946 resultados para RECENSÃO LITERÁRIA


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The present essay aims at observing possible tendencies of normalization by the translator Irene Matthews in the translation to English from As mulheres de Tijucopapo, by Marilene Felinto. The methodology employed is that of corpus-based translation studies (proposed by BAKER, 1993, 1995, 1996, 2000; SCOTT’s study concerning normalization, 1998; and CAMARGO’s research studies, 2005, 2007), and that of corpus linguistics (BERBER SARDINHA’s studies, 2003, 2004). The investigation was carried out by means of a combination of semi-manual and computerized analyses using the computer software WordSmith Tools. Based on Scott (1998), we analyzed the translation of five words considered to be preferred by the author, as well as their co-text, in relation to three normalization features. The final results obtained in this study show that the translator Irene Matthews tends to use strategies that may be identified as features of normalization.


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This investigation has as an objective to observe the translation of the word “eyes” and its collocates, in similar and (re)used fragments extracted from two books written by Clarice Lispector, A Descoberta do Mundo, translated by Giovanni Pontiero as Discovering the World and Uma Aprendizagem ou o Livro dos Prazeres, translated by Richard A. Mazzara and Lorri A. Parris as An Apprenticeship or The Book of Delights.Another objective is to identify aspects of normalization found in the respective translations of these fragments. The metodology is situated in the field of Corpus-based Translation Studies, (proposed by Baker, 1993, 1995, 1996, 1999, 2004; studies on normalization by de Scott, 1998); research and project by Camargo 2003a, 2003b, 2004, 2008), and in Corpus Linguistics (studies by Berber Sardinha, 2004); also, it is based on the author’s critical heritage (studies by Gotlib, 1993, 2009; Nunes, B., 1995; Sant‘Anna, 1997; Ruggero 2000; Sá, O., 2000; Franco Júnior, 2000; Ranzolin (1985), Varin, 2002; e Cherem, 2003). The results found in this research enabled to carry out a comparative study among the respective translators concerning tendencies to normalization and show Pontiero’s smaller tendency in relation to the couple of translators Richard A. Mazzara e Lorri A. Parris.


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Neste artigo, apresentaremos um estudo da tradução da obra Inferno da autora Patrícia Melo, com o título Inferno, por Clifford Landers. Buscamos refletir sobre como são projetados no exterior uma visão da realidade violenta de grandes centros urbanos brasileiros e sobre o quanto o tradutor conseguiu resgatar da nossa sociedade no texto traduzido. Partimos do pressuposto de que o tradutor, consciente ou inconscientemente, usa recursos durante o processo de mediação entre o texto de partida e o texto de chegada, que tornam a leitura da obra traduzida mais fácil. Baker (1996) propõe a investigação de tipos de comportamento linguístico característicos de textos traduzidos. O objetivo desse trabalho é identificar aspectos de normalização presentes na tradução. Para a investigação, recorremos aos Estudos da Tradução Baseados em Corpus (Baker, 1993, 1996; Camargo, 2005, 2007), à Linguística de Corpus (Berber Sardinha, 2004) e aos estudos sobre normalização de Scott (1998). Pode-se observar a ocorrência de mudança de registro de linguagem, omissões, adições, diferenças no comprimento das sentenças e relacionadas a imprecisões de expressões. Espera-se que o presente trabalho possa contribuir para uma maior conscientização das tendências apresentadas pelos tradutores, e para apresentar as possibilidades oferecidas pela intersecção dos Estudos da Tradução Baseados em Corpus e da Linguística de Corpus.


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Com base em quatro poemas da autora afro-americana contemporânea Harryette Mullen, por mim traduzidos para o português, e nas questões suscitadas por sua obra, este trabalho investiga as seguintes questões: quais seriam os desafios de se traduzir sua poesia, levando-se em consideração os lugares discursivos dos leitores identificados ou não com a estética literária afro-brasileira? Essa (não-) identificação exerceria alguma influência no modo como sua poesia poderia ser lida em tradução? Assim, neste trabalho, busca-se contrastar as questões raciais e estéticas que fundamentam a visão de Mullen a respeito de sua poesia e de seu público-leitor (imaginado) com as questões de público-alvo, contextualmente diversas, que minhas traduções de seus poemas requerem “imaginar” no âmbito das relações sócio-raciais brasileiras.


