965 resultados para East Hampton (N.Y.)--In art


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In previous studies research has shown that generation y experience resistance from older generations represented in the labor market in USA. The resistance is due to differences between the generations. On the other hand some studies say that differences are more likely to come from other factors such as gender and which stage in life the individual is in. The purpose of this study is to describe how (women in) generation y is experiencing the cooperation with colleagues from other generations and if they considers that differences due to generations exist. The study will also try to determine if the respondents are aware of each generation’s characteristics. To fulfill the purpose of the study a qualitative method was chosen in the shape of a focus group. To be able to answer the purpose an interview guide was developed from previous studies. The guide was divided in three sections; scenarios, exercises and finally questions. The focus group resulted in a two-hour discussion between four individuals belonging to generation y. The result of the study showed that generation y in Falun, Sweden did identify some of the characteristics each generation had. Further did the respondents conform that resistance due to generational differences was a problem. To answer the purpose of the study generation y felt underestimated by the older generations and expressed a certain degree of hopelessness.


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The arts in prison settings have provided an alternative or complimentary component to rehabilitation. Despite increased interest, studies capturing the voice of offenders participating in projects and the long-term impact are limited. Data from semistructured interviews with 18 men who had taken part in a music-based project while incarcerated, including one group of five participants who were tracked for 18 months with supplemented data from correctional staff and official documentation, is presented. Participants of the art-based projects comment on changes they believe to have derived from participating in the project, particularly relating to emotions, self-esteem, self-confidence, communication and social skills. An exoffender sample of participants reported that participation in art projects provide experiences that promote beneficial skills that have been useful for post prison life.


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In the 21st century field of culture, the economic crisis (and its consequences) has fomented a debate on the social responsibility of the writer. In particular quite a few works of Spanish literature account for a marked responsible, interventionist and dissident discourse. Thus, from the present day and aware of historicity, this article pauses at a key episode in the trajectory of the said debate: the rehumanization of art during the 1930s, the passing from autonomy to commitment in art. A crucial aspect in the Edad de Plata is addressed with the aim of precisely showing how a milestone in the attitude of the creator before society and its disruptions arose, how an exemplary case developed for exploring aspects specific to this positioning of the author, which is itself being reconsidered today.


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Many examples of historic graffiti have been shown to be worthy of attention and conservation. The examples discussed in this article have been selected for their previous academic study, enabling rational assessment. This work does not suggest that only those examples of historic graffiti that have been subject to academic investigation can be evaluated and classified. This article, the result of a collaboration between two individuals with complementary interests in building conservation and contextual studies in art and design, brings together formal techniques used in the assessment of cultural significance in traditional architectural conservation and established theories in the evaluation of art. It is the purpose of this work to help those who are attempting to evaluate the merit of graffiti to do so. The current Scottish system that assesses cultural significance may be incomplete in its evaluation of graffiti. This necessitates a supplementary investigation of the artistic characteristics and merit of graffiti. Almost all graffiti could be said to be 'art', using established definitions, but not 'good' art. This evaluation may only be undertaken by experts, as with other aspects of identification of cultural significance within the built environment.


