976 resultados para realistic graphics
Työn tavoitteena oli kehittää toimintoperusteista kustannuslaskentaa soveltamalla laskentamalli, jonka avulla on mahdollista tutkia postipalveluyrityksen tuotannollisen prosessin kokonaistuottavuuden kannalta optimaalista tapaa hyödyntää virtuaalista lajittelujärjestelmää. Kimputuksen osalta syntyi teoreettinen laskentamalli, mutta kuljetusyksiköinnin osalta pyrittiin muodostamaan todellista prosessia mahdollisimman hyvin noudattava malli, jonka tuloksia on helppo tutkia erilaisilla kustannus- ja lähetysparametreillä. Virtuaalisen lajittelujärjestelmän tuotannollisen hyödyntämisen ohella työssä oli tarkoitus toteuttaa alustavaa analyysia siitä, millä tapaa järjestelmän avulla voidaan tuottaa myös muuta lisäarvoa postipalvelutuotannolle. Analyysissa havaittiin alustavia hyödyntämismahdollisuuksia palvelutuotannon kuormitussuunnittelun, osoitelaatusidonnaisten toimintojen sekä postiin jätön ja prosessiin ohjauksen osalta. Ottamatta kantaa hyödyntämismahdollisuuksien toteutettavuuteen analyysin keskeinen tulos oli kuitenkin se, että järjestelmän hyödyntämisen osalta tutkimattomia teitä on vielä lukuisia.
Diplomityössä tarkasteltiin sahalaitokselle investoidun tuotannon ohjausjärjestelmän toimivuutta ja käytettävyyttä. Tutkimuksessa vertailtiin aikaisemmin suunnittelun apuna toimineita järjestelmiä uuteen ohjausjärjestelmään. Tavoitteena oli selvittää onko uuden järjestelmän sisäänajo onnistunut niin, että se tuottaisi oikeaa tietoa sahausprosessista. Tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin myös kuinka sahan uutta ohjausjärjestelmää voitaisiin hyödyntää yrityksen myynti- ja toimitusketjun kannalta parhaiten ja huomioiden erityisesti kannattavuuslaskennallinen näkökulma. Lisäksi pohdittiin integraatiomahdollisuuksia yrityksessä käytössä oleviin muihin suunnittelujärjestelmiin. Tutkimuksen taustalla on sahateollisuuden entisestäänkin kiristynyt tilanne ja toisaalta tarve tulevaisuuden suunnitelmallisuuden parantamiseen. Kilpailussa mukana pysyminen edellyttää sahausprosessista saatavan tietomäärän keräämistä, tallentamista ja ennen kaikkea tiedon parempaa hyväksikäyttöä. Tutkimuksen kohteena ollut sahalaitos vastasi tulevaisuuden tiukentuneisiin olosuhteisiin investoimalla uuteen ohjausjärjestelmään ja uskoi siitä saatavan hyödyn auttavan heitä parantamaan sekä yksittäisten tuotteiden että koko tuotevalikoiman kannattavuutta. Ohjausjärjestelmän toivottiin tuovan todenmukaisempaa ja monipuolisempaa tietoa yrityksen suunnittelutyölle. Sahalaitoksen kannattavuuden parempi seuraaminen ja tuotevalikoiman sekä suunnittelun parempi kohdentaminen helpottuu sähköisen ohjausjärjestelmän avulla huomattavasti. Ohjausjärjestelmän kautta kannattavuuden tunnusluvut saadaan nopeammin myynti- ja toimitusketjun tietoon, poikkeamiin pystytään puuttumaan ajoissa ja yleinen tietoisuus sahausprosessista paranee. Ohjausjärjestelmän avulla mahdollistetaan entistä joustavampi koesahaus ja reklamaatioeriin porautuminen onnistuu niin ikään vaivattomammin. Yksi hyödyllinen integraatiomahdollisuus olisi SAP:n ja uuden ohjausjärjestelmän yhdistäminen, jossa hinta- ja reklamaatiotieto saataisiin yhteneväksi. Kun ohjausjärjestelmä saadaan varmuudella tuottamaan oikeaa tietoa sahausprosessista, on siitä saatava hyöty myynti- ja toimitusketjulle todellinen. Kalliin raaka-aineen entistä tehokkaampi hyödyntäminen, tuotepaletin suunnittelu ja myynnin kohdentaminen kannattavimpiin tuotteisiin, ovat tärkeä osa niitä asioita joihin järjestelmä tuo helpotusta. Tulevaisuudessa ohjausjärjestelmän jatkokehitykseen tulisi kiinnittää erityistä huomiota, jotta voitaisiin taata asiakaslähtöisyys ja kannattava tuoterakenne osana menestyksekästä liiketoimintaa.
