978 resultados para Distribuição normal


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The aim of this study was to evaluate Ki-67 and Bcl-2 protein expression in the normal colorectal mucosa adjacent to adenomatous polyps in women with breast cancer. A cross-sectional, controlled study was conducted in 35 women with and without breast cancer who had adenomatous colorectal polyps. The patients were divided into two groups: Group A (a control group of women without breast cancer, n = 18) and Group B (a study group of women with breast cancer, n = 17). A sample of normal colonic mucosa was collected at a distance of 5 cm from the polypoid lesion to evaluate immunchistochemical expression of the Ki-67 and Bcl-2 proteins. Student`s t-test and the chi-square test were used to analyse Ki-67 and Bcl-2 expression, respectively. Statistical significance was established at p < 0.05. The mean percentage of Ki-67-stained nuclei in Groups A and B was 25.12 +/- 2.08 and 41.50 +/- 1.85, respectively (p < 0.001), whereas the percentage of cases with cells expressing Bcl-2 in Groups A and B was 17.6% and 82.4%, respectively (p < 0.003). In the present study, greater proliferative activity and greater expression of the antiapoptotic protein Bcl-2 was found in the normal colorectal mucosa of women with breast cancer. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this article, we consider local influence analysis for the skew-normal linear mixed model (SN-LMM). As the observed data log-likelihood associated with the SN-LMM is intractable, Cook`s well-known approach cannot be applied to obtain measures of local influence. Instead, we develop local influence measures following the approach of Zhu and Lee (2001). This approach is based on the use of an EM-type algorithm and is measurement invariant under reparametrizations. Four specific perturbation schemes are discussed. Results obtained for a simulated data set and a real data set are reported, illustrating the usefulness of the proposed methodology.


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The main objective of this paper is to study a logarithm extension of the bimodal skew normal model introduced by Elal-Olivero et al. [1]. The model can then be seen as an alternative to the log-normal model typically used for fitting positive data. We study some basic properties such as the distribution function and moments, and discuss maximum likelihood for parameter estimation. We report results of an application to a real data set related to nickel concentration in soil samples. Model fitting comparison with several alternative models indicates that the model proposed presents the best fit and so it can be quite useful in real applications for chemical data on substance concentration. Copyright (C) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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We present a Bayesian approach for modeling heterogeneous data and estimate multimodal densities using mixtures of Skew Student-t-Normal distributions [Gomez, H.W., Venegas, O., Bolfarine, H., 2007. Skew-symmetric distributions generated by the distribution function of the normal distribution. Environmetrics 18, 395-407]. A stochastic representation that is useful for implementing a MCMC-type algorithm and results about existence of posterior moments are obtained. Marginal likelihood approximations are obtained, in order to compare mixture models with different number of component densities. Data sets concerning the Gross Domestic Product per capita (Human Development Report) and body mass index (National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey), previously studied in the related literature, are analyzed. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, we present a Bayesian approach for estimation in the skew-normal calibration model, as well as the conditional posterior distributions which are useful for implementing the Gibbs sampler. Data transformation is thus avoided by using the methodology proposed. Model fitting is implemented by proposing the asymmetric deviance information criterion, ADIC, a modification of the ordinary DIC. We also report an application of the model studied by using a real data set, related to the relationship between the resistance and the elasticity of a sample of concrete beams. Copyright (C) 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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We construct a two-point selection f : [P](2) -> P, where P is the set of the irrational numbers, such that the space (P, tau(f)) is not normal and it is not collectionwise Hausdorff either. Here, tau(f) denotes the topology generated by the two-point selection f. This example answers a question posed by V. Gutev and T. Nogura. We also show that if f :[X](2) -> X is a two-point selection such that the topology tau(f) has countable pseudocharacter, then tau(f) is a Tychonoff topology. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper derives the second-order biases Of maximum likelihood estimates from a multivariate normal model where the mean vector and the covariance matrix have parameters in common. We show that the second order bias can always be obtained by means of ordinary weighted least-squares regressions. We conduct simulation studies which indicate that the bias correction scheme yields nearly unbiased estimators. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Oxidative damage to DNA is thought to play a role in carcinogenesis by causing Mutations, and indeed accumulation of oxidized DNA bases has been observed in samples obtained from tumors but not from surrounding tissue within the same patient. Base excision repair (BER) is the main pathway for the repair of oxidized modifications both in nuclear and mitochondrial, DNA. In order to ascertain whether diminished BER capacity might account for increased levels of oxidative DNA damage in cancer cells, the activities of BER enzymes in three different lung cancer cell lines and their non-cancerous counterparts were measured using oligonucleotide substrates with single DNA lesions to assess specific BER enzymes. The activities of four BER enzymes, OGG1, NTH1, UDG and APE1, were compared in mitochondrial and nuclear extracts. For each specific lesion, the repair activities were similar among the three cell lines used. However, the specific activities and cancer versus control comparison differed significantly between the nuclear and mitochondrial compartments. OGG1 activity, as measured by 8-oxodA incision, was upregulated in cancer cell mitochondria but down-regulated in the nucleus when compared to control cells. Similarly, NTH1 activity was also up-regulated in mitochondrial extracts from cancer cells but did not change significantly in the nucleus. Together, these results support the idea that alterations in BER capacity are associated with carcinogenesis.