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Introduction - Metabolic syndrome (MS) is common in HIV-infected individuals and it is associated with higher cardiovascular risk (CVR). Mediterranean diet has been associated with a better metabolic control and lower CVR. Materials and methods - From December 2013 to May 2014, individuals between 18 and 65 years of age, who attended the outpatient HIV Clinic at the University Hospital Santa Maria, Lisbon, were selected. Adherence to Mediterranean diet was evaluated with MedDietScore, a scale from 0 to 55 that punctuates 11 food items according to the frequency of intake. Higher scores represent higher adherence. CVR was assessed using D.A.D tool (classified as low, moderate or high risk). We excluded individuals with opportunistic disease, hospitalized in the past three months or with renal disease diagnosis. All participants gave written informed consent. Results - In the 571 HIV patients included, 67.1% (n=383) were male, 91.6% (n=523) Caucasian, with a mean age of 46.5±8.9 years. Patients were divided in two groups: naïve (7.5%; n=43) or on antiretroviral treatment (ART) (92.5%; n=528). Mean length of HIV diagnosis was 6.7±6.5 years (naïve) and 13.3±6.1 years (ART); TCD4+ counts were above 500 cel/mm3 in 55.8% (n=24) and 67.6% (n=357) of the patients, respectively. MS was present in 33.9% (n=179) of patients in ART group and 16.3% (n=7) in naïve group. Presence of MS was associated with ART group (OR=2.7; p=0.018). MS was also associated with older age in this group (p=0.000). Overall, mean MedDietScore was 27.3±5.5. Higher score was associated with older age (r=0.319; p=0.000). Naïve patients presented a trend to higher adherence to Mediterranean diet (65.1% vs 51.7% in naïve group; p=0.090). No relation between MS and Mediterranean diet was found. Higher CVR was associated with the presence of MS in the ART group (p=0.001). In this group, individuals with moderate CVR presented higher rates of adherence to Mediterranean diet (p=0.036) when compared to low and high CVR score. Conclusions - In this cross-sectional study, naïve individuals presented a trend to higher adherence to Mediterranean diet. On the ART group, higher adherence to Mediterranean diet was found in individuals with moderate CVR score. We think that this might suggest that this group of patients adopt this diet only in the presence of metabolic alterations or perceived CVR. Prospective studies in HIV patients are required to determine the impact of adherence to Mediterranean diet on the reduction of CVR.


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Rabindranath Tagore’s ideas can still inspire education in the East as well as in the West today. In this paper, I survey Tagore’s philosophical anthropology and argue that there is more coherence to his philosophy and pedagogy than is usually seen. For Tagore, the highest goal is to make the world one’s own, as well as to enlarge one’s self to encompass the world. The educational practices through which this ideal can be reached can be classified as “creative action,” “love,” and “freedom.” On the basis of such an ideal, realms such as the arts, nature, and movement no longer remain expendable additions to the kind of knowledge-driven education that aims primarily at making everyone economically productive.One of the problems with such a pedagogical strategy is that it treats human beings as means and not as ends. Tagore’s educational approach (his “method of nature”) refrains from turning children into adults as soon as possible and accepts the deceleration of learning and the simplification of living asmost forward-leading approach to a successful and comprehensive education.


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In this research I focused on the propagation of acoustic rays in shallow water areas then I selected the Persian Gulf and described sound transmission in this region with emphasize on physical properties of water masses and of sediments. Finally I studied on the sound speed variations and sound attention with data collected from this area (NE of Farsi Island & 50 kilometers south of Delware). Sound speed deviation in western part of Strait of Hormuz in winter is between 20-30 m/s and it is between 5-20 m/s in the Oman Sea. Minimum sound speed deviation is at 23-24 degree north & 60-62 degree east. In spring, this deviation varies from 25-35 m/s, which is greater than in winter. In winter, at east of 56 degree east, greater speed are in shallow water coastal areas. In summer, sound speeds are greater than in spring and vary from 35 to 55 m/s at western part of Strait of Hormuz and 20 to 40 m/s in Oman Sea. Finally in autumn, sound speed deviation is 30-45 m/s west of 56 degree east and in Oman Sea is the same. The greatest attenuation rate caused by absorption in Bandar Dayer is between 17 to 27 meters depth, which is from water masses with different densities.


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Buildings and the whole built environment are in a key role when societies are mitigating climate change and adapting to its consequences. More than 50% of the existing residential buildings in EU-25 were built before 1970. Thus, these buildings are of significant importance in reducing energy consumption and CO2 emissions. The existence of more nearly zero energy buildings (nZEB) is a possible solution for this problem. This study aims to analyze the application of the nZEB methodology in the retrofitting of a typical Portuguese dwelling build in 1950. It was shown that the primary energy used can be reduced to a very low value (11,95 kWhep/m2.y) in comparison with the reference consumption (69,15 kWhep/m2.y), with the application of the best construction techniques together with the use of energy from on-site renewable sources.


