970 resultados para Famous orators


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Dans le présent mémoire, on se questionne sur la portée et la signification que l’on peut légitimement attribuer à la déclaration de 2011 du premier ministre britannique David Cameron concernant « l’échec du multiculturalisme d’État ». Plus précisément, est-ce que cet échec déclaré du multiculturalisme s’en prend à la construction théorique et normative du multiculturalisme ? Rejette-t-il plutôt l’aménagement politico-institutionnel du multiculturalisme en Grande-Bretagne ? À cet égard, est-ce qu’on observe un retrait effectif des politiques du multiculturalisme en Grande-Bretagne, entre 2000 et 2015 ? D’une approche analytique de la philosophie politique, cette recherche propose d’interpréter et de comprendre les débats qui ont cours en ce qui concerne le multiculturalisme de manière générale, puis en Grande-Bretagne plus particulièrement. Ce faisant, le présent mémoire est animé par deux objectifs : d’abord, il s’agit d’opérer une clarification conceptuelle du multiculturalisme, selon qu’on l’appréhende au titre d’appréciation factuelle socioculturelle (diversité), en tant qu’ensemble théorique et normatif (pluralisme), ou encore comme aménagement institutionnel et politique (politique publique). Ensuite, il s’agit d’observer, empiriquement et de manière systématique, l’état et l’évolution du multiculturalisme comme politique publique en Grande-Bretagne, entre 2000 et 2015. Pour ce faire, on reprend la structure méthodologique du Multicultural Policy Index, élaboré par Keith Banting et Will Kymlicka. Notre contribution originale à la littérature consiste ainsi à mettre à jour les données de cet Index pour le cas de la Grande-Bretagne, en date de 2015. En un mot, on observe une relative stabilité des politiques du multiculturalisme entre 2000 et 2015, alors que pour la même période les gouvernements britanniques critiquent de plus en plus négativement le multiculturalisme, allant jusqu’à en déclarer l’échec. Enfin, on cherche à interpréter ce phénomène, tout comme on force un dialogue entre les principales critiques émises à l’égard du multiculturalisme et les principaux théoriciens de celui-ci.


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O concelho da Figueira da Foz é um local tipicamente turístico, conhecido essencialmente pela sua costa marítima, extenso areal e vida noturna. No entanto, esta localidade dispõe de um património cultural e ecológico desconhecido pela maioria da população. Com o objetivo de dar a conhecer o território, foi desenvolvido um Guia das Rotas Pedestres, que permite dar a conhecer um pouco desse ambiente desconhecido.


