Palliser Rockslide cosmogenic 36Cl exposure ages (raw data) and erosion effect on the cosmogenic

Autoria(s): Sturzenegger, Matthieu; Stead, Doug; Gosse, John; Ward, Brent; Froese, Corey

LATITUDE: 50.630000 * LONGITUDE: -115.160000




This paper presents the results of a combined study, using cosmogenic 36Cl exposure dating and terrestrial digital photogrammetry, of the Palliser Rockslide located in the southeastern Canadian Rocky Mountains. This site is particularly well-suited to demonstrate how this multi-disciplinary approach can be used to differentiate distinct rocksliding events, estimate their volume, and establish their chronology and recurrence interval. Observations suggest that rocksliding has been ongoing since the late Pleistocene deglaciation. Two major rockslide events have been dated at 10.0 ± 1.2 kyr and 7.7 ± 0.8 kyr before present, with failure volumes of 40 Mm3 and 8 Mm3, respectively. The results have important implications concerning our understanding of the temporal distribution of paraglacial rockslides and rock avalanches; they provide a better understanding of the volumes and failure mechanisms of recurrent failure events; and they represent the first absolute ages of a prehistoric high magnitude event in the Canadian Rocky Mountains.


application/zip, 2 datasets








CC-BY: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported

Access constraints: unrestricted


Supplement to: Sturzenegger, Matthieu; Stead, Doug; Gosse, John; Ward, Brent; Froese, Corey (2014): Reconstruction of the history of the Palliser Rockslide based on 36Cl terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide dating and debris volume estimations. Landslides, 12(6), 1097-1106, doi:10.1007/s10346-014-0527-4

Palavras-Chave #36Cl; 36Cl total measurement unc (AMS precision + 3% chemistry error); Age model; Age model, optional; Age model opt; Al2O3; Aluminium oxide; B; blank subtracted measured 36Cl concentration in sample; Boron; bulk rock; bulk rock, wt. %; Calcium oxide; Canada; CaO; Carbon dioxide; Chlorine; Chlorine 36; Chromium; Cl; CO2; Coeff; Coefficient; correction factor for geometry effects on spallogenic production; correction factor for shielding of a sample of arbitrary orientation by surrounding topography; correction factor for snow shielding for spallogenic production; Cr; Density; effective fast neutron attenuation coefficient; erosion mm/ka: 1.0; topography: yes; trees: yes, snow: yes; erosion mm/ka: 10.0; topography: yes; trees: yes, snow: yes; erosion mm/ka: 2.0; topography: yes; trees: yes, snow: yes; erosion mm/ka: 5.0; topography: yes; trees: yes, snow: yes; erosion mm/ka: zero; topography: yes; trees: no, snow: yes; erosion mm/ka: zero; topography: yes; trees: yes, snow: yes; estimated 36Cl concentration from inheritance at texpo=0; Factor; Fe2O3; field; fraction of 36Cl by nth; Gadolinium; Gd; H2O; ID; Identification; Iron oxide, Fe2O3; K2O; Li; Lithium; Magnesium oxide; Manganese oxide; measured; MgO; MnO; Na2O; P2O5; Palliser_Rockslide; Phosphorus oxide; Potassium oxide; Samarium; Sample thickness; Samp thick; scaling factor for muonic production as a function of elevation, latitude (and temporal variations); scaling factor for nucleonic production as a function of elevation, latitude (and temporal variations); Silicon dioxide; SiO2; Sm; Sodium oxide; Th; Thorium; TiO2; Titanium oxide; U; Uncertainty; Uranium; Water in rock
