911 resultados para logic programming
Mainstream hardware is becoming parallel, heterogeneous, and distributed on every desk, every home and in every pocket. As a consequence, in the last years software is having an epochal turn toward concurrency, distribution, interaction which is pushed by the evolution of hardware architectures and the growing of network availability. This calls for introducing further abstraction layers on top of those provided by classical mainstream programming paradigms, to tackle more effectively the new complexities that developers have to face in everyday programming. A convergence it is recognizable in the mainstream toward the adoption of the actor paradigm as a mean to unite object-oriented programming and concurrency. Nevertheless, we argue that the actor paradigm can only be considered a good starting point to provide a more comprehensive response to such a fundamental and radical change in software development. Accordingly, the main objective of this thesis is to propose Agent-Oriented Programming (AOP) as a high-level general purpose programming paradigm, natural evolution of actors and objects, introducing a further level of human-inspired concepts for programming software systems, meant to simplify the design and programming of concurrent, distributed, reactive/interactive programs. To this end, in the dissertation first we construct the required background by studying the state-of-the-art of both actor-oriented and agent-oriented programming, and then we focus on the engineering of integrated programming technologies for developing agent-based systems in their classical application domains: artificial intelligence and distributed artificial intelligence. Then, we shift the perspective moving from the development of intelligent software systems, toward general purpose software development. Using the expertise maturated during the phase of background construction, we introduce a general-purpose programming language named simpAL, which founds its roots on general principles and practices of software development, and at the same time provides an agent-oriented level of abstraction for the engineering of general purpose software systems.
Implicazioni tettoniche ed estetiche delle logiche monoscocca integrate e stress lines analysis in architettura.
In the framework of the micro-CHP (Combined Heat and Power) energy systems and the Distributed Generation (GD) concept, an Integrated Energy System (IES) able to meet the energy and thermal requirements of specific users, using different types of fuel to feed several micro-CHP energy sources, with the integration of electric generators of renewable energy sources (RES), electrical and thermal storage systems and the control system was conceived and built. A 5 kWel Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC) has been studied. Using experimental data obtained from various measurement campaign, the electrical and CHP PEMFC system performance have been determinate. The analysis of the effect of the water management of the anodic exhaust at variable FC loads has been carried out, and the purge process programming logic was optimized, leading also to the determination of the optimal flooding times by varying the AC FC power delivered by the cell. Furthermore, the degradation mechanisms of the PEMFC system, in particular due to the flooding of the anodic side, have been assessed using an algorithm that considers the FC like a black box, and it is able to determine the amount of not-reacted H2 and, therefore, the causes which produce that. Using experimental data that cover a two-year time span, the ageing suffered by the FC system has been tested and analyzed.
A farm-level programming model to compare the atmospheric impact of conventional and organic farming
A model is developed to represent the activity of a farm using the method of linear programming. Two are the main components of the model, the balance of soil fertility and the livestock nutrition. According to the first, the farm is supposed to have a total requirement of nitrogen, which is to be accomplished either through internal sources (manure) or through external sources (fertilisers). The second component describes the animal husbandry as having a nutritional requirement which must be satisfied through the internal production of arable crops or the acquisition of feed from the market. The farmer is supposed to maximise total net income from the agricultural and the zoo-technical activities by choosing one rotation among those available for climate and acclivity. The perspective of the analysis is one of a short period: the structure of the farm is supposed to be fixed without possibility to change the allocation of permanent crops and the amount of animal husbandry. The model is integrated with an environmental module that describes the role of the farm within the carbon-nitrogen cycle. On the one hand the farm allows storing carbon through the photosynthesis of the plants and the accumulation of carbon in the soil; on the other some activities of the farm emit greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. The model is tested for some representative farms of the Emilia-Romagna region, showing to be capable to give different results for conventional and organic farming and providing first results concerning the different atmospheric impact. Relevant data about the representative farms and the feasible rotations are extracted from the FADN database, with an integration of the coefficients from the literature.
Tesi riguardante la creazione di tutte le risorse grafiche necessarie ad un videogioco tridimensionale in prima persona con Blender e Unity3D. Gli argomenti trattati sono: prgettazione, 3D modeling, texturing e shading.
La tesi riguarda tutto il processo di progettazione di un videogioco e l'implementazione dello stesso. Gli argomenti trattati sono: Unity, Design & Gameplay e l'implementazioni del progetto.
Recent research has shown that the performance of a single, arbitrarily efficient algorithm can be significantly outperformed by using a portfolio of —possibly on-average slower— algorithms. Within the Constraint Programming (CP) context, a portfolio solver can be seen as a particular constraint solver that exploits the synergy between the constituent solvers of its portfolio for predicting which is (or which are) the best solver(s) to run for solving a new, unseen instance. In this thesis we examine the benefits of portfolio solvers in CP. Despite portfolio approaches have been extensively studied for Boolean Satisfiability (SAT) problems, in the more general CP field these techniques have been only marginally studied and used. We conducted this work through the investigation, the analysis and the construction of several portfolio approaches for solving both satisfaction and optimization problems. We focused in particular on sequential approaches, i.e., single-threaded portfolio solvers always running on the same core. We started from a first empirical evaluation on portfolio approaches for solving Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSPs), and then we improved on it by introducing new data, solvers, features, algorithms, and tools. Afterwards, we addressed the more general Constraint Optimization Problems (COPs) by implementing and testing a number of models for dealing with COP portfolio solvers. Finally, we have come full circle by developing sunny-cp: a sequential CP portfolio solver that turned out to be competitive also in the MiniZinc Challenge, the reference competition for CP solvers.
