999 resultados para Digital atlas
This study was conducted in order to learn how companies’ revenue models will be transformed due to the digitalisation of its products and processes. Because there is still only a limited number of researches focusing solely on revenue models, and particularly on the revenue model change caused by the changes at the business environment, the topic was initially approached through the business model concept, which organises the different value creating operations and resources at a company in order to create profitable revenue streams. This was used as the base for constructing the theoretical framework for this study, used to collect and analyse the information. The empirical section is based on a qualitative study approach and multiple-case analysis of companies operating in learning materials publishing industry. Their operations are compared with companies operating in other industries, which have undergone comparable transformation, in order to recognise either similarities or contrasts between the cases. The sources of evidence are a literature review to find the essential dimensions researched earlier, and interviews 29 of managers and executives at 17 organisations representing six industries. Based onto the earlier literature and the empirical findings of this study, the change of the revenue model is linked with the change of the other dimen-sions of the business model. When one dimension will be altered, as well the other should be adjusted accordingly. At the case companies the transformation is observed as the utilisation of several revenue models simultaneously and the revenue creation processes becoming more complex.
O atlas descritivo de polens e esporos de plantas do Vale do Rio Caí tem o objetivo de facilitar a comparação com os palinomorfos dispersos nos sedimentos fósseis e fornecer dados para ações de manejo ambiental. O atlas consta de 93 espécies características das quatro formações vegetacionais do Vale do Rio Caí, incluindo Floresta Ombrófila Mista, Floresta Estacional Decidual, Floresta Estacional Semidecidual e Estepe, além de plantas exóticas e de locais alterados. Incluíram-se, nessa primeira parte, descrições detalhadas e fotomicrografias de 24 espécies, 21 gêneros e 17 famílias.
Dados de sensoriamento remoto têm sido largamente utilizados para classificação da cobertura e uso da terra, em particular graças à aquisição periódica de imagens de satélite e à generalização dos sistemas de processamento digital de imagens, que oferecem uma variedade de algoritmos de classificação de imagens. Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar alguns dos métodos mais comuns de classificações supervisionadas e não supervisionadas para imagens do sensor TM do satélite Landsat-5, em três áreas com diferentes padrões de paisagem em Rondônia: (1) áreas de fazendas de "Médio porte", (2) assentamentos no padrão "Espinha de peixe" e (3) áreas de contato entre floresta e "Cerrado". A comparação com um mapa de referência baseado na estatística Kappa produziu indicadores de desempenho bons ou superiores (melhores resultados - K-médias: k = 0,68; k = 0,77; k = 0,64 e MaxVer: k = 0,71; k = 0,89; k = 0,70, respectivamente nas três áreas citadas), para os algoritmos utilizados. Os resultados indicaram que a escolha de um algoritmo deve considerar tanto a capacidade de discriminar várias assinaturas espectrais em diferentes padrões de paisagem quanto a relação custo/benefício decorrente das várias etapas do trabalho dos operadores que elaboram um mapa de cobertura e uso da terra. Este trabalho apontou a necessidade de esforço mais sistemático de avaliação prévia de várias opções de execução de um projeto específico antes de se iniciar o trabalho de elaboração de um mapa de cobertura e uso da terra.
This paper describes the cost-benefit analysis of digital long-term preservation (LTP) that was carried out in the context of the Finnish National Digital Library Project (NDL) in 2010. The analysis was based on the assumption that as many as 200 archives, libraries, and museums will share an LTP system. The term ‘system’ shall be understood as encompassing not only information technology, but also human resources, organizational structures, policies and funding mechanisms. The cost analysis shows that an LTP system will incur, over the first 12 years, cumulative costs of €42 million, i.e. an average of €3.5 million per annum. Human resources and investments in information technology are the major cost factors. After the initial stages, the analysis predicts annual costs of circa €4 million. The analysis compared scenarios with and without a shared LTP system. The results indicate that a shared system will have remarkable benefits. At the development and implementation stages, a shared system shows an advantage of €30 million against the alternative scenario consisting of five independent LTP solutions. During the later stages, the advantage is estimated at €10 million per annum. The cumulative cost benefit over the first 12 years would amount to circa €100 million.
A análise completa de tronco é bastante aplicada em estudos de crescimento de espécies florestais que apresentam anéis de crescimento distinguíveis. As medições dos anéis são feitas manualmente com régua milimetrada, procedimento estabelecido como convencional. Porém, Rosot et al. (2003) desenvolveram procedimentos para que essas medições sejam feitas por programas de computador, trazendo avanço significativo para a aplicação da técnica. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar as medições manuais com as digitais em análise de tronco de Mimosa scabrella e Pinus taeda. Seis árvores de cada espécie foram utilizadas, e as diferenças entre os dois procedimentos para DAP (cm), altura total (m), área transversal (cm²) e volume (cm³) de cada anel de crescimento foram comparadas com um teste t(0,05)de dados pareados. As diferenças entre as medições manuais e as digitais foram significativas apenas para o volume do P. taeda em algumas idades. Os resultados indicam que a anatro digital é uma boa opção para a anatro convencional, demandando pessoa treinada para utilizar as ferramentas de Sistema de Informações Geográficas (SIG).
