941 resultados para Scholar nourishment
This long and narrow leather-bound volume, sometimes referred to as the Long College Book, contains early records of Harvard's two governing boards, the Corporation and the Board of Overseers, as well as a miscellany of entries, made in multiple hands, on assorted topics. Although its proper title is College Book 1, the spine title reads "College Book 1 & 2" due to a nineteenth century labeling error. Proceedings from Corporation and Overseers' meetings were entered unsystematically in this volume, alongside financial statements and other records. The varied purposes of the individual quires which make up this volume, along with the early scarcity of paper, contribute to its disorganized nature. One scholar described it as "jumbled together in a haphazard way now impossible of explanation," although several other scholars have attempted to explain its organization. Some entries are in Latin.
Diary kept in an interleaved almanac from 1751. Entries in the diary are brief and sporadic, recording events including travel, visitors, weather, sermons heard, holidays, illnesses and deaths. Occasional expenses are noted, including ones for hay, cider, bottles, shoes, and doctoring. A few dates of college events are noted, including the semi-annual Corporation meeting and Commencement. On the last page is a list of student names, presumably those tutored by Marsh.
Headed on the first page with the words "Nomenclatura hebraica," this handwritten volume is a vocabulary with the Hebrew word in the left column, and the English translation on the right. While the book is arranged in sections by letter, individual entries do not appear in strict alphabetical order. The small vocabulary varies greatly and includes entries like enigma, excommunication, and martyr, as well as cucumber and maggot. There are translations of the astrological signs at the end of the volume. Poem written at the bottom of the last page in different hand: "Women when good the best of saints/ that bright seraphick lovely/ she, who nothing of an angel/ wants but truth & immortality./ Verse 2: Who silken limbs & charming/ face. Keeps nature warm."
This letter was written by John Quincy Adams on July 2, 1786 to his younger brother, Thomas Boylston Adams, who was then staying with their uncle, the Reverend John Shaw, in Haverhill, Massachusetts. In the letter, John gives Thomas advice on life as a student at Harvard, instructing him to choose his friends carefully, to favor those who are virtuous and studious over those who are idle and prone to vice, to maintain an "unblemished moral reputation," and to spend as much as six hours each day studying in order to excel as a scholar.
This leather-bound volume contains ten handwritten Hebrew texts presumably compiled by Judah Monis in the early 18th century. The pieces range from three to 150 pages on different sized leaves and appear to be in multiple hands. The last page of the volume has the struck-through inscription, "Judah Monis' Book" and accompanies a 44-page text. The texts are unattributed and undated, but have been identified as transcriptions of cabalistic writings and include a short biography of Isaac Luria (1533-1572) and extracts from the work of Luria, Hayyim ben Joseph Vital, Jacob ben Hayyim Zemah, Abraham ben Isaac of Granada, and Naphtali Bachrach. The transcriptions appear to be unattributed and undated.
Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
In an ageing world with demographic and economic imbalances, the number of international migrants is likely to rise during the twenty-first century. The geography of migration flows is changing, however. Mobile people will be increasingly attracted by faster-growing economies. Therefore, some traditional destinations in western Europe will face stronger competition for skilled labour-not least from countries like China where the working-age population will shrink after 2020. At the same time, the sentiment in many European receiving societies is turning against migration and intra-European Union mobility.
The first centromeric protein identified in any species was CENP-A, a divergent member of the histone H3 family that was recognised by autoantibodies from patients with scleroderma-spectrum disease. It has recently been suggested to rename this protein CenH3. Here, we argue that the original name should be maintained both because it is the basis of a long established nomenclature for centromere proteins and because it avoids confusion due to the presence of canonical histone H3 at centromeres.