Le persone che soffrono di insufficienza renale terminale hanno due possibili trattamenti da affrontare: la dialisi oppure il trapianto di organo. Nel caso volessero seguire la seconda strada, oltre che essere inseriti nella lista d'attesa dei donatori deceduti, possono trovare una persona, come il coniuge, un parente o un amico, disposta a donare il proprio rene. Tuttavia, non sempre il trapianto è fattibile: donatore e ricevente possono, infatti, presentare delle incompatibilità a livello di gruppo sanguigno o di tessuto organico. Come risposta a questo tipo di problema nasce il KEP (Kidney Exchange Program), un programma, ampiamente avviato in diverse realtà europee e mondiali, che si occupa di raggruppare in un unico insieme le coppie donatore/ricevente in questa stessa situazione al fine di operare e massimizzare scambi incrociati di reni fra coppie compatibili. Questa tesi approffondisce tale questione andando a valutare la possibilità di unire in un unico insieme internazionale coppie donatore/ricevente provenienti da più paesi. Lo scopo, naturalmente, è quello di poter ottenere un numero sempre maggiore di trapianti effettuati. Lo studio affronta dal punto di vista matematico problematiche legate a tale collaborazione: i paesi che eventualmente accettassero di partecipare a un simile programma, infatti, devono avere la garanzia non solo di ricavarne un vantaggio, ma anche che tale vantaggio sia equamente distribuito fra tutti i paesi partecipanti.
After almost 10 years from “The Free Lunch Is Over” article, where the need to parallelize programs started to be a real and mainstream issue, a lot of stuffs did happened: • Processor manufacturers are reaching the physical limits with most of their approaches to boosting CPU performance, and are instead turning to hyperthreading and multicore architectures; • Applications are increasingly need to support concurrency; • Programming languages and systems are increasingly forced to deal well with concurrency. This thesis is an attempt to propose an overview of a paradigm that aims to properly abstract the problem of propagating data changes: Reactive Programming (RP). This paradigm proposes an asynchronous non-blocking approach to concurrency and computations, abstracting from the low-level concurrency mechanisms.
La programmazione aggregata è un paradigma che supporta la programmazione di sistemi di dispositivi, adattativi ed eventualmente a larga scala, nel loro insieme -- come aggregati. L'approccio prevalente in questo contesto è basato sul field calculus, un calcolo formale che consente di definire programmi aggregati attraverso la composizione funzionale di campi computazionali, creando i presupposti per la specifica di pattern di auto-organizzazione robusti. La programmazione aggregata è attualmente supportata, in modo più o meno parziale e principalmente per la simulazione, da DSL dedicati (cf., Protelis), ma non esistono framework per linguaggi mainstream finalizzati allo sviluppo di applicazioni. Eppure, un simile supporto sarebbe auspicabile per ridurre tempi e sforzi d'adozione e per semplificare l'accesso al paradigma nella costruzione di sistemi reali, nonché per favorire la ricerca stessa nel campo. Il presente lavoro consiste nello sviluppo, a partire da un prototipo della semantica operazionale del field calculus, di un framework per la programmazione aggregata in Scala. La scelta di Scala come linguaggio host nasce da motivi tecnici e pratici. Scala è un linguaggio moderno, interoperabile con Java, che ben integra i paradigmi ad oggetti e funzionale, ha un sistema di tipi espressivo, e fornisce funzionalità avanzate per lo sviluppo di librerie e DSL. Inoltre, la possibilità di appoggiarsi, su Scala, ad un framework ad attori solido come Akka, costituisce un altro fattore trainante, data la necessità di colmare l'abstraction gap inerente allo sviluppo di un middleware distribuito. Nell'elaborato di tesi si presenta un framework che raggiunge il triplice obiettivo: la costruzione di una libreria Scala che realizza la semantica del field calculus in modo corretto e completo, la realizzazione di una piattaforma distribuita Akka-based su cui sviluppare applicazioni, e l'esposizione di un'API generale e flessibile in grado di supportare diversi scenari.
L'obiettivo di questa tesi è analizzare e testare la programmazione reattiva, paradigma di programmazione particolarmente adatto per lo sviluppo di applicazioni altamente interattive. La progettazione di sistemi reattivi implica necessariamente l'utilizzo di codice asincrono e la programmazione reattiva (RP) offre al programmatore semplici meccanismi per gestirlo. In questa tesi, la programmazione reattiva è stata utilizzata e valutata mediante la realizzazione di un progetto real-world chiamato AvvocaTimer. Verrà affrontata la progettazione, implementazione e collaudo di una parte del sistema attraverso l'approccio reattivo e, successivamente, confrontata con la prima versione, realizzata con i metodi attualmente usati per gestire codice asincrono, per analizzare vantaggi e/o svantaggi derivanti dall'utilizzo del nuovo paradigma.