998 resultados para novo marketing.


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A abordagem das uropatias diagnosticadas no período pré-natal é controversa, principalmente, porque o prognóstico desses fetos é variável. Contudo, trabalhos pioneiros têm demonstrado que a drenagem pré-natal do trato urinário obstruído pode melhorar o resultado em fetos selecionados. O objetivo deste trabalho é relatar a experiência do Serviço no tratamento das lesões obstrutivas do trato urinário, utilizando o cateter desenvolvido no Centro de Medicina Fetal do Hospital das Clínicas da UFMG. No total, 25/25 fetos com uropatia obstrutiva receberam o cateter. Três fetos necessitaram de mais de uma inserção; 10 dos 25 fetos que receberam o cateter (40%) sobreviveram com boa função renal e pulmonar pós-natal. Ocorreram complicações em 12/25 casos (48%) incluindo 6 com drenagem inadequada ou migração do cateter (24%); 1/25 (4%) ascite urinária; 1/25 (4%) descolamento prematuro de placenta; 1/25 (4%) rutura prematura de membrana; 2/25 (08%) trabalho de parto prematuro; 01/25 (04%) fibrose ou cicatrização do parênquima renal. Três dos 25 fetos (12%) morreram intra-útero e 12 (48%) fetos morreram no período neonatal. Concluindo, a drenagem do trato urinário com esse cateter provou ser tecnicamente possível e segura para mãe e feto, com uma taxa de sobrevida de 40%.


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Objetivos: atrasos no desenvolvimento do saco gestacional (SG), no tamanho do botão embrionário (CCN), assim como freqüências cardíacas embrionárias (FCE) baixas podem ser considerados fatores de mau prognóstico na evolução da gestação. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a utilização destes 3 parâmetros em conjunto, o que denominamos Teste Triplo Biofísico (TTB). Metodo: foram avaliadas 35 gestações únicas provenientes de fertilização assistida por injeção intracitoplasmática de espermatozóide (ICSI). Todos os exames de ultra-som foram realizados por um único examinador, após 4-5 semanas da transferência de embriões (6-7 semanas de gestação), com equipamento modelo Synergy da Diasonics, sonda transvaginal de 7,0 MHz. O SG foi medido em seu maior diâmetro transverso, o CCN foi medido no sentido sagital e a FCE pelo modo B-M e Doppler. Na análise estatística foi utilizado o teste de Fisher. Resultados: considerou-se como parâmetros alterados : SG < 15,4 mm; CCN < 3,9 mm e FCE < 100 bpm. Estes parâmetros foram calculados como média menos 1 desvio padrão das gestações em evolução (n = 32). As pacientes definidas com TTB positivo, isto é, as de risco para o aborto, foram aquelas que apresentaram pelo menos 2 parâmetros alterados. Das 35 gestações, o TTB foi positivo em 5, todas as 3 que abortaram e 2 que não abortaram. A diferença entre as que abortaram e as que evoluíram foi altamente significante (p = 0,0015; t-Fisher). A sensibilidade do método foi de 100%, com especificidade de 93,75%, o que resultou em uma eficácia de 96,87%. Conclusão: o TTB é um método ultra-sonográfico não-invasivo e apresenta uma alta eficácia na avaliação prognóstica da gestação inicial.


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Os autores relatam o caso de uma paciente com 35 anos de idade, submetida à colecistectomia videolaparoscópica há 1 ano e que apresentou quadro sugestivo de salpingite aguda com abscesso. Durante a laparotomia notou-se um abscesso que era limitado anteriormente pelo peritônio parietal e músculo reto anterior direito do abdome, e posteriormente pelo corno uterino e pelo ligamento redondo à direita. Neste abscesso havia estrutura a seguir identificada como cálculo biliar. São discutidos os aspectos relacionados à patogenia, tratamento e prevenção desta complicação que vem sendo relatada com freqüência em virtude do maior uso da cirurgia laparoscópica.


