959 resultados para Readability Formulas
Esta investigação tem como contexto o bairro de Alfama, centrando-se em uma área específica situada na zona ribeirinha com início na Rua da Alfândega e se estendendo até a Rua do Jardim do Tabaco. É uma zona com relevante potencial turístico, mas com pouco dinamismo apesar dos vários atrativos que lá existem. O trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a paisagem urbana na subunidade de estudo citada acima de forma a descobrirmos através da leitura do espaço urbano uma identidade patrimonial para desta maneira propormos a sua valorização. Para facilitar o estudo dividimos a área em cinco trechos e através da observação in loco esboçarmos sua situação ao nível de morfologia urbana, das características espaciais, dos usos e do modo de apropriação do espaço pelas pessoas e pelas atividades, o estado de conservação do edificado, o mobiliário urbano e todas as características do seu entorno. Para a análise da paisagem fizemos um levantamento fotográfico digital e uma avaliação visual do percurso procurando enquadrar-se na leitura da paisagem estudada pelos autores Kevin Lynch e Gordon Cullen. O estudo também passa por uma avaliação dos seus aspectos significativos, ou seja, os registres de memórias que são pontos fortes da paisagem urbana. São aspectos que identificam o local e definem a sua legibilidade. Em paralelo elaboramos uma análise SWOT que contribuiu para entendermos o complexo de desafios que se colocam ao nosso universo de estudo e justificar o contributo desta dissertação através de propostas concretas de valorização. ABSTRACT; The context of this research is Alfama district, focusing on a specific area located on the waterfront starting at Alfândega Street and extending until Jardim do Tabaco Street. lt is an area with a relevant tourism potential, however with a small dynamic despite its many attractions. The research aim to study the urban landscape in the sub-unit mentioned above in order to uncover, through an urban reading, a patrimonial identity seeking its recovery. To facilitate the research, the area was divided into five sections and, by in loco observation, we outlined its position into a urban morphology rank, space characteristics, uses and appropriation of space by individuals and activities, conservation condition of the building, urban furniture and all the features of its surroundings. With regards the landscape study, was done a digital inventory and a visual evaluation of the route in quest of to fit it in the landscape studies by the authors Kevin Lynch and Gordon Cullen. The research also goes through an appraisal of its significant aspects, in other words, the memories records that are the strengths of the urban landscape. These are aspects that identify the location and define its readability. ln parallel we had developed a SWOT analysis which helped to understand the complex challenges in this universe of studies and justify the contribution of this thesis with concrete recovery proposals.
Im Beitrag wird der Frage nachgegangen, ob eine holistische und eine analytische Auswertungsstrategie schon bei Texten des ersten Grundschuljahres gleichermaßen geeignet sind, um Schreibkompetenz reliabel zu erfassen. Die Analysen zu den insgesamt 540 Texten stammen aus dem DFG-Projekt Narrative Schreibkompetenz in Klasse 1 (NaSch 1). Zunächst wird die Dimensionalität des Konstrukts Schreibkompetenz anhand der analytischen Auswertung untersucht. Im Anschluss werden die mit den beiden Auswertungsstrategien ermittelten Kompetenzwerte unter Berücksichtigung der Textlänge miteinander verglichen. Die Ergebnisse der Rasch-Skalierung der analytischen Kriterien weisen auf eine zweidimensionale Struktur (semantisch-pragmatisch vs. sprachsystematisch) der Schreibkompetenz hin. Dabei zeigt sich ein stärkerer Zusammenhang des holistischen Ratings mit der semantisch-pragmatischen (r = .78) als mit der sprachsystematischen Dimension (r = .47). Die Textlänge wiederum weist eine gleichermaßen hohe Übereinstimmung mit der semantisch-pragmatischen Dimension (r = .63) und dem holistischen Rating auf (r = .62), deren Zusammenhang zueinander aber auch nach Herauspartialisieren der Textlänge deutlich bleibt (r = .64). Zwischen Textlänge und der sprachsystematischen Schreibkompetenz lässt sich dagegen kein bedeutsamer Zusammenhang nachweisen (r = .09). (DIPF/Orig.)
