1000 resultados para policy tradeoffs
Resumen de la autora. Este artículo pertenece al monográfico 'John Elliott: su pensamiento y su influencia'
This paper proposes a simple Ordered Probit model to analyse the monetary policy reaction function of the Colombian Central Bank. There is evidence that the reaction function is asymmetric, in the sense that the Bank increases the Bank rate when the gap between observed inflation and the inflation target (lagged once) is positive, but it does not reduce the Bank rate when the gap is negative. This behaviour suggests that the Bank is more interested in fulfilling the announced inflation target rather than in reducing inflation excessively. The forecasting performance of the model, both within and beyond the estimation period, appears to be particularly good.
We aim to contribute to the assessment of poverty impacts on the rural sector arising from agricultural policy adjustments in Colombia. For this we use an agriculture specialized static CGE model, jointly (sequentially) with a microsimulation model that allows for effective job relocation. Results indicate that the sectoral impact of the program implemented tends to be small and has considerable variability across crops. They also show that the highest impacts come from the irrigation and land improvements component of the program. Lastly, although it reduces poverty, poverty impacts are small and tend to concentrate in rural households toward the middle of the income distribution ladder.
This paper analyzes the main features and historical factors that played a central role for the industrialization process in Colombia during the twentieth century. The document surveys the legislation and policy instruments used in the programs of import substitution industrialization, nontraditional export promotion, and economic openness
The World Bank Report 2012 starts with this statement: “Gender equality matters in itself andit matters for development because, in today’s globalized worlds, countries that use the skillsand talents of their women would have an advantage over those which do not use it.” With theframe that suggest that gender equality matters, this paper describes some policy alternativesoriented to overcome gender disadvantages in the formal labor market incorporation of theurban middle class women in Colombia. On balance, the final recommendation suggest that itis desirable to adopt policy alternatives as Community Centers, which are programs orientedto a social redistribution of the domestic work as a way to encourage women participationin the formal labor market with the social support of the members of their own community.The problem that the social policy needs to address is the segregation of women in the formallabor market in Colombia. Although the evidence shows that the women overcome theeducational gap by showing better performance in education that their male peers, womenare still segregated of the labor market. The persistence of high rates of unemployment on thefemale population, the prevalence of the informal labor market as a women labor market, andthe presence of the payment difference between men and women with similar professionaltrainings are circumstances that sustain the segregation statement. These circumstances areinefficient for the society because an economic analysis shows that the cost of maintain the statuquo is externalized in the social security system that includes health, pension and maternityleave regimens. Therefore, the women segregation involves a market failure.This paper evaluates five policy alternatives each directed to the progress of a different causaldimension of the problem: (i) Quotas in the private market, (ii) Flexible working hours,(iii) replace the maternity leave with a family leave, (iv) Increase the Community Centers forredistributing the care work, and (v) Equal payment enforcement. The first alternative looksto increase women’s participation in the formal labor market. The second, third, and fourthalternatives constitute a package addressed at redistributing care work by reducing women’sresponsibility for reproductive work in the household with the help of husbands and the localgovernment. The fifth alternative intervenes to resolve the equal payment problem.After a four criteria evaluation that measure effectiveness, robustness and improbability inimplementation, efficiency and political acceptability or social opposition, the strongest alternativeis the fostering of Community Centers that promote a redistribution of care work. Thispolicy performs well in the assessment process because it combines gender focus with importantindirect effects: child support and human capabilities. The policy also shows a bottomup implementation process that overcomes the main adoption difficulties in the gender focusprograms and is supported by strong evidence of success in the Colombian context; this evidenceis produced by both transnational actors as a World Bank and also in local accountabilityreporters executed by local institutions like Colombian Institute of Family Welfare (ICBF).
Este artículo analiza el efecto sistemático de la volatilidad de la tasa de cambio, cuando un gobierno local debe evaluar políticas comerciales estratégicas lineales y cuadráticas. Este ejercicio se realiza para modelos de mercado Cournot y Bertran. El modelo prueba que tanto el esquema lineal como el cuadrático tienen el mismo efecto sobre el bienestar social de los países, y que la volatilidad de la tasa de cambio domestica lleva a los gobiernos a reducir los subsidios a las exportaciones o bajan los impuestos a las exportaciones, de acuerdo a la variable estratégica elegida por las firmas. La tasa de cambio extranjera tiene diferentes efectos dependiendo de si las firmas producen bajos rendimientos a escalas constantes o decrecientes.
Resumen basado en el de la publicación
Es un recurso para los profesionales, investigadores y estudiantes de los cursos de adultos y educación continua, para estudiantes de postgrado e investigadores en el campo de la educación post-obligatoria. Estudia la práctica social de la alfabetización, la aritmética y el lenguaje y las implicaciones de la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de las competencias básicas de los adultos. Los principales expertos internacionales propugnan un cambio en el enfoque de su definición por otra más abierta que sostiene que la alfabetización, la aritmética y el lenguaje son más que un conjunto de habilidades o técnicas, pues están determinadas por el contexto social y cultural en el que están teniendo lugar, el sentido que tienen para los usuarios, y los fines que persiguen.
Este libro desarrolla conocimientos básicos de historia para aprobar los exámenes de AS/A de enseñanza secundaria. Los temas del libro son: ¿Cuál es la visión estándar de los historiadores sobre la reforma isabelina? ¿Cómo de popular fue la reforma de Isabel a través del país? ¿Cuál fue la herencia religiosa de Isabel? , la influencia de la Reforma en Europa, Henry VIII, Edward VI (1547-53), Mary I (1553-58), el cambio religioso y la gente inglesa, forma en que el acuerdo se convirtió en ley, el acto de la supremacía, ¿Hubo un movimiento isabelino puritano? ¿Qué los puritanos creían?, el puritanismo al final del reinado, ¿Cómo de popular se había convertido la iglesia de Isabel al final del reinado?.
Este libro desarrolla conocimientos básicos de historia para aprobar los exámenes de AS/A de enseñanza secundaria. Los temas del libro son: el mito de Munich, las granadas históricas de 1961, guerra y política, el punto de vista alemán de los británicos, franceses y rusos, la Conferencia de Paz de Paris y el Tratado de Versalles, Alemania y el Tratado de Versalles, la Alemania de Weimar y la Rusia Bolchevique, la política de Gustav Stresemann, la política Nazi, la guerra civil española, la crisis de Munich, la política de los grandes poderes: Francia, Gran Bretaña, La Unión Soviética, Italia y los Estados Unidos.
Monográfico con el título: 'Desde la diversidad hacia la desigualdad: ¿destino inexorable de la globalización?'. Resumen basado en el de la publicación
Monográfico con el título: 'Educación, valores y democracia'. Resumen basado en el de la publicación
Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n.
In Portugal, namely in municipal museums, the reduced percentage of museum professionals that have a stable administrative position imposes a high degree of polyvalence allowing them to coordinate, often by themselves, the quotidian activities at the museum(s) they run.