991 resultados para Clupeidae, Fossil


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Fossiiliset polttoainevarannot ovat ehtymässä. Nykyisen talouskasvumme perustuessa fossiilisten polttoaineiden kestämättömään käyttöön, on energiantuotantorakenteen muututtava. Euroopan Unioni on asettanut tavoitteet uusiutuvan energian osuuden lisäämiseksi. Näistä syistä johtuen kiinnostus uusiutuvaa energiaa ja hajautettua energiantuotantoa kohtaan on kasvanut viime aikoina. Tämän globaalin ilmiön rinnalla yhteiskuntarakenteen muutos Suomessa on johtanut tilanteeseen, jossa taloudellinen aktiviteetti kasvukeskusten ulkopuolella on hiipumassa. Loogisena ratkaisumallina on syntynyt hankkeita kuten Keski-Karjalan Kehitysyhtiö Oy:n Puhos 2013 - ympäristöalasta uutta liiketoimintaa - hanke. Tämä työ on Puhos 2013 - hankkeeseen tilattu tutkimus, jonka tavoitteena on puuta ja biokaasua polttoaineenaan käyttävän mikroturbiinitekniikkaan pohjautuvan pienen kokoluokan CHP tuotannon kannattavuuden selvittäminen kunnallisen lämpölaitoksen yhteydessä. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin aluksi pienen kokoluokan CHP tuotannon kannattavuuteen vaikuttavat tekijät, jonka jälkeen opittua tietoa sovellettiin Kiteen Lämmön Arppentien lämpölaitoksen tapaukseen. Kiteen Lämmön taloudellisen kannattavuuden ohella tutkimuksessa huomioitiin uusien liiketoiminta mahdollisuuksien syntyminen alueelle. Käytetyt tutkimusmenetelmät olivat kvalitatiivinen analyysi ja perinteinen investoinnin kannattavuuslaskenta. Tutkimuksen tuloksena muodostettiin strategia, joka maksimoi molemmat edellä mainitut kannattavuuden näkökulmat. Kehitetyn strategian Kiteen Lämmön tulosta maksimoiva osuus muodostuu oman käyttösähkön tuottamisen aloittamisesta Arppentien lämpölaitoksella 30 kWe mikroturbiinilla käyttäen polttoaineena Bio10 Oy:n toimittamaa biokaasua. Uusien liiketoiminta mahdollisuuksien synty alueelle mahdollistetaan puolestaan kehittämällä puun kaasutukseen perustuva modulaarinen CHP laitos yhteistyössä Mekrijärven tutkimusaseman ja suomalaisten laitevalmistajien kanssa.


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The development of new technologies to supplement fossil resources has led to a growing interest in the utilization of alternative routes. Biomass is a rich renewable feedstock for producing fine chemicals, polymers, and a variety of commodities replacing petroleumderived chemicals. Transformation of biomass into diverse valuable chemicals is the key concept of a biorefinery. Catalytic conversion of biomass, which reduces the use of toxic chemicals is one of the important approaches to improve the profitability of biorefineries. Utilization of gold catalysts allows conducting reactions under environmentally-friendly conditions, with a high catalytic activity and selectivity. Gold-catalyzed valorization of several biomass-derived compounds as an alternative approach to the existing technologies was studied in this work. Isomerization of linoleic acid via double bond migration towards biologically active conjugated linoleic acid isomers (CLA) was investigated. The activity and selectivity of various gold catalysts towards cis-9,trans-11-CLA and trans-10,cis-12-CLA were investigated in a semi-batch reactor, showing that the yield of the desired products varied, depending on the catalyst support. The structure sensitivity in the selective oxidation of arabinose was demonstrated using a series of gold catalysts with different Au cluster sizes in a shaker reactor operating in a semibatch mode. The gas-phase selective oxidation of ethanol was studied and the influence of the catalyst support on the catalytic performance was investigated. The selective oxidation of the lignan hydroxymatairesinol (HMR), extracted from the Norway spruce (Picea abies) knots, to the lignan oxomatairesinol (oxoMAT) was extensively investigated. The influence of the reaction conditions and catalyst properties on the yield of oxoMAT was evaluated. In particular, the structure sensitivity of the reaction was demonstrated. The catalyst deactivation and regeneration procedures were studied. The reaction kinetics and mechanism were advanced.