A classic T-cell phenotype in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is the downregulation and replacement of the CD3ζ chain that alters T-cell receptor signaling. However, genetic associations with SLE in the human CD247 locus that encodes CD3ζ are not well established and require replication in independent cohorts. Our aim was therefore to examine, localize and validate CD247-SLE association in a large multiethnic population. We typed 44 contiguous CD247 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in 8922 SLE patients and 8077 controls from four ethnically distinct populations. The strongest associations were found in the Asian population (11 SNPs in intron 1, 4.99 × 10(-4) < P < 4.15 × 10(-2)), where we further identified a five-marker haplotype (rs12141731-rs2949655-rs16859085-rs12144621-rs858554; G-G-A-G-A; P(hap) = 2.12 × 10(-5)) that exceeded the most associated single SNP rs858554 (minor allele frequency in controls = 13%; P = 4.99 × 10(-4), odds ratio = 1.32) in significance. Imputation and subsequent association analysis showed evidence of association (P < 0.05) at 27 additional SNPs within intron 1. Cross-ethnic meta-analysis, assuming an additive genetic model adjusted for population proportions, showed five SNPs with significant P-values (1.40 × 10(-3) < P< 3.97 × 10(-2)), with one (rs704848) remaining significant after Bonferroni correction (P(meta) = 2.66 × 10(-2)). Our study independently confirms and extends the association of SLE with CD247, which is shared by various autoimmune disorders and supports a common T-cell-mediated mechanism.
Enquadramento – O contacto pele-a-pele na primeira hora de vida tem benefícios para a mãe e para o recém-nascido, bem como um papel importante no estabelecimento da amamentação. Objetivos – Analisar a evidência científica dos benefícios do contacto pele-a-pele e amamentação na primeira hora de vida; determinar a prevalência do contacto pele-a-pele e da amamentação na primeira hora de vida; verificar quais são os fatores (variáveis sociodemográficas, contextuais da gravidez e do parto, e variáveis relativas ao recémnascido) que interferem nas práticas do contacto pele-a-pele e amamentação na primeira hora de vida. Método – Revisão sistemática da literatura no estudo empírico I. Efetuou-se uma pesquisa na PUBMED, The Cochrane Library, Scielo e Google Académico, estudos publicados entre janeiro de 2011 e dezembro de 2014. Destes foram selecionados 4 estudos, posteriormente analisados, que tiveram em consideração os critérios de inclusão previamente estabelecidos. Dois revisores avaliaram a qualidade dos estudos a incluir utilizando a grelha para avaliação crítica de um estudo descrevendo um ensaio clínico prospetivo, aleatório e controlado de Carneiro (2008). No estudo empírico II seguiu-se um tipo de estudo quantitativo e descritivo simples, de coorte transversal, desenvolvido no serviço de Obstetrícia do Centro Hospitalar Cova da Beira, segundo um processo de amostragem não probabilística por conveniência (n = 382). A recolha de dados efetuou-se através da consulta dos processos clínicos, entre janeiro e dezembro de 2014, das mulheres com idade ≥ 18 anos que tiveram um parto vaginal com feto vivo após as 37 semanas de gestação. Resultados – Evidência de que o contacto precoce pele-a-pele, imediatamente após o parto, é um potencial estímulo sensorial, que abrange o aquecimento do recém-nascido e a estimulação tátil e olfativa, maior estabilização da temperatura, frequência respiratória e nível de glicémia, com diminuição do choro. Está associado à promoção espontânea da amamentação. Na amostra constituída por 382 mulheres, dos 18 aos 46 anos, verificou-se que o contacto pele-a-pele ocorreu em apenas 26,6% da amostra. Cerca de 92,6% da amostragem deu de mamar na primeira hora de vida. No grupo de mulheres em que houve contacto pele-a-pele e amamentação, prevalecem as que têm idade igual ou inferior a 34 anos (66,3%) e predomínio das mulheres que tiveram 5 ou mais consultas (95,9%) de vigilância da gravidez. Conclusão – Face a estes resultados e com base na evidência científica disponível que recomenda o contacto pele-a-pele imediatamente após o parto e promoção da amamentação na primeira hora de vida, assume-se como indispensável que os profissionais invistam na sua formação e assumam um papel importante para a realização deste contacto, estimulando e facilitando esta prática, assim como a realização de mais estudos científicos com contributos para o estabelecimento e manutenção desta prática. Palavras-chave: Contacto pele-a-pele; amamentação; primeira hora de vida.