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The level of Lake Victoria has, since 1961, reached a height which caused serious flood damage. Already the financial implications are considerable for Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. If further rises can be anticipated, expenditure on flood control measures to the tune of several million pounds sterling must be envisaged. If such rises should lead to uncontrolled discharge at the Owen Falls Dam site because of overshooting, downstream districts of Uganda and the Sudan may be seriously flooded. All this merits a thorough study, and any indication of the future behaviour of lake levels, even when associated with a low probability, must be taken into account. In these circumstances the Water Development Department of Kenya approached the East African Meteorological Department in November, 1964, on behalf of all parties concerned with the request to study the meteorological background of the Iake level variation, with a view to forecasting future behaviour.


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Several studies have supported a beneficial role of dietary flavonoids in reducing the risk/progression of chronic diseases (including hypertension, cardiovascular disease, certain cancers, type-2-diabetes, cognitive dysfunction, age-related bone disease). Their beneficial properties are likely to be affected by their structure, distribution in foods, food matrix, life habits (physical activity). Most dietary polyphenols reach the colon where they are metabolized to phenolic acids by gut bacteria. Lack of knowledge of the factors affecting flavonoid metabolism and bioavailability hinders understanding of their health effects. Therefore, this thesis aimed to investigate the effect of factors on bioavailability and metabolism of dietary polyphenols from orange juices (OJ) in in vitro and in vivo studies. In chapter 3, the variability of orange juice polyphenolic content was assessed using in vitro models of the human gastrointestinal tract. Chapter 4 investigated the reduced urinary phenolic acids after OJ and yoghurt (Y) in humans compared to OJ alone using in vitro models of the human gut. In chapter 5, raftiline and glucose were tested for effects on metabolism of hesperidin (flavanone not OJ). In chapter 6, an intervention study of 4 weeks moderate intensity exercise determined whether exercise affected bioavailability and metabolism of OJ flavanones in healthy sedentary females. The studies in this thesis showed that food sources, food matrix and physical exercise may determine the significant variations in bioavailability and metabolism of flavonoids, seen in a number of studies. These factors could result in differences in bioactivity and bioefficacy of polyphenols, and need to be taken into account in further studies of the effects of flavanones on disease risk.


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Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Artes, Departamento de Artes Visuais, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Arte, 2015.


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Mungbean ( Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek) is an important source of nutrients and income for smallholder farmers in East Africa. Mungbean production in countries like Uganda largely depends on landraces, in the absence of improved varieties. In order to enhance productivity, efforts have been underway to develop and evaluate mungbean varieties that meet farmers’ needs in various parts of the country. This study was conducted at six locations in Uganda, to determine the adaptability of introduced mungbean genotypes, and identify mungbean production mega-environments in Uganda. Eleven genotypes (Filsan, Sunshine, Blackgram, Mauritius1, VC6148 (50-12), VC6173 (B-10),Yellowmungo, KPS1, VC6137(B-14),VC6372(45-60),VC6153(B-20P) and one local check were evaluated in six locations during 2013 and 2014. The locations were; National Semi Arid Resources Research Institute (NaSARRI), Abi Zonal Agricultural Research and Development Institute (AbiZARDI),Kaberamaido variety trial center, Kumi variety trial center, Nabuin Zonal Agricultural Research and Development Institute (NabuinZARDI), and Ngetta Zonal Agricultural Research and Development Institute (NgettaZARDI). G × E interactions were significant for grain yield. Through GGEBiplot analysis, three introduced genotypes (Filsan, Blackgram and Sunshine) were found to be stable and high yielding, and therefore, were recommended for release. The six test multi-locations were grouped into two candidate mega-environments for mungbean production (one comprising of AbiZARDI and Kaberamaido and the other comprising of NaSARRI, NabuinZARDI, Kumi, and NgettaZARDI). National Semi Arid Resources Research Institute (NaSARRI) was the most suitable environment in terms of both discriminative ability and representativeness and therefore can be used for selection of widely adaptable genotypes.