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Bakgrund: Forskning har visat att förlossningsupplevelsen har betydelse för kvinnansframtida inställning till barnafödande. Forskningsresultat har huvudsakligen presenterats för normala graviditeter eller där urvalet varit blandat (normala och komplicerade graviditeter). Begränsad forskning finns om hur komplicerad graviditet kan påverka förlossningsupplevelsen.Syfte: Att jämföra förlossningsupplevelse bland kvinnor som haft normal graviditet respektive graviditetsdiabetes samt studera sambandsfaktorer för förlossningsupplevelsen.Metod: Studien är en retrospektiv kohortstudie där data insamlats med hjälp av enkäter. Deltagarna (n=444) är slumpmässigt valda bland kvinnor i Sverige med normal graviditet och kvinnor med graviditetsdiabetes. Kvinnor som fött tvillingar och som inte angivit barnetsfödelsevikt exkluderades från fördjupningsstudien, vilket innebar att data för 429 kvinnor, 326 med normal graviditet och 103 med graviditetsdiabetes ingick. Parametriska och ickeparametriska analyser har genomförts för att analysera materialet.Resultat: Nästan två tredjedelar av kvinnorna (62,9%) hade en positiv förlossningsupplevelse. Kvinnor med graviditetsdiabetes hade oftare en negativ förlossningsupplevelse jämfört med kvinnor med normal graviditet. Nöjdhet med smärtlindringen visade ettsignifikant samband med förlossningsupplevelsen, de som var nöjda med smärtlindringen var mer nöjda med sin förlossningsupplevelse.Slutsats: Gravida kvinnor med komplicerad graviditet i form av graviditetsdiabetes har signifikant sämre förlossningsupplevelse jämfört med kvinnor som haft en normal graviditet.


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Background: Despite the recommendations to continue the regime of healthy food and physical activity (PA) postpartum for women with previous gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), the scientific evidence reveals that these recommendations may not be complied to. This study compared lifestyle and health status in women whose pregnancy was complicated by GDM with women who had a normal pregnancy and delivery. Methods: The inclusion criteria were women with GDM (ICD-10: O24.4 A and O24.4B) and women with uncomplicated pregnancy and delivery in 2005 (ICD-10: O80.0). A random sample of women fulfilling the criteria (n = 882) were identified from the Swedish Medical Birth Register. A questionnaire was sent by mail to eligible women approximately four years after the pregnancy. A total of 444 women (50.8%) agreed to participate, 111 diagnosed with GDM in their pregnancy and 333 with normal pregnancy/ delivery. Results: Women with previous GDM were significantly older, reported higher body weight and less PA before the index pregnancy. No major differences between the groups were noticed regarding lifestyle at the follow-up. Overall, few participants fulfilled the national recommendations of PA and diet. At the follow-up, 19 participants had developed diabetes, all with previous GDM. Women with previous GDM reported significantly poorer self-rated health (SRH), higher level of sick-leave and more often using medication on regular basis. However, a history of GDM or having overt diabetes mellitus showed no association with poorer SRH in the multivariate analysis. Irregular eating habits, no regular PA, overweight/obesity, and regular use of medication were associated with poorer SRH in all participants. Conclusions: Suboptimal levels of PA, and fruit and vegetable consumption were found in a sample of women with a history of GDM as well as for women with normal pregnancy approximately four years after index pregnancy. Women with previous GDM seem to increase their PA after childbirth, but still they perform their PA at lower intensity than women with a history of normal pregnancy. Having GDM at index pregnancy or being diagnosed with overt diabetes mellitus at follow-up did not demonstrate associations with poorer SRH four years after delivery.