Partially encased columns have significant fire resistant. However, it is not possible to assess the fire resistance of such members simply by considering the temperature of the steel. The presence of concrete increases the mass and thermal inertia of the member and the variation of temperature within the cross section, in both the steel and concrete components. The annex G of EN1994-1-2 allows to calculate the load carrying capacity of partially encased columns, for a specific fire rating time, considering the balanced summation method. New formulas will be used to calculate the plastic resistance to axial compression and the effective flexural stiffness. These two parameters are used to calculate the buckling resistance. The finite element method is used to compare the results of the elastic critical load for different fire ratings of 30 and 60 minutes. The buckling resistance is also calculated by the finite element method, using an incremental and iterative procedure. This buckling resistance is also compared with the simple calculation method, evaluating the design buckling curve that best fits the results.
The ceramics industry in Piauí is nowadays with 55 industries where 11 are in Teresina which is the mainstream of the state, producing 55 million shingles; in which 10 % is of this production is wasted being sometimes thrown on the margins of rivers, roads and highways provoking an environmental degradation. The main goal of this work is to verify the potential of producing semi porous ceramic using grog of shingles, on the first part of this work bodies-of-proof were produced from a basic formula of an industry, doping it with 5 %, 10 %, 15 % and 20 % in mass and in the second part of this work some bodies-of-proof were produced from a formula where one raw material was substituted by 50 % of grog and another substituting it all by grog, bodies-of-proof made of a basic formula previously announced was used for experiment control.The grog and the raw materials were characterized by: particle size analysis , thermal differential analysis, X ray diffraction , X ray fluorescence, an thermal gravimetric analysis and rational analyses. The bodies-of-proof were sintetisized in an industrial oven obeying the normal cycle adopted by an industry, with peak temperatures of 1135 oC and a fast burning cycle of 25 minutes having as energetic fuel liquefied petroleum gas . The pieces that were obtained by this were submersed in rehearsed physics of: water absorption of, apparent specific mass, apparent porosity, lineal retraction, rupture tension to the flexural and dilatometry; mineralogical analysis for X ray diffraction; and microstructural for electronic microscope of sweeping. For all the formulas with addition of grog, superior priorities to the requested by the requirements for semi porous and for the formula to F2-2,5 superior priorities to standard formulas which justifies the incorporation of the shingles in mass for the semi porous ceramic
The quality of the image of 18F-FDG PET/CT scans in overweight patients is commonly degraded. This study evaluates, retrospectively, the relation between SNR, weight and dose injected in 65 patients, with a range of weights from 35 to 120 kg, with scans performed using the Biograph mCT using a standardized protocol in the Nuclear Medicine Department at Radboud University Medical Centre in Nijmegen, The Netherlands. Five ROI’s were made in the liver, assumed to be an organ of homogenous metabolism, at the same location, in five consecutive slices of the PET/CT scans to obtain the mean uptake (signal) values and its standard deviation (noise). The ratio of both gave us the Signal-to- Noise Ratio in the liver. With the help of a spreadsheet, weight, height, SNR and Body Mass Index were calculated and graphs were designed in order to obtain the relation between these factors. The graphs showed that SNR decreases as the body weight and/or BMI increased and also showed that, even though the dose injected increased, the SNR also decreased. This is due to the fact that heavier patients receive higher dose and, as reported, heavier patients have less SNR. These findings suggest that the quality of the images, measured by SNR, that were acquired in heavier patients are worst than thinner patients, even though higher FDG doses are given. With all this taken in consideration, it was necessary to make a new formula to calculate a new dose to give to patients and having a good and constant SNR in every patient. Through mathematic calculations, it was possible to reach to two new equations (power and exponential), which would lead to a SNR from a scan made with a specific reference weight (86 kg was the considered one) which was independent of body mass. The study implies that with these new formulas, patients heavier than the reference weight will receive higher doses and lighter patients will receive less doses. With the median being 86 kg, the new dose and new SNR was calculated and concluded that the quality of the image remains almost constant as the weight increases and the quantity of the necessary FDG remains almost the same, without increasing the costs for the total amount of FDG used in all these patients.
Tese de Doutoramento em Psicologia na área de especialidade em Psicologia Comunitária
We develop some new techniques to calculate the Schur indicator for self-dual irreducible Langlands quotients of the principal series representations. Using these techniques we derive some new formulas for the Schur indicator and the real-quaternionic indicator. We make progress towards developing an algorithm to decide whether or not two root data are isomorphic. When the derived group has cyclic center, we solve the isomorphism problem completely. An immediate consequence is a clean and precise classification theorem for connected complex reductive groups whose derived groups have cyclic center.