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In this paper, we discuss the intellectual trajectory of Nadia Battella Gotlib – teacher, researcher and critic of Brazilian Literature whose work stands out for its approach to women’s artistic production and also the relationship between literature and biography.


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Em sua obra L'épreuve de l’étranger (1984), Berman propõe uma teoria sobre o sujeito politradutor que vincula a pulsion du traduire do poète breton Armand Robin a uma visada metafísica — definida por este autor como a busca romântica da “pura língua”. No presente ensaio, essas conclusões são reavaliadas a partir de referências inéditas sobre o poeta abordadas antecipadamente. Embora ele tenha renunciado a ser Autor e tenha proclamado a negação de si mesmo (rejeição), subjazem a essa crônica exaltada denominada non-traduction tanto a tentativa de subverter uma tradição francesa etnocêntrica quanto o desejo íntimo de se ver autor (afirmação e aceitação).


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The aim ofthis article is to discuss the existence ofan original writing utopia in Haroldo de Campos, which seems to be more important to his work than the concretist utopia. It is possible to understand the Haroldo's poetry project since the establishment of a parallel between the epic aedo and the haroldian attitudes concerning the invention and the tradition, taking them as difference in the constitution of Haroldo's identity. Once he assumes a impossibility to rescue the origin itself, the haroldian project turns to the 'jetzeit" and that, secondly Agamben is very contemporaneous.


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Este artigo discute as notas deixadas ao pé de cada página, como marca de leitura, por aquele que é o pré-leitor do texto original: o tradutor. Ao inserir a nota, o tradutor está avaliando a necessidade do esclarecimento que pretende prestar e, automaticamente, julgando a capacidade do leitor em compreender o texto. Questões conflitantes para quem traduz, considerando que as notas são, segundo a crítica, o meio de maior visibilidade para o tradutor enquanto escritor. A discussão proposta, neste trabalho, se restringe à tradução da obra ¿Donde estuvistes de noche? de Clarice Lispector, traduzido por Cristina Peri Rossi, na Espanha.


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This paper discusses the role of translation in the construction of the identity of African-American literature in Brazil, by considering the relations between the Brazilian sociocultural context, infl uenced by biological and cultural miscegenation, and the particular way that the literary criticism represented by essays and translations of the Brazilian critic Sergio Milliet, published in between the 40’s and 60’s, approaches AfricanAmerican poetry, with special focus on Langston Hughes’ poems. In this paper, differences between Brazilian and American racial contexts are brought into light in regard to the discourses on miscegenation and race. It is discussed the extent to which Sergio Milliet developed a racialized identity for African-American poetry in his essays, which, however, was rebuilt through translation, in his anthology Obras Primas da Poesia Universal, with a less racialized perspective so that African-American aesthetics could sound less dissonant and regional and more inclined towards the principle of universality which characterizes the anthology composed of renowned foreign and Brazilian poets.


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The main purpose of this paper is to observe the Portuguese into English translational process regarding the metaphors of specific lexical units related to erogenous zones and to intercourse in the context of the literary work Maira (1978), written by Darcy Ribeiro, as well as in its translation, Maíra (1985), performed by Goodland e Colchie. We based our study on an interdisciplinary proposal that associates the theoretical framework of Lexical Studies (BIDERMAN, 1996; LAKOFF; JOHNSON, 2002; ORSI, 2007, 2009; ORSI; ZAVAGLIA, 2007; 2012; PRETI, 1984; XATARA; RIVA; RIOS, 2002; XATARA, 2004), Corpus-Based Translation Studies (BAKER, 1993, 1995; CAMARGO, 2005), Corpus Linguistics (TYMOCZKO, 1998; BERBER SARDINHA, 2004), and, in part, Terminology (COELHO, 2003; BARROS, 2004; FAULSTICH, 2004). Concerning the methodology, we used the program WordSmith Tools, which provided the tools WordList and Concord, for collection and observation of data. We thus verified the value attributed to the erotic-obscene lexicon in Darcy Ribeiro’s literary-textual construction, and we also analyzed the reformulation of taboo lexicon in English. Finally, we intended to reflect on the process of translation of these lexical units considered socially disreputable, in an attempt to provide a possible support fortranslators, linguists, writers and social scientists.