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Esta tese foi produzida no Programa de Pós -Graduação em Educação em Ciências : Química da Vida e Saúde , na linha de pesquisa "Educação científica : implicações das práticas científicas na constituição dos sujeitos ". O objetivo desta pesquisa é analisar a rede de enunciações sobre o sexting em alguns materiais (reportagens, programas televisivos, postagens em blogs e comentários realizados por leitores dos sites) presentes na internet e investigar as condições de emergência da prática do sexting. O sexting é um termo criado nos Estados Unidos da América, que deriva das expressões sex (sexo) e texting (envio de mensagens). Esse conceito descreve uma prática social e cultural que está sendo difundida mundialmente: esta consiste em produzir e enviar fotos e vídeos sexuais, sensuais e eróticos entre conhecidos/as, amigos/as, namorados/as, “ficantes” etc.. Nesta pesquisa, utilizamos como aporte teórico os estudos de Pierre Lévy, André Lemos, Paula Sibilia, Guy Debord, Hannah Arendt, Michel Foucault e Zygmunt Bauman. Tais autores ajudam-nos a pensar que o sexting emerge devido a alguns acontecimentos sociais, culturais, históricos etc., que vêm provocando alguns deslocamentos em nossa sociedade. Para proceder com tal pesquisa, utilizamos a internet como campo empírico. Em nossa busca, encontramos 48 artefatos culturais que discutem, de alguma forma, sobre sexting. Dentre estes, 37 comentam sobre vídeos caseiros que mostram relações sexuais, 8 discutem sobre o fenômeno sexting e 3 debatem sobre a produção de fotos sensuais. Para análise dos dados, utilizamos algumas ferramentas foucaultianas, especialmente os conceitos de discurso, dispositivo e enunciado. Ao olharmos os materiais, percebemos que os/os adolescentes vêm se utilizando das tecnologias digitais para visibilizarem a sua sexualidade, o que nos dá indícios de que estas vêm possibilitando a constituição de jornalistas cidadãos/ãs. Além disso, evidenciamos que as fotos e vídeos dos/as adolescentes foram produzidos em comum acordo entre eles/as. Muitos dessas fotos e vídeos, foram disseminados pelos próprios sujeitos que aderiram a essa prática. Assim, a exposição da sexualidade, por meio do sexting, tem sido realizada com o propósito de adquirir visibilidade e de tornar-se a personalidade do momento. Entendemos que essa vontade de escancarar a sexualidade, por meio das tecnologias digitais, está vinculada à sociedade do espetáculo, que manifesta a necessidade de tornar-se visível. Além disso, notamos que essa prática está relacionada à escola, pois muitos dos casos relatados ocorreram no interior dessa instituição ou tiveram uma repercussão nesse ambiente. Em muitos casos, a escola era culpabilizada pelos casos de sexting que envolviam seus/sua alunos/as. No entanto, são os pais o foco de maiores críticas pela mídia massiva, pois, para essa instância, são estes os maiores responsáveis pela disciplinarização desses corpos. Evidenciou-se também que os/as praticantes do sexting sofreram micropenalidades, as quais tinham como objetivo corrigir suas condutas. Nesse sentido, entendemos o sexting como uma atualização do dispositivo da sexualidade, pois este coloca a sexualidade – a qual, durante a modernidade sólida, constituía-se como algo exclusivamente do âmbito privado – em evidência nos espaços públicos. Ao mesmo tempo, verificamos que algumas práticas disciplinares ainda buscam governar e normalizar a sexualidade dos sujeitos. A análise do material empírico possibilitou-nos verificar dois enunciados que fazem parte do discurso do sexting. O primeiro destes é que, na contemporaneidade, aparecer é uma condição de existência; o outro é que a sexualidade é entendida como algo que deve ser regulado, governado e normalizado. Consideramos importante centrarmos os estudos no sexting, pois entendemos que essa prática vem contribuindo para o surgimento de outros modos de viver e entender a sexualidade, pois o sexting enquadra a sexualidade como algo a ser exibido e mostrado para todos/as.


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The study of Victorian crime and punishment is a rich area of research that has attracted the interest not only of literary scholars but also of social historians, legal historians, and criminologists. Related scholarship therefore often situates itself at the intersection of traditional disciplinary boundaries, facilitating interdisciplinary conversation. Crime and punishment was a pressing issue for the Victorians and provoked a wealth of responses from contemporaneous commentators in literature, culture, and science. As a new phase of industrialization brought immense wealth for some and abject poverty for others, Victorian urban centers in particular were afflicted by crime. Without an effective system of social welfare in place, social inequality and deprivation drove women, men, and children into petty crime and more serious offenses, resulting in severe punishment ranging from incarceration via penal transportation to hanging. Public executions, not abolished until 1868, attracted huge crowds of spectators, including authors such as Charles Dickens and William Thackeray, who wrote about these experiences. A forerunner of the popular press, street literature conveyed and illustrated these events for a broad audience. Execution broadsides of famous cases, printing the alleged last lamentations of convicts on the scaffold in verse, are estimated to have sold by the million. As the legal system was undergoing reform (comprising changes in legal evidence procedure, divorce law, women’s property rights, and punishment for sexual offenses, for example), sensational trials caused furor and stimulated commentary in literature and the media. Crime and punishment was discussed in a range of literary and popular genres, poetry, and reformist writing. The “Newgate School” of fiction was accused of glamorizing crime, and the popular penny dreadfuls were feared to corrupt public morals. Sensational fiction in the 1860s, which often drew on real-life criminal cases and newspaper reports, depicted the supposedly respectable middle-class family home as a center of transgression. Similarly, detective fiction typically focused on crime in the world of the middle classes. For the student new to the subject of crime and punishment, this area’s interdisciplinary nature can pose an initial challenge.