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This thesis includes detailed sedimentological and ichnological studies on two geological units: the Pebas Formation, with a special focus in its informal upper member, and the Nauta Formation. Both formations were deposited during the Miocene in Northeastern Peruvian Amazonia, in the Amazon retroarc foreland basin. The Pebas and Nauta successions mainly consist of non-consolidated, clastic sedimentary deposits arranged into sand- to mud-dominated heterolithic successions, which can be upward-coarsening to upward-fining. Sediments in both the Pebas and Nauta successions range from mud to fine- to medium-grained sand. The main facies observed were 1) mud-dominated horizontal heterolithic couplets; 2) rooted brownish mud; 3) lenticular, mud-draped, cross-stratified sand; 4) mud- to sand-dominated, inclined heterolithic stratification; 5) sand-dominated horizontal heterolithic couplets; and 6) mud-draped, trough cross-stratified sand. Locally, tidal rhythmites were documented. The facies are interpreted as: 1) muddy, shallow, subaqueous flats/shoals; 2) palaeosols; 3) secondary tidal channels or run-off creeks; 4) tidally influenced point bars; 5) shoreface deposits; and 6) subtidal compound dunes. Thalassinoides-dominated Glossifungites ichnofacies, low-diversity expressions of the Skolithos ichnofacies and depauperate suites consisting of elements common to the Cruziana ichnofacies strongly indicate brackish-water conditions. However, continental trace fossil assemblages, with possible elements common to the Scoyenia ichnofacies, have also been identified. In addition to the palaeoenvironmental study, a local hydrogeochemical characterisation of the Pebas and Nauta formations was also conducted. The geochemistry of the groundwaters reflects the characteristics and the soil geochemistry of the geological formations studied. The Pebas formation has low hardness, acid to neutral waters, whereas the upper Pebas has high hardness, acid to neutral waters. In both units, the arsenic content is locally high. The Nauta formation has low hardness acid groundwaters. A regional review of the Pebas and Nauta formations placed the local observations into a continental perspective and suggests that the whole Pebas-Nauta system was a probably shallow (some tens of metres at maximum), brackish- to freshwater, tidally-influenced epicontinental embayment with a probable semi-diurnal to mixed tidal regime and a microtidal range, surrounded by continental environments such as forest floors, lagoons, rivers and their flood plains, and lakes.


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Transport volumes have increased and will continue to increase in European Union. Even though the growth has not been equal between different transport modes. Most of the growth has been faced on road transport. European Union aims to balance the unbalanced market shares between the modes by gaining and supporting the competitiveness of railway and waterway transport. In EU railway transportation is seen as solution to increase safety in traffic and decrease the environmental impacts of transportation. The aim of this research is to figure out how it is possible to decrease the environmental impacts by the technology already in use. Main focus of this research is in intermodality and combining the road and railway transportation. This study aims also to figure out demands and expectations towards new Rail Baltica railway route connecting Tallinn and Berlin. The research is conducted by performing a literature review about decreasing environmental impacts and combining road and rail transport. Another viewpoint is taken from the possible effects of tourism to the passenger transport on rails. Knowledge gained by literature review is deepened by additional internet questionnaire study and expert interview study. In decreasing the environmental impacts of transportation electric trains are definitely the best option providing that the electricity is generated from renewable or carbon dioxide free sources. Decrease of environmental impacts has been reached also with acceptance of larger road transport vehicles. According to interviewed passenger transport experts, the whole route from Tallinn to Berlin may not be convenient to be used in passenger transport, just because the route is too long.. In EU freight is transported mainly with semi-trailer combinations, and that is why it could be logical if huckepack trains would be used on Rail Baltica. Huckepack train allows semi-trailers to be transported on rails with time efficient loading-unloading process. Overall, Rail Baltica project is experienced as a future-oriented one and new railway alignment is seen as great alternative option for transport modes using fossil fuels.


