966 resultados para Tooth Erosion
This paper presents the results of a combined study, using cosmogenic 36Cl exposure dating and terrestrial digital photogrammetry, of the Palliser Rockslide located in the southeastern Canadian Rocky Mountains. This site is particularly well-suited to demonstrate how this multi-disciplinary approach can be used to differentiate distinct rocksliding events, estimate their volume, and establish their chronology and recurrence interval. Observations suggest that rocksliding has been ongoing since the late Pleistocene deglaciation. Two major rockslide events have been dated at 10.0 ± 1.2 kyr and 7.7 ± 0.8 kyr before present, with failure volumes of 40 Mm3 and 8 Mm3, respectively. The results have important implications concerning our understanding of the temporal distribution of paraglacial rockslides and rock avalanches; they provide a better understanding of the volumes and failure mechanisms of recurrent failure events; and they represent the first absolute ages of a prehistoric high magnitude event in the Canadian Rocky Mountains.
Objectives: The primary aim of this study was to investigate partially dentate elders' willingness-to-pay (WTP) for two different tooth replacement strategies: Removable Partial Dentures (RPDs) and, functionally orientated treatment according to the principles of the Shortened Dental Arch (SDA). The secondary aim was to measure the same patient groups' WTP for dental implant treatment.Methods: 55 patients who had completed a previous RCT comparing two tooth replacement strategies (RPDs (n=27) and SDA (n=28)) were recruited (Trial Registration no. ISRCTN26302774). Patients were asked to indicate their WTP for treatment to replace missing teeth in a number of hypothetical scenarios using the payment card method of contingency evaluation coupled to different costs. Data were collected on patients' social class, income levels and other social circumstances. A Mann-Whitney U Test was used to compare differences in WTP between the two treatment groups. To investigate predictive factors for WTP, multiple linear regression analyses were conducted.Results: The median age for the patient sample was 72.0 years (IQR: 71-75 years). Patients who had been provided with RPDs indicated that their WTP for this treatment strategy was significantly higher (€550; IQR: 500-650) than those patients who had received SDA treatment (€500; IQR: 450-550) (p=0.003). However patients provided with RPDs indicated that their WTP for SDA treatment (€650; IQR: 600-650) was also significantly higher than those patients who had actually received functionally orientated treatment (€550; IQR: 500-600) (p<0.001). The results indicated that both current income levels and previous treatment allocation were significantly correlated to WTP for both the RPD and the SDA groups. Patients in both treatment groups exhibited little WTP for dental implant treatment with a median value recorded which was half the market value for this treatment (€1000; IQR: 500-1000).Conclusions: Amongst this patient cohort previous treatment experience had a strong influence on WTP as did current income levels. Both treatment groups indicated a very strong WTP for simpler, functionally orientated care using adhesive fixed prostheses (SDA) over conventional RPDs. Clinical significance: Partially dentate older patients expressed a strong preference for functionally orientated tooth replacement as an alternative to conventional RPDs.
Water ice covers the surface of various objects in the outer Solar system.Within the heliopause, surface ice is constantly bombarded and sputtered by energetic particles from the solar wind and magnetospheres. We report a laboratory investigation of the sputtering yield of water ice when irradiated at 10 K by 4 keV singly (13C+, N+, O+, Ar+) and doubly charged ions (13C2+, N2+, O2+). The experimental values for the sputtering yields are in good agreement with the prediction of a theoretical model. There is no significant difference in the yield for singly and doubly charged ions. Using these yields, we estimate the rate of water ice erosion in the outer Solar system objects due to solar wind sputtering. Temperature-programmed desorption of the ice after irradiation with 13C+ and 13C2+ demonstrated the formation of 13CO and 13CO2, with 13CO being the dominant formed species.
Programa de doctorado: Patología Quirúrgica
PURPOSE To assess the effectiveness of tooth wipes in removing dental biofilm from babies' anterior teeth, as well as to evaluate the babies' behaviour and the guardians' preference concerning hygiene methods. MATERIALS AND METHODS In this random blind cross-over study, 50 high caries risk babies, from 8 to 15 months old, were divided into two groups: babies with oral hygiene performed by caregivers (n = 25) or by their mothers (n = 25). The caregivers and mothers removed biofilm using three methods of oral hygiene (tooth wipes, toothbrushes and gauze), one in each experimental phase. Professional cleaning was done before each phase, which had 2 days of biofilm accumulation and 1 experimental day, when caregivers and mothers used one method to remove biofilm. Examiners blinded to the study design assessed the biofilm index at baseline, prior to and following biofilm removal using each method. The babies' behaviour and the mothers'/caregivers' preference were assessed. RESULTS The tooth wipes, toothbrushes and gauze significantly reduced the amount of biofilm (P < 0.001). The mothers' group removed more biofilm than the caregivers' group, using toothbrushes or tooth wipes (P < 0.05). Babies in the mothers' group had better behaviour using tooth wipes than toothbrushes (P < 0.05). Mothers and caregivers preferred to use tooth wipes. CONCLUSIONS Tooth wipes are effective in removing biofilm from babies' anterior teeth and are the method best accepted by mothers, caregivers and babies.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-07
This research project discusses roadside stabilization along secondary roads. Another objective was to investigate various commercial soil stabilizers, as a replacement for straw mulch, to control soil erosion before vegetation.