The aim of this study was to simulate blood flow in thoracic human aorta and understand the role of flow dynamics in the initialization and localization of atherosclerotic plaque in human thoracic aorta. The blood flow dynamics in idealized and realistic models of human thoracic aorta were numerically simulated in three idealized and two realistic thoracic aorta models. The idealized models of thoracic aorta were reconstructed with measurements available from literature, and the realistic models of thoracic aorta were constructed by image processing Computed Tomographic (CT) images. The CT images were made available by South Karelia Central Hospital in Lappeenranta. The reconstruction of thoracic aorta consisted of operations, such as contrast adjustment, image segmentations, and 3D surface rendering. Additional design operations were performed to make the aorta model compatible for the numerical method based computer code. The image processing and design operations were performed with specialized medical image processing software. Pulsatile pressure and velocity boundary conditions were deployed as inlet boundary conditions. The blood flow was assumed homogeneous and incompressible. The blood was assumed to be a Newtonian fluid. The simulations with idealized models of thoracic aorta were carried out with Finite Element Method based computer code, while the simulations with realistic models of thoracic aorta were carried out with Finite Volume Method based computer code. Simulations were carried out for four cardiac cycles. The distribution of flow, pressure and Wall Shear Stress (WSS) observed during the fourth cardiac cycle were extensively analyzed. The aim of carrying out the simulations with idealized model was to get an estimate of flow dynamics in a realistic aorta model. The motive behind the choice of three aorta models with distinct features was to understand the dependence of flow dynamics on aorta anatomy. Highly disturbed and nonuniform distribution of velocity and WSS was observed in aortic arch, near brachiocephalic, left common artery, and left subclavian artery. On the other hand, the WSS profiles at the roots of branches show significant differences with geometry variation of aorta and branches. The comparison of instantaneous WSS profiles revealed that the model with straight branching arteries had relatively lower WSS compared to that in the aorta model with curved branches. In addition to this, significant differences were observed in the spatial and temporal profiles of WSS, flow, and pressure. The study with idealized model was extended to study blood flow in thoracic aorta under the effects of hypertension and hypotension. One of the idealized aorta models was modified along with the boundary conditions to mimic the thoracic aorta under the effects of hypertension and hypotension. The results of simulations with realistic models extracted from CT scans demonstrated more realistic flow dynamics than that in the idealized models. During systole, the velocity in ascending aorta was skewed towards the outer wall of aortic arch. The flow develops secondary flow patterns as it moves downstream towards aortic arch. Unlike idealized models, the distribution of flow was nonplanar and heavily guided by the artery anatomy. Flow cavitation was observed in the aorta model which was imaged giving longer branches. This could not be properly observed in the model with imaging containing a shorter length for aortic branches. The flow circulation was also observed in the inner wall of the aortic arch. However, during the diastole, the flow profiles were almost flat and regular due the acceleration of flow at the inlet. The flow profiles were weakly turbulent during the flow reversal. The complex flow patterns caused a non-uniform distribution of WSS. High WSS was distributed at the junction of branches and aortic arch. Low WSS was distributed at the proximal part of the junction, while intermedium WSS was distributed in the distal part of the junction. The pulsatile nature of the inflow caused oscillating WSS at the branch entry region and inner curvature of aortic arch. Based on the WSS distribution in the realistic model, one of the aorta models was altered to induce artificial atherosclerotic plaque at the branch entry region and inner curvature of aortic arch. Atherosclerotic plaque causing 50% blockage of lumen was introduced in brachiocephalic artery, common carotid artery, left subclavian artery, and aortic arch. The aim of this part of the study was first to study the effect of stenosis on flow and WSS distribution, understand the effect of shape of atherosclerotic plaque on flow and WSS distribution, and finally to investigate the effect of lumen blockage severity on flow and WSS distributions. The results revealed that the distribution of WSS is significantly affected by plaque with mere 50% stenosis. The asymmetric shape of stenosis causes higher WSS in branching arteries than in the cases with symmetric plaque. The flow dynamics within thoracic aorta models has been extensively studied and reported here. The effects of pressure and arterial anatomy on the flow dynamic were investigated. The distribution of complex flow and WSS is correlated with the localization of atherosclerosis. With the available results we can conclude that the thoracic aorta, with complex anatomy is the most vulnerable artery for the localization and development of atherosclerosis. The flow dynamics and arterial anatomy play a role in the localization of atherosclerosis. The patient specific image based models can be used to diagnose the locations in the aorta vulnerable to the development of arterial diseases such as atherosclerosis.
