991 resultados para Drinking Habits


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Purpose: Across Canada, undergraduate university students are one of the highest alcohol-consuming populations. Many students engage in hazardous drinking and are at risk for negative health and social consequences. Social Norms Theory suggests that students’ overestimation of drinking norms can result in an increase in their drinking behaviour. As of yet, none of the literature addresses the possible link between drinking norm (mis)perception and hazardous drinking in a Canadian undergraduate context. This is the first Canadian study to examine this potential association in first-year undergraduate students across multiple universities using gender as an effect modifier. Methods: Using data collected by the Caring Campus Project, for 2347 first-year students from three Canadian universities, I evaluated the prevalence of drinking norm misperceptions by site and gender. Using multiple-logistic regression models, I analyzed the relationship between misperceived drinking norms and hazardous drinking behaviours (assessed via AUDIT-C). Results: The proportion of students who overestimated drinking and binge drinking frequency norms varied by site and gender. There was a positive relationship between overestimated drinking/ binge drinking frequency norms and hazardous drinking, modified by gender. Controlling for living arrangement and site, the odds of female students being hazardous drinkers increased by a factor of 2.27 (CI: 1.73-2.99) when the drinking frequency norm was overestimated. A non-significant association was found for male students. Among female students, when living arrangement and site were controlled, the odds of being a hazardous drinker were 1.83 (0.84-3.95) and 2.69 (1.24-5.83) times greater when the drinking frequency norm was perceived at “2-4 times per month” and “2 or more times per week”, respectively. Among male students, when living arrangement, previous residence and site were controlled, the odds of being a hazardous drinker were 4.03 (2.62-6.19) and 8.54 (5.41-13.49) times greater when the binge drinking frequency norm was perceived at “2-4 times per month” and “2 or more times per week”, respectively. Conclusion: This novel study enhances the understanding of the association between (mis)perceived drinking norms and drinking behaviours in Canadian undergraduate students. The demonstrated importance of gender and site provides a strong impetus for Canadian universities to develop targeted alcohol reduction interventions.


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Schedule-Induced Polydipsia (SIP) is an animal model of adjunctive drinking induced when a hungry rat receives food on a fixed interval of time. This model has been implemented as a model of compulsive behaviour and may represent a powerful tool to understand the neural mechanisms of compulsion. The bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST) is thought to translate challenges to energy homeostasis into consummatory behaviours, and is therefore likely to contribute to drinking behaviours displayed by food restricted rats in the SIP paradigm. Furthermore, the BNST seems implicated in various compulsive behaviors, including compulsive water drinking in rats. Therefore, the goal of this project was to determine whether compulsive drinking in the SIP paradigm was associated with alterations in transmission at oval BNST (ovBNST) synapses. Rats undergoing the SIP procedure had restricted food access (1-hours/day) for a total of 29 days. After 7 days of food restriction and for the next 21 consecutive days, the rats had daily 2-hour access to operant conditioning chambers where they were presented with a 45-mg food pellet every minute. Water consumed during these 2-hour sessions was measured and the rats that drank 15 ml or more water for a minimum of 3 consecutive days were considered High Drinkers (HD; n=17) or otherwise, Low Drinkers (LD; n=13). Brain slices whole-cell patch clamp recordings conducted 18-hours after the last SIP training showed that chronic food restriction changed low frequency stimulation (LFS) - induced long-term potentiation of ovBNST inhibitory synaptic transmission (iLTP) into LFS - induced long-term depression (iLTD) in a majority of neurons, regardless of drinking behaviours. However, ad libitum access to food between the last day of SIP training and brain slice recordings (18-hour refeed) rescued LFS-induced iLTP in LD but not in HD, suggesting that impaired bi-directional plasticity of ovBNST synapses may contribute to compulsive drinking in the SIP paradigm.


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This article analyses the influence that different criticism stages of proceedings exert in the habits of theatre attendance. The study is based on the survey carried out specifically for this research in which 210 people, who attended a theatrical representation, were interviewed in three different theatres in the city of Valencia. The study has revealed the mouth to mouth importance in the decision of attending the theatre and its stronger influence on the audiences who less frequently go to theatrical representations. The results obtained have also made clear the existence of a narrow relation between the advice effect of the theatre critics and the patterns of attendance to the theatre, just like its bigger influence between theatres with commercial orientation and those which are addressed to the broad audiences.