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Energy efficiency is one of the major objectives which should be achieved in order to implement the limited energy resources of the world in a sustainable way. Since radiative heat transfer is the dominant heat transfer mechanism in most of fossil fuel combustion systems, more accurate insight and models may cause improvement in the energy efficiency of the new designed combustion systems. The radiative properties of combustion gases are highly wavelength dependent. Better models for calculating the radiative properties of combustion gases are highly required in the modeling of large scale industrial combustion systems. With detailed knowledge of spectral radiative properties of gases, the modeling of combustion processes in the different applications can be more accurate. In order to propose a new method for effective non gray modeling of radiative heat transfer in combustion systems, different models for the spectral properties of gases including SNBM, EWBM, and WSGGM have been studied in this research. Using this detailed analysis of different approaches, the thesis presents new methods for gray and non gray radiative heat transfer modeling in homogeneous and inhomogeneous H2O–CO2 mixtures at atmospheric pressure. The proposed method is able to support the modeling of a wide range of combustion systems including the oxy-fired combustion scenario. The new methods are based on implementing some pre-obtained correlations for the total emissivity and band absorption coefficient of H2O–CO2 mixtures in different temperatures, gas compositions, and optical path lengths. They can be easily used within any commercial CFD software for radiative heat transfer modeling resulting in more accurate, simple, and fast calculations. The new methods were successfully used in CFD modeling by applying them to industrial scale backpass channel under oxy-fired conditions. The developed approaches are more accurate compared with other methods; moreover, they can provide complete explanation and detailed analysis of the radiation heat transfer in different systems under different combustion conditions. The methods were verified by applying them to some benchmarks, and they showed a good level of accuracy and computational speed compared to other methods. Furthermore, the implementation of the suggested banded approach in CFD software is very easy and straightforward.


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Sähköautojen tulemista on odotettu jo pitkään ja ne ovat potentiaalisia fossiilisilla polttoaineilla toimivien polttomoottoreiden korvaajia. Hybridiautoja on tullut markkinoille entistä enemmän ja ne osaltaan auttavat vähentämään fossiilisten polttoaineiden käyttöä. Sähköautot ovat toistaiseksi jääneet taka-alalle. Tässä työssä on tehty konversiosähköauton mitoitussuunnitelma museoikäiseen autoon. Työssä on mitoitettu kolme sähköisen voimansiirron pääkomponenttia sähkömoottori, taajuudenmuuttaja ja akusto. Mitoitussuunnitelma toimii hyvänä pohjana, jonka avulla konversiota voidaan alkaa rakentamaan.


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Ilmastonmuutos ja fossiilisten polttoaineiden ehtyminen ovat edesauttaneet uusiutuvien energialähteiden tutkimusta huomattavasti. Lisäksi alati kasvava sähköenergian tarve lisää hajautetun sähköntuotannon ja vaihtoehtoisten energialähteiden kiinnostavuutta. Yleisimpiä hajautetun sähköntuotannon energialähteitä ovat tuulivoima, aurinkovoima ja uutena tulokkaana polttokennot. Polttokennon kytkeminen sähköverkkoon vaatii tehoelektroniikkaa, ja yleensä yksinkertaisessa polttokennosovelluksessa polttokenno kytketään galvaanisesti erottavan yksisuuntaisen DC/DC-hakkurin ja vaihtosuuntaajan kanssa sarjaan. Polttokennon rinnalla voidaan käyttää akkua tasaamaan polttokennon syöttämää jännitettä, jolloin akun ja polttokennon väliin tarvitaan kaksisuuntainen DC/DC-hakkuri, joka pystyy siirtämään energiaa molempiin suuntiin. Tässä diplomityössä on esitetty kaksisuuntaisen DC/DC-hakkurin tilayhtälökeskiarvoistusmenetelmään perustuva malli sekä mallin perusteella toteutettu virtasäätö. Tutkittava hakkuritopologia on kokosilta-tyyppinen boost-hakkuri, ja säätömenetelmä keskiarvovirtasäätö. Työn tuloksena syntyi tilayhtälömalli kaksisuuntaiselle FB boost -hakkurille sekä sen tulokelan virran säätämiseen soveltuva säädin. Säädin toimii normaalitilanteissa hyvin, mutta erikoistilanteissa, kuten hakkurin tulojännitteen äkillisessä muutostilanteessa, vaadittaisiin tehokkaampi säädin, jolla saavutettaisiin nopeampi nousuaika ilman ylitystä ja oskillointia.


