907 resultados para Good-level real exchange rate
One can view the period since 1970 as one in which the authorities struggled to establish appropriate medium-term anchors for both monetary and fiscal policies. During this time, they learned about the appropriate interaction between those two policies in the context of economic stabilization and growth under a flexible exchange rate regime. This lecture deals with four interrelated topics: the appropriate goals for fiscal and monetary policy, building policy credibility, the appropriate stabilization role for the two policies, and policy cooperation. The transparent medium term frameworks that have been established by the authorities will be extremely helpful in meeting the challenges that the future is sure to bring. These frameworks mean that the required adjustments in the economy will take place against a relatively stable background. Thank you for the invitation to give the Gow Lecture for 2002. Donald Gow had a great interest in public administration and in budgetary reform in the federal government (Gow 1973). He was one in a long line of
The soybean is the grain in which greater food dependency has Mexico, reason why as of 2008, the government has promoted his culture, granting excellent subsidies, as much to producers as to buyers of the grain, thus contributing to a recent process of expansion in certain states, as it happens in Campeche. The objetive of this article is the analysis of the characteristics and effects of those supports, as well as of the rest of factors that until today they have taken to the producers of the mentioned state to initiate or to expand the cultivation of the soybean. The findings of the investigation reveal that although the producers have improved their levels of income, the process is vulnerable, as it depends on variables like the governmental supports, the international prices of the soybean and exchange rate. Although the study of the negative effects of genetically modified soybeans (GM) in other areas (environment, biodiversity, deforestation, human and animal health) is not the purpose of this investigation, some information will be provided, as on the conflict between soybean producers and beekeepers in the state of Campeche.
Dechlorane Plus (DP) is a proposed alternative to the legacy flame retardant decabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-209), a major component of Deca-BDE formulations. In contrast to BDE-209, toxicity data for DP are scarce and often focused on mice. Validated dietary in vivo exposure of the marine bivalve (Mytilus galloprovincialis) to both flame retardants did not induce effects at the physiological level (algal clearance rate), but induced DNA damage, as determined by the comet assay, at all concentrations tested. Micronuclei formation was induced by both DP and BDE-209 at the highest exposure concentrations (100 and 200 mu g/L, respectively, at 18% above controls). DP caused effects similar to those by BDE-209 but at lower exposure concentrations (5.6, 56, and 100 mu g/L for DP and 56, 100, and 200 mu g/L for BDE-209). Moreover, bioaccumulation of DP was shown to be concentration dependent, in contrast to BDE-209. The results described suggest that DP poses a greater genotoxic potential than BDE-209
Dechlorane Plus (DP) is a proposed alternative to the legacy flame retardant decabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-209), a major component of Deca-BDE formulations. In contrast to BDE-209, toxicity data for DP are scarce and often focused on mice. Validated dietary in vivo exposure of the marine bivalve (Mytilus galloprovincialis) to both flame retardants did not induce effects at the physiological level (algal clearance rate), but induced DNA damage, as determined by the comet assay, at all concentrations tested. Micronuclei formation was induced by both DP and BDE-209 at the highest exposure concentrations (100 and 200 mu g/L, respectively, at 18% above controls). DP caused effects similar to those by BDE-209 but at lower exposure concentrations (5.6, 56, and 100 mu g/L for DP and 56, 100, and 200 mu g/L for BDE-209). Moreover, bioaccumulation of DP was shown to be concentration dependent, in contrast to BDE-209. The results described suggest that DP poses a greater genotoxic potential than BDE-209
Increasing energy efficiency in the residential sector, while maintaining adequate home ventilation for health and well-being, is proving to be a challenge. This study assesses the efficacy of passive ventilation strategies designed to comply with building regulations and imposed after housing energy-efficiency retrofits. In particular, it focuses on the provision of ventilation using background through-wall vents, which remains a common strategy in a number of European countries including Ireland and the UK, where vent sizes, related to floor area, are stipulated in building regulations. A collective of social housing, with background through-wall vents installed post thermal retrofit, is taken as a case study. These homes are modelled to interrogate the impact of the passive ventilation strategy on house air exchange rate and thermal heating energy loads. The reaction of occupants to through-wall vent installation is decidedly negative and many block vents to limit thermal discomfort and heat loss. Simulation studies show significant external air ingress through vents. A wide range of effective air change rates are observed when vents are sized without reference to building airtightness, and significant energy penalties result for the leakier homes. This study evaluates the provision of passive through-wall ventilation as part of a retrofit programme and shows it to have a number of drawbacks that may impact on the health of the building and its occupants and ultimately be at odds with the aims of achieving energy efficiency in the residential sector.
