1000 resultados para QUANTUM METROLOGY


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In this review, the potential of mode-locked lasers based on advanced quantum-dot ( QD) active media to generate short optical pulses is analysed. A comprehensive review of experimental and theoretical work on related aspects is provided, including monolithic-cavity mode-locked QD lasers and external-cavity mode-locked QD lasers, as well as mode-locked solid-state and fibre lasers based on QD semiconductor saturable absorber mirrors. Performance comparisons are made for state-of-the-art experiments. Various methods for improving important characteristics of mode-locked pulses such as pulse duration, repetition rate, pulse power, and timing jitter through optimization of device design parameters or mode-locking methods are addressed. In addition, gain switching and self-pulsation of QD lasers are also briefly reviewed, concluding with the summary and prospects.


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The electronic structures of N quantum dot molecules (QDMs) are investigated theoretically in the framework of effective-mass envelope function theory. The electron and hole energy levels are calculated. In the calculations, the effects of finite offset and valence-band mixing are taken into account. The theoretical method can be used to calculate the electronic structures of any QDM. The results show that (1) electronic energy levels decrease monotonically and the energy difference between the N QDMs decreases as the quantum dot (QD) radius increases; (2) the electron energy level is lower and quantum confinement is smaller for the larger N QDM; (3) the hole ground state energy level is lower for the one dot QDM than N (greater 1) QDMs if the QD radius is larger than about 5 nm due to the valence-band mixing. The results are useful for the application of the N QDM to photoelectric devices.


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Self-organized InAs quantum dots (QDs) have been fabricated by molecular beam epitaxy. The authors try to use a slow positron beam to detect defects in and around self-organized QDs, and point defects are observed in GaAs cap layer above QDs. For the self-organized InAs QDs without strain-reducing layer, it is free of defects. However, by introducing a strain-reducing layer, the density of point defects around larger sized InAs QDs increased. The above results suggest that low energy positron beam measurements may be a good approach to detect depth profiles of defects in QD materials. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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Based on our recent work on quantum transport [X. Q. Li , Phys. Rev. B 71, 205304 (2005)], we show how an efficient calculation can be performed for the current noise spectrum. Compared to the classical rate equation or the quantum trajectory method, the proposed approach is capable of tackling both the many-body Coulomb interaction and quantum coherence on an equal footing. The practical applications are illustrated by transport through quantum dots. We find that this alternative approach is in a certain sense simpler and more straightforward than the well-known Landauer-Buttiker scattering matrix theory.


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GaAs (001) substrates are patterned by electron beam lithography and wet chemical etching to control the nucleation of InAs quantum dots (QDs). InAs dots are grown on the stripe-patterned substrates by solid source molecular beam epitaxy, A thick buffer layer is deposited on the strip pattern before the deposition of InAs. To enhance the surface diffusion length of the In atoms, InAs is deposited with low growth rate and low As pressure. The AFM images show that distinct one-dimensionally ordered InAs QDs with homogeneous size distribution are created, and the QDs preferentially nucleate along the trench. With the increasing amount of deposited InAs and the spacing of the trenches, a number of QDs are formed beside the trenches. The distribution of additional QDs is long-range ordered, always along the trenchs rather than across the spacing regions.


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We have observed the weak antilocalization (WAL) and beating SdH oscillation through magnetotransport measurements performed on a heavily delta-doped In0.52Al0.48As/In0.53Ga0.47As/In0.5Al0.48As single quantum well in an applied magnetic field up to 13 T and a temperature at 1.5 K. Both effects are caused by the strong Rashba spin-orbit (SO) coupling due to high structure inversion asymmetry (SIA). The Rashba SO coupling constant alpha and zerotield spin splitting Delta(0) are estimated and the obtained values are consistent from different analysis for this sample. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Coherent tunnelling is studied in framework of the effective mass approximation for an asymmetric coupled quantum well. The Hartree potential due to the electron-electron interaction is considered in our calculation. The effects of the longitudinal and transverse magnetic field on coherent tunnelling characteristics are discussed. It has been found that the external field plays an important role in modulating the electron states.


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Mn ions were doped into InAs/GaAs quantum dots samples by high energy. implantation and subsequent annealing. The optical and electric properties of the samples have been studied. The photoluminescence intensity of the samples annealed rapidly is stronger than that of the samples annealed for long time. By studying the relationship between the photoluminescence peaks and the implantation dose, it can be found that the photoluminescence peaks of the quantum dots show a blueshift firstly and then move to low energy with the implantation. dose increasing. The latter change in the photoluminescence peaks is probably attributed to that Mn ions entering the InAs quantum dots, which release the strain of the quantum dots. For the samples implanted by heavy dose (annealed rapidly) and the samples annealed for long time, the resistances versus temperature curves reveal anomalous peaks around 40 K.


