974 resultados para Italian theater
Adenosine deaminase (ADA) deficiency is a disorder of the purine metabolism leading to combined immunodeficiency and systemic alterations, including skeletal abnormalities. We report that ADA deficiency in mice causes a specific bone phenotype characterized by alterations of structural properties and impaired mechanical competence. These alterations are the combined result of an imbalanced receptor activator of nuclear factor-kappa B ligand (RANKL)/osteoprotegerin axis, causing decreased osteoclastogenesis and an intrinsic defect of osteoblast function with subsequent low bone formation. In vitro, osteoblasts lacking ADA displayed an altered transcriptional profile and growth reduction. Furthermore, the bone marrow microenvironment of ADA-deficient mice showed a reduced capacity to support in vitro and in vivo hematopoiesis. Treatment of ADA-deficient neonatal mice with enzyme replacement therapy, bone marrow transplantation, or gene therapy resulted in full recovery of the altered bone parameters. Remarkably, untreated ADA-severe combined immunodeficiency patients showed a similar imbalance in RANKL/osteoprotegerin levels alongside severe growth retardation. Gene therapy with ADA-transduced hematopoietic stem cells increased serum RANKL levels and children`s growth. Our results indicate that the ADA metabolism represents a crucial modulatory factor of bone cell activities and remodeling. The trials were registered at www.clinicaltrials.gov as #NCT00598481 and #NCT00599781. (Blood. 2009; 114: 3216-3226)
P>The characteristics of 1,124 consecutive adults and children with refractory epilepsy attending 11 tertiary referral centers in Italy were investigated at enrollment into a prospective observational study. Among 933 adults (age 16-86 years), the most common syndromes were symptomatic (43.7%) and cryptogenic (39.0%) focal epilepsies, followed by idiopathic (8.1%) and cryptogenic/symptomatic generalized (6.2%) epilepsies. The most common syndrome among 191 children was symptomatic focal epilepsy (35.1%), followed by cryptogenic focal (18.8%), cryptogenic/symptomatic generalized (18.3%), undetermined whether focal or generalized (16.8%), and idiopathic generalized (7.3%). Primarily and secondarily generalized tonic-clonic seizures were reported in 27.8% of adults and 16.8% of children. The most commonly reported etiologies were mesial temporal sclerosis (8.0%) and disorders of cortical development (6.2%) in adults, and disorders of cortical development (14.7%) and nonprogressive encephalopathies (6.8%) in children. More than three-fourths of subjects in both age groups were on antiepileptic drug (AED) polytherapy.
To assess whether levetiracetam elimination is influenced by enzyme inducing antiepileptic drugs (EIAEDs), serum levetiracetam levels were determined at frequent intervals after a single oral 1000 mg dose in 15 subjects co-medicated with EIAEDs and 15 matched controls. The EIAED group showed a higher levetiracetam oral clearance (p = 0.01) and a shorter half-life (p = 0.02) than controls. Although the magnitude of interaction is relatively modest, it could have clinical significance for some patients. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The field of contemporary youth-specific theatre in Australia is one of change and, in some cases, anxiety. While Drama Studies continue to grow in popularity in schools, previously conventional developmental paradigms have become less mandatory for theatre, for, by, and about young people outside the school context. Instead, 'new generation' approaches in youth-specific performance are placing greater value on young people's own preferences in cultural activity. Yet this development is being tempered and further complicated by a cultural 'generationalism', particularly in larger arts organization as the youth sector becomes a more integral part of marketing strategies for the future. The resulting ambiguity in the representation, value, and positioning of young people and youth-specific arts in Australia's theatre industry is considered by focusing on Magpie2, a former youth-specific company attached to the State Theatre Company of South Australia. Magpie2 ceased operation in 1998 after experimenting with a 'new generation' approach to theatre for young people in the State Theatre realm. Both the artistic policy of Magpie2 Director, Benedict Andrews, and the critical reception of his two productions in 1997, Future Tense and Features of Blown Youth, demonstrate how competing systems of cultural value characterize the field of youth-specific theatre in Australia.