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Este trabalho se propõe estudar a obra do poeta cearense Antonio Gonçalves da Silva, conhecido como Patativa do Assaré. O estudo de tal obra encontra-se alicerçado na crítica literária, sobretudo no conceito de textos histórica e socialmente ancorados elaborado por Antonio Cândido, e na discussão do diálogo entre teologia e literatura, a partir da idéia de reescritura de um texto literário a partir de textos sagrados, de Eli Brandão. Dessa forma objetiva-se localizar, no contexto brasileiro, a partir do diálogo entre teologia e literatura, a plausibilidade de nossa pesquisa, ou seja: ao longo da produção literária de Patativa do Assaré, encontramos questões existenciais provocadoras de diversas aflições percebidas no cotidiano do povo sertanejo, as quais nos remetem a questionamentos e temas de cunho teológico, notados através da obra de um poeta, reveladora não somente da dura realidade do nordestino, mas também da fé e esperança deste em um Deus, visto ao longo da poética de Patativa do Assaré não como fonte de castigo, mas percebido como um Deus sensível aos sofrimentos, mazelas e marginalização dos nordestinos desamparados. Assim, acreditamos na proposta de estudar a poética patativana sob a perspectiva de “um olhar teológico”, a partir do qual se percebe “temas teológicos nordestinos”, elaborados a partir do contato do poeta com o catolicismo do sertão, mas que, na percepção e compreensão de mundo de Patativa assumem novos significados e novas interpretações.


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The Reverend Joseph McKeen (1757-1807) was the first president of Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Maine, USA, (founded 1794). McKeen is famous for his inaugural address in which he calls students to serve the common good. His view of common good is a deeply theological view, coloured by the theological era in which he lived and worked. This study examines the idea of common in the light of McKeen’s college sermons, taking note of the following subjects: Scottish Common Sense Realism; The Nature of True Virtue; The Controversy with Unitarianism; and Science and Mathematics. McKeen’s view of common good is not simply a political view. He is not merely a republican, expressing his views on the future of the republic in a classical political way. He is also, indeed primarily, a pastor and theologian.


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The article appeared in a Festschrift devoted to a distinguished Polish linguist Professor Alfred F. Majewicz. It discusses the Christian name Alfred born by the Jubilarian in its various aspects: its Anglo-Saxon origins, etymology and popularity (past and present) in various European countries, with particular emphasis on Poland. It also presents some famous people, literary characters and pop culture heroes bearing this name.


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The article is based on the research project titled “Intercultural Dimension in Corporate Culture of Multinational Companies” and it deals mainly with cultural stereotypes that influence business relations. The article takes a famous research of Geert Hofstede and extends it on Czech-Mexican business reality. The article is therefore dedicated to Czech businessmen who are interested in having good relations with Mexico and avoiding mistakes that could prevent them from doing so. The first part of the article covers Hofstede´s dimensions and compares them with other studies. The comments include topics such as social hierarchy in Mexico, Mexican collectivism and life values, approach to pragmatism of both Czech and Mexican nations and also how these nations tend to indulgency. The second part of the article is aimed at the image of Czech Republic in the foreign markets and includes the feedback on Czech work behaviour from Latinoamericans who have previously worked with Czechs.


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I seek to create a Lucretius text useful for a high school classroom including a commentary on four sections of the poem. The passages include 2.998 – 1047 which explains how the Epicurean atomic theory, 3.912—979 the famous passage that denies the underworld and its tortures, 5.855 – 923 the semi-Darwinian passage detailing the sorts of creatures that can exist in this world, and 5.1194– 1240 about the detrimental effects of humans fearing gods. In addition to writing a commentary on these passages, I will explore the perception of Lucretius though the present day, in hopes of discovering how and why this important and influential author has been so systematically excluded from secondary latin literary studies. My discussion will include an overview of how modern Latin textbooks do or do not mention Lucretius and how his presence in these textbooks compares to his role in university-level Latin course offerings. In addition to writing a commentary on these passages, I will explore the perception of Lucretius though the present day, in hopes of discovering how and why this important and influential author has been so systematically excluded from secondary latin literary studies. My discussion will include an overview of how modern Latin textbooks do or do not mention Lucretius and how his presence in these textbooks compares to his role in university-level Latin course offerings. I am hoping this research will be useful both pedagogically and for learning how decisions about literary content are made in American secondary and higher education in Latin.


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The main idea I would like to develop and assess in this paper was upheld and defended by Paul Ricoeur in his famous dictum that ‘To say self is not to say I’, and its corollary that ‘the shortest route from self to self is through the other’. That there is an implicit dialectic is underlined in another short passage taken from Ricoeur’s book Oneself as Another:


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This book is a synthesizing reflection on the Holocaust commemoration, in which space becomes a starting point for discussion. The author understands space primarily as an amalgam of physical and social components, where various commemorative processes may occur. The first part of the book draws attention to the material aspect of space, which determines its character and function. Material culture has been a long ignored and depreciated dimension of human culture in the humanities and social sciences, because it was perceived as passive and fully controlled by human will, and therefore insignificant in the course of social and historical processes. An example of the Nazi system perfectly illustrates how important were the restrictions and prohibitions on the usage of mundane objects, and in general, the whole material culture in relation to macro and micro space management — the state, cities, neighborhoods and houses, but also parks and swimming pools, factories and offices or shops and theaters. The importance of things and space was also clearly visible in exploitative policies present in overcrowded ghettos and concentration and death camps. For this very reason, when we study spatial forms of Holocaust commemoration, it should be acknowledged that the first traces, proofs and mementoes of the murdered were their things. The first "monuments" showing the enormity of the destruction are thus primarily gigantic piles of objects — shoes, glasses, toys, clothes, suitcases, toothbrushes, etc., which together with the extensive camps’ space try to recall the scale of a crime impossible to understand or imagine. The first chapter shows the importance of introducing the material dimension in thinking about space and commemoration, and it ends with a question about one of the key concepts for the book, a monument, which can be understood as both object (singular or plural) and architecture (sculptures, buildings, highways). However, the term monument tends to be used rather in a later and traditional sense, as an architectural, figurative form commemorating the heroic deeds, carved in stone or cast in bronze. Therefore, the next chapter reconstructs this narrower line of thinking, together with a discussion about what form a monument commemorating a subject as delicate and sensitive as the Holocaust should take on. This leads to an idea of the counter-monument, the concept which was supposed to be the answer to the mentioned representational dilemma on the one hand, and which would disassociate it from the Nazi’s traditional monuments on the other hand. This chapter clarifies the counter-monument definition and explains the misunderstandings and confusions generated on the basis of this concept by following the dynamics of the new commemorative form and by investigating monuments from the ‘80s and ‘90s erected in Germany. In the next chapter, I examine various forms of the Holocaust commemoration in Berlin, a city famous for its bold, monumental, and even controversial projects. We find among them the entire spectrum of memorials – big, monumental, and abstract forms, like Peter Eisenman’s Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe or Daniel Liebeskind’s Jewish Museum Berlin; flat, invisible, and employing the idea of emptiness, like Christian Boltanski’s Missing House or Micha Ullman’s Book Burning Memorial; the dispersed and decentralized, like Renata Stih and Frieder Schnock’s Memory Places or Gunter Demnig’s Stumbling Blocks. I enrich descriptions of the monuments by signaling at this point their second, extended life, which manifests itself in the alternative modes of (mis)use, consisting of various social activities or artistic performances. The formal wealth of the outlined projects creates a wide panorama of possible solutions to the Holocaust commemoration problems. However, the discussions accompanying the building of monuments and their "future life" after realization emphasize the importance of the social component that permeates the biography of the monument, and therefore significantly influences its foreseen design. The book also addresses the relationship of space, place and memory in a specific situation, when commemoration is performed secretly or remains as unrealized potential. Although place is the most common space associated with memory, today the nature of this relationship changes, and is what indicates popularity and employment of such terms as Marc Augé’s non-places or Pierre Nora’s site of memory. I include and develop these concepts about space and memory in my reflections to describe qualitatively different phenomena occurring in Central and Eastern European countries. These are unsettling places in rural areas like glades or parking lots, markets and playgrounds in urban settings. I link them to the post-war time and modernization processes and call them sites of non-memory and non-sites of memory. Another part of the book deals with a completely different form of commemoration called Mystery of memory. Grodzka Gate - NN Theatre in Lublin initiated it in 2000 and as a form it situates itself closer to the art of theater than architecture. Real spaces and places of everyday interactions become a stage for these performances, such as the “Jewish town” in Lublin or the Majdanek concentration camp. The minimalist scenography modifies space and reveals its previously unseen dimensions, while the actors — residents and people especially related to places like survivors and Righteous Among the Nations — are involved in the course of the show thanks to various rituals and symbolic gestures. The performance should be distinguished from social actions, because it incorporates tools known from religious rituals and art, which together saturate the mystery of memory with an aura of uniqueness. The last discussed commemoration mode takes the form of exposition space. I examine an exhibition concerning the fate of the incarcerated children presented in one of the barracks of the Majdanek State Museum in Lublin. The Primer – Children in Majdanek Camp is unique for several reasons. First, because even though it is exhibited in the camp barrack, it uses a completely different filter to tell the story of the camp in comparison to the exhibitions in the rest of the barracks. For this reason, one experiences immersing oneself in all subsequent levels of space and narrative accompanying them – at first, in a general narrative about the camp, and later in a specifically arranged space marked by children’s experiences, their language and thinking, and hence formed in a way more accessible for younger visitors. Second, the exhibition resigns from didacticism and distancing descriptions, and takes an advantage of eyewitnesses and survivors’ testimonies instead. Third, the exhibition space evokes an aura of strangeness similar to a fairy tale or a dream. It is accomplished thanks to the arrangement of various, usually highly symbolic material objects, and by favoring the fragrance and phonic sensations, movement, while belittling visual stimulations. The exhibition creates an impression of a place open to thinking and experiencing, and functions as an asylum, a radically different form to its camp surrounding characterized by a more overwhelming and austere space.