Hitsatuissa rakenteissa on paljon hitsien aiheuttamia epäjatkuvuuskohtia, jotka ovat alttiita vaurioitumaan väsyttävän kuormituksen alaisina. Standardit ja normit auttavat suunnittelua rakenneyksityiskohtien analysoinnissa, mutta ohjeiden arvot vaihtelevat paljon. Onkin tär-keää päättää, mitä standardia tai normia käytetään ja saada tutkimustuloksia tukemaan ohjeen käyttöä. Tämä työ on tehty Konecranes Finland Oy:lle. Työn tarkoituksena on etsiä käytössä olevi-en ohjeiden joukosta suunnittelun kannalta parhaiten todellista rakennetta kuvaava. Työssä esitellään käytössä olevia standardeja ja normeja sekä vertaillaan niiden välisiä eroja rakenneyksityiskohdan väsymiskestävyyden määrittämisessä. Työssä tarkastellaan myös hitsatun rakenteen väsymiseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä sekä väsymisanalyysissä käytet-täviä menetelmiä. Tutkittavaan liitokseen valittiin kolme erilaista hitsiä, yksi –ja kaksipuolinen pienahitsi sekä katkopienahitsi. Elementtimenetelmän avulla luotiin malleja koekappaleista ja laskettiin niille väsymiskestävyydet. Tämä lisäksi väsymistä tarkasteltiin väsytyskokeilla, jotka suoritti Lappeenrannan Teknillisen Yliopiston Teräsrakenteiden laboratorio. Lopputuloksena työstä saatiin tietoa hitsien väsymiskestävyyksistä. Liitosten väsymiskes-tävyydet olivat hyviä ja varsinkin katkopienahitsin tulokset olivat odotettua paremmat. Kat-kopienahitsin väsymiskestävyys vaatii tämän työn tulosten perusteella lisää tutkimista.
The condensation rate has to be high in the safety pressure suppression pool systems of Boiling Water Reactors (BWR) in order to fulfill their safety function. The phenomena due to such a high direct contact condensation (DCC) rate turn out to be very challenging to be analysed either with experiments or numerical simulations. In this thesis, the suppression pool experiments carried out in the POOLEX facility of Lappeenranta University of Technology were simulated. Two different condensation modes were modelled by using the 2-phase CFD codes NEPTUNE CFD and TransAT. The DCC models applied were the typical ones to be used for separated flows in channels, and their applicability to the rapidly condensing flow in the condensation pool context had not been tested earlier. A low Reynolds number case was the first to be simulated. The POOLEX experiment STB-31 was operated near the conditions between the ’quasi-steady oscillatory interface condensation’ mode and the ’condensation within the blowdown pipe’ mode. The condensation models of Lakehal et al. and Coste & Lavi´eville predicted the condensation rate quite accurately, while the other tested ones overestimated it. It was possible to get the direct phase change solution to settle near to the measured values, but a very high resolution of calculation grid was needed. Secondly, a high Reynolds number case corresponding to the ’chugging’ mode was simulated. The POOLEX experiment STB-28 was chosen, because various standard and highspeed video samples of bubbles were recorded during it. In order to extract numerical information from the video material, a pattern recognition procedure was programmed. The bubble size distributions and the frequencies of chugging were calculated with this procedure. With the statistical data of the bubble sizes and temporal data of the bubble/jet appearance, it was possible to compare the condensation rates between the experiment and the CFD simulations. In the chugging simulations, a spherically curvilinear calculation grid at the blowdown pipe exit improved the convergence and decreased the required cell count. The compressible flow solver with complete steam-tables was beneficial for the numerical success of the simulations. The Hughes-Duffey model and, to some extent, the Coste & Lavi´eville model produced realistic chugging behavior. The initial level of the steam/water interface was an important factor to determine the initiation of the chugging. If the interface was initialized with a water level high enough inside the blowdown pipe, the vigorous penetration of a water plug into the pool created a turbulent wake which invoked the chugging that was self-sustaining. A 3D simulation with a suitable DCC model produced qualitatively very realistic shapes of the chugging bubbles and jets. The comparative FFT analysis of the bubble size data and the pool bottom pressure data gave useful information to distinguish the eigenmodes of chugging, bubbling, and pool structure oscillations.