[ES]En el presente trabajo, se abordan las formas cambiantes en las relaciones de socialidad de los adolescentes menores, la influencia de los avances tecnológicos en estas, así como los conflictos entre iguales que emergen en estos nuevos espacios, enfocando el trabajo en el fenómeno del cyberbullying desde un punto de vista criminológico. El objetivo ha consistido en analizar las nuevas formas de relación social que se expanden hoy en día, sobre todo por la irrupción de Internet como forma de interacción social y reconocer las conductas de riesgo que comienzan a aparecer en este ámbito, para identificar las formulas necesarias de prevención. La primera parte del trabajo está centrada en contextualizar la forma de socialidad, desde una conceptualización amplia hasta las características actuales derivadas del uso de la tecnología como herramienta de relación social, recogiendo los debates generados en torno al posible debilitamiento del capital social. En el siguiente apartado, se explora el ciberespacio, sus riesgos y oportunidades delictivas, buscando analizar posteriormente y en profundidad el cyberbullying, así como sus factores de victimización y sus similitudes y diferencias con respecto al bullying tradicional. A continuación, con el fin de subrayar y extraer las características que debe tener un programa de prevención, se expone una iniciativa pionera, a modo de estudio de caso. En esta se utiliza la formación en mediación de los propios menores para resolver o prevenir estas problemáticas, implantado en un instituto público de Zaragoza.
Informed consent is an essential element of research, and signing this document is required to conduct most clinical trials. Its aim is to inform patients what their participation in the study will involve. However, increasingly, their complexity and length are making them difficult to understand, which might lead patients to give their authorization without having read them previously or without having understood what is stated. In this sense, the Ethics Committees for Clinical Research, and Pharmacists specialized in Hospital Pharmacy and Primary Care in their capacity as members of said committees, play an important and difficult role in defending the rights of patients. These Committees will review thoroughly these documents to guarantee that all legal requirements have been met and, at the same time, that they are easy to understand by the potential participants in a clinical trial.
Given a 2manifold triangular mesh \(M \subset {\mathbb {R}}^3\), with border, a parameterization of \(M\) is a FACE or trimmed surface \(F=\{S,L_0,\ldots, L_m\}\) -- \(F\) is a connected subset or region of a parametric surface \(S\), bounded by a set of LOOPs \(L_0,\ldots ,L_m\) such that each \(L_i \subset S\) is a closed 1manifold having no intersection with the other \(L_j\) LOOPs -- The parametric surface \(S\) is a statistical fit of the mesh \(M\) -- \(L_0\) is the outermost LOOP bounding \(F\) and \(L_i\) is the LOOP of the ith hole in \(F\) (if any) -- The problem of parameterizing triangular meshes is relevant for reverse engineering, tool path planning, feature detection, redesign, etc -- Stateofart mesh procedures parameterize a rectangular mesh \(M\) -- To improve such procedures, we report here the implementation of an algorithm which parameterizes meshes \(M\) presenting holes and concavities -- We synthesize a parametric surface \(S \subset {\mathbb {R}}^3\) which approximates a superset of the mesh \(M\) -- Then, we compute a set of LOOPs trimming \(S\), and therefore completing the FACE \(F=\ {S,L_0,\ldots ,L_m\}\) -- Our algorithm gives satisfactory results for \(M\) having low Gaussian curvature (i.e., \(M\) being quasi-developable or developable) -- This assumption is a reasonable one, since \(M\) is the product of manifold segmentation preprocessing -- Our algorithm computes: (1) a manifold learning mapping \(\phi : M \rightarrow U \subset {\mathbb {R}}^2\), (2) an inverse mapping \(S: W \subset {\mathbb {R}}^2 \rightarrow {\mathbb {R}}^3\), with \ (W\) being a rectangular grid containing and surpassing \(U\) -- To compute \(\phi\) we test IsoMap, Laplacian Eigenmaps and Hessian local linear embedding (best results with HLLE) -- For the back mapping (NURBS) \(S\) the crucial step is to find a control polyhedron \(P\), which is an extrapolation of \(M\) -- We calculate \(P\) by extrapolating radial basis functions that interpolate points inside \(\phi (M)\) -- We successfully test our implementation with several datasets presenting concavities, holes, and are extremely nondevelopable -- Ongoing work is being devoted to manifold segmentation which facilitates mesh parameterization