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A blue strain of the yabby Cherax destructor albidus was compared to two normal-coloured strains of C. d. destructor and C. d. albidus for brood size and juvenile weight. Reproductive performance of the blue strain was found to be significantly poorer than the two normal-coloured strains. Similarly, the weight of newly independent juveniles was also found to be significantly lower for the blue strain. No differences were detected between the two normal-coloured strains in either reproductive performance or size of newly independent juveniles. The phenotypic differences between the blue strain and normal-coloured strains are most likely genetic. However, further studies are needed to investigate whether these differences are due to pleiotropy or inbreeding effects.


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In bacteria, the protein FtsZ is the principal component of a ring that constricts the cell at division. Though all mitochondria probably arose through a single, ancient bacterial endosymbiosis, the mitochondria of only certain protists appear to have retained FtsZ, and the protein is absent from the mitochondria of fungi, animals, and higher plants. We have investigated the role that FtsZ plays in mitochondrial division in the genetically tractable protist Dictyostelium discoideum, which has two nuclearly encoded FtsZs, FszA and FszB, that are targeted to the inside of mitochondria. In most wild-type amoebae, the mitochondria are spherical or rod-shaped, but in fsz-null mutants they become elongated into tubules, indicating that a decrease in mitochondrial division has occurred. In support of this role in organelle division, antibodies to FszA and FszA-green fluorescent protein (GFP) show belts and puncta at multiple places along the mitochondria, which may define future or recent sites of division. FszB-GFP, in contrast, locates to an electron-dense, submitochondrial body usually located at one end of the organelle, but how it functions during division is unclear. This is the first demonstration of two differentially localized FtsZs within the one organelle, and it points to a divergence in the roles of these two proteins.


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The standards governing how lawyers ought to conduct themselves consist of a number disparate principles and rules, which are devoid of an overarching rationale. We argue that legal ethics is not a stand-alone social construct. Rather, it is the application of normal ethical principles so far as they relate to the law. Approached in this manner, legal ethics becomes a far more coherent and justifiable institution. In this paper we apply general moral theory to several key dilemmas facing lawyers. This results in outcomes which some may find counter-intuitive. We conclude that lawyers should not do pro bono work; that the first cab rank off the rank principle is unsound and that there is no relevant difference between expressly misleading the court and putting the other side to the proof of its case.


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Previous research has indicated that both boys and girls strive for a slim body, with boys having an additional focus on a muscular body build. The current study was designed to evaluate the utility of a biopsychosocial model to explain body image and body change strategies among children. The study evaluated changes over time in body image and strategies to lose weight and increase muscles among 132 normal weight and 67 overweight boys (mean age=9.23 years) and 158 normal weight and 55 overweight girls (mean age=9.33 years). The predictive role of BMI, positive and negative affect, self-esteem and perceived sociocultural pressures to lose weight or increase muscle on body image and body change strategies over a 16 month period was evaluated. All participants completed the questionnaire on both occasions. The results demonstrated that both overweight boys and girls were more likely to be dissatisfied with their weight, place more importance on their weight, engage in more strategies to lose weight as well as perceive more pressure to lose weight. Overweight boys and girls were also more likely to report lower levels of self-esteem and positive affect, and higher levels of negative affect, and reported a reduction in their self-esteem over time. Regression analyses demonstrated that among overweight boys, low self-esteem and high levels of perceived pressure to lose weight predicted weight dissatisfaction; for overweight girls, weight dissatisfaction was also predicted by low levels of self-esteem. The implication of these findings in terms of factors contributing to the adoption of health risk behaviors among children is discussed.


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Objective: Patellar tendon injury commonly presents as abnormal imaging with pain or abnormal imaging without pain. Normal imaging with pain has also been reported clinically, but little is known about the behavior of these tendons over time. This study investigated the behavior of tendons with normal imaging and pain over a volleyball season.

Design: Prospective study.

Setting: Institutional.

Participants: One hundred and one male and female volleyball players.

Main outcome measurements: At the beginning and end of the season ultrasound determined imaging status and the single leg decline squat test determined pain. The imaging and pain status at follow-up of tendons with normal imaging and pain at baseline was reported and contrasted to the imaging and pain status of the other patellar tendon injuries.

Results: Tendons with normal imaging and pain [relative risk (RR) 15.1], abnormal imaging without pain (RR 14.6), and abnormal imaging with pain (RR 51.5) had a greater risk of having abnormal imaging with pain at the end of the season when compared with normal tendons (P < 0.01). Among tendons with normal imaging and pain at baseline, 27% had abnormal imaging without pain and 21% contained abnormal imaging with pain at the end of the season.

Conclusions: Patellar tendons with normal imaging and pain at the beginning of a volleyball season are equally as likely to have abnormal imaging and pain at the end of the season as tendons with abnormal imaging without pain. Normal imaging with pain may represent a clinically relevant patellar tendon injury.