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INTRODUCTION: The differential associations of beer, wine, and spirit consumption on cardiovascular risk found in observational studies may be confounded by diet. We described and compared dietary intake and diet quality according to alcoholic beverage preference in European elderly.

METHODS: From the Consortium on Health and Ageing: Network of Cohorts in Europe and the United States (CHANCES), seven European cohorts were included, i.e. four sub-cohorts from EPIC-Elderly, the SENECA Study, the Zutphen Elderly Study, and the Rotterdam Study. Harmonized data of 29,423 elderly participants from 14 European countries were analyzed. Baseline data on consumption of beer, wine, and spirits, and dietary intake were collected with questionnaires. Diet quality was assessed using the Healthy Diet Indicator (HDI). Intakes and scores across categories of alcoholic beverage preference (beer, wine, spirit, no preference, non-consumers) were adjusted for age, sex, socio-economic status, self-reported prevalent diseases, and lifestyle factors. Cohort-specific mean intakes and scores were calculated as well as weighted means combining all cohorts.

RESULTS: In 5 of 7 cohorts, persons with a wine preference formed the largest group. After multivariate adjustment, persons with a wine preference tended to have a higher HDI score and intake of healthy foods in most cohorts, but differences were small. The weighted estimates of all cohorts combined revealed that non-consumers had the highest fruit and vegetable intake, followed by wine consumers. Non-consumers and persons with no specific preference had a higher HDI score, spirit consumers the lowest. However, overall diet quality as measured by HDI did not differ greatly across alcoholic beverage preference categories.

DISCUSSION: This study using harmonized data from ~30,000 elderly from 14 European countries showed that, after multivariate adjustment, dietary habits and diet quality did not differ greatly according to alcoholic beverage preference.


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The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence and severity of dental fluorosis among 12-15-year-old students from João Pessoa, PB, Brazil before starting a program of artificial fluoridation of drinking water. The use of fluoridated dentifrice was also surveyed. A sample of 1,402 students was randomly selected. However, 31 students refused to participate and 257 were not permanent residents in João Pessoa, thus leaving a final sample of 1,114 students. Clinical exams were carried out by two calibrated dentists (Kappa = 0.78) under natural indirect light. Upper and lower front teeth were cleaned with gauze and dried, and then examined using the TF index for fluorosis. A questionnaire on dentifrice ingestion and oral hygiene habits was applied to the students. The results revealed that fluorosis prevalence in this age group was higher than expected (29.2%). Most fluorosis cases were TF = 1 (66.8%), and the most severe cases were TF = 4 (2.2%). The majority of the students reported that they had been using fluoridated dentifrices since childhood; 95% of the participants preferred brands with a 1,500 ppm F concentration, and 40% remembered that they usually ingested or still ingest dentifrice during brushing. It was concluded that dental fluorosis prevalence among students in João Pessoa is higher than expected for an area with non-fluoridated water. However, although most students use fluoridated dentifrices, and almost half ingest slurry while brushing, the majority of cases had little aesthetic relevance from the professionals' point of view, thus suggesting that fluorosis is not a public health problem in the locality.


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This report contains information about Iowa's public drinking water program for the calendar year 2015. Included in the report are descriptions of Iowa's systems, monitoring and reporting requirements of the systems, and violations incurred during the year. This report meets the federal Safe Drinking Water Act's requirement of an annual report on violations of national primary drinking water regulations by public water supply systems in Iowa.