The goal of this study was to develop a fuzzy model to predict the occupancy rate of free-stalls facilities of dairy cattle, aiding to optimize the design of projects. The following input variables were defined for the development of the fuzzy system: dry bulb temperature (Tdb, °C), wet bulb temperature (Twb, °C) and black globe temperature (Tbg, °C). Based on the input variables, the fuzzy system predicts the occupancy rate (OR, %) of dairy cattle in free-stall barns. For the model validation, data collecting were conducted on the facilities of the Intensive System of Milk Production (SIPL), in the Dairy Cattle National Research Center (CNPGL) of Embrapa. The OR values, estimated by the fuzzy system, presented values of average standard deviation of 3.93%, indicating low rate of errors in the simulation. Simulated and measured results were statistically equal (P>0.05, t Test). After validating the proposed model, the average percentage of correct answers for the simulated data was 89.7%. Therefore, the fuzzy system developed for the occupancy rate prediction of free-stalls facilities for dairy cattle allowed a realistic prediction of stalls occupancy rate, allowing the planning and design of free-stall barns.
Kiristyvät päästörajoitukset ja muuttuvat säädökset ovat muokanneet laivanrakennusalaa energiatehokkaampaan ja ympäristöystävällisempään suuntaan. Energiatehokkuutta tutkitaan yksittäisistä laiteratkaisuista laivan operointitasolle asti. Tämä työ on tehty osana STX Finland Oy:n laivojen energiatehokkuuden tutkimusta. Työn tarkoituksena oli uudistaa laivojen sähkötaseen laskennassa käytettyjä kuormitustaulukoita ja kehittää operointialueen vaikutuksia huomioiva laskentamenetelmä. Uudistuksen taustalla oli tieto operointialueiden ympäristöolosuhteiden vaikutuksista sähkönkulutukseen ja työn tarkoituksena oli mahdollistaa suunnittelun myöhäisemmässä vaiheessa tehtävä operointialuekohtainen sähkönkulutustarkastelu. Sähkötaseen laskenta haluttiin vastaamaan enemmän todellista sähkönkulutusta. Aikaisemmin käytetystä mitoitusperusteisesta laskennasta haluttiin siirtyä todellisempien kuormien arviointiin laitteiden ja muuntajien turhan ylimitoituksen poistamiseksi. Kuormitustaulukoiden toimintaa yksinkertaistettiin ja taulukoista tehtiin helpommin mukautuvia, jotta erilaisten operointitilanteiden vertailu olisi mahdollista. Perinteisen taselaskennan rinnalle kehitettiin operointialueiden vaikutuksia huomioivat laskentataulukot. Uudet taulukot huomioivat komponenttien sähkönkulutuksen prosentuaalisen muutoksen operointialueittain sekä yksilöllisesti että kulutusryhmittäin. Laskentataulukoiden yhteyteen tehtiin kuvaajat havainnollistamaan alueittaisia kulutuseroja.
This thesis attempts to fill gaps in both a theoretical basis and an operational and strategic understanding in the areas of social ventures, social entrepreneurship and nonprofit business models. This study also attempts to bridge the gap in strategic and economic theory between social and commercial ventures. More specifically, this thesis explores sustainable competitive advantage from a resource-based theory perspective and explores how it may be applied to the nonmarket situation of nonprofit organizations and social ventures. It is proposed that a social value-orientation of sustainable competitive advantage, called sustainable contributive advantage, provides a more realistic depiction of what is necessary in order for a social venture to perform better than its competitors over time. In addition to providing this realistic depiction, this research provides a substantial theoretical contribution in the area of economics, social ventures, and strategy research, specifically in regards to resource-based theory. The proposed model for sustainable contributive advantage uses resource-based theory and competitive advantage in order to be applicable to social ventures. This model proposes an explanation of a social venture’s ability to demonstrate consistently superior performance. In order to determine whether sustainable competitive advantage is in fact, appropriate to apply to both social and economic environments, quantitative analyses are conducted on a large sample of nonprofit organizations in a single industry and then compared to similar quantitative analyses conducted on commercial ventures. In comparing the trends and strategies between the two types of entities from a quantitative perspective, propositions are developed regarding a social venture’s resource utilization strategies and their possible impact on performance. Evidence is found to support the necessity of adjusting existing models in resource-based theory in order to apply them to social ventures. Additionally supported is the proposed theory of sustainable contributive advantage. The thesis concludes with recommendations for practitioners, researchers and policy makers as well as suggestions for future research paths.