A regionalização de vazões tem sido realizada com o objetivo de disponibilizar informações hidrológicas em locais sem dados ou com poucas informações disponíveis, porém a determinação das características físicas das bacias de drenagem para cada local de interesse limita consideravelmente a aplicação dos resultados de um estudo convencional de regionalização de vazões. Uma das soluções para esse problema é a automação do processo de delimitação de bacias, utilizando-se de modelo digital de elevação hidrologicamente consistente (MDEHC). O objetivo principal deste trabalho foi a regionalização de vazões máxima, mínima e média de longo período e da curva de permanência para a bacia hidrográfica do Rio Paraíba do Sul, a montante da cidade de Volta Redonda, com base em um MDEHC. O modelo digital de elevação mostrou-se hidrologicamente consistente, possibilitando, assim, a determinação automática das características físicas da bacia. Foram identificadas quatro regiões hidrologicamente homogêneas e obtidas equações de regressão em que a área de drenagem e o comprimento do curso d'água principal se caracterizaram como as variáveis mais expressivas para a representação das diversas variáveis e funções regionalizadas.
Esitys Bulgarian kirjastoseuran seminaarissa 15.3.2012
Surface area (SA) of poultry is an important parameter for heat and mass transfer calculations. Optical approaches, such as the moiré technique (MT), are non-destructive, result in accuracy and speed gains, and preserve the object integrity. The objective of this research was to develop and validate a new protocol for estimating the surface area (SA) of broiler chickens based on the MT. Sixty-six Ross breed broiler chickens (twenty-seven male, thirty-nine female, ages spanning all growth phases) were used in this study. The dimensions (length, width and height) and body mass of randomly selected broiler chickens were evaluated in the laboratory. Chickens were illuminated by a light source, and grids were projected onto the chickens to allow their shape to be determined and recorded. Next, the skin and feathers of the chickens were removed to allow SA to be determined by conventional means. These measurements were then used for calibration and validation. The MT for image analysis was a reliable means of evaluating the three-dimensional shape and SA of broiler chickens. This technique, which is neither invasive nor destructive, is a good alternative to the conventional destructive methods.
The aim of this study was to compare the hydrographically conditioned digital elevation models (HCDEMs) generated from data of VNIR (Visible Near Infrared) sensor of ASTER (Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer), of SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission) and topographical maps from IBGE in a scale of 1:50,000, processed in the Geographical Information System (GIS), aiming the morphometric characterization of watersheds. It was taken as basis the Sub-basin of São Bartolomeu River, obtaining morphometric characteristics from HCDEMs. Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) and cross validation were the statistics indexes used to evaluate the quality of HCDEMs. The percentage differences in the morphometric parameters obtained from these three different data sets were less than 10%, except for the mean slope (21%). In general, it was observed a good agreement between HCDEMs generated from remote sensing data and IBGE maps. The result of HCDEM ASTER was slightly higher than that from HCDEM SRTM. The HCDEM ASTER was more accurate than the HCDEM SRTM in basins with high altitudes and rugged terrain, by presenting frequency altimetry nearest to HCDEM IBGE, considered standard in this study.
In this work parameters of Mg-doped GaN samples were studied using positron annihilation spectroscopy and analyzed. It is shown that gallium vacancies exist in an unintentionally doped sample. Next, the sample with higher concentration of Mg and low growth temperature contains vacancy clusters. In case of low concentration of Mg the growth temperature does not affect the formation of defects. Analog electronics can be replaced by a modern digital device. While promising a high quantity of benefits, the performance of these digitizers requires thorough adjustment. A 14-bit two channel digitizer has been tested in order to achieve better performance than the one of a traditional analog setup, and the adjustment process is described. It has been shown that the digital device is unable to achieve better energy resolution, but it is quite close to the corresponding attribute of the available analog system, which had been used for measurements in Mg-doped GaN.
In recent years, the worldwide distribution of smartphone devices has been growing rapidly. Mobile technologies are evolving fast, a situation which provides new possibilities for mobile learning applications. Along with new delivery methods, this development enables new concepts for learning. This study focuses on the effectiveness and experience of a mobile learning video promoting the key features of a specific device. Through relevant learning theories, mobile technologies and empirical findings, the thesis presents the key elements for a mobile learning video that are essential for effective learning. This study also explores how previous experience with mobile services and knowledge of a mobile handset relate to final learning results. Moreover, this study discusses the optimal delivery mechanisms for a mobile video. The target group for the study consists of twenty employees of a Sanoma Company. The main findings show that the individual experience of learning and the actual learning results may differ and that the design for certain video elements, such as sound and the presentation of technical features, can have an impact on the experience and effectiveness of a mobile learning video. Moreover, a video delivery method based on cloud technologies and HTML5 is suggested to be used in parallel with standalone applications.
Heli Kautosen esitys Digital Humanities 2012 -konferenssissa Hampurissa 20.7.2012
Aki Lassilan esitys IFLA-konferenssissa Helsingissä 14.8.2012.