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Audit report on the Iowa Water Pollution Control Works Financing Program and the Iowa Drinking Water Facilities Financing Program, joint programs of the Iowa Finance Authority and the Iowa Department of Natural Resources for the year ended June 30, 2015


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This research project was driven by the recurring complaints and concerns voiced in the media by residents living in the Valley area of the community of Happy Valley-Goose Bay, Labrador. Drinking water in this town is supplied by two water treatment plants (a municipality treatment plant and a DND treatment plant), which use raw water from two different sources (groundwater from multiple wells versus surface water from Spring Gulch brook) and use two different processes of drinking-water treatment. In fact, the drinking water supplied in the Valley area has a unique distribution arrangement. To meet demand, the Valley area is served by a blend of treated waters from a storage reservoir (Sandhill reservoir), which is fed by both water treatment plants. Most of the time, treated water from the municipal treatment plant dominates in the mixture. As water travels through the distribution system and household plumbing, specific reactions can occur either in the water itself and/or at the solid–liquid interface at the pipe walls; this is strongly influenced by the physical and chemical characteristics of the water. These reactions can introduce undesirable chemical compounds and/or favor the growth of bacteria in the drinking water, causing the deterioration of the quality of water reaching the consumer taps. In the distribution system in general, these chemical constituents and bacteria may pose potential threats to health or the water’s aesthetic qualities (smell, taste or appearance). Drinking water should be not only safe, but also palatable.


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The minimum vital of drinking water for vulnerable people isprotected by the Colombian Constitutional Jurisprudence,locally and nationally. The Constitutional Court has created asolid jurisprudential line on the right to water in relation to thesuspension of water supply service for the customer’s failure topay for the service; this Court has also defined the conditionsnecessary for the companies to refrain from suspending serviceand the minimum amount necessary for survival. Compliance withthese sentences has been limited to the orders pronounced to thebenefit of the company that provides such service, including theexecution of payment agreements for accessing the water supply.The implementation of the free minimum vital of drinking water inColombia has been defined through targeting and requirements thatare set only to benefit market laws, such as payment agreements,except for Bogota that, from the point of view of human rights,has proposed the respect for the minimum vital of drinking waterfor all social strata.


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Constantly making efforts to strengthen reading habits in children from their earliest years of life, a process in which the family is established as the primary basis for the child to achieve the taste and interest in books. The school as being key to education supports and strengthens the skills taught in the home, with the help of technologies such as computers, disk reading, television, among other means, by which (as) children (as) found a door of communication with the outside world and everything around them. The children's library tends to use these technological means to attract children to reading, generating and taste for the various information resources, which over time will become a habit.This research is based on the "Contribution of the Library Miriam Alvarez Brenes and family in the formation of reading habits of children of the community of Garden I and II University in Heredia, through advocacy, in 2007 "


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Objectives: Analyze gender and age differences in sleep habits in a sample of adolescents. Design: A cross-sectional study. Setting: Public schools of Viseu, Portugal. Participants: Sample consisted of 7534 students, aged 11-20 years (mean age: 14.96 ± 1.81 years; 53.6% girls). Measurements: Data was collected using a self-administered questionnaire, answered in class and consists of questions to assess insomnia (DSM-IV criteria), sleep patterns, socio-demographic and daily habit variables. Results: Mean sleep duration in this sample was 8.02 ± 1.13 h. Age interfered with sleep duration that decreased with the increasing of age, from 8.45 ± 1.14 h among 11/12 years old to 7.37 ± 1.04 h for ages ≥ 17 years old. Insomnia and symptoms of insomnia were associated with gender and with increasing of age. Nearly 80% of students reported daytime tiredness, 66.7% sleepiness during the day; 56.1% during classes and 47.6% reported waking up with headaches, all variables more prevalent among girls and older adolescents. Conclusions: The sleep problems and variables related to sleep have become more frequent among girls and with increasing age. We recommend that the promotion of sleep hygiene and prevention of the consequences should be encouraged in adolescents and their families, especially among the female gender and older adolescents.


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We present the first case of gastro-intestinal perforation caused by a mint twig decorating a cocktail drink. A 76-year-old man was enjoying his Mojito cocktail on a cruise ship near Mexico when he accidently swallowed a mint twig, resulting in ileum perforation. This led to a cascade of events, eventually resulting in life-threatening multi-organ failure. Given this rare but potentially severe complication and the increasing popularity of decorated drinks, a less ‘fancy’ presentation for cocktails and similar drinks may be warranted.