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Waste incineration plants are increasingly established in China. A low heating value and high moisture content, due to a large proportion of biowaste in the municipal solid waste (MSW), can be regarded as typical characteristics of Chinese MSW. Two incineration technologies have been mainly established in China: stoker grate and circular fluidized bed (CFB). Both of them are designed to incinerate mixed MSW. However, there have been difficulties to reach the sufficient temperature in the combustion process due to the low heating value of the MSW. That is contributed to the usage of an auxiliary fossil fuel, which is often used during the whole incineration process. The objective of this study was to design alternative Waste-to-energy (WTE) scenarios for existing WTE plants with the aim to improve the material and energy efficiency as well as the feasibility of the plants. Moreover, the aim of this thesis was to find the key factors that affect to the feasibility of the scenarios. Five different WTE plants were selected as study targets. The necessary data for calculation was gained from literature as well as received from the operators of the target WTE plants. The created scenarios were based on mechanical-biological treatment (MBT) technologies, in which the produced solid recovered fuel (SRF) was fed as an auxiliary fuel into a WTE plant replacing the fossil fuel. The mechanically separated biowaste was treated either in an anaerobic digestion (AD) plant, a biodrying plant, a thermal drying plant, or a combined AD plant + thermal drying plant. An interactive excel spreadsheet based computation tool was designed to estimate the viability of the scenarios in different WTE cases. The key figures of the improved material and energy efficiency, such as additional electricity generated and avoided waste for landfill, were got as results. Furthermore, economic indicators such as annual profits (or costs), payback period, and internal rate of return (IRR) were gained as results. The results show that the AD scenario was the most profitable in most of the cases. The current heating value of MSW and the tipping fee for the received MSW appeared as the most important factor in terms of feasibility.


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Today the limitedness of fossil fuel resources is clearly realized. For this reason there is a strong focus throughout the world on shifting from fossil fuel based energy system to biofuel based energy system. In this respect Finland with its proven excellent forestry capabilities has a great potential to accomplish this goal. It is regarded that one of the most efficient ways of wood biomass utilization is to use it as a feedstock for fast pyrolysis process. By means of this process solid biomass is converted into liquid fuel called bio-oil which can be burnt at power plants, used for hydrogen generation through a catalytic steam reforming process and as a source of valuable chemical compounds. Nowadays different configurations of this process have found their applications in several pilot plants worldwide. However the circulating fluidized bed configuration is regarded as the one with the highest potential to be commercialized. In the current Master’s Thesis a feasibility study of circulating fluidized bed fast pyrolysis process utilizing Scots pine logs as a raw material was conducted. The production capacity of the process is 100 000 tonne/year of bio-oil. The feasibility study is divided into two phases: a process design phase and economic feasibility analysis phase. The process design phase consists of mass and heat balance calculations, equipment sizing, estimation of pressure drops in the pipelines and development of plant layout. This phase resulted in creation of process flow diagrams, equipment list and Microsoft Excel spreadsheet that calculates the process mass and heat balances depending on the bio-oil production capacity which can be set by a user. These documents are presented in the current report as appendices. In the economic feasibility analysis phase there were at first calculated investment and operating costs of the process. Then using these costs there was calculated the price of bio-oil which is required to reach the values of internal rate of return of 5%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, and 50%.


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Forest biomass represents a geographically distributed feedstock, and geographical location affects the greenhouse gas (GHG) performance of a given forest-bioenergy system in several ways. For example, biomass availability, forest operations, transportation possibilities and the distances involved, biomass end-use possibilities, fossil reference systems, and forest carbon balances all depend to some extent on location. The overall objective of this thesis was to assess the GHG emissions derived from supply and energy-utilization chains of forest biomass in Finland, with a specific focus on the effect of location in relation to forest biomass’s availability and the transportation possibilities. Biomass availability and transportation-network assessments were conducted through utilization of geographical information system methods, and the GHG emissions were assessed by means of lifecycle assessment. The thesis is based on four papers in which forest biomass supply on industrial scale was assessed. The feedstocks assessed in this thesis include harvesting residues, smalldiameter energy wood and stumps. The principal implication of the findings in this thesis is that in Finland, the location and availability of biomass in the proximity of a given energyutilization or energy-conversion plant is not a decisive factor in supply-chain GHG emissions or the possible GHG savings to be achieved with forest-biomass energy use. Therefore, for the greatest GHG reductions with limited forest-biomass resources, energy utilization of forest biomass in Finland should be directed to the locations where most GHG savings are achieved through replacement of fossil fuels. Furthermore, one should prioritize the types of forest biomass with the lowest direct supply-chain GHG emissions (e.g., from transport and comminution) and the lowest indirect ones (in particular, soil carbon-stock losses), regardless of location. In this respect, the best combination is to use harvesting residues in combined heat and power production, replacing peat or coal.