A erosão dentária é o resultado físico da perda patológica, crónica e localizada de tecidos dentários mineralizados, provocada quimicamente por ácidos e/ou quelantes, sem envolvimento bacteriano. O diagnóstico diferencial das lesões de erosão dentária deve ser feito o mais precocemente possível, sendo que as suas características clínicas dificilmente se dissociam de fenómenos de atrição e/ou de abrasão. Desta forma é importante o uso de índices de abordagem do desgaste dentário não demasiado discriminatórios, mas que possam ser válidos num âmbito clínico para monitorizar o desgaste, e avaliar a eficácia das medidas preventivas instituídas. A intervenção clínica face á perda estrutural de causa erosiva implica o controlo dos fatores etiológicos nomeadamente dietéticos, comportamentais e patológicos, associado a um aporte diário de agentes de reforço da estrutura dentária. O objectivo deste trabalho foi realizar uma pesquisa bibliográfica de forma a sistematizar os pontos importantes a ter em conta na abordagem clínica das lesões erosivas. Este tema torna-se importante e útil dado que estes conhecimentos podem ser aplicados diariamente na prática clínica.
Os distúrbios alimentares traduzem-se em comportamentos, quer pela falta, quer pelo excesso da ingestão de alimentos, sendo a anorexia nervosa e a bulimia as que mais frequentemente se verificam na população. O crescente aumento destes distúrbios, nomeadamente a obsessão pelos corpos magros, está relacionada com o impacto que os media têm na sociedade, uma vez que a magreza é vista como mecanismo de atracção sexual e de integração social. O diagnóstico das desordens alimentares não é fácil de ser efectuado, dado que os sinais são muitas vezes omitidos/ocultados pelos indivíduos. Os médicos dentistas podem ter um papel importante na sua detecção, dadas as manifestações precoces das alterações alimentares na cavidade oral. Há diversos sintomas comuns aos dois distúrbios alimentares como a erosão dentária, a hipersensibilidade dentinária, a hipertrofia das glândulas salivares e consequente hipossalivação, a cárie dentária, a doença periodontal, as mucosites, a candidíase oral e a queilite angular. Resultante do vómito induzido, há o aporte de ácido proveniente do conteúdo gástrico que induz alterações estruturais do esmalte e dentina, facilitando o processo de desgaste erosivo. Os fenómenos erosivos são uma das manifestações orais mais evidentes dos distúrbios alimentares. O conhecimento dos sinais, sintomas e da forma de evolução da erosão dentária, é imprescindível, e acaba por diferenciar a atuação profissional que possibilita um diagnóstico eficaz e o tratamento correto. A elaboração desta dissertação tem como objectivo reforçar a informação sobre estes fenómenos para que possam ser mais eficazmente prevenidos, diagnosticados e controlados/tratados. Para tal efectuou-se uma pesquisa na B-On, Medline/PubMed, sciELO, RCAAP e em livros, de informação válida sobre o tema. Interpôs-se limitação temporal e usaram-se as seguintes palavras-chave na seleção de artigos: “Dental erosion”, “Erosive wear”, “Anorexia”, “Bulimia”, “Eating disorders”.