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Utilization of social media is increasingly common in B2B marketing. Social media is an efficient and cheap marketing and communication channel available for everyone, and thus extremely attractive marketing medium. The more companies get involved in social media the more failures are reported. It is not enough for a company to just be present in social media. Succeeding on it requires hard work, investing time and money, and ability to measure and to monitor performance. With an increasing number of companies failing in utilizing social media, together with lack of research on strategic utilization of social media focusing on B2B marketing, measuring, and monitoring create a purpose for this research. The aim of this research is to discover methods for measuring and monitoring effects of strategic utilization of social media in B2B marketing. Most relevant financial and non-financial indicators are discussed, and the methods by which these can be monitored and measured. In addition, effects of strategic utilization of social media on the case company are measured and analyzed. The research methodology used in this research is a participatory action research, which includes elements of both qualitative and quantitative research methods. The case company examined in the research provides a unique opportunity to follow through all phases of strategic utilization of social media for B2B marketing purposes concluding real effects of social media to the case company, and thus gain a deep understanding about this new marketing medium in the perspective of B2B marketing. Duration of the research period is seven months. During this time, information is collected, measured, and analyzed. Case company does not have any other marketing activities simultaneously which makes it possible to examine social media apart from effects of other visible marketing activities. Effects of strategic utilization of social media can be monitored and measured in many ways. Methods that should be used depend on goals set for social media. Fundamental nature of social media requires multidimensional assessment, and thus effects should be measured, and monitored considering both financial and non-financial indicators. The results implicates that effects of strategic utilization of social media are relatively wide ranged. According to the findings, social media affects positively on brand, number of web page visitors, visitor behavior, and on distribution of awareness. According to investment calculations social media is a legitimate investment for case company. Results also implicate that by using social media case company gains conversation, arouses interest, gets attention, and creates interactivity. In addition and as a side note, winter holiday season appears to have a great effect on social media activity of B2B companies’ representatives.


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Social media is a multidimensional marketing and communications channel which can support and enhance a business’ reputation, sales and even longevity. Social media as a business tool encourages an interaction between customers and companies which gives opportunities for a company to better understand their customers, to target them more effectively and to collaborate and create dialogues with them which is not possible through traditional media channels. The aim of a social media strategy is to increase brand awareness, image, loyalty and recognition. The peer networks that social media creates allows a company to disseminate information through loyal customers to new and prospective customers to ultimately increase reach. The purpose of the study is to understand the marketer’s perspective of social media marketing use and how it is currently utilized in marketing and communications activities in Finland. Three companies were interviewed covering fourteen different implementations of social media marketing campaigns. These were then analysed to ascertain the utilization methods and experience gained on recent campaigns in the Finnish market The utilization of social media marketing was analysed using the methods of thematic analysis and inductive and abductive reasoning. Elements and themes were drawn out of the separate interviews to create a framework with which to explore, evaluate and match theories that define social media usage by companies. It became clear from all of the interviews that social media as a tool is most effective when it captures the viewer’s interest through rich and entertaining content. This directed the theoretical research towards Engagement Theory and Content Marketing which look to emphasize the importance of communities, collaboration, interaction, and peer-sharing as the key drivers of a social media marketing campaign.


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The recent digitization, fragmentation of the media landscape and consumers’ changing media behavior are all changes that have had drastic effects on creating marketing communications. In order to create effective marketing communications large advertisers are now co-operating with a variety of marketing communications companies. The purpose of the study is to understand how advertisers perceive these different companies and more importantly how do advertisers expect their roles to change in the future as the media landscape continues to evolve. Especially the changing roles of advertising agencies and media agencies are examined as they are at the moment the most relevant partners of the advertisers. However, the research is conducted from a network perspective rather than focusing on single actors of the marketing communications industry network. The research was conducted using a qualitative theme interview method. The empirical data was gathered by interviewing representatives from nine of the 50 largest Finnish advertisers measured by media spending. Thus, the research was conducted solely from large B2C advertisers’ perspective while the views of their other relevant actors of the network were left unexplored. The interviewees were chosen with a focus on variety of points of view. The analytical framework that was used to analyze the gathered data was built the IMP group’s industrial network model that consists of actors, their resources and activities. As technology driven media landscape fragmentation and consumers’ changing media behavior continue to increase the complexity of creating marketing communications, advertisers are going to need to rely on a growing number of partnerships as they see that the current actors of the network will not be able to widen their expertise to answer to these new needs. The advertisers expect to form new partnerships with actors that are more specialized and able to react and produce activities more quickly than at the moment. Thus, new smaller and more agile actors with looser structures are going to appear to fill these new needs. Therefore, the need of co-operation between the actors is going to become more important. These changes pose the biggest threat for traditional advertising agencies as they were seen as being most unable to cope with the ongoing change. Media agencies are in a more favorable position for remaining relevant for the advertisers as they will be able to justify their activities and provided value by leveraging their data handling abilities. In general the advertisers expect to be working with a limited number of close actors and in addition having a network of smaller actors, which are used on a more ad hoc basis.


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Following the current trend of companies in changing and developing their businesses from transactional approach to relationship and solution oriented approach has set new requirements to internal cooperation of companies too. The relationship between marketing and sales has been identified to be critical to company's success here, but surprisingly little is known about it. The purpose of this study was to deepen understanding of the relationship between sales and marketing in business-to-business sales from operative sales employees' perspectives in solution selling context. The aim was to develop an explorative analytical construction and framework of the interface. The study was conducted as a literature review and an empirical qualitative explorative single case study. The data was collected by conducting six thematic interviews with sales employees of the case company. Observing sales and marketing, written documents and other materials used in sales were used as secondary source of information. The data was analyzed using qualitative case study analysis methods. The findings of the study support previous research findings of the interface between marketing and sales but also bring new propositions as analytical framework to construct the interface. As such, the interface was found to be a multi-dimensional and complex dynamic construction. As results of this study, there was an exploratory framework constructed. The construction consists of three explorative contexts of the interface: internal context, relationship emphasizing context and solution selling context. These contexts are further divided into lower levels as an outcome of the analysis. In addition the identified contexts, there are also conceptual domains identified, which are common to all the contexts. The role of mutual, cross-functional knowledge creation was found to be central in the interface.