Corticosteroid-binding globulin is a 383-amino acid glycoprotein that serves a hormone transport role and may have functions related to the stress response and inflammation. We describe a 39-member Italian-Australian family with a novel complete loss of function (null) mutation of the corticosteroid-binding globulin gene. A second, previously described, mutation (Lyon) segregated independently in the same kindred. The novel exon 2 mutation led to a premature termination codon corresponding to residue -12 of the procorticosteroid-binding globulin molecule (c.121G->A). Among 32 family members there were 3 null homozygotes, 19 null heterozygotes, 2 compound heterozygotes, 3 Lyon heterozygotes, and 5 individuals without corticosteroid-binding globulin mutations. Plasma immunoreactive corticosteroid-binding globulin was undetectable in null homozygotes, and mean corticosteroid-binding globulin levels were reduced by approximately 50% at 18.7 ± 1.3 µg/ml (reference range, 30–52 µg/ml) in null heterozygotes. Morning total plasma cortisol levels were less than 1.8 µg/dl in homozygotes and were positively correlated to the plasma corticosteroid-binding globulin level in heterozygotes. Homozygotes and heterozygote null mutation subjects had a high prevalence of hypotension and fatigue. Among 19 adults with the null mutation, the systolic blood pressure z-score was 12.1 ± 3.5; 11 of 19 subjects (54%) had a systolic blood pressure below the third percentile. The mean diastolic blood pressure z-score was 18.1 ± 3.4; 8 of 19 subjects (42%) had a diastolic blood pressure z-score below 10. Idiopathic chronic fatigue was present in 12 of 14 adult null heterozygote subjects (86%) and in 2 of 3 null homozygotes. Five cases met the Centers for Disease Control criteria for chronic fatigue syndrome. Fatigue questionnaires revealed scores of 25.1 ± 2.5 in 18 adults with the mutation vs. 4.2 ± 1.5 in 23 healthy controls (P < 0.0001). Compound heterozygosity for both mutations resulted in plasma cortisol levels comparable to those in null homozygotes. Abnormal corticosteroid-binding globulin concentrations or binding affinity may lead to the misdiagnosis of isolated ACTH deficiency. The mechanism of the association between fatigue and relative hypotension is not established by these studies. As idiopathic fatigue disorders are associated with relatively low plasma cortisol, abnormalities of corticosteroid-binding globulin may be pathogenic.
Hailed as an 'unruly masterpiece', John Romeril's The Floating World is one of the few 'new wave' Australian plays representing Australians and their Asian 'others' to be restaged periodically since its premiere in 1974. Paying particular attention to production of the play that have used Japanese theatre forms such as kabuki and bunraku, this article focuses primarily on the ways in which the significations of race have been interpreted by the critical establishment. The fascinating stage history of The Floating World is treated as a barometer of Australian theatre's response to the challenge of representing cultural conflict, during a period marked by public debate about the desirability, and inevitability, of Australia's political, economic and cultural 'enmeshment' with Asia.
A consideration of identity formation in contemporary Australian multicultural theatre is offered through a re-assessment of the unsettled (and unsettling) constructions of Australia as 'home' in the work of three playwrights. William Yang's Sadness disrupts a localized perception of home, space, and cultural communities to amalgamate two disparate communities (the queer/homosexual community in Sydney and the Asian-Australian, or 'Austasian' community) into a reconfigured Australian identity. Janis Balodis's The Ghosts Trilogy uses many actors who play across the unsettled lines of history, amid numerous voices, homes, and homelands that indicate the enormity of what 'Australia' comes to signify. Noelle Janaczewska's The History of Water constructs a way of locating the self by means of a metaphoric home as each character establishes herself on a psychic plane rather than choosing the strictly physical locations to which she has access. In their interrogations of home and homeland, these plays challenge assumptions regarding identity, disrupt notions of the ultimate ownership of land/culture by anyone, and problematize the idea of settlement as it is currently articulated in Australia.