Forskarnas genuina intresse för den psykosociala arbetsmiljön med koppling mellanchefer gav upphov till att dyka djupare inom området och belysa centrala delar i form av krav, kontroll och socialt stöd. Framåtskridandet går mot en ökad medvetenhet kring den psykosociala arbetsmiljön, då ohälsan i arbetslivet ökar och Arbetsmiljöverkets nya föreskrift om organisatorisk och social arbetsmiljö är i fokus. I linje med en ökad medvetenhet som sker kring den psykosociala arbetsmiljön vill vi rikta ett särskilt fokus till mellanchefer som bör ha en förmåga att hantera krav både uppifrån och ned. Studien har främst utgått från Robert Karaseks och Töres Theorells Krav – kontroll – stödmodellen. Syftet är att undersöka mellanchefers upplevelse med fokus på den psykosociala arbetsmiljön i ett privat företag inom distributions- och logistikverksamhet. Metoden har bestått av en kvalitativ metod i form av en fallstudie där semistrukturerade intervjuer ligger som grund med åtta respondenter ifrån distributionscentret. Resultatet uppvisar att mellancheferna har en hög grad av inflytande, upplevelsen av arbetskrav varierar men i koppling till befattningen är kraven rimliga. Det sociala stödet upplevs som bra på arbetsplatsen och anses av funktionscheferna som en viktig och central del i arbetet. Slutsatser som har uppnåtts är att funktionscheferna har rimliga krav och upplever en bra nivå av kontroll i arbetet, men att ha en alltför hög kontroll i arbetet kan leda till negativ stress. En balans i pendlingen mellan aktiva arbeten och lågstressarbeten anses vara en fördel för att bevara en god psykosocial arbetsmiljö. Detta för att motverka de negativa effekterna som kan uppstå av att befinna sig inom varje komponent för länge. I studien har det påvisats att företaget anses ha en god psykosocial arbetsmiljö och därmed kan ses som ett gott exempel i arbetslivet.
Tämän kandidaatintutkielman tarkoituksena on tutkia johdon laskentatoimen kuukau-siraportointia ja sen kehittämistä case-yrityksen avulla. Tutkielman teoriaosuus muo-dostaa työlle sen teoreettisen viitekehyksen. Empiriaosuudessa käsiteltävä kuukausi-raportoinnin kehittäminen alkaa sen lähtötason määrittelemisellä. Tämän jälkeen tun-nistetaan prosessiin liittyviä kehitystä vaativia asioita sekä pyritään löytämään keinot näiden ongelmien ratkaisemiseksi. Tutkielmassa käytettävä empiirinen aineisto on kerätty laadullisen tutkimuksen mene-telmiä käyttäen. Tähän on kuulunut sekä työnteon havainnointia että haastatteluja. Ha-vainnointi koostui kahden kuukaudenvaihteen raportointiprosessin seuraamisesta. Siitä saatua aineistoa hyödynnettiin erityisesti raportoinnin lähtötason määrittämiseksi. Haastatteluja hyödynnettiin puolestaan prosessin ongelmakohtien tunnistamiseksi ja niiden ratkaisemiseksi. Tutkimuksesta selvisi, että case-yrityksen kuukausiraportointiprosessin lähtötilanne on yleisesti ottaen hyvä. Raportoinnille tunnistettiin kolme keskeistä päämäärää: hyvä ai-kataulutus, korkea automaation taso ja analyysin hyödynnettävyys. Koska kuukausira-portointi on jatkuvasti kehittyvä prosessi, on siinä aina jotain parannettavaa. Tutkimuk-sesta nousikin kolme keskeistä raportointiprosessin kehittämiskohdetta: aikataulutuk-sen ja talousosaston sisäisen kommunikaation haasteet, raportointityökalut sekä tie-don tiedon analyysin ja yksiköiden välisen kommunikaation haasteet. Näistä jokaiseen löydettiin konkreettisia parannusehdotuksia, joita case-yritys voi hyödyntää raportoin-tiprosessin päämäärien saavuttamiseksi.