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The general purpose of the thesis was to describe and explain the particularities of inbound marketing methods and the key advantages of those methods. Inbound marketing can be narrowed down to a set of marketing strategies and techniques focused on pulling prospects towards a business and its products on the Internet by producing useful and relevant content to prospects. The main inbound marketing methods and channels were identified as blogging, content publishing, search engine optimization and social media. The best way to utilise these methods is producing great content that should cover subjects that interest the target group, which is usually a composition of buyers, existing customers and influencers, such as analysts and media The study revealed increase in Lainaaja.fi traffic and referral traffic sources that was firmly confirmed as statistically significant, while number of backlinks and SERP placement were clearly positively correlated, but not statistically significant. The number of new registered users along with new loan applicants and deposits did not show correlation with increased content producing. The conclusion of the study shows inbound marketing campaign clearly increasing website traffic and plausible help on getting better search engine results compared to control period. Implications are clear; inbound marketing is an activity that every business should consider implementing. But just producing content online is not enough; equal amount of work should be put into turning the visitors into customers. Further studies are recommended on using inbound marketing combined with monitoring of landing pages and conversion optimization to incoming visitors.


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Tämän tutkielman tavoite on tutkia vahvan brandin merkitystä ja syitä, miksi yritykset käyttävät sisältömarkkinointia brandin rakentamisessa, sekä selvittää mitkä ovat yritysten sisältömarkkinointi-investointien tavoitteet, odotetut seuraukset ja koetut hyödyt ja tulokset. Teoriaosassa esitetään empiriaosaa varten tarvittava akateeminen taustatutkimustieto. Empiria on toteutettu puoli-struktroiduilla kahdenkeskisillä puhelinhaastatteuilla. Haastateltavina ovat työn toimeksiantajan Calcus Kustannus Oy:n viisi asiakasta. Näiden yritysten liikevaihto vaihtelee 23-75M€ välillä, ja yritykset toimivat pääosin suomen B2B yritysmarkkinoilla. Haastateltavat henkilöt ovat yrityksissä vastuussa markkinointipäätöksistä. Tulokset osoittavat, että vahvalla brandilla on erittäin suuri merkitys yrityksen kasvun ja menestyksen kannalta, ja että yritykset käyttävät sisältömarkkinointia brandin rakentamisessa, koska se kasvattaa brandipääomaa tehokkaasti. Sisältömarkkinoinnilla yritykset pyrkivät kasvttamaan heidän asiakkaidensa branditietoisuutta ja brandiuskollisuutta, sekä brandinsa uskottavuutta jakamalla aidosti kiinnostavaa ja lisäarvoa tuottavaa sisältöä. Lisäksi yrityksen asiantuntija-, sekä mielipidejohtajaroolin vahvistaminen koettiin erittäin tärkeäksi. Sisältömarkkinoinnin koetaan olevan brandin rakentamisessa tehokkaampaa kuin traditionaalinen markkinointi, minkä vuoksi yritykset tulevat kasvattamaan sen osuutta markkinointisuunnitelmissaan tulevaisuudessa.


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Um experimento de campo foi conduzido em Presidente Castelo Branco-PR, com o objetivo de avaliar a seletividade do herbicida azafenidin para a cultura de Eucalyptus camaldulensis, assim como sua eficácia no controle de algumas plantas daninhas infestantes nessa cultura. Azafenidin foi aplicado nas doses de 300, 400, 500 600 e 800 g i.a. ha-1, em pré-emergencia das plantas daninhas. Tratamentos adicionais, incluindo oxyfluorfen (720 g i.a. ha-1), uma testemunha capinada e outra testemunha sem capina, foram também incluídos. Tanto azafenidin quanto oxyfluorfen provocaram sintomas de toxicidade na cultura; no primeiro, as injúrias foram mais intensas em doses ³ 600 g i.a. ha-1. Em relação ao controle de plantas daninhas, doses de azafenidin a partir de 500 g i.a. ha-1 foram efetivas no controle de Brachiaria decumbens, Commelina benghalensis, Richardia brasiliensis e Sida santaremnensis, mesmo 180 dias após a aplicação. Doses menores de azafenidin resultaram em controle suficiente da maioria das plantas daninhas, mas com menor efeito residual.