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Wind power is a low-carbon energy production form that reduces the dependence of society on fossil fuels. Finland has adopted wind energy production into its climate change mitigation policy, and that has lead to changes in legislation, guidelines, regional wind power areas allocation and establishing a feed-in tariff. Wind power production has indeed boosted in Finland after two decades of relatively slow growth, for instance from 2010 to 2011 wind energy production increased with 64 %, but there is still a long way to the national goal of 6 TWh by 2020. This thesis introduces a GIS-based decision-support methodology for the preliminary identification of suitable areas for wind energy production including estimation of their level of risk. The goal of this study was to define the least risky places for wind energy development within Kemiönsaari municipality in Southwest Finland. Spatial multicriteria decision analysis (SMCDA) has been used for searching suitable wind power areas along with many other location-allocation problems. SMCDA scrutinizes complex ill-structured decision problems in GIS environment using constraints and evaluation criteria, which are aggregated using weighted linear combination (WLC). Weights for the evaluation criteria were acquired using analytic hierarchy process (AHP) with nine expert interviews. Subsequently, feasible alternatives were ranked in order to provide a recommendation and finally, a sensitivity analysis was conducted for the determination of recommendation robustness. The first study aim was to scrutinize the suitability and necessity of existing data for this SMCDA study. Most of the available data sets were of sufficient resolution and quality. Input data necessity was evaluated qualitatively for each data set based on e.g. constraint coverage and attribute weights. Attribute quality was estimated mainly qualitatively by attribute comprehensiveness, operationality, measurability, completeness, decomposability, minimality and redundancy. The most significant quality issue was redundancy as interdependencies are not tolerated by WLC and AHP does not include measures to detect them. The third aim was to define the least risky areas for wind power development within the study area. The two highest ranking areas were Nordanå-Lövböle and Påvalsby followed by Helgeboda, Degerdal, Pungböle, Björkboda, and Östanå-Labböle. The fourth aim was to assess the recommendation reliability, and the top-ranking two areas proved robust whereas the other ones were more sensitive.


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Sellunkeiton sivutuotteena syntyvä mustalipeä sisältää arvokkaita orgaanisia yhdisteitä, kuten hydroksihappoja. Toistaiseksi hydroksihapot on käytetty muun mustalipeän tavoin sellutehtaan lämmöntuotantoon. Hydroksihappojen merkitys lämmöntuotannon kannalta on kuitenkin pieni verrattuna mustalipeän sisältämään ligniiniin. Viime vuosina kiinnostus hydroksihappoja kohtaan on kasvanut sillä ne voisivat toimia lähtöaineena monille kemikaaleille, joiden valmistukseen käytetään perinteisesti fossiilisia polttoaineita. Hydroksihappoja voidaan erottaa mustalipeästä useilla eri menetelmillä. Erotukseen soveltuvia menetelmiä ovat esimerkiksi ioniekskluusiokromatografia, kalvosuodatus ja kiteytys sekä kokoekskluusiokromatografia. Kromatografisissa menetelmissä käytetyt hartsit ja kalvosuodatuksessa käytettävät kalvot ovat kuitenkin alttiita eri yhdisteiden aiheuttamalle likaantumiselle. Tämän työn kirjallisuusosassa käsitellään mustalipeän koostumusta sekä mustalipeän sisältämiä hydroksihappoja ja niiden käyttökohteita. Lisäksi kirjallisessa osassa on kuvattu aikaisemmin tutkittuja menetelmiä hydroksihappojen erottamiseksi mustalipeästä. Viimeisin menetelmä mustalipeän fraktioimiseksi on kokoekskluusiokromatografia. Työssä on kuvattu kokoeksluusiokromatografian periaate ja selvitetty menetelmän soveltuvuutta mustalipeän fraktiointiin. Lisäksi on käsitelty kromatografisissa menetelmissä käytettyjen hartsien likaantumista, likaantumisen vaikutusta erotustehokkuuteen ja likaantumisen ehkäisyä. Kokeellisessa osassa käsitellään hydroksihappojen erotusta mustalipeästä kokoekskluusiokromatografialla sekä kokoekskluusiokromatografiassa käytettävän hartsin likaantumista ja kestävyyttä. Työssä selvitettiin toistokokein likaantumisen vaikutusta hartsin erotuskykyyn käsitellyn mustalipeän määrän kasvaessa. Malliaineena käytettiin ultrasuodatettua soodakeitettyä mustalipeää. Tulosten perusteella hartsin likaantuminen ei vaikuttanut hydroksihappojen erotukseen mustalipeästä. Kestävyyskokeissa hartsin vesiretentiossa ei havaittu mittausten perusteella johdonmukaista muutosta. HPLC-analyysien perusteella huomattiin liuoksista kuitenkin mahdollisia hartsin hajoamistuotteita, joita ei kuitenkaan pystytty tunnistamaan.