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Using first-principles methods, we have systematically calculated the defect formation energies and transition energy levels of group-III and group-V impurities doped in H passivated Si quantum dots (QDs) as functions of the QD size. The general chemical trends found in the QDs are similar to that found in bulk Si. We show that defect formation energy and transition energy level increase when the size of the QD decreases; thus, doping in small Si QDs becomes more difficult. B-Si has the lowest acceptor transition energy level, and it is more stable near the surface than at the center of the H passivated Si QD. On the other hand, P-Si has the smallest donor ionization energy, and it prefers to stay at the interior of the H passivated Si QD. We explained the general chemical trends and the dependence on the QD size in terms of the atomic chemical potentials and quantum confinement effects.


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This paper introduces in detail the working principle of Si/SiGe Quantum cascade laser(QCL). Appropriate parameters are used to calculate the hole subband structure of Si/Si1-xGex quantum well using a six-band k center dot p method. The dispersion relation and energy band for different layer thickness and compositions are investigated. Meanwhile, the energy separations between hole subbands in Si/Si1-xGex/Si quantum wells are also analyzed. Finally the calculated results are used for the Si/SiGe QCL design, which will be beneficial to the structure optimization of Si/SiGe QCL.


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Based on the effective-mass model and the mean-field approximation, we investigate the energy levels of the electron and hole states of the Mn-doped ZnO quantum wires (x=0.0018) in the presence of the external magnetic field. It is found that either twofold degenerated electron or fourfold degenerated hole states split in the field. The splitting energy is about 100 times larger than those of undoped cases. There is a dark exciton effect when the radius R is smaller than 16.6 nm, and it is independent of the effective doped Mn concentration. The lowest state transitions split into six Zeeman components in the magnetic field, four sigma(+/-) and two pi polarized Zeeman components, their splittings depend on the Mn-doped concentration, and the order of pi and sigma(+/-) polarized Zeeman components is reversed for thin quantum wires (R < 2.3 nm) due to the quantum confinement effect.


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Cr-doped InAs self-organized diluted magnetic quantum dots (QDs) are grown by low-temperature molecular-beam epitaxy, Magnetic measurements reveal that the Curie temperature of all the InAs:Cr QDs layers with Cr/In flux ratio changing from 0.026 to 0.18 is beyond 400 K. High-resolution cross sectional transmission electron microscopy images indicate that InAs:Cr QDs are of the zincblende structure. Possible origins responsible for the high Curie temperature are discussed.


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An electroabsorption modulator using the intrastep quantum well (IQW) active region is fabricated for optical network systems. The strain-compensated InGaAsP/InGaAsP IQW shows good material quality and improved modulation properties, high extinction ratio elliciency 10 dB/V and low capacitance (< 0.42 pF), with which an ultra high frequency (> 15 GHz) can be obtained. High-speed measurement under high-power excitation shows no power saturation up to excitation power of 21 dBm. To our knowledge, the input optical power is the highest reported for multi-quantum well EAMs without heat sinks.


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In this paper, an n-type Si1-xGex/Ge (x >= 0.85) quantum cascade (QC) structure utilizing a deep Ge quantum well for electrons at the Gamma point is proposed. Based on linear interpolation, a conduction band offset at the Gamma point in a Si1-xGex/Ge ( x >= 0.85) heterostructure is presented, which is suitable for designing a QC laser. This approach has the advantages of a large conduction band offset at the Gamma point, a low lattice mismatch between the Si1-xGex/Ge ( x >= 0.85) active layers and the Si1-yGey ( y > x) virtual substrate, a small electron effective mass in the Gamma band, simple conduction energy band structures and a simple phonon scattering mechanism in the Ge quantum well. The theory predicts that if high-energy electrons are continuously injected into the Gamma band, a quasi-equilibrium distribution of electrons between the Gamma and L bands can be reached and held, i.e., electrons with a certain density will be kept in the Gamma band. This result is supported by the intervalley scattering experiments. In n-type Si1-xGex/Ge ( x >= 0.85) QC structures, population inversion between the laser's upper and lower levels is demonstrated.


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Magneto-transport measurements have been carried out on double/single-barrier-doped In0.52Al0.48As/In0.53Ga0.47As/In0.52Al0.48As quantum well samples from 1.5 to 60 K in an applied magnetic field up to 13 T. Beating Shubnikov-de Haas oscillation is observed for the symmetrically double-barrier-doped sample and demonstrated due to a symmetric state and an antisymmetric state confined in two coupled self-consistent potential wells in the single quantum well. The energy separation between the symmetric and the antisymmetric states for the double-barrier-doped sample is extracted from experimental data, which is consistent with calculation. For the single-barrier-doped sample, only beating related to magneto-intersubband scattering shows up. The pesudospin property of the symmetrically double-barrier-doped single quantum well shows that it is a good candidate for fabricating quantum transistors. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.