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Odpowiedzialność karną lekarza łączy się powszechnie z problematyką błędu medycznego, choć właściwie odpowiada on nie za sam błąd medyczny, jako że prawo karne nie zna przestępstwa polegającego na popełnieniu błędu medycznego, ale za ewentualne jego skutki, które mogą być kwalifikowane jako nieumyślne spowodowanie śmierci, nieumyślne spowodowanie ciężkiego, średniego albo lekkiego uszczerbku na zdrowiu bądź nieumyślne narażenie na niebezpieczeństwo utraty życia albo ciężkiego uszczerbku na zdrowiu. Nie można oczywiście wykluczyć wystąpienia sytuacji, w której lekarz swoim zachowaniem zrealizowałby znamiona typu umyślnego, jednakże na potrzeby niniejszej publikacji przyjęto, że co do zasady lekarz działa w celu ratowania dóbr prawnych, jakimi są życie i zdrowie pacjenta, nie zaś z zamiarem narażenia ich na niebezpieczeństwo bądź naruszenia, a ewentualne negatywne skutki dla życia i pacjenta, powstałe w miejsce lub obok zamierzonego stanu rzeczy, nie są przez niego objęte umyślnością. Kluczowym warunkiem uznania, że czyn popełniony został nieumyślnie jest ustalenie, że sprawca naruszył reguły ostrożnego postępowania, wymagane w danych okolicznościach. W odniesieniu do zawodu lekarza na pierwszy plan wysuwa się wśród nich wymóg stosowania się do wskazań aktualnej wiedzy medycznej. Autorka przekłada ten obowiązek na grunt realiów systemu ochrony zdrowia i rozważa, jaki wpływ na jego niedopełnienie mają okoliczności ograniczonej względami ekonomicznymi dostępności świadczeń zdrowotnych oraz w jaki sposób niedostatek środków finansowych może rzutować na naruszenie przez lekarza reguł ostrożnego postępowania, o których mowa w art. 9 § 2 Kodeksu karnego.


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Artykuł dotyczy problematyki pojęcia zdarzenia medycznego, a zatem kwestii wyznaczających przedmiotowy zakres postępowania przed wojewódzką komisją do spraw orzekania o zdarzeniach medycznych. Pojęcie zdarzenia medycznego jest pojęciem normatywnym i zostało ono zdefiniowane w art. 67a ust. 1 ustawy o prawach pacjenta i Rzeczniku Praw Pacjenta. W pierwszej kolejności zostały omówione zagadnienia ogólne dotyczące postępowania przed wojewódzką komisją do spraw orzekania o zdarzeniach medycznych. Dalsze rozważania dotyczą przesłanek rozpoznania sprawy przez wojewódzką komisję. Autorka wyjaśnia znaczenie poszczególnych pojęć ustawowych składających się na pojęcie „zdarzenia medycznego”, tj. terminu: pacjent, zakażenie, biologiczny czynnik chorobotwórczy, uszkodzenie ciała, rozstrój zdrowia, śmierć oraz aktualna wiedza medyczna. W artykule ponadto poruszono istotną problematykę miejsca wystąpienia zdarzenia medycznego, a także podano przykłady zdarzeń medycznych.


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W artykule przedstawiono istniejące w polskiej procedurze karnej formy konsensualizmu procesowego. Opisane zostały przesłanki wystąpienia z wnioskami o skazanie bez rozprawy (art. 335 § 1 i 2 Kodeksu postępowania karnego), warunki dobrowolnego poddania się odpowiedzialności karnej oraz instytucji przewidzianej w art. 338a Kodeksu postępowania karnego. Przedstawiona została również ewolucja uprawnień osoby pokrzywdzonej przestępstwem w kontekście rozwiązań konsensualnych oraz realizacja celów postępowania karnego w odniesieniu do wspomnianych trybów. Uwzględniając zmiany wprowadzone przez ostatnie nowelizacje podkreślono rolę porozumień, wskazując ich liczne zalety, zastosowanie w praktyce oraz konsekwencje, jakie wywołują w kolejnych etapach procesu. Zwrócono także uwagę na postępowanie mediacyjne, jak również na przejawy porozumień procesowych w innych aktach prawnych, do których należy zaliczyć między innymi umorzenie restytucyjne.