Arvostetut tuotantotyön kompetenssit - esimiesnäkökulma teollisuusyrityksen rekrytointikäytänteisiin
The main objective of this study is to clarify which competencies are most valued in production work and by which recruitment methods employees with these competencies can best be found. The theoretical part of this study focuses on competencies as the basis for recruitment, and the recruitment process itself. The empirical part of the study consists of a combination of interviews of the foremen from Fazer Bakeries & Confectionery. The interviews were conducted and analyzed using a qualitative research method. The results indicate that the foremen participating in the recruitment process mainly seek after the following characteristics in potential employees: sense of responsibility, co-operative skills and briskness. Prior work experience and appropriate studies are the most valued task related skills. For foremen making the final selections personal characteristics are more important factors than industry-specific studies or work experience. The research shows that the long-term goals of the recruitment process need to be taken into account also in the process of recruiting employees for seasonal jobs. The best skilled professionals in the industry have in most cases started from the ground level and worked their way up while at the same time gathered valuable experience. The research reveals that correct recruitment processes and better prior knowledge given to the candidates help them form a realistic picture of the job they are applying for and to perceive possibilities for later career opportunities within the company. Professional recruitment also helps the company in creating a positive corporate image.
Kandidaatintyössä käsitellään ajoneuvosimulaattoreita pelien ja tuotekehityksen maailmasta. Tarkoituksena on selvittää lähinnä kirjallisuuskatsauksena, minkälaisia fysiikkamalleja simulaatiopeleissä käytetään ja miten ne eroavat tuotekehityksessä käytettävistä ajoneuvosimulaatiomalleista. Pelisimulaattorin tärkein tavoite on realistinen tuntuma. Lisäksi etuja ovat pelaajaa koukuttava haaste ja viihde. Tuotekehityssimulaattorissa tärkein tavoite taas on hyödyntämiskelpoinen tulos. Näkyvin ero on visualisoinnissa, mutta mallinnettavat ilmiöt sekä tapa mallintaa niitä eroavat myös monilta osin.
Tässä diplomityössä esitetään selvitys käytössä olevista deterministisistä turvallisuusanalyysimenetelmistä. Deterministisillä turvallisuusanalyyseillä arvioidaan ydinvoimalaitosten turvallisuutta eri käyttötilojen aikana. Voimalaitoksen turvallisuusjärjestelmät mitoitetaan deterministisen turvallisuusanalyysin tulosten perusteella. Deterministiset turvallisuusanalyysit voidaan laatia konservatiivista tai tilastollista menetelmää käyttäen. Konservatiivinen menetelmä pyrkii mallintamaan tarkasteltavan tilanteen siten, että laitoksen todellinen käyttäytyminen on hyvällä varmuudella lievempää kuin analyysitulos. Konservatiivisessa menetelmässä analyysin epävarmuudet huomioidaan konservatiivisilla oletuksilla. Tilastollinen menetelmä perustuu parhaan arvion menetelmään eli pyrkimykseen mallintaa laitoksen käyttäytyminen mahdollisimman todenmukaisesti. Tilastollisessa menetelmässä analyysin epävarmuudet määritetään systemaattisesti tilastomatematiikan keinoin. Työssä painotetaan tilastollisen analyysin epävarmuuksien määritykseen käytettäviä epävarmuustarkastelumenetelmiä. Diplomityön laskennallisessa osassa vertaillaan deterministisen turvallisuusanalyysin laadintaan käytettäviä menetelmiä termohydraulisen turvallisuusanalyysiesimerkin laskennan kautta. Laskennassa tarkasteltavana onnettomuutena on Olkiluoto 3-laitosyksikössä tapahtuva primäärijäähdytepiirin putkikatkosta aiheutuva jäähdytteenmenetysonnettomuus. Lasketun esimerkkitapauksen perusteella tilastollista ja konservatiivista menetelmää voidaan pitää vaihtoehtoisina turvallisuusanalyysin laadintaan. Molemmat analyysit tuottivat hyväksyttäviä ja toisilleen verrannollisia tuloksia, joiden suuruusluokka on sama.