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Lignoselluloosasta koostuvasta biomassasta valmistetaan hydrolysoimalla sokereita, jotka jatkojalostetaan fermentoimalla bioetanoliksi. Bioetanolia käytetään fossiilisten polttoaineiden korvaajana esimerkiksi ajoneuvoissa. Bioetanolin valmistuksessa pyritään mahdollisimman hyvään saantoon, jotta sen valmistus olisi taloudellisesti kannattavaa. Hydrolyysin aikana syntyy sokerien lisäksi orgaanisia happoja, furaanin johdannaisia sekä fenolisia yhdisteitä. Yleisimpiä syntyviä yhdisteitä ovat muun muassa etikkahappo, furfuraali ja hydroksimetyylifurfuraali. Nämä yhdisteet haittaavat sokerien fermentointiprosessia ja pienentävät etanolin saantoa. Fermentointiprosessia haittaavien yhdisteiden poistoon hydrolysaattiliuoksesta voidaan käyttää esimerkiksi haihdutusta, membraanierotusta, adsorptiota, saostusta, sekä uuttoa. Tämän työn tarkoituksena oli tutkia leikkaussekoittimen soveltuvuutta biomassahydrolysaatin epäpuhtauksien erotukseen. Lisäksi kirjallisuusosassa on esitetty hydrolysointiprosessissa syntyviä haitta-aineita ja niiden erotusmenetelmiä.