When the existence in Utrecht of the DeWitt/Van Buchel drawing of the Swan Theater became known in 1888, William Poel was already seven years into his inquiries into the best means of staging the public amphitheater and great hall plays of the English Renaissance.1 I mention this to emphasize that the discourse came before the fact: the belief that Shakespeare's plays are best staged as it was then imprecisely imagined they had once been staged-simply, without elaborate settings or time-consuming scene changes, with direct actor-audience address, "in-the-round"-had as much to do with reactions against the late nineteenth-century stage's pictorialism, with its set-changing interruptions and cut-and-paste revisions to Shakespeare's texts, as it had to do with presenting the Bard "authentically." Some of the confusion caused by the uneasy mixing of historical scholarship and the assumptions and practices of our own contemporary theater profession can be glimpsed in the phenomenon of modern in-the-round staging, often claimed as a more "authentic" approach to Shakespeare in performance, but one which is then modified to make possible post-Stanislavsky acting methods and to satisfy modern audience expectations.
This essay considers processes by which community identities are challenged by discussing the use of whiteface as an activist strategy in recent indigenous theatre in Canada and Australia. To understand whiteface, I employ Susan Gubar's notion of racechange, processes that test and even transgress racial borders. I also situate whiteface in relation to the history of blackface minstrelsy. Noting the ways these racial performances affirm the hierarchies of color and how power becomes invested in such color codings, the essay highlights indigenous employment of whiteface as a potential form of critical historiography. I then analyze how whiteface functions in two productions, Daniel David Moses's Almighty Voice and His Wife (1991) in Canada and the Queensland Theatre Company's 2000 revival of George Landen Dann's Fountains Beyond in Australia. My analysis posits that such indigenous performances of whiteface can affirm the identity of the marginalized other even as they destabilize the fixity of race and its meanings.
O texto explora a quest??o dos controles administrativos na It??lia, tanto no que se refere aos controles internos quanto no que se refere aos controles externos. O autor aponta a debilidade dos controles internos, em particular no tocante aos controles de gest??o, e analisa o tipo mais difundido de controle externo na ordena????o italiana, os controles preventivos de legitimidade, que na sua opini??o deveriam ser substitu??dos pelos controles sucessivos sobre a atividade ou sobre a gest??o administrativas. O texto fala ainda da evolu????o das rela????es entre o Tribunal de Contas e o Parlamento, das tend??ncias recentes de transforma????o na ??rea de controle, incluindo aspectos relativos ?? reforma constitucional e ?? Uni??o Europ??ia, e das novidades legislativas surgidas em 1993 e 1994.
O paper estuda o caso da recente reforma da Previd??ncia na It??lia, ilustrando a possibilidade de uma participa????o positiva dos sindicatos ??? tradicionalmente contr??rios ??s reformas ??? no processo de transforma????o do setor p??blico. Ap??s uma revis??o do sistema previdenci??rio italiano, altamente fragmentado e particularista na opini??o dos autores, e o apontamento de suas principais defici??ncias, o estudo concentra-se na an??lise de tr??s propostas de reforma ligadas aos governos de Amato (1992-93), Berlusconi (1994) e Dini (1995), respectivamente. O texto aborda tanto as propostas concretas de mudan??a, trazendo contribui????es sobre uma variedade consider??vel de medidas, seu impacto e aceita????o sociais e por categoria, como os objetivos visados e o processo pol??tico relacionado ?? sua discuss??o e tramita????o. Uma preocupa????o constante dos autores ?? a correla????o entre a postura e a participa????o dos sindicatos em mat??ria de reforma previdenci??ria, por um lado, e o avan??o das propostas governamentais, por outro. Segundo o estudo, a ampla participa????o da for??a sindical na negocia????o do projeto de reforma previdenci??ria do governo Dini representou um fator decisivo para sua aprova????o e implementa????o bem-sucedidas. Ao mesmo tempo, a delibera????o democr??tica para concilia????o de prefer??ncias e interesses (m??ltiplos no caso de assuntos norteados pela dicotomia bem comum/interesse particular) ??? objeto da ??ltima sess??o do estudo ??? ?? vista como uma forma de ampliar a participa????o sindical al??m das lideran??as, passando a incluir os rank-and-file trabalhadores, um procedimento que traz, igualmente, a for??a de uma decis??o majorit??ria. A an??lise da reforma da Previd??ncia italiana ?? ilustrada no paper com tabelas que trazem e comparam dados referentes ?? contribui????o previdenci??ria, ??s categorias de beneficiados e ??s diferentes propostas de reforma formuladas por sucessivos governos italianos.