When modeling machines in their natural working environment collisions become a very important feature in terms of simulation accuracy. By expanding the simulation to include the operation environment, the need for a general collision model that is able to handle a wide variety of cases has become central in the development of simulation environments. With the addition of the operating environment the challenges for the collision modeling method also change. More simultaneous contacts with more objects occur in more complicated situations. This means that the real-time requirement becomes more difficult to meet. Common problems in current collision modeling methods include for example dependency on the geometry shape or mesh density, calculation need increasing exponentially in respect to the number of contacts, the lack of a proper friction model and failures due to certain configurations like closed kinematic loops. All these problems mean that the current modeling methods will fail in certain situations. A method that would not fail in any situation is not very realistic but improvements can be made over the current methods.
Higher travel speeds of rail vehicles will be possible by developing sophisticated top performance bogies having creep-controlled wheelsets. In this case the torque transmission between the right and the left wheel is realized by an actively controlled creep coupling. To investigate hunting stability and curving capability the linear equations of motion are written in state space notation. Simulation results are obtained with realistic system parameters from industry and various controller gains. The advantage of the creep-controlled wheelset" is discussed by comparison the simulation results with the dynamic behaviour of the special cases solid-axle wheelset" and loose wheelset" (independent rotation of the wheels). The stability is also investigated with a root-locus analysis.
It is well known that the numerical solutions of incompressible viscous flows are of great importance in Fluid Dynamics. The graphics output capabilities of their computational codes have revolutionized the communication of ideas to the non-specialist public. In general those codes include, in their hydrodynamic features, the visualization of flow streamlines - essentially a form of contour plot showing the line patterns of the flow - and the magnitudes and orientations of their velocity vectors. However, the standard finite element formulation to compute streamlines suffers from the disadvantage of requiring the determination of boundary integrals, leading to cumbersome implementations at the construction of the finite element code. In this article, we introduce an efficient way - via an alternative variational formulation - to determine the streamlines for fluid flows, which does not need the computation of contour integrals. In order to illustrate the good performance of the alternative formulation proposed, we capture the streamlines of three viscous models: Stokes, Navier-Stokes and Viscoelastic flows.
To manage foreign operations, companies must often send their employees on international assignments. Repatriating these expatriates can be difficult because they have been forgotten during their posting, and their new experiences are not utilised. In addition to the possible difficulties in organisational repatriation, the returnee can suffer from readjustment problems after a lengthy stay abroad has changed their habits and even identity. This thesis examines the repatriation experience of Finnish assignees returning from Russia. The purpose of the study is to understand how the repatriation experience influences their readjustment to work in Finland. This experience is influenced by many factors including personal and situational changes, the repatriation process, job and organisational factors, and individual’s motives. The theoretical background of the study is founded on two models of repatriation adjustment. A refined, holistic theoretical framework for the study is created. It describes the formation of the repatriation experience and its importance for readjustment to work and retention. The qualitative research approach is suitable for the thesis which examines the returnees’ personal experiences and feelings: a qualitative case study aims to explain the phenomenon in-depth and comprehensively. The data was collected in summer 2013 through semi-standardised interviews with eight Finnish repatriates. They had returned from Russia within the last two years. The data was analysed by structuring the interview transcripts using template analysis. The results supported earlier literature and suggest that the re-entry remains a challenging phase for both the individual and the company. For some, adjusting to a new job was difficult for various reasons. The repatriates underwent personal change and development and felt it was for the better. Many repatriates criticised the company’s repatriation process upon return. Finding a suitable return job was not clear. Instead, the returnees had to be active in finding a new position. Many assignees had only modest career-related motives regarding the assignment and they had realistic expectations about the return. Therefore they were not extremely surprised or dissatisfied when they were not actively offered positions or support by the company. The significance of motives stood out even more than the theory predicted. As predicted, they are linked to the expectations of employees. Moreover, if the employees are motivated to remain in the company, they can tolerate partly a negative repatriation experience. Despite the complexity of the return and readjustment, the assignment as a whole was seen as a rewarding experience by all participants.