Introdução e objectivos: A saúde oral em atletas é parte essencial para a saúde geral, sendo um factor determinante para a qualidade de vida e desempenho desportivo. Logo, um bom estado de saúde só existirá se a cavidade oral se encontrar ausente de patologias. Os desequilíbrios nutricionais possuem efeitos sobre a cavidade oral, condicionando assim a qualidade de vida e desempenho do atleta. Desta forma, o excesso de ingestão de alguns alimentos podem ser factores de risco para a saúde, tendo conta em que, a etiologia da cárie dentária está relacionada com a ação de microorganismos orais que produzem ácidos orgânicos, a partir do metabolismo dos hidratos de carbono. O objectivo deste estudo foi avaliar a saúde oral bem como os hábitos alimentares e o uso de protetores bucais durante a prática desportiva. Participantes e Métodos: Foram observados 55 atletas de voleibol entre os 15 e 18 anos de ambos os géneros, do clube de voleibol Academia José Moreira e Leixões. Tratou-se de um estudo transversal, no qual foi realizado exame clínico intraoral (índice de cárie CPOd, indice de erosão dentária BEWE) e preenchimento de questinário, em que os indivíduos foram caracterizados em 5 componentes: dados sociodemográficos (idade, peso e estatura), dados sobre perceção de saúde, dados sobre comportamentos de saúde oral, dados sobre prática desportiva e dados sobre comportamentos alimentares (questionário semi-quantitativo de frequência alimentar). A análise estatística descritiva e inferencial dos dados recolhidos foi realizada com o auxílio do programa informático SPSS, versão 23.0. Resultados: Os hábitos de saúde oral não são os mais adequados e a percentagem de atletas que visita o médico dentista é elevada para “só quando tem dores” ou “ocasionalmente”. A média do CPOD geral foi de 4,22 ± 4,55. Não houve diferenças estatisticamente significativas (p>0,05) entre o CPOD geral e o IMC. Nenhum dos atletas usa protetor bucal durante a prática desportiva. Os alimentos mais consumidos foram a carne, fruta, leite, peixe e, biscoitos, bolos e bolachas; e os menos consumidos foram as bebidas alcoólicas, mel ou compotas e café. Conclusão: Os hábitos de higiene oral são um melhor indicador do que o IMC para a presença de cárie. Não há relação direta entre índice CPOD e IMC. Seria importante prestar mais informação sobre vantagens do uso de protetores bucais junto dos atletas e de treinadores bem como, esclarecer que a consistência e as propriedades sensoriais ligadas à textura e à consistência dos alimentos na superfície dentária interferem com a cárie.
The geography of Scotland, with a highly undulating hinterland, long and indented coastline, together with a large number of islands, means that much social and economic activity is largely located at the coast. The importance of the coast is further highlighted by the large number of ecosystem services derived from the coast. The threat posed by climate change, particularly current and future sea level rise, is of considerable concern and the associated coastal erosion and coastal flooding has the potential to have a substantial effect on the socioeconomic activity of the whole country. Currently, the knowledge base of coastal erosion is poor, which serves to hinder the current and future management of the coast. This research reported here aimed to establish four key aspects of coastal erosion within Scotland: the physical susceptibility of the coast to erosion; the assets exposed to coastal erosion; the vulnerability of communities to coastal erosion; and the coastal erosion risk to those communities. Coastal erosion susceptibility was modelled here within a GIS, using data for ground elevation, rockhead elevation, wave exposure and proximity to the open coast. Combining these data produced the Underlying Physical Susceptibility Model (UPSM), in the form of a 50 m2 raster of national coverage. The Coastal Erosion Susceptibility Model (CESM) was produced with the addition of sediment supply and coastal defence data, which then moderates the outputs of the UPSM. Asset data for dwellings, key assets, transport infrastructure, historic assets, and natural assets were used along with the UPSM and CESM to assess their degree of exposure to coastal erosion. A Coastal Erosion Vulnerability Model (CEVM) was produced using Experian Mosaic Scotland (a geodemographic classification which identifies 44 different social groups within Scotland) to classify populations based upon 11 vulnerability variables. Dwellings were assigned a CESM and CEVM score in order to establish their coastal erosion risk. This research demonstrated that the issue of coastal erosion will impact on a relatively low number of properties compared to those impacted by flooding (both coastal and fluvial) as many dwellings are already protected by coastal defences. There is therefore, a considerable future liability, and great pressure for coastal defences to be maintained and upgraded in their current form. The use of the CEVM is a novel inclusion within a coastal erosion assessment for Scotland. Use of the CEVM established that coastal erosion risk is not distributed equally amongst the Scottish coastal population and highlighted that risk can be reduced by either reducing exposure or reducing vulnerability. Thus far in Scotland, reducing exposure has been the primary management approach, which has a number of implications with regards social justice. This research identified the existing data gaps that should be addressed by future research in order to further improve coastal management in Scotland. Future research should focus on assessing historical coastal change rates on a national scale, improve modelling of national scale wave exposure, enhance the information held about current coastal defences and, determine the direct and indirect economic cost associated with the loss of different asset types. It is also necessary to clarify the social justice implications of using adaptation approaches to manage coastal erosion as well as establishing a method to communicate the susceptibility, exposure, vulnerability and risk aspects whilst minimising the potential negative impacts (e.g. property blight) of releasing such information.