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It is quite possible that the story “O Gerente” (1945), by Carlos Drummond de Andrade, is unknown to the Brazilian reader, who’s more familiar with his poetry. However, the peculiarity of its narrative language and the treatment given to fantastic awakening interest in the text, which challenges the possibilities of literary research. The humor, a trait more common in the poetry of Drummond, becomes a stylistic strategy with curious effects of meaning, as well as the structural aspects of the narrative. The fantastic, a category that Drummond has not cultivated, appears so unusual in his narrative. Our purpose is to analyze the discursive construction procedures for establishing differences between the traditional and the new paradigms of the fantastic. For this, we will seek to highlight the story fragments that allow the discussion of certain issues such as social conventions, the everyday, the feeling of love, the tension created between the comic and tragic.


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This paper is part of a larger project that is being developed at our university, whose goal is to enable students of Literature and Translation to detect and analyze linguistic phenomena based on electronic corpora, consisting of original texts and texts translated, which show the general language, literary language and specialized language. One of its aspects is the analysis of medical abstracts and their translation process. Thus, this undergraduate research project, we seek to observe the technical-scientific English language by performing translations of abstracts of scientific articles of Neurology and Oncology.


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There is an area in the Brazilian Contemporary Literature which is articulated according to the first person narrator who presents the problematic of the own creational action, the expression of a conflictual subjectivity divided between the vertiginous dive into itself – what would imply in a renounce of the world and the reality, where the authors’ work are their only matter – and the social participation - not as an awareness, but as the recognition of the limits and impasses which the real representation imposes on the creative writing. Therefore, this article proposes a reading on the novel O Azul do Filho Morto (2002) by Marcelo Mirisola, to try to situate him into the recent Brazilian literary production, as well as to reflect on his narrative the complex notion of authorship which is called into question on his novels, since they produce an intrincate imbrication between the fictional subject and the empirical image of the writer himself, breaking and confusing the limits between the fictional discourse and the extralinguistic reality which is evoked, manipulated, distorted and made unstable on his representational process.


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This article analyses some of Machado de Assis’ newspaper chronicles written in 1878 for O Cruzeiro. We intend to show that behind their extremely free literary composition, those texts show the author’s deepest critical point of views. Respecting the narrator fictional status, we are trying to see, as carefully as this subject demands on us, the man behind the journalist.


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In the mid-nineteenth century, in his fruitful years of the perhaps best-known shortest literary career, Álvares de Azevedo wrote this verse “As ondas são anjos que dormem no mar” (“The waves are angels who sleep in the sea”). In the presentation of João Gilberto Noll’s young adult novel Anjo das ondas (Angel of the waves) in 2010, Ivan Marques states that the character in the novel, Gustavo, “with his adolescent passion, and torn spirit with overflowing lyrics, could even be compared to our tropical Byron”. João Gilberto Noll establishes a connection between him and Álvares de Azevedo that invites the reader to go beyond a first reading level of his work, seeking evidence of dialogue ratification between two apparently distant writers. The subtle intertextuality exceeds the initial clue and can be detected on Noll’s theme development from the history of Gustavo, a troubled teenager in search of his identity. Noll’s affinity to Álvares de Azevedo can still be captured in his narrative texture, in voices coming from his text; however, they also reveal to be unique and original features of his literary production. An apparent exercise in style shows that each author fulfills his mission by expressing, in his own way, the feeling of his time. In addition, it shows that through aesthetic emotion, literature allows us to transcend time and space.