in the study areas to enhance productivity and efficiency has been recommended. Key Words: Technical, allocative, economic efficiency, DEA, Non-discretionary DEA, selection bias, bootstrapping, microfinance, Bangladesh.


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In the context of health care, information technology (IT) has an important role in the operational infrastructure, ranging from business management to patient care. An essential part of the system is medication management in inpatient and outpatient care. Community pharmacists strategy has been to extend practice responsibilities beyond dispensing towards patient care services. Few studies have evaluated the strategic development of IT systems to support this vision. The objectives of this study were to assess and compare independent Finnish community pharmacy owners and staff pharmacists priorities concerning the content and structure of the next generation of community pharmacy IT systems, to explore international experts visions and strategic views on IT development needs in relation to services provided in community pharmacies, to identify IT innovations facilitating patient care services and to evaluate their development and implementation processes, and to assess community pharmacists readiness to adopt innovations. This study applied both qualitative and quantitative methods. A qualitative personal interview of 14 experts in community pharmacy services and related IT from eight countries and a national survey of Finnish community pharmacy owners (mail survey, response rate 53%, n=308), and of a representative sample of staff pharmacists (online survey, response rate 22%, n=373) were conducted. Finnish independent community pharmacy owners gave priority to logistical functions but also to those related to medication information and patient care. The managers and staff pharmacists have different views of the importance of IT features, reflecting their different professional duties in the community pharmacy. This indicates the need for involving different occupation groups in planning the new IT systems for community pharmacies. A majority of the international experts shared the vision of community pharmacy adopting a patient care orientation; supported by IT-based documentation, new technological solutions, access to information, and shared patient data. Community pharmacy IT innovations were rare, which is paradoxical because owners and staff pharmacists perception of their innovativeness was seen as being high. Community pharmacy IT systems development processes usually had not undergone systematic needs assessment research beforehand or evaluation after the implementation and were most often coordinated by national governments without subsequent commercialization. Specifically, community pharmacy IT developments lack research, organization, leadership and user involvement in the process. Those responsible for IT development in the community pharmacy sector should create long-term IT development strategies that are in line with community pharmacy service development strategies. This could provide systematic guidance for future projects to ensure that potential innovations are based on a sufficient understanding of pharmacy practice problems that they are intended to solve, and to encourage strong leadership in research, development of innovations so that community pharmacists potential innovativeness is used, and that professional needs and strategic priorities will be considered even if the development process is led by those outside the profession.