997 resultados para Translation dictionaries


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For references, please quote the full paper as published in the above journal.


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This research has been funded by the Galician Ministry of Education (Secrctaria Xeral de lnvestigación-PGIDT00PXI20407PR).


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This article analyzes the solutions given in Spanish translations to the morphological creativity shown in the names of Marvel comic book characters. The English versions almost invariably provide a full description of the hero (or villain) by means of a wide variety of word-formation mechanisms leading to highly expressive charactonyms. Indeed, examples shall be listed of names of comic book heroes created through compounding, derivation, including prefixation or suffixation (both classical and Anglo-Saxon but also from other origins), lexical blending, abbreviation, clipping, onomatopoeia, and borrowings from Spanish or from other languages. Early translations into Spanish seemed to be slightly less expressive than the original, even when the same word-formation mechanism was used, usually due to either problems of transparency mainly in some of the word parts or to translation constraints. In later periods, a number of factors, including the influence from other media featuring the same characters and the general trend towards globalization through English, have led translators to choose repetition as the most frequent strategy, which has almost eliminated the creative power of wordformation mechanisms in Spanish and their ability to convey the stylistic effects found in the English versions.


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This article is the English version of “Traductoras gallegas del siglo XX: Reescribiendo la historia de la traducción desde el género y la nación” by Olga Castro. It was not published on the print version of MonTI for reasons of space. The online version of MonTI does not suffer from these limitations, and this is our way of promoting plurilingualism.


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This article is the English version of “Examen crítico de la bibliografía sobre la historia de la traducción en España” by David Pérez Blázquez. It was not published on the print version of MonTI for reasons of space. The online version of MonTI does not suffer from these limitations, and this is our way of promoting plurilingualism.


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This article is the English version of “Traducción y terminología. A propósito de dos versiones al español de la Logique (Madrid, 1800) de Dumarsais” by Brigitte Lépinette. It was not published on the print version of MonTI for reasons of space. The online version of MonTI does not suffer from these limitations, and this is our way of promoting plurilingualism.


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Se comparan en primer lugar los campos de la Traducción y de la Lexicografía, poniendo de relieve las coincidencias y diferencias de tipo general que hay entre ambas disciplinas. A continuación se hace un repaso de la bibliografía (no demasiado extensa) sobre el tema, destacando que la mayoría de los trabajos se han centrado en el uso de los diccionarios por parte de los traductores, su utilidad, qué tipo de diccionarios prefieren estos y otros aspectos relacionados. Se pone de relieve el escaso interés de los lexicógrafos por el campo de la traducción, al menos como posible fuente para la redacción de diccionarios. Se dejan abiertos varios caminos que podrían ser recorridos con provecho mutuo por traductores y lexicógrafos.


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El presente trabajo tiene por objetivo evaluar una serie de recursos terminológicos y determinar su adecuación a la práctica de la traducción francés-español de documentos contables. En un primer momento, se identifican las necesidades terminológicas de un colectivo muy concreto de traductores en formación en el ámbito de la traducción económica, así como los recursos que emplean en la práctica de este tipo de traducción, concretamente, en la traducción de cuentas anuales. A continuación, se seleccionan diversos recursos terminológicos utilizados en este contexto y se evalúan conforme a las necesidades previamente detectadas. Los resultados invitan a la elaboración de un diccionario francés-español especializado en el ámbito de la contabilidad y adaptado a las necesidades terminológicas de la práctica de la traducción para este ámbito.


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Par leur caractère polyphonique, de nombreux romans contemporains posent des problèmes lexicaux au traducteur en mélangeant lexique standard, argot et termes techniques. La question qui se pose est alors de savoir si les dictionnaires peuvent être utiles au praticien. Nous verrons que pour des raisons théoriques et pratiques, l’aide qu’ils apportent est limitée, un dictionnaire réellement utile devrait changer ses présupposés conceptuels, donc devenir un dictionnaire culturel et adopter une forme électronique.


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Although frequently discarded and despised in the 20th century, translation now seems to find wider acceptance within the Second Language Teaching (SLT) field. However, it still has a long way to go before recovering its due place in the L2 classroom. The aim of this paper is to suggest a number of translation (and interpreting)-based activities covering the different competence levels, thus showing that communicative content and translation can perfectly go hand in hand so that old, unjustified prejudices can be superseded once and for all.


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Statistical machine translation (SMT) is an approach to Machine Translation (MT) that uses statistical models whose parameter estimation is based on the analysis of existing human translations (contained in bilingual corpora). From a translation student’s standpoint, this dissertation aims to explain how a phrase-based SMT system works, to determine the role of the statistical models it uses in the translation process and to assess the quality of the translations provided that system is trained with in-domain goodquality corpora. To that end, a phrase-based SMT system based on Moses has been trained and subsequently used for the English to Spanish translation of two texts related in topic to the training data. Finally, the quality of this output texts produced by the system has been assessed through a quantitative evaluation carried out with three different automatic evaluation measures and a qualitative evaluation based on the Multidimensional Quality Metrics (MQM).


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This folder contains two copies of a printed proposal for a translation of Jérôme Lalande's abridgement of his treatise on astronomy, as well as the 1818 Harvard Commencement Theses annotated with a handwritten note "Proposals for La Lande."


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