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Waste combustion has gone from being a volume reducing discarding-method to an energy recovery process for unwanted material that cannot be reused or recycled. Different fractions of waste are used as fuel today, such as; municipal solid waste, refuse derived fuel, and solid recovered fuel. Furthermore, industrial waste, normally a mixture between commercial waste and building and demolition waste, is common, either as separate fuels or mixed with, for example, municipal solid waste. Compared to fossil or biomass fuels, waste mixtures are extremely heterogeneous, making it a complicated fuel. Differences in calorific values, ash content, moisture content, and changing levels of elements, such as Cl and alkali metals, are common in waste fuel. Moreover, waste contains much higher levels of troublesome trace elements, such as Zn, which is thought to accelerate a corrosion process. Varying fuel quality can be strenuous on the boiler system and may cause fouling and corrosion of heat exchanger surfaces. This thesis examines waste fuels and waste combustion from different angles, with the objective of giving a better understanding of waste as an important fuel in today’s fuel economy. Several chemical characterisation campaigns of waste fuels over longer time periods (10-12 months) was used to determine the fossil content of Swedish waste fuels, to investigate possible seasonal variations, and to study the presence of Zn in waste. Data from the characterisation campaigns were used for thermodynamic equilibrium calculations to follow trends and determine the effect of changing concentrations of various elements. The thesis also includes a study of the thermal behaviour of Zn and a full—scale study of how the bed temperature affects the volatilisation of alkali metals and Zn from the fuel. As mixed waste fuel contains considerable amounts of fresh biomass, such as wood, food waste, paper etc. it would be wrong to classify it as a fossil fuel. When Sweden introduced waste combustion as a part of the European Union emission trading system in the beginning of 2013 there was a need for combustion plants to find a usable and reliable method to determine the fossil content. Four different methods were studied in full-scale of seven combustion plants; 14Canalysis of solid waste, 14C-analysis of flue gas, sorting analysis followed by calculations, and a patented balance method that is using a software program to calculate the fossil content based on parameters from the plant. The study showed that approximately one third of the coal in Swedish waste mixtures has fossil origins and presented the plants with information about the four different methods and their advantages and disadvantages. Characterisation campaigns also showed that industrial waste contain higher levels of trace elements, such as Zn. The content of Zn in Swedish waste fuels was determined to be approximately 800 mg kg-1 on average, based on 42 samples of solid waste from seven different plants with varying mixtures between municipal solid waste and industrial waste. A review study of the occurrence of Zn in fuels confirmed that the highest amounts of Zn are present in waste fuels rather than in fossil or biomass fuels. In tires, Zn is used as a vulcanizing agent and can reach concentration values of 9600-16800 mg kg-1. Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment is the second Zn-richest fuel and even though on average Zn content is around 4000 mg kg-1, the values of over 19000 mg kg-1 were also reported. The increased amounts of Zn, 3000-4000 mg kg-1, are also found in municipal solid waste, sludge with over 2000 mg kg-1 on average (some exceptions up to 49000 mg kg-1), and other waste derived fuels (over 1000 mg kg-1). Zn is also found in fossil fuels. In coal, the average level of Zn is 100 mg kg-1, the higher amount of Zn was only reported for oil shale with values between 20-2680 mg kg-1. The content of Zn in biomass is basically determined by its natural occurrence and it is typically 10-100 mg kg-1. The thermal behaviour of Zn is of importance to understand the possible reactions taking place in the boiler. By using thermal analysis three common Zn-compounds were studied (ZnCl2, ZnSO4, and ZnO) and compared to phase diagrams produced with thermodynamic equilibrium calculations. The results of the study suggest that ZnCl2(s/l) cannot exist readily in the boiler due to its volatility at high temperatures and its conversion to ZnO in oxidising conditions. Also, ZnSO4 decomposes around 680°C, while ZnO is relatively stable in the temperature range prevailing in the boiler. Furthermore, by exposing ZnO to HCl in a hot environment (240-330°C) it was shown that chlorination of ZnO with HCl gas is possible. Waste fuel containing high levels of elements known to be corrosive, for example, Na and K in combination with Cl, and also significant amounts of trace elements, such as Zn, are demanding on the whole boiler system. A full-scale study of how the volatilisation of Na, K, and Zn is affected by the bed temperature in a fluidised bed boiler was performed parallel with a lab-scale study with the same conditions. The study showed that the fouling rate on deposit probes were decreased by 20 % when the bed temperature was decreased from 870°C to below 720°C. In addition, the lab-scale experiments clearly indicated that the amount of alkali metals and Zn volatilised depends on the reactor temperature.


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Inhibition of global warming has become one of the major goals for the coming decades. A key strategy is to replace fossil fuels with more sustainable fuels, which has generated growing interest in the use of waste-derived fuels and of biomass fuels. However, from the chemical point of view, biomass is an inhomogeneous fuel, usually with a high concentration of water and considerable amounts of potassium and chlorine, all of which are known to affect the durability of superheater tubes. To slow down or reduce corrosion, power plants using biomass as fuel have been forced to operate at lower steam temperatures as compared to fossil fuel power plants. This reduces power production efficiency: every 10°C rise in the steam temperature results in an approximate increase of 2% in power production efficiency. More efficient ways to prevent corrosion are needed so that power plants using biomass and waste-derived fuels can operate at higher steam temperatures. The aim of this work was to shed more light on the alkali-induced corrosion of superheater steels at elevated temperatures, focusing on potassium chloride, the alkali salt most frequently encountered in biomass combustion, and on potassium carbonate, another potassium salt occasionally found in fly ash. The mechanisms of the reactions between various corrosive compounds and steels were investigated. Based on the results, the potassium-induced accelerated oxidation of chromia protected steels appears to occur in two consecutive stages. In the first, the protective chromium oxide layer is destroyed through a reaction with potassium leading to the formation of intermediates such as potassium chromate (K2CrO4) and depleting the chromium in the protective oxide layer. As the chromium is depleted, chromium from the bulk steel diffuses into the oxide layer to replenish it. In this stage, the ability of the material to withstand corrosion depends on the chromium content (which affects how long it takes the chromium in the oxide layer to be depleted) and on external factors such as temperature (which affects how fast the chromium diffuses into the protective oxide from the bulk steel). For accelerated oxidation to continue, the presence of chloride appears to be essential.