Os fluxos migratórios das últimas décadas têm contribuído para que as comunidades de falantes de português se estabeleçam um pouco por todo o mundo, nomeadamente, nos países escandinavos. Um desses países de acolhimento, a Finlândia, tem desenvolvido esforços para a integração dos imigrantes que aí se estabelecem, designadamente, através da promoção de políticas de língua, que visam o ensino da língua de herança aos alunos em idade escolar. Tem sido neste contexto que as pequenas comunidades lusófonas, a viverem no país, têm podido facultar aos filhos, imigrantes de primeira e segunda gerações, acesso ao ensino formal da sua língua de herança, o português. Os sujeitos da nossa amostra fazem parte de uma dessas pequenas comunidades e residem em Tampere, na Finlândia, onde frequentam escolas cuja língua de ensino é o finlandês. O presente trabalho pretende, por um lado, dar conta da realidade sociocultural daqueles alunos de Português Língua Não-Materna, e, por outro, visa refletir sobre a aquisição/ aprendizagem da competência pragmática por parte destes sujeitos, falantes de herança, através da realização que fazem de atos ilocutórios diretivos – de pedido e de ordem –, bem como, sobre o grau de formalização das expressões de delicadeza que fazem. Por conseguinte, elaborámos uma Ficha Sociolinguística para recolha de dados referentes ao contexto familiar, sociocultural e linguístico dos alunos. Posteriormente, elaborámos e aplicámos um teste linguístico, de Tarefas de Elicitação do Discurso, com vista à recolha de dados para a construção de um corpus linguístico que nos permitisse desenvolver o presente estudo. A aplicação do teste linguístico e consequente tratamento dos dados recolhidos revelaram que as escolhas pragmáticas dos sujeitos são condicionadas pelo contexto sociocultural e linguístico em que estão imersos. Constatámos, igualmente, que a generalidade dos alunos recorre a duas estratégias de mitigação do discurso, pelo uso de duas expressões de delicadeza: a fórmula «se faz favor»/«por favor» e o verbo modal «poder».
International audience
This thesis nalyzes the wayfinding in Landscape Museum of Contemporary Art (MPAC), based on the Institute of Contemporary Art CACI, Minas Gerais, Brazil and the Museum of Contemporary Art of the Serralves Foundation, Porto, Portugal. The study focuses on the interrelationship of the public/visitors with the landscape, architecture and contemporary art museums in these, in order to understand visual perception and apprehension of such an environment for their users. For both were confronted documentation (visual and written) and people talk. The main hypothesis put forward is that the audience/visitor MPAC appreciates the interrelationship between the natural environment (park/garden) and built environment (the works of contemporary art and the galleries), giving equal value to both. To complement this, a second hypothesis is that during the visit to MPACS, visitors define their paths spontaneously, but strongly influenced by existing visual indicators (maps, signage and striking landscape elements), which facilitate the readability of space, which also contribute to the offered services and the experiences of similar institutions. The analytical basis of the research used the concepts of legibility (LYNCH, 2009), wayfinding (GIBSON, 2009; ARTHUR, PASSINI, 2002; WEISMAN, 1982), Experiential Cotinnum (TUAN, 1985), Space Bound (CRUZ PINTO, 2007) and habitus (BOURDIEU, 1992). Methodologically was used qualitative research (DEMO 2000) by means of a case study (YIN, 2005; STAKE, 1999) and participant observation (WHYTE, 2005). In the two institutions interviews with researchers and curators, behavior observation and questionnaires from employees, trainees, monitors and the public/visitor of the two museums were performed. Although partially referende the initial hypothesis, the research showed that the public/visitor value appears more natural environments, they experience a greater intensity and in addition to the factors listed in the second case, your perception and definition of paths suffer significant influence of emotional relations established with space. Generally the audience/visitor adapts easily to different demands of contemporary art exhibition in the two museums and the built environment (park/garden and museum) interferes with your reading path during the visit, perceived by the public/visitor condition as a factor that favors the enjoyment of works on different mounts (wayfinding), though often become a factor that hinders the legibility of the building and its built environment
Dissertação de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Design de Comunicação, apresentada na Universidade de Lisboa - Faculdade de Arquitectura.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Direito, Pós-Graduação Stricto Sensu em Direito, 2016.