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In this novel segment titled The Cameraman, a fictionalized version of silent film icon Buster Keaton grapples with his newfound role at big picture studio MGM, which has stripped him of his creative influence. For the first time in his career, Buster must operate with little authority in what was the beginning of the Hollywood studio system. This excerpt’s narrative present takes place in New York City in 1928 during the filming of The Cameraman, with flashbacks to Los Angeles in 1927, prior to the filming. The close third-person narrator examines what it means for Buster to be famous, to be an artist, and what happens when public and private identities are conflated.


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A pesar de que conservamos el nombre arcaico, ligado a la concepción del libro y de la biblioteca como depósito de libros, frente a un acelerado desarrollo que involucro tecnologías y materiales digitales en el manejo de información, es un hecho que en las últimas décadas el prestigio del bibliotecario como erudito y especialista ha cambiado por el de ser un buscador y un proveedor ágil y especializado en la amplia gama de recursos informativos que nos rodea.La tendencia más seguida es que la profesión debe cambiar pasando a enfatizar otras habilidades como la gerencia, puesto que las bibliotecas serán evaluadas por los servicios que ofrecen y no tanto por los acervos que poseen. Sin embargo, que las bibliotecas como tal persisten es un hecho que se comprueba con la famosa Biblioteca de París, que está diseñada en forma de libro precisamente.


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La dynastie des Flaviens est souvent mal connue et appréciée en raison de sa situation chronologique, « coincée » entre la famille des descendants de César et d’Auguste et celle allant de Trajan à Marc Aurèle. Elle passe parfois pour une simple dynastie de « transition » qui aurait uniquement servi de passerelle entre deux familles considérées comme plus brillantes qui ont par ailleurs laissé un souvenir plus durable. En un peu plus d’un quart de siècle (69-96), Vespasien, Titus et Domitien ont pourtant davantage fait pour la stabilité de Rome et de l’Empire que certains de leurs prédécesseurs ou successeurs. Sorti vainqueur des troubles civils de l’année des quatre empereurs (68-69), Vespasien ramena la paix en Orient et en Italie en plus de s’attacher à stabiliser les institutions et de reconstituer les finances de l’État, passablement écornées par les dernières années du Principat de Néron (54-68) et la guerre civile elle-même. Plus que la paix et la stabilité à l’intérieur et aux frontières de l’Empire, il fit cependant en sorte de refonder les bases institutionnelles du Principat en assumant sa transformation en un régime monarchique et héréditaire. Un principe parfaitement admis puisque ses deux fils adultes, Titus et Domitien, lui succédèrent sans difficulté. Davantage peut-être que les récits laissés par les sources littéraires anciennes, les inscriptions romaines et italiennes ainsi que les monnaies émises par l’atelier de Rome sont probablement le meilleur témoignage permettant de saisir le plus précisément et le plus profondément l’idée que les Flaviens se faisaient d’eux-mêmes et du pouvoir dont ils étaient investis. Le contenu de leur titulature officielle comme leurs choix iconographiques permettent ainsi de dégager leurs différents thèmes de propagande qui laissent finalement apparaitre une vraie continuité dans leur idéologie du pouvoir et leur manière de gouverner. Vespasien a ainsi posé des fondations idéologiques et politiques que ses fils ont globalement poursuivies et respectées, ce qui renforce l’idée selon laquelle les Flaviens ont effectivement suivi un « programme » qui les distinguait de leurs prédécesseurs et de leurs successeurs. Malgré des différences parfois importantes dans leurs pratiques, les inscriptions et l’iconographie monétaire permettent ainsi de mettre en lumière le fait que Titus et Domitien ont finalement moins cherché à faire preuve d’originalité qu’à s’inscrire dans la continuité de l’œuvre de leur père afin de garantir le maintien de la paix et avec elle la prospérité et la stabilité de l’État, et avec elles la satisfaction et la tranquillité de l’ensemble de